英语北师大版一轮复习讲练:PartI Unit 21 Human biology(学案)-查字典英语网
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英语北师大版一轮复习讲练:PartI Unit 21 Human biology(学案)

发布时间:2017-04-11  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 21


  词 1.________vt. 消化→________n. 消化

  2.________ vt. 滥用;虐待 n. 滥用;虐待→________adj. 辱骂的;毁谤的;恶语的

  3.________vt. 容忍→________n. 容忍;宽容

  4.________adj. 根本的;基本的→________adv. 根本地;完全

  5.________ adj. 每年的;年度的→________n. 周年纪念(日)

  6. ________adj. 强制性的;义务的

  7.________vt. 反对→ ________adj. 相反的

  8.________ vt. 反驳;驳斥;与……相矛盾→ ________adj. 互相矛盾的;对立的

  9.________ vt. 推迟;延期

  10. ________n. 常规;惯例adj. 例行的;常规的

  11.________vt. 预见;预料

  12.________vi. & vt. 下降;减少;衰退;拒绝

  n. 下降;减少;衰退

  13.________vt. 提交;呈递→

  ________n. 提交;呈递

  14.________adj. 彻底的;细致的→ ________adv.彻底地;仔细地

  重点短语 1.________ ________时而;不时;每隔……时间 2.________ ________ 徒劳;白费力气

  3.________ ________ 随便地;随意地;任意地

  4.________ ________ ________ 不惜任何代价;无论如何


  ________ ________



  ________ ________ 开始;着手

  7.________ ________ 立刻;马上

  8.________ ________


  9.________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 终止;消灭

  10._______ ______ ___________ 抢劫某人某物

  11._______ _______ ________ 无论如何;至少

  12.________ ________ ________在这种情况下

  重点句式 1.It struck near the end of the First World War and left_families_mourning worldwide.


  we have to have faith that there will be solutions in time to stop a Bird Flu epidemic in its tracks.

  核心语法 条件句和混合条件句


  1.digest; digestion 2.abuse; abusive 3.tolerate; tolerance 4.fundamental; fundamentally 5.annual; anniversary

  6.compulsory 7.oppose; opposite 8.contradict; contradictory 9.postpone 10.routine 11.foresee 12.decline

  13.submit; submission 14.thorough; thoroughly


  1.at intervals 2.in vain 3.at random 4.at all costs 5.be responsible for 6.get down to 7.straight away 8.wipe out

  9.stop sth in its tracks 10.rob sb of sth 11.at any rate 12.in / under the circumstances

  1.digest vt.消化(食物);完全理解;彻底领悟 vi.被消化 n. 摘要;文摘digestion n.[U]消化;吸收;领悟 [C](通常作单数)消化能力;消化力

  have a good / poor digestion 消化力很强/弱1)I struggled to ________ what he said.我费力地琢磨他所说的话。

  2)Fruits ________ easily.水果容易消化。

  【答案】 1)digest 2)digest


  This is a ________ of the week' news. 这是一周的资讯摘要。

  【答案】  digest


  This is a ________ of the week' news. 这是一周的资讯摘要。

  【答案】  digest


  (2010海南十二校联考)Don't feed meat to the baby; he is too small to ________it.




  【答案与解析】 A 题意:不要喂婴儿吃肉,他太小,消化不了。digest“消化”,符合题意。

  2.abuse vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂;伤害

  n. 滥用;辱骂;谩骂;虐待 a child abuser 虐待儿童者

  a drug abuser 嗜毒者

  abusive adj. 辱骂的;恶语的;毁谤的1)Several of the children had been physically

  ________. 这些孩子中有几个受到过身体上的虐待。

  2)It is easy to ________ one's power. 权力容易被滥用。

  3)The crowd started ________ him after he failed to save a goal. 他没能救起那个球,遭到观众的辱骂。

  4)Drug abuse and alcohol ________ contributed to his early death. 他的过早离世是滥用毒品和酗酒造成的。

  【答案】 1)abused 2)abuse 3)abusing 4)abuse


  William ________ the trust the film showed in him. 威廉辜负了公司对他的信任。

  【答案】 abused


  (2010东北三省四市联考)He ________ his position as the general manager by giving jobs to his friends.





  【答案与解析】 A abuse one's position“滥用职权”。

  3.tolerate vt. 容许;容忍;忍受后接名词或动名词,相当于bear, stand或put up with。1)I can't ________ that rude fellow. 我不能容忍那个粗鲁的家伙。

  2)We don't ________ smoking in the library. 我们不容许在图书馆里抽烟。

  3)The human body cannot ________ such large amounts of radiation. 人体经不住那么大量的辐射。

  【答案】 1)tolerate 2)tolerate 3)tolerate


  I don't know how you can ________ that noise! 我不知道你怎么能忍受那样的噪音!

  【答案】 tolerate


  (2011江苏南京调研)To prevent fires, smoking is strictly________in the factory.





  【答案与解析】 B 考查动词。forbid “禁止”,符合题意。 preserve

  “保护”; ignore “忽略;忽视”; tolerate “容忍”。

  4.fundamental adj. 基本的;基础的;根本的;十分重要的;主要的;首要的 n. (通常作复数) 基本规则; 基本原则; 基本原理; 基本部分be fundamental to 对……必不可少;对……十分重要1)His ________ ________ was to rely too much on others.他的根本错误是过分依赖他人。

  2)Water is ________ ________ survival.水对于生存来说必不可少。

  3)This is ________ to the building up of China's national defense.这对加强中国国防非常重要。

  4)His ________ ________ was for her welfare. 他最关心的是她的幸福。

  5)The ________ ________ is a political one. 首要的问题是政治问题。

  【答案】 1)fundamental mistake 2)fundamental to

  3)fundamental 4)fundamental concern 5)fundamental question


  There are ________ ________ between your religious beliefs and mine. 我们俩的宗教信仰根本不同。

  【答案】 fundamental differences


  (2011福州质检)What do you think are the ________ reasons for the current financial crisis?





  【答案与解析】 B 题意:你认为导致当前金融危机的根本原因是什么?adequate“足够的;充分的”;fundamental “基础的;根本的”;ambiguous“模棱两可的”;primitive “原始的”。

  5.oppose vt. 反对;反抗;(与某人)较量后接名词、代词或动词-ing作宾语。

  opposed adj. 反对的;对立的

  be opposed to 反对……

  as opposed to (表对比)而;相对于1)He ________ the proposal to build a new hall. 他反对修建新礼堂的建议。

  2)Congress is continuing to ________ the President's health care budget. 国会继续反对总统的医疗预算。

  3)He ________ ________ ________ two other candidates. 另外两名候选人反对他。

  4)Who _______ ________ you in the match? 你和谁比赛?

  【答案】 1)opposed 2)oppose 3)is opposed by 4)is opposing


  I would certainly ________ changing the system. 我当然会反对改变这一制度。

  【答案】 oppose


  (2011济南质检)Most of the local residents ________ the closing of their hospital.





  【答案与解析】 C oppose “反对”。题意:大部分当地居民反对关闭他们的医院。

  6.contradict vt. & vi.反驳(某人的言论或文字); 批驳; 驳斥 (指事实、证据等)(与某事物)相反或相矛盾contradictory

  adj. 互相矛盾的;抵触的



  in contradiction to与……正相反1)The witness ________ the driver's statement.目击者否认了那名司机的陈述。

  2)Don't ________ your father! 不要顶撞你父亲!

  3)The witnesses' statements ________ ________ ________ and the facts remained unclear.目击者的说法各不相同,事实还是不清楚。

  4)The speaker had got confused, and started ________ ________. 演讲者弄糊涂了,说话变得自相矛盾。

  5)The report ________ what we heard yesterday. 这个报告与我们昨天听到的相矛盾。

  【答案】 1)contradicted 2)contradict 3)contradicted each other 4)contradicting himself 5)contradicts


  Your behavior is ______________ your words. 你的行为与你的言语相矛盾。

  【答案】 in contradiction to


  (2010济南调研)People in Pisa were angry with Galileo for daring to________ the great Aristotle.





  【答案与解析】 A 题意:比萨的人们对伽利略极为气恼,因为他竟敢否定伟大的亚里士多德。contradict “反驳;否认;否定”; convince“使相信;使信服”; conflict“冲突”,为不及物动词,常与with连用; violate“违反(法律、法规等)”。

  7.postpone vt. 使(事件、行动等)延期;推迟

  其常见搭配为:postpone sth

  until / to把某事推迟到……

  postpone doing sth 推迟做某事

  put sth off; put off doing sth推迟/延缓/拖延某事物

  delay (doing) sth 延误/延缓/拖延(做)某事;耽搁做某事1)We're ________ our holiday until we have some more money.我们把度假日期推迟到我们有更多钱的时候。

  2)The concert ________ ________ ________ ________Saturday. 音乐会已被推迟到星期六举行。

  3)It was an unpopular decision to ________ building the new hospital.延迟建新医院的决定是不得人心的。

  【答案】 1)postponing 2)has been postponed to



  We've had to ________ our wedding until September. 我们得把婚礼延期到九月举行。

  【答案】 postpone


  (2011山东省实验中学诊断性测试)You must be there within an hour. There should be no ________in sending the information.





  【答案与解析】 C 考查名词。题意:你必须一小时内赶到那儿。赶快把消息送出去。there is no question = there is no doubt “毫无疑问” ;there is no delay in doing...“毫不拖延地做……”;there is no problem with doing... “做……没问题”。

  8.foresee vt. 预见; 预知; 预料后面常跟名词、代词或从句作宾语。1)The difficulties could not ________ ________ ________. 这些困难是无法预见的。

  2)He ________ that the job would take a long time. 他预料到做这项工作需要很长时间。

  3)They could not ________ ________ how things would turn out. 他们不可能预知事情的结果。

  4)Do you ________ any problems with the new system?对于这种新体制,你看会有什么问题吗?

  5)He ________ that his journey would be delayed by bad weather.他预知自己的旅程会被恶劣的天气耽搁。

  【答案】 1)have been foreseen 2)foresaw 3)have foreseen 4)foresee 5)foresaw


  She ________ that the improvement would continue. 她预测情况将继续好转。

  【答案】 foresaw


  (2010杭州质检)The young woman made a ________ to her parents that she would try to earn her own living after graduation.





  【答案与解析】 B make a promise“发誓;承诺”。

  9.decline vi.减少;降低;下降;拒绝;谢绝 vt.拒绝;谢绝 n. 减少;下降;衰退常跟名词、代词或不定式作宾语。1)Do you think standards of education in some areas ________ ________ in recent years?你是否觉得最近几年有些地方的教育水准下降了?

  2)I invited her to join us, but she ________. 我邀请她和我们一起,可是她婉言谢绝了。

  3)We ________ their offer of financial help.我们谢绝了他们提供的资金援助。

  4)As a result of ________ ________ in the quality of products, the company lost a lot of customers.由于产品质量的下降,这家公司失去了很多顾客。

  【答案】 1)have declined 2)declined 3)declined 4)the decline


  Mary ________ a hot drink and went to her room.

  【答案】 declined


  (2010大连调研)—How are you getting along with your business?

  —Not very well. The market for these products________ fast due to the financial crisis.

  A.was declined

  B.was declining

  C.is declined

  D.is declining

  【答案与解析】 D 题意:“最近生意如何?”“不太好。由于金融危机,这些产品的市场在迅速减少。”根据上文“How are you getting along with your business?”可知,这里应该用现在时态,“市场”和“减少”为主谓关系,故选D项。

  10.seek vt.& vi. 寻找;寻求;设法;试图;探索;谋求;争取常用于seek (for) sth from sb, seek (after / for) sth, seek to do sth 结构。

  seek one's fortune外出寻找发财机会;外出闯荡;闯世界

  seek sb / sth out找出或找到某人/某物1)They ________ in vain for somewhere to shelter. 他们怎么也找不到一个藏身的地方。

  2)We are currently ________ new ways of expanding our membership.目前我们正探索发展会员的新途径。

  3)You must ________ ________ ________ the manager. 你必须设法让经理批准。

  4)They ________ ________ to mislead us. 他们试图误导我们。

  【答案】 1)sought 2)seeking 3)seek permission from

  4)are seeking


  We ________ ________ ________ to tell her of her success. 我们找到她, 告诉她她成功了。

  【答案】 sought her out


  (2011济南质检)He determined to________ a building more suited to his parents' needs.

  A.seek for

  B.call on

  C.take on

  D.hold up

  【答案与解析】 A seek for = look for“寻求;寻找”。

  11.equip vt. (为某人或地方)配备(设施、装备等);(为某人)提供(信息、知识、技能等) 常见的结构有:

  equip sb / sth with sth 为某人配备某物

  be equipped with sth

  装备某物1)We must ________ young teachers to deal with difficult children.我们必须让年轻教师具备对付问题学生的能力。

  2)Our laboratory is ________ ________. 我们的实验室装备良好。

  3)Your training will ________ you for your future job. 你受到的训练使你能够胜任未来的工作。

  4)He ________ ________ ________ much experience in teaching. 他具有丰富的教学经验。

  【答案】 1)equip 2)well equipped 3)equip 4)is equipped with


  This is the ________ hospital in the area.这是本地区设备最好的医院。

  【答案】 best-equipped


  (2010南京师大附中月考)We have already ________ourselves for the travel.





  【答案与解析】 A equip侧重提供与技术有关的装备、设备或理论知识等;fix“安装;修理;固定”;supply为普通用词,指提供任何所需求的物品;provide强调人的深谋远虑,侧重用储备等方法作充分准备。

  12.concern vt.(使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n.担心;关注;(利害)关系as (it) concerns关于

  concern oneself about / for sth某人为某事担心

  be concerned about / for sth为某事担心

  concern + oneself + with / in 使(某人)与……有关系;使牵涉;使参与

  be concerned in sth与某事有关;参与某事

  as / so far as...be concerned 就……而言1)He doesn't bother about things that don't ________ him.那些与他无关的事情,他不去费心。

  2)She ______ _____ _______ social welfare.她关注社会福利问题。

  3)There is growing ________ ________ violence on the Internet.人们对网络暴力日渐关注。

  4)________ parents are having a meeting on how to solve the serious problem.忧心忡忡的家长们正在开会讨论如何解决这个严重的问题。

  【答案】 1)concern 2)concerns herself with / in

  3)concern about 4)Concerned


  As far as I ________ ________, I'm not against your plan. 就我而言,我并不反对你的计划。

  【答案】 am concerned


  (2010大连市高三双基测试)The story that follows ________two athletes who have been accused of taking excitant.





  【答案与解析】 A 考查动词。题意:接下来的这个故事涉及两位被指控使用兴奋剂的运动员。 concern “涉及”; state “陈述”; relate “使联系”; refer “谈及”。1.in vain 徒然;枉费心机;徒劳无益;白费力气类似用法还有:

  in place在合适的地方

  in sight 在视野内;被看到

  in effect 有效地1)The police tried ________ ________ to break up the protest crowds.警察试图驱散抗议的人群,但没有成功。

  2)All our work was ________ ________.我们所有的工作都白做了。

  【答案】 1)in vain 2)in vain


  Police searched ________ for the missing gunman. 警方搜寻失踪的持枪歹徒,但毫无结果。

  【答案】 in vain


  (2011海口质检)The young man's efforts to raise money for his program were ________ because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.

  A.in place

  B.in sight

  C.in effect

  D.in vain

  【答案与解析】 D 考查介词短语。in place“在合适的地方”;in sight“在视野内;被看到”;in effect“有效”;in vain“徒劳”。

  2.at random 随便地;任意地;胡乱地guess at random瞎猜

  open a book at random随便翻开一本书

  read at random无目的地浏览1)The librarian took a book ________ ________ from the shelf.图书管理员从书架上随便拿了一本书。

  2)The killer appears to have selected his victims ________ ________.凶手似乎是随意选择被害人。

  3)Please don't spit ________ ________.请不要随地吐痰。

  【答案】 1)at random 2)at random 3)at random


  I began to feel ________ in the new school when I saw some familiar faces.

  A.at home

  B.at heart

  C.at will

  D.at sight

  【答案与解析】 A 题意:在新学校里,当我看到一些熟悉的面孔时,我开始感觉自在。at home“在家;无拘束”; at heart“内心里;实际上”; at will“随意地”; at sight“一见到……就”。


  (2010浙江温州八校联考)Not all athletes must be tested, but ________.

  A.at all

  B.at least

  C.at random

  D.at large

  【答案与解析】 C 题意:并非所有的运动员都要药检,只是随机抽查。at all“完全;根本”; at least“至少”; at random“随便地;任意地”; at large“整个;全部”。

  3.at all costs 不惜任何代价;无论如何同义短语:at any cost

  at the cost of 以牺牲……为代价

  at cost

  照原价;照成本价1)We will save his life ________ ________ ________.我们将不惜任何代价挽救他的生命。

  2)The bridge must be repaired within three days ________ ________ ________.要不惜一切代价在三天内把桥修好。

  【答案】 1)at all costs 2)at all costs


  The fire was put out ________ ________ ________ ________a fireman's life. 这场火灾是以牺牲一位消防队员的生命为代价才扑灭的。

  【答案】 at the cost of


  (2010天津市南开中学模拟) His uncle is a car dealer and sold him the car________.

  A.at all costs

  B.at a cost

  C.at the cost

  D.at cost

  【答案与解析】 D 题意:他的叔叔是个汽车销售商,因此按原价卖给了他这辆车。at all costs = at any cost“不惜任何代价;无论如何”; at a cost (of)“以……价格”; at the cost of“以牺牲……为代价”; at cost


  4.wipe out 擦拭……的内部;彻底摧毁;消灭;除去;取消break out 爆发

  bring out 拿出;生产

  carry out 贯彻;执行

  come out 出版

  die out 灭绝

  figure out 计算出;解决;理解;明白

  give out 分发;耗尽;发出

  hold out 伸出;维持;坚持(要求)

  leave out 遗漏;省略

  let out 释放;泄漏

  make out 辨认出;理解

  put out 熄灭;扑灭;生产;伸出

  pull out 拿出;拔出;(车等)驶出

  run out 用完;耗尽

  set out 动身;开始

  send out 发送

  stand out


  turn out 生产出;培养出;结果是

  try out 试验

  work out 算出;弄懂;想出;解决

  1)________ ________ the bath before you use it.使用浴盆前先把里面擦洗干净。

  2)Doctors are searching for a cure that will ________ ________ cancer.医生们正在寻找治愈癌症的医疗方法。

  【答案】 1)Wipe out 2)wipe out


  The government is trying to ________ ________ drug trading activities.政府正在竭力清除毒品买卖活动。

  【答案】 wipe out


  (2011海口调研)Mother stressed again and again that I should not________any important details while retelling the story.

  A.bring out B.let out

  C.leave out

  D.make out

  【答案与解析】 C 考查动词短语。 题意:母亲反复强调,我在复述这个故事时不应该漏掉任何重要的细节。bring out“拿出;生产”;

  let out“释放;泄漏”; leave out“遗漏;省略”; make out“辨认出;理解”。 1.It struck near the end of the First World War and left families mourning worldwide.它开始于第一次世界大战末期,结果使世界各地的许多家庭承受丧亲之痛。

  句中的leave意为“使某人/某物处于某种状态”,常用于“leave+宾语+宾补” 结构中。宾补常由形容词、动词的-ing形式、不定式、过去分词、介词短语等充当。

  make sb / sth +形容词/过去分词 使某人/某事物……

  make sb / sth do sth 强迫/迫使某人/某物做某事; 使某人/某物做某事




  【答案】 That big earthquake left thousands of people homeless.

  1)Don't leave her ________ outside in the rain. 不要让她在外面雨中等着。

  2)The boy left the cake ________, because it didn't taste nice. 男孩留下蛋糕未动,因为不好吃。

  3)They left in a hurry, leaving many problems ________ ________ ________. 他们匆匆离去,留下许多问题需要解决。

  【答案】 1)waiting 2)untouched 3)to be settled


  She went on playing the computer game, ________ ________ ________ ________. 她让水哗哗地流着,继续玩电脑游戏。

  【答案】 leaving the water running


  (2011济南质检) He was so careless that he left, ________the door________.

  A.leaving; unlocked

  B.to leave; locked

  C.left; unlocked

  D.leaving; locking

  【答案与解析】 A 考查非谓语动词。题意:他是如此粗心,竟然没有锁门就走了。这里leave与其逻辑主语he之间的逻辑关系为主动,故用现在分词作状语,表伴随;the door与lock之间的逻辑关系为被动,故用过去分词作宾补。

  2.With all the international effort being made, we have to have faith that there will be solutions in time to stop a Bird Flu epidemic in its tracks.


  with all the international effort being made 是with的复合结构,即“with +宾语+宾补”,此处的宾补是being made。with的复合结构还有:

  (1)with +名词+介词短语

  The man came in with a book in his hand.那个男人手里拿着一本书进来了。

  在书面语中,上句也可以说成:The man came in, book in hand.

  (2)with +名词+形容词 (强调名词的特性或状态)

  With the weather so close and stuffy, ten to one it'll rain presently.天气这么闷热,十有八九要下雨。

  (3)with +名词+副词

  With John away, we have got more room.约翰走了,我们的空间大了一些。

  (4)with +名词+过去分词 (强调名词是过去分词动作的承受者或动作已经发生)

  With this problem solved, new penicillin Ⅰ is now in regular production.随着这个问题的解决,新青霉素1号现在已正式生产。

  (5)with +名词+现在分词 (名词是现在分词动作的发出者或某动作、状态正在进行)

  I won't be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill.由于母亲生病了,我不能出去度假。

  (6)with +名词/代词+ to do (不定式动作尚未发生)

  So in the afternoon, with nothing to do, I went on playing football.由于下午没事可做,我继续踢足球。




  【答案】 With a lot of problems to deal with, he left in a hurry.


  Don't stand ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 站着时别把双手插在袋里。

  【答案】 with your hands in your pockets


  (2010南京调研)—Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.

  —Sorry. With so many problems ________my mind, I almost break down.



  C.to fill

  D.being filled

  【答案与解析】 B 考查with的复合结构。所填词作with复合宾语结构的宾语补足语,与so many problems之间是主谓关系,且表示正在发生的动作,用v-ing形式。1.(2010 山东,22)If we sit near ________ front of the bus, we'll have ________ better view.

  A.不填; the 

  B.不填; a

  C.the; a

  D.the; the

  【答案与解析】 C 考查冠词在具体语境中的使用。题意应为“如果我们坐在公共汽车的前部,就会有更好的视野。”表示“某空间内部的前部”时,front前要加定冠词the; have a good view是习惯搭配,表示“视野开阔;视野良好”之意。

  2.(2010 辽宁,26)Doctors say that exercise is important for health, but it ________ be regular exercise.





  【答案与解析】 C 考查情态动词。题意:医生说锻炼对身体重要,但是必须是有规律的锻炼。can“可能”;will“意愿”;may“许可;可能”;must“必须”。

  3.(2010 辽宁,32)The new movie

  ________ to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time.





  【答案与解析】 A 考查动词。题意:这部新电影有望成为电影票房史上票房最高的影片之一。promise除了表示“允诺;答应”外,还有“有……的希望”的意思;agree“同意;赞同”;pretend“假装”;decline“衰老;衰退”。

  4.(2010 陕西,24)It is reported that many a new house ________ at present in the disaster area.

  A.are being built

  B.were being built

  C.was being built

  D.is being built

  【答案与解析】 D 考查动词时态,语态及主谓一致。由时间状语at present可知此处动词表示的动作正在进行,主语与所填词是被动关系;many a +名词单数作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,由此可知本题选D项。

  5.(2010 湖南,23)You ________ buy a gift, but you can if you want to.



  C.have to

  D.don't have to

  【答案与解析】 D 考查情态动词。don't have to“没有必要”,符合题意。题意:你没有必要买礼物,但如果你想买的话,你也可以买。

  6.(2010 江苏,25)—I haven't got the reference book yet, but I'll have a test on the subject next month.

  —Don't worry. You ________ have it by Friday.





  【答案与解析】 B 考查情态动词的用法。shall在第二人称中表示允诺,还可以表示强制,命令,威胁,警告。还有在法律条文中的要求或规定。

  7.(2009 四川,13) —I don't care what people think.

  —Well, you ________.





  【答案与解析】 C 考查情态动词的用法。答话的人提了一个建议—你应该关注别人对你的评价。should可以用来向别人提建议,故答案为C项。

  8.(2009浙江,3)________ and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.

  A.To be tired



  D.Being tired

  【答案与解析】 B 题意:尽管很累并且喘不过气来,但是Andy 和 Ruby是最早到达泰山山顶的人。形容词可以作状语表示伴随、原因或让步等关系。在该题中形容词作状语表示让步,可以恢复为“though they were tired and short of breath”,然后进行省略。该题容易误选D项。要注意的是形容词作状语时其前不能加being。

  9.(2009重庆,25)Michael's new house is like a huge palace, ________ with his old one.

  A.comparing B.compares

  C.to compare


  【答案与解析】 D 本题考查过去分词作状语。表达“与某人或某物相比”用compared with / to sb / sth。

  10.(2009江西,22)________ the right kind of training, these teenage soccer players may one day grow into international stars.


  B.Having given

  C.To give


  【答案与解析】 D 把句子补充完整后为:If they are given the right kind of training, 可知主语they 即these teenager soccer players与give 之间是被动的关系,所以用过去分词。根据主、从句主语一致可省略从句主语的原则,连词if 也可省,所以得出:“Given the right kind of training, these teenager soccer players...”。1.(2011唐山一中高三年级9月调研)What lessons China can draw from ________ global financial crisis has become ________ hot topic among us students.

  A.the; a B.不填; a

  C.a; the

  D.不填; the

  【答案与解析】 A 考查冠词。题意:中国能从世界经济危机中吸取教训已成了我们学生中的一个热门话题。前空是特指;第2空是泛指一个话题。

  2.(2011武汉重点高中高三调研)If she ________ the doctor's advice, she would be quite all right now.

  A.would follow


  C.had followed

  D.will follow

  【答案与解析】 C 考查虚拟语气。条件从句表示与过去事实相反,主句表示与现在事实相反。

  3.(2011江苏重点学校高三第一次调研)Betty shows great interest in this poem now, but she thought it boring ________ she read it.

  A.at the first time

  B.the first time

  C.for the first time

  D.at first

  【答案与解析】 B 考查名词引导时间状语从句。the first time在这里用作连词,引导时间状语从句。

  4.(2011皖南八校高三摸底联考)Since mid July, many areas in Shanxi ________ continuous heavy rain, leading to frequent natural disasters.


  B.had seen

  C.has seen

  D.have seen

  【答案与解析】 D 考查时态。根据时间状语“Since mid July”可知应该用现在完成时。

  5.(2010~2011辽宁东北育才学校高三模拟)—What made her so upset?


  A.Lost her bike

  B.Losing her bike

  C.She lost her bike

  D.Because of losing her bike

  【答案与解析】 B 考查动名词作主语。前一句的特殊疑问词是what,问“什么”,答案应该答“是什么”,即丢了她的自行车让她不高兴。丢了自行车是一件事,作主语,相当于“Losing her bike made her so upset”。其中made her so upset上句中已经出现,在答语中省略了。

  6.(2011福建福州三中高三月考)He didn't make ________ clear when and where the meeting would be held.





  【答案与解析】 C 考查it作形式宾语。真正的宾语是“when and where the meeting would be held”。

  7.(2011湖北八市高三上学期第一次联考)Your ideas are very interesting, but we need ________ suggestions to get us out of the mess.





  【答案与解析】 C 考查形容词。题意:你的想法很有趣,但是我们需要能够让我们摆脱困境的实用的建议。

  8.(2010山西试验模拟)The passengers were robbed ________ all their money in broad daylight.





  【答案与解析】 A 题意:乘客在光天化日之下被洗劫一空。rob sb of sth变成被动为sb be robbed of sth。

  9.(2010郑州质检)The factory is equipped ________ modern machinery and uses the most recent techniques.





  【答案与解析】 A equip...with...“以……配备……”,be equipped with modern machinery“配备有现代化机械”。

  10.(2010南京模拟) ________ his proposal, there are pros and cons.


  B.To concern



  【答案与解析】 C 题意:关于他的提案,有赞成和反对两种意见。concerning作介词,表示“关于;有关”,符合题意。


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