2017届高考英语一轮复习梯级训练: Unit 2(人教版必修1)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习梯级训练: Unit 2(人教版必修1)

发布时间:2017-04-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  Ⅰ. 按要求完成句子

  1. (2017·北京高考)When we saw the road, we decided to spend the holiday at home.

  当我们看到道路被雪阻断了时, 我们决定假期待在家里。

  2. (2017·江苏高考)on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later.

  如果把一个重要决定更多地建立在情感上而不是理智上, 你迟早会后悔的。

  3. My parents requested me to learn another foreign language. (同义句转换)

  4. 大量的外国人到了中国, 带来了一些不同的文化。(a number of)

  5. 你认为为什么全世界的人都想学英语? (do you think)

  6. 应该利用每一分钟来学英语。(make use of)

  Every minuteto learn English.

  答案: 1. blocked with snow

  2. Basing an important decision more

  3. My parents requested that I(should)learn another foreign language.

  4. A number of foreigners came to China, bringing some different cultures.

  5. Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English?

  6. should be made use of

  Ⅱ. 用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空

  official, come up to, because of, believe it or not, fluent,

  be based on, such as, play a big part in, actually, accent 1. Childhood experiences often_____________ shaping one’s character.

  2. _____________, I was already a university teacher when I was only 20.

  3. He told me to_____________ the front of the room so that everyone could see me.

  4. Many people agree that a good marriage_____________ trust.

  5. Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing_____________ the serious pollution.

  6. It’s more useful to learn modern languages, _____________ English, German and Latin.

  7. He spoke French_____________.

  8. The news is almost certainly true although it is not_____________.

  9. Her English_____________ is so good, and you would think she was a native speaker.

  10. I’ve known Barbara for years. Since we were babies, _____________.

  答案: 1. play a big part in

  2. Believe it or not

  3. come up to

  4. is based on

  5. because of

  6. such as

  7. fluently

  8. official

  9. accent

  10. actually

  Ⅲ. 语篇完形

  At the end of the 16th century, English was only spoken by people from England. They were native speakers. Today, the largest number of people 1. (speak)English may be in China. A lot of Chinese people speak English 2. _______ their foreign language. The English language 3. _______ (change)quite a lot over the last four centuries. Old English sounded more or less like German 4. _______ it was based on German, but modern English sounds more like French 5. _______ German because England was once ruled by 6. _______ French. Two people had great 7. ____ (affect)on the English changes. One was Shakespeare, 8. _______ enlarged(扩大)the English vocabulary; the 9. was Noah Webster, who wrote a dictionary

  10. _______ gave American English its own identity.

  答案: 1. speaking

  2. as

  3. has changed

  4. because

  5. than

  6. the

  7. effects

  8. who

  9. other

  10. that/which

  Ⅳ. 话题写作

  根据提示, 利用本单元所学知识, 完成下面的小作文。

  1. 如今, 英语在世界上变得越来越流行。作为高中生, 我们应该利用好每一个机会来学好英语。(at present, make use of)

  2. 首先, 掌握单词的拼写是很重要的。其次, 我们应该很流利地读, 很频繁地读。(spelling, fluently, frequently)

  3. 只有当我们掌握了大量的词汇之后, 才能轻松地阅读。(a large number of, vocabulary)

  4. 记忆一些语法以及单词的用法, 慢慢地我们就会用英语来写文章。(usage, gradually)

  5. 事实上, 说是一件事, 做是另外一件事。要想学好英语, 还要多加练习才行。(actually)


  At present, English is becoming more and more popular in the world. As high school students, we should make use of every opportunity to learn it well. First of all, it’s very important to master the spelling of the words. Secondly, we should read English fluently and frequently. Only when we master a large number of vocabularies can we read easily. Remember some grammar and usages of the words and then gradually we can use English freely to write passages. Actually, saying is one thing and doing is quite another. If you want to learn English well, you should practice more.


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