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发布时间:2017-04-11  编辑:查字典英语网小编







  Microblog,as its name indicates,is a kind of blog,which differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically smaller in size.________________________________________________________________________



  Microblog,as its name indicates,is a kind of blog,which differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically smaller in size.Now it is popular among adults,teenagers as well,for this platform mostly appeals to young students’ appetite and has become a symbol of vogue.With a computer or a cell phone you can text whatever you like,and immediately people who are concerned about you may receive it.Not only can you respond to it immediately and respectively but also you can type some words in reply to them if you are interested.

  By this means teenagers find fun of life in their spare time and get help to relieve the pressure from study.Also it is said to enable students and teachers to build up a better relationship.

  My point of view is that we should not be engaged in playing it because we can’t afford that time or energy.Also it’s very hard to control the information we get.As the saying goes,“the water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up”.


  Last week I went to visit my former neighbor,Mr.Yang.He and I used to ________ next to each other for many years.1.live

  About half a year ago,an o________ came that the old building,2.order

  along with many other ________(相似的) ones,should be pulled3.similar

  down to make r________ for a main street.So we had to move apart.


  Mr.Yang has ________(定居) in the suburbs near a beautiful park.5.settled

  His apartment is much l________ than before.The only problem


  is that it ________ quite a long time to get to the downtown area.


  ________,Mr.Yang doesn’t seem to worry about the long8.However

  ________(距离).He says that a new subway line will be built in a few9.distance

  years,________ means life will certainly be more convenient in the future.10.which


  You will never imagine that such a small invention as a kite can ________(有益于) us so much! Flying kites is a popular hobby in many1.benefit

  countries of the Far East where ________(漂亮) decorated kites2.beautifully

  appear ________different colors. In China there is a special Kites


  Day on which children and a________ fly kites together happily. A


  flat kite is the oldest and ________(简易的) type of kite.It flies5.simplest

  b________air flows over and under the kite’s wing. The pressure under


  the wing helps the kite lift into the air. Kites have also________ used


  in experiments. Early scientists s________kites up into the air


  to measure temperature at different h________.Kites were also


  used to develop airplanes.________ is known to us that the Wright


  Brothers experimented with kites before they flew the first airplane.


  The college entrance exam is on the way and all the teachers work very hard,encouraging us to build ________our confidence1.up

  and inspiring us to i________our studies.Whenever we meet with


  difficulties,they are r________ to come to our help.Meanwhile,3.ready

  our school also ________(提供)great help for us students,for4.provides

  example,the library stays ________in the evenings and even5.open

  on the weekends.At home,our parents take good care of ________6.us

  so that we can always be full of energy.I’m very grateful for the ________(努力)of our parents and teachers.7.efforts

  I’m ________(决心)to try my best to prepare for the exam.8.determined

  I am sure that w________their timely help,I’ll be able to achieve9.with

  my goal and be a useful person of our society in the near f________.



  Good afternoon,everyone!

  The t______ of my speech today is “Being a Good Partner”.1.topic

  In this busy,modern world,________we want to complete our work more2.if

  efficiently,we must all learn to cooperate with ________,because not only can3.others

  cooperation save us a lot of time and ________(精力),but also we can learn much from each other. 4.energy/energies

  We’ll be l________enough to find someone we like to cooperate with due to


  the fact that we can s________ our joy and sadness with him.However,it can be6.share

  difficult to cooperate with someone we dislike.________ this case,we’ll have to7.In

  learn to put up with some of his s________ and try to discover his advantages. 8.shortcomings

  In my opinion,to be a good partner,we should try to ________ to others’9.listen

  opinions,never ________(强加) our ideas on others and if he makes mistakes,try to point them out in a polite way.10.force

  Thank you for your listening.


  Balloons have been used for sports for one hundred years.There are two k________of sports balloons: gas and hot air.Hot1.kinds

  air balloons are less risky than gas ones,________may catch fire.2.which

  Hot air balloons are ________(更喜欢) by most balloonists in the3.preferred

  world because of their ________(安全).They’re also cheaper and4.safety/security

  e________ to manage than gas ones.The best time to fly sports


  balloons is early in the morning or late in the afternoon ________ the


  wind carrying it.Some balloonists tried to c________ the Atlantic


  Ocean over the years,but they all failed.Not ________1978 did three8.until

  Americans ________(成功).It took them just six days to make9.succeed

  their t________ from their home in the USA to Paris,France.10.trip


  The country schoolhouse was three miles from my uncle’s farm.You wouldn’t ________(想像) that there would be a school in the woods.1.imagine

  The house held about 24 boys and girls ________ that time.All the pupils


  brought their lunch in baskets.We sat in the ________(阴凉处) of the trees3.shade

  at noon and ate them.It’s the part of m________ education that I look


  back upon with the most satisfaction.You know how ________ I was when


  I came to this school for the f________ time?I was seven.I can still6.first

  ________(记得) what happened that day.A fifteen­year­old girl stopped7.remember

  me at the gate and asked me i______ I “got used to tobacco” meaning


  “Did you smoke?” I said no.She m______ faces at me and made fun of me9.made

  to the ________(人群),and said,“Here is a girl seven years old who can’t smoke.”10.crowd


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