2017届高考英语一轮复习梯级训练: Unit 5(人教版选修6)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习梯级训练: Unit 5(人教版选修6)

发布时间:2017-04-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空

  1. Guests(panic)and screamed when the bomb exploded.

  2. There have been several volcanic________ (erupt) this year.

  3. She was fully________ (equip)for the climbing.

  4. I made an________ (appoint)to see the doctor.

  5. I want to have an honest________ (evaluate)of my own life.

  6. It’s difficult to cross the desert by car, but not________ (absolute)impossible.

  7. We are hoping to find a________ (suit)school.

  8. The fear of all kinds of examinations can be a source of deep________ (anxious)to many students.

  9. The bridge is________ (potential)dangerous.

  10. ________ (actual), I’m not familiar with the country.

  答案: 1. panicked

  2. eruptions

  3. equipped

  4. appointment

  5. evaluation

  6. absolutely

  7. suitable

  8. anxiety

  9. potentially

  10. Actually

  Ⅱ. 语篇完形

  I travel to unusual places and work alongside people from all over the world. Using 1. (science)equipment and

  collecting information about volcanoes is my job. 2. _________ my job is occasionally dangerous, I don’t mind because danger excites me and makes me feel alive.

  3. _________ is known, when lava from the volcano flows, many houses will be covered 4. _________ lava or be burnt to the ground. However, my job helps scientists predict 5. _________ lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast, which can help protect ordinary people 6. _________ one of the most powerful forces on earth—the volcano.

  I once 7.

  (experience)the eruption of Mount Kilauea and was lucky to have a closer look at the 8. _________ (absolute)fantastic sight. When 9. _________ broke out, red hot lava fountained hundreds of metres into the air. All the lava 10. _________ (pass)slowly down the mountain caused great damage because it buried everything in its path under the molten rock.

  答案: 1. scientific

  2. Although

  3. As

  4. with

  5. where

  6. from

  7. experienced

  8. absolutely

  9. it

  10. passing

  Ⅲ. 话题写作

  根据提示, 利用本单元所学知识, 完成下面的小作文。

  1. 与自然灾害, 如台风、飓风、洪水、地震和火山等相比, 人类很弱小。(compare with)

  2. 当火山喷发时, 炽热的岩浆可喷到数百米的高空中。(volcano, erupt, fountain)

  3. 岩浆流经之处, 一切都被掩埋在熔岩下面。人们惊慌失措, 为自己的安全而担忧。(bury, molten rock, in panic, be anxious about)

  4. 消防队员赶到起火的地方。虽然他们尽一切努力灭火, 但是许多房子都被烧毁了。(make every effort to, burn to the ground)Compared with natural disasters, such as typhoon, hurricane, flood, earthquake and volcano, humans are weak. When a volcano erupts, hot lava fountains hundreds of meters into the air. Wherever the lava flows, everything is buried under the molten rock. People are in panic and anxious about their safety. The firemen make their way to the places on fire. Though they make every effort to put out the fire, many houses are burnt to the ground.


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