2017高考英语人教版一轮学案:必修五 Unit2 The United Kingdom-查字典英语网
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2017高考英语人教版一轮学案:必修五 Unit2 The United Kingdom

发布时间:2017-04-11  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit2 The United Kingdom

  1、clarify vt.


  (1) I hope that what I say will clarify the situation.

  (2) The cool autumn wind clarified my mind.


  A. 澄清,解释 B. 使(头脑、神智等)清醒

  (1) A (2) B

  clarify a problem / an issue 澄清问题

  clarify one's position 澄清某人的立场

  clarification n. 澄清(作用);说明,解释



  Can you clarify this long sentence?


  I hope that what I say will clarify the situation.


  They asked for a clarification of his position.


  My mind was clarified and changed on this issue.

  2、accomplish vt.


  (1) They didn't accomplish the purpose.

  (2) The journey was accomplished in five weeks.


  A. 走完,度过 B. 完成,实现,达到

  (1) B (2) A

  accomplish one's aim / a task 达到目的 /


  accomplishable adj. 可达成的, 可完成的

  accomplished adj. 完成的, 熟练的, 多才多艺的

  accomplishment n. 成就, 完成, 技艺


  He is a tall,


  clever and (1) accomplished man. He has many (2) accomplishments,among which are dancing and singing. When asked what his biggest aim is, he said he wanted to build an art school, where a lot of young men can study there to (3) accomplish their dreams. He is sure that his great dream is (4) accomplishable through his hard work.

  3、credit n.


  (1) Do you place any credit in the government's story?

  (2) He hasn't enough credits to get his degree.

  (3) They established a credit for 100, 000 dollars in favour of me.

  (4) Although the invention was mine, I was given no credit for it.

  根据语义找匹配:A. 信任, 相信 B. 借款; 贷款 C. 赞扬, 荣誉, 功劳 D. 学分

  (1) A (2) D (3) B (4) C

  to one's credit 值得表扬的是

  on credit 赊购;赊账

  do someone credit (或 do credit to someone) 为某人增光;给某人带来荣誉


  (1)They separated and (1) to his credit he never blamed Jane.


  (2)To get full credit for this course, the minimum requirements must work.


  4、convenience n.


  (1) The house has all the modern conveniences.

  (2) Please call me back at your convenience.


  A. 方便; 便利 B. 便利的事物(或设施)

  (1) B (2) A

  at one's convenience 在某人方便的时间(或地点)

  for one's convenience = for the convenience of sb.


  for (the sake of) convenience为方便起见

  convenient adj. 方便的;适合需要的

  be convenient for sb. to do sth.…


  if it is convenient to sb.…



  (1)We bought this house for its convenience.


  (2)Please come at your convenience.


  (3)Gas is one of the modern conveniences the newly­built apartment building provides.


  (4)Will it be convenient to see you this afternoon?


  5、attract vt.


  (1)I tried to attract her attention, but failed.

  (2)Venice is one of the great tourist attractions of the world.

  根据语义找匹配:A. 具有吸引力的事物 B. 吸引

  (1) B (2) A

  attract one's attention 吸引某人的注意力

  attraction n. 吸引;吸引力;吸引人的东西

  attractive adj. 有吸引力的

  attractively adv. 有吸引力地


  In Beijing, there are many (1) attractions, like the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Tian'anmen Square. But what (2) attracts me most is the Great Wall, which is also (3) attractive to the foreigners. More and more foreigners are (4) attracted by the beauty and come to China.

  6、furnish v.


  (1) The apartment was furnished in Art Deco style.

  (2) No one in the class could furnish the right answer to the question.

  根据语义找匹配:A. 陈设, 布置 B. 提供

  (1) A (2) B

  furnish sb. / sth. with sth. = furnish sth. to sb. / sth.

  为某人 / 某物提供某事物

  be furnished with提供,布置

  furniture n. 家具(不可数名词)

  furnishings (房屋里的)家具与陈设等


  The new house is finished, but it's not (1) furnished yet. There is not much (2) furniture in the room. It is only (3) furnished with the simplest essentials, a bed, a chair and a desk.

  7、arrange vt.


  (1)It was arranged that they should leave the following spring.

  (2)She arranged the flowers in a vase.

  根据语义找匹配:A. 安排; 准备 B. 整理; 布置

  (1) A (2) B

  arrange for安排, 准备

  arrange to do sth.安排做某事

  arrange with sb. about sth. 与某人商定某事

  arrangement n. 安排;筹备;排列



  You should finish arranging the books on the shelves before the meeting.


  They are arranging for a big wedding secretly.


  Can you arrange for us to visit/our visiting the Shanghai Expo?

  “安排某人做某事”能说arrange sb. to do sth. 吗?



  正因为表示“安排”时不能直接跟某人作宾语,所以要表示汉语的“安排某人做某事”,英语习惯上不说 arrange sb. to do sth.,而说arrange for sb. to do sth.:

  I've arranged for Mary to meet you at the airport.


  8、delight n. & vt.



  To our delight,_our football team won.


  He enjoyed the delights of New York's night life.


  The clown delighted the audience.


  She delights in cooking lovely meals.

  根据语义找匹配:A. 乐事,乐趣 B. 欣喜,愉快 C. 喜爱 D. 使高兴

  (1) B (2) A (3) D (4) C

  be delighted at / with 对……高兴

  be delighted to do 很高兴做某事

  to one's delight 令人高兴的是……

  delight in 喜爱,以……为乐

  with delight 高兴地

  take / find / have a delight in 喜爱,以……为乐

  delighted adj. 高兴的

  delightful adj. 令人高兴的,令人愉快的


  (1)It is a delight for her to watch her daughter dance in the show. 对她来说, 观看女儿在节目中表演舞蹈是件乐事。

  (2)The movie Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf gave delight to / delighted millions of children. 电影《喜羊羊与灰太郎》使千万小朋友获得乐趣。

  (3)The young delight in

  / take a delight in travels.


  (4)Everybody was delighted to see her.


  9、thrill vt.


  (1)He was thrilled by her conversation.

  (2)She was thrilled with terror when she saw the scene of the murder.

  (3)Her voice thrilled with joy.

  根据语义找匹配:A. 使兴奋,使激动 B. 颤动;颤抖C. 使紧张;使毛骨悚然

  (1) A (2) C (3) B

  thrilled adj. 非常兴奋的,极为激动的

  thrilling adj. 紧张的;扣人心弦的


  (1) The children were thrilled to bits by their presents.

  (2) Watching a live game is much more thrilling.

  (3) His speech caused a thrill among the audience.

  10、consist of

  (1)A week consists_of seven days.


  (2)Most people are familiar with the idea that all matter consists_of atoms. 大多数人熟悉一切物质都是由原子组成的这一概念。

  consist of 一般不用于进行时和被动语态。

  consist in = lie in 在于,存在于

  be made up of=be composed of=be formed of

  由……组成 / 构成



  Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.=Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen.=Water consists of

  hydrogen and oxygen.




  12 divided by 4 equals 3.


  The teacher divided our class into four groups.

  根据语义找匹配:A. 分,划分

  B. 【数】除

  (1) B (2) A

  divide among/between 在……中分配

  divide/ separate

  divide侧重于把原来的整体分成若干部分。常与介词between, among, by, into等搭配。

  We divided the work between us.


  Please separate the white shirt from the colored ones.


  The teacher (1) divided the whole class into four groups to discuss the topic. After the discussion, we all agreed that it is wrong for children to (2) separate from the family.

  12、refer to


  (1) Does your remark refer_to all of us?

  (2) The new law does not refer_to land used for farming.

  (3) Refer_to the dictionary when you don't know how to spell a word.

  (4) He never refers himself to us when he has difficulties.

  (5) We agree never to refer_to the matter again.


  A. 提到,谈及,说起 B. 查阅;参考;征询

  C. 涉及;与……相关 D. 暗指 E. 向……求助

  (1) D (2) C (3) B (4) E (5) A

  refer to…as… 把……称作……


  Tom's father had a serious talk with him face to face last night, (1) referring to the advantages and disadvantages of playing computer games. “Did my father (2) refer to me?” Tom thought, for he himself liked to play computer games during his spare time. He knew he should do something to prove that he was able to balance the study and the game. But actually he appreciates his

  father who always talks with him in such a proper way. So each time he meets difficulties, he will first (3) refer himself to his father. Of course, if the difficulty is about his study, he will (4) refer to books at first.

  (1) referring to (谈到,提到) (2) refer to(暗指) (3) refer…to… (向某人求助) (4) refer to(参考,参阅)

  13、break away (from)


  (1)The criminal broke_away_from the young policemen.

  (2)I broke_away_from the association ten years ago.

  (3)Modern music has broken_away_from 18th century rules.

  根据语义找匹配:A. 改掉; 放弃 B. 突然离开; 突然挣脱 C. 与……决裂; 从……退出

  (1) B (2) C (3) A


  The poor man was so unlucky. A month ago, some strangers (1) broke into his house and took him onto a truck. He didn't know who they were and where they would go. All the connection with his family was (2) broken off. After some days' drive, the truck suddenly (3) broke down. And he caught the chance to (4) break away from the strangers.

  14、leave out


  (1)Right at the end of the exam, I realized I'd left_out something unfinished.

  (2)Don't leave me out.


  A. 不考虑,忽视 B. 漏掉,遗漏,省去

  (1) B (2) A


  leave aside搁置

  leave for 动身去

  leave off 停止某事

  leave behind 留下;遗忘(没拿);遗留


  I was working busily when I got my wife's call that there was something wrong with my son. So I had to (1) leave the work aside. Just then, my secretary came in, telling me something about the tomorrow's meeting. I shouted at her, “Don't talk to me. (2) Leave me alone. ” Then I wrote a letter to my manager for 3 days' off. After that, I (3) left my office


  my hometown.

  15、take the place of 代替,替换

  Nowadays plastics have taken_the_place_of many conventional materials. 现在塑料已代替了许多传统材料。

  take one's place 代替某人; 就座; 入席

  take place 发生,举行

  in place 在适当的位置;适当的

  in place of 代替(介词)

  in one's place 处于某人的位置

  instead of 代替(介词短语)



  When the boss was out, Tom took his place (=took the place of the boss) to manage the company.

  =When the boss was out, Tom worked in place of the boss.

  =When the boss was out, Tom replaced him to manage the company.

  =When the boss was out, Tom managed the company instead of him.

  16、Now when people refer to England you find_Wales_included as well. (P10)


  这是“find + 宾语 + 宾语补足语”的结构。宾语补足语可以用形容词、副词、名词、介词短语、动词­ed和动词­ing来充当。

  1. We found a group of children playing on the playground. (doing作宾补)

  2. We have found him a dishonest person. (名词作宾补)

  3. I'm so glad to find you in. (副词作宾补)

  4. He couldn't find it in his heart abandoning her. (形式宾语it+ doing 作宾补)

  5. We found the shop closed. (done 作宾补)

  6. I find learning English difficult. (形容词作宾补)


  (1)I found my wallet stolen (钱包被偷了) when I got to the cinema.

  (2)When the little boy woke up, he found himself lying in the hospital (自己躺在医院里).

  (3)I called on her on my way home and found her out (她出去了).

  (4)Alice found herself in a different world (她自己在另一个世界了).

  (5)She returned to England to find herself famous (自己出名了).

  17、It looked splendid when_first_built!(P14)


  When first built是when it was first built的省略形式。在表示时间、地点、条件、方式、让步等的状语从句中,如果谓语动词是be,主语又和主句的主语一致,或者主语是it,那么常常把从句中的主语和谓语的be动词省略。

  1. He was fond of swimming when (he was) yet a child.

  2. I got to know him while ( I was ) on a visit to Shanghai.

  3. I didn't notice it until ( it was ) too late.


  (1)I don't know what I can do next. = I don't know what to do next.

  (2)The farmer built a small wooden case in which he could store grains. = The farmer built a small wooden case in which to store grains.

  (3)I broke my leg while I was playing football with my classmates yesterday afternoon. = I broke my leg while playing football with my classmates yesterday afternoon.







  When in Beijing, please visit my teacher in place of me.


  He doesn't say anything unless asked.


  If necessary, please underline the important words.


  When in difficulty, he met many kind persons.


  Though cheated many times, she is still easy to believe strangers.


  () (6)It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows ______.

  A. it what to do with

  B. what to do it with

  C. what to do with it

  D. to do what with it

  () (7)Frank's dream was to have his own shop ______ the workings of his own hands.

  A. that to produce

  B. in which to produce

  C. by which to produce

  D. how to produce

  () (8)The flowers his friend gave him will die unless ______ every day.

  A. watered

  B. watering

  C. water

  D. to water

  () (9)Taking this kind of medicine, if ______, will do great harm to your health.

  A. continuing

  B. continued

  C. being continued

  D. to continue

  ()(10)There are few English story books on the shelf, ______.

  A. if all

  B. if ever

  C. if have

  D. if any

  18、It_seemed_strange_that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London. (P14)


  这是虚拟语气在主语从句中的应用。在主语从句中用来表示惊奇、惋惜、理应如此等。其谓语形式是“(should)+ 动词原形”,should可译为“竟然”,可以省去。

  It is necessary / important / natural / strange… that… (should) do

  It was natural that she (should) think so.

  It is strange that he should have said so.


  (1)It is strange that he should have talked with his parents like that (用这种方式和他父母说话).

  (2)It is natural that the sports meeting should be cancelled because of the bad weather (运动会因为天气原因取消).

  (3)It is a pity that you should not have come to the meeting (你没能来参加会议).

  (4)It is important that the professor should give us a speech (教授会来做报告).

  () 1. (2009·福建) ______ not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.

  A. Reminding

  B. Reminded

  C. To remind

  D. Having reminded

  Worried_about the time available, Zhang_Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London.(P14)

  B remind与the manager是被动关系,故用过去分词作状语。

  () 2. (2009·四川)

  — How about your journey to Mount Emei?

  — Everything was wonderful except that our car ______ twice on the way.

  A. slowed down

  B. broke down

  C. got down

  D. put down

  On my way to the station my car broke_down.(P13)

  B 考查动词词组。句意:“你的峨眉山之行怎么样?”“除了路上车出了两次故障外,一切都很好。” break down(车等)出故障,谈判破裂,(健康)垮掉。

  () 3. (2010·江苏)Thousands of foreigners were ______ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.

  A. attended

  B. attained

  C. attracted

  D. attached

  It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.(P10)

  C 成千上万的外宾“被吸引”来参加上海的世博会。

  () 4. (2010·天津) He telephoned the travel agency to ______ three air tickets to London.

  A. order

  B. arrange

  C. take

  D. book

  D 考查动词意义。句意:他打电话给旅行社预订3张去伦敦的机票。book和tickets搭配,是“订票”的意思。

  They had no time to arrange their own wedding, so they had it organized by a company.(P13)

  () 5. (2010·安徽)

  — How did you like Nick's performance last night?

  — To be honest, his singing didn't ______ to me much.

  A. appeal

  B. belong

  C. refer

  D. occur

  A 考查短语动词。belong to属于;refer to涉及,参考;occur to想到;appeal to意为“对……有吸引力”符合句意“你认为昨晚尼克的表演如何?”“说实话,他的演唱并不太吸引我”。

  Now when people refer_to England you find Wales included as well.(P10)


  • 大家都在看
  • 小编推荐
  • 猜你喜欢