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发布时间:2017-04-11  编辑:查字典英语网小编









  参考词汇:节能减排energy­saving emission reduction

  With the society developing,more and more pollutions have been made by people.As a result,our environments have been getting worse.There is a discussion about the low­carbon lifestyle in our class.



  In my opinion,we should promote energy­saving emission reduction.


  With the society developing,more and more pollutions have been made by people.As a result,our environments have been getting worse.There is a discussion about the low­carbon lifestyle in our class.

  Some of us insisted that we should promote energy­saving emission reduction.For example,we ought to go to school by bike or on foot rather than by bus or car.Before leaving our classroom,we must make sure the lights and the computers are switched off.We should turn off the tap after we wash our hands.In order to make full use of paper,we should write on both sides.Besides,while shopping,we should no longer use plastic bags but carry environmentally friendly shopping bags.

  However,a great number of students thought it can not come true,because it is so difficult to do that,and we are all very busy with our studying or working.When we go out by car,we can save much time,and improve efficiency.

  In my opinion,we should promote energy­saving emission reduction.


  Dear Sally,

  Hi!I am Li Ying,your new friend from Fujian,China.I got your name and address from a magazine and thought I would w________ to you.Well,1.write

  let me start by telling you something about ________.I’m a high school


  student of seventeen.I have many hobbies,among ________ reading novels and 3.which

  collecting ________(邮票) are my favorites.I love the outdoors,especially4.stamps

  the sea and I’ve been on several tours abroad.I also enjoy ________(听)5.listening

  to both pop and classical music.In a word,I’m a ________(谦虚的),6.modest

  patient and caring person.I guess life in London must ________ wonderful


  with so many places of i________ to visit and so much tasty food to enjoy.I


  hope to visit London d________ my holidays because I really like to


  learn more about your culture.I’m l________ forward to hearing from you.



  Li Ying


  I made a serious e________ yesterday.I am a scientist and1.error

  it is very important that I check all my ________(数据) over and2.data

  over again to make ________ that my facts are correct.But


  yesterday I

  q________ with one of my colleagues,Nancy,and4.quarrel(l)ed

  I forgot something very important.

  It was such a silly argument too!I simply commented that she

  was dressed in ________(随便) clothes and that it did not seem5.casual

  appropriate for a scientific ________(机构).She was angry.She6.institute

  said that she didn’t need my g________ on what to wear.Then she


  asked our boss to change her timetable so that she would never ________ to work at the same time as me.I tried to change the


  situation but there was ________ I could do.From then on,I9.nothing

  know that Nancy certainly won’t be coming to my a________


  whenever I am in trouble.


  Dear Sirs,

  My name is Wang Qing.I’m a boy of 18 years old.Right now I’m studying ________ Anxi No.1 Senior High School,Fujian,China.I hope1.in

  to go to your university for further study after ________(毕业).2.graduation

  I’ve a________ achieved good scores in all my subjects,especially in3.already

  physics and I have ________(赢得) several prizes in the physics competitions.4.won

  I am really k________ on English and my listening,reading and writing in5.keen

  English are excellent,too.I do ________(运动) in my spare time.I’m a6.sports

  member of some clubs in my school,________ as the English Club and7.such

  the Physics Learning Group.I hope to s________ physics in your university


  because I have been very interested in it ________ I was in junior middle


  school.I would be very g________ if I could get the chance!10.glad

  With best wishes.


  Wang Qing


  I think everyone likes music,so do I.Someone once said that if there________ no music,there would be no life.Music brings you happiness and1.were

  ________(美).After a whole day of hard work,when I go back home,I’m2.beauty

  ________ to sitting down and listening to a wonderful piece of music.It 3.used/accustomed

  always helps me get rid of my tiredness by building a ________(轻松的)4.relaxing

  atmosphere.If you are somewhat angry,music will also make you c________5.calm

  down and your unhappiness will d________ soon.


  What’s more,music has an extraordinary power ________ can help people7.that/which

  develop their imagination and do things in more ________(创造性的)ways.8.creative

  I like music and I wish that musicians t________ the world would keep


  on producing ________(有价值的) music works for us.10.valuable


  I start to learn English at the age of seven.The experience of singing and chatting ________ English gave me the feeling that English1.in

  is a beautiful language,________ can bring people a lot of joy.At that time,2.which

  English was indeed a very good friend to me.After I ________(进入)3.entered/attended

  middle school,I began to find English learning wasn’t so ________.4.easy

  In fact,I had to be as hard­working as o________ fellow students,5.other

  but I ________(未能) to make any great progress.I was about to6.failed

  give up my English study ________ I met Miss Wang,a kind teacher,7.when

  who encouraged me to p________ more.With her help,I took part in8.practise/practice

  English competitions and won many p________.Since then English


  has absolutely been one of my ________(最喜欢的) subjects.10.favo(u)rite


  Organized by the Students’ Union,we watched the newly­released sci­fi movie ——2017 last ________(星期三) evening.In the movie,the1.Wednesday

  end of our world falls on Dec.21,2017.On the day,________(地震)2.earthquakes

  occur and volcanoes erupt,c________ millions of deaths and leaving3.causing

  people desperate.Our planet is d________ in an instant.People across


  the world tried to s________ the catastrophe.


  Having watched the movie,I was lost in thought.________ is high time6.It

  that human beings should protect the ________(环境) better.If we continue7.environment

  to care s________ little about our earth,we human beings will be punished8.so

  for ________ we do today.I suggest everybody lead a more eco­friendly life.Do9.what

  remember everybody can ________ a difference.



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