2017届高考英语(课标全国)一轮复习课件:语法突破 第13讲-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语(课标全国)一轮复习课件:语法突破 第13讲

发布时间:2017-04-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  类别 要点 常用语 社会交往 感谢与 道歉 (1)A:Thanks(a lot/a million)/Many thanks./Thank you(very/so much)for your help/doing.../Thank you just/all the same. It’s very kind of you to do.../Thanks for.../I don’t know how to express my thanks/I am really grateful to you./ It’s very considerate of you/It’s most thankful of you. B:You are welcome./It’s nothing./Not at all./It’s/That’s all right./That’s OK.   Don’t mention it./It’s a pleasure./(It’s)My pleasure./Glad to have helped you. No trouble at all./It was the least I could do it./I’m glad I could do it./It’s really nothing at all./I’m delighted to have been able to do that for you. (2)A:(I’m)sorry to.../Sorry./Pardon./Sorry.I forget to.../I’m terribly sorry... Excuse me for doing.../I should have done.../What a pity/shame!/I apologize... It’s a pity that.../...be afraid that.../sorry to disturb... B:That’s all right./It doesn’t matter./That’s/It’s nothing.Never mind. That’s OK./That’s quite all right./Not at all./Don’t mention it. Don’t think any more about it./It’s not necessary./(You can)Forget it. 类别 要点 常用语 社会交往 打电话 A:Hello!Is(Tom)in?/May/Could I speak to...?/Is that...(speaking)? Who’s speaking,please?/Who’s that?/Who’s it(calling/speaking)?/I’d like to speak to.../Let me speak to...please. B:Hello,who is it?/This is...(speaking)./Hold the line,please. Hold on(for a moment),please. May I have your message?/Can I take a message for you?/Would you like to leave a message? He/She isn’t here right now. Your number,please?/May I have your number?/The line is engaged(占线). I couldn’t get through(打不通)./Put me through to Room 301.(请给我接301房间。) 类别 要点 常用语 社会交往 就餐 What would you like(to have)?/Would you like something(to eat/drink)? Would you like some more...?/Help yourself to some.../I’d like... Cakes/Two eggs...,please./Thank you.I’ve had enough. I’m full,thank you./Just a little,please. 购物 A:Anything I can do for you?/What can I do for you?/Are you looking for some chocolates? What size/colour/kind do you wear/take,sir?/Do you like this style? How/What about this size? B:I want/I’d like...How much is it?/That’s too expensive,I’m afraid. Will you show me some...? That’s fine.I’ll take it./I’m just looking,thanks. 类别 要点 常用语 社会交往 就医 A:What’s wrong with you?/What’s the matter/trouble with you? Where does it hurt?/Let me take your temperature./Open your mouth and say“Ah...” How long have you been like this?/Nothing serious./How are you feeling today? Take this medicine four times a day. B:There’s something wrong with.../I haven’t been feeling well recently./I’m not myself today. I’ve got a headache/cough. I feel terrible/bad./I don’t feel well this morning./I’ve got a pain here./This place hurts. 类别 要点 常用语 社会交往 约会 A:Will you be free tomorrow?/Do you have time this afternoon? How about tomorrow morning?/When/Where shall we meet? Could we meet at 4:30?/Let’s make it at 4:30./What time is convenient for you? I’d like to make an appointment with Jones. B:Yes,I’ll be free then./All right.See you then./I’m afraid I have no time then. Sorry,I won’t be free then.But I’ll be free tomorrow. 类别 要点 常用语 社会交往 提供 帮助 A:May/Can I help you?/Let me help you with the bags./Would you like a cup of tea? B:Oh,yes,thank you./Thank you,but I can manage it myself./Yes,please./No,thank you. 请求 允许 A:May I...?/Can/Could I...?/I wonder if I could... B:Yes/Sure/Certainly./Yes,please./Of course./Go ahead,please./That’s OK/all right. I’m sorry,you can’t./I’m sorry,but.../You’d better not. 类别 要点 常用语 情感及其他 表示感情 喜悦 I’m glad/pleased/happy to... That’s nice/wonderful/great. 焦虑 What’s wrong/the matter/trouble with you?/Is there anything the matter? I’m worried about.../We were all anxious about... 惊奇 Really?Oh dear.Is that so?Good heavens! 责备和 抱怨 He is to blame./He shouldn’t have done it. I’m sorry to have said that,but.../Why can’t you do something about it? 类别 要点 常用语 情感及其他 喜好和 厌恶 I like/love(to).../I don’t like(to).../I hate... I prefer...to.../He’d prefer them not to... 禁止和 警告 You can’t/mustn’t.../If you...,you will... You’d better not do it./Look out!/Take care!/Be careful! 意愿和 希望 I’m going to.../I will.../I’d like to.../I intend/mean/plan to.../I feel like doing... I don’t want/hope to.../I would rather not tell you./I wish that... I would do it if I should have the chance./If only I could see him. 类别 要点 常用语 情感及其他 同意和 不同意 Certainly/Sure/Of course. No problem./Yes,please./Yes,I think so. All right./OK./That’s a good idea. It’s a good idea to.../We agree(with you)./I can’t agree more. No,I don’t think so./I’m not sure whether/if.../I’m afraid I really can’t agree with you. 肯定和 不肯定 I’m sure of that./I’m sure that.../I’m not sure of that./I’m not sure whether/if.../I doubt if.../Perhaps/Maybe... 谢谢观看! 第十三讲

  情景交际 情景交际是近年来英语测试中的主要考查内容之一,是对学生英语交际能力的考查,是新的课程标准和高考英语大纲侧重培养学生英语交际能力的一个新要求。其命题方式一反过去“公式化”的语法测试,向体现语言运用的方向发展,把语法放入情景当中去考查,要求考生去挖掘、领会其深远的文化内涵。情景交际考查的主要日常用语包括问候、祝愿、祝贺、介绍、告别等40多种。 近五年高考情景交际试题主要考查有关社会交际的话题,在此话题中,以考查“道歉”话题最多。此外,还包括“告别”“邀请”“请求,允许”“祝愿”“打电话”“就餐”“建议”等。近三年高考对表达说话者态度的考查题目也很多,在此话题中,以考查“同意与不同意”的话题最多,此外,还包括“希望和愿望”“表扬与鼓励”等话题。 类别 要点 常用语 社会交往 问候 (1)A:How are you getting on?/How’s everything? B:Not bad./Well.Thank you. (2)A:Please remember me to.../Please give my regards/love to.../Best wishes/regards to.../Say hello to.../Bill sends his best wishes/love to... B:Thank you.I certainly will./Of course./Oh,that’s nice of him. 祝愿和 祝贺 (1)A:Good luck/wishes/journey.Congratulations. Have a good trip/time/journey./Happy birthday to you. B:Thank you./Thanks a lot./Many thanks. (2)A:Happy New Year!/Merry Christmas. I’d like to congratulate you on.../I wish you success/a wonderful journey. B:The same to you!/Thank you./May you the same./You too. 类别 要点 常用语 社会交往 建议和 劝告 A:Why not...?/Why don’t you...?/What about...?/How about...? Shall we...?/Let’s.... B:(That’s a)Good idea./I’d love to./OK,(that’s)fine./Great!I’m afraid... It’s a good idea,but.../I’d love to,but... 问路与 指路 A:Excuse me.Could you tell me where...(地点)is?/Could you tell me where the nearest...is? Pardon me.Can/Could you tell me the way to...?/How can I get to...?/Which is the way to...? Excuse me,but is this the way to...?/Is this the right way to...? How long will it take me to walk there? B:It’s over there.Go ahead and.../It’s only ten minutes’walk. Go down/Walk along the street until you come to.../Keep on going until you see... Go straight ahead till you see/reach.../I’m sorry.I don’t know.I’m a stranger,too. Take the bus to.../Turn right/left at the first/second crossing./You won’t miss it.


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