河北省2017高考英语二轮复习专题训练 短文改错+书面表达(65)-查字典英语网
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河北省2017高考英语二轮复习专题训练 短文改错+书面表达(65)

发布时间:2017-04-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  9A Unit 4


  1.被现场直播be covered live无事可做have nothing to do在线为….投票vote online for…即将来临的六this coming Saturday自杀kill oneself发送文本信息到send text messages to近距离地take a close look at 8.在公共场合in public

  9.从……到……from … to …在…..和…..之间between …and .

  11.(在电视上)播放/放映be on (TV)一周资讯综述a weekly round-up生某人的气be/get angry with sb.第一名come first正好就在……之后right after…晚剩余时间the rest of the evening ……的一个成员a member of…把某物借给某人lend sth. to sb. 介意(某人)做某事mind (sb./sb’s) doing sth.充满恐怖和be full of horror and mysteries

  25.最新信息up-to-date information = the latest information某事与某人意见不一致disagree with sb. about sth某事与某人argue with sb. about sth.

  28.陈先生一家人the Chen family = the Chens许多(+可数名词复数)a number of …= many…把…..收/放好(代词放中间)put … away如此令人兴奋的一天such an exciting day=so exciting a day一个小时长的纪录片a one-hour documentary我太忙了而不能去购物。I’m far too busy to go shopping. 你可能发现的节目有点令人。You might find this week’s programme a bit boring.

  3. 直到影片结尾你才会弄清答案。

  You won’t find out the answer until the end of the film.

  4. 他们认为这些演员演得比Spacemen on Earth中的演员更好。

  They think the actors act better than those in Spacemen on Earth.

  5. 当我正准备观看时,电话响了。

  While/As I was getting ready to watch it, the phone rang.

  6. 在你看过这个节目后,你将意识到这些老虎面临多少危险。

  After you watch this programme, you will realize how much danger these

  tigers face.


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