2017高考英语北师大版必修5一轮复习课件(安徽专用)《Unit 13 People》人-查字典英语网
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2017高考英语北师大版必修5一轮复习课件(安徽专用)《Unit 13 People》人

发布时间:2017-04-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  3.There is no doubt ________ such an interesting story will be a box-office success. A.if

  B.so C.when


  解析:选D.句意:无疑这么有趣的故事将会取得票房成功.There is no doubt that...固定句型表“无疑……”.

  4.(2017·山东济南模拟)—Does Jenny always keep her promise? —Seldom,________. A.if any

  B.wherever possible C.if ever

  D.when necessary

  解析:选C.本题四个选项都是省略式回答.从选项与前一句的连贯性来看应该C项,完整的回答是She seldom keeps her promise,if she ever does so.实际上,if ever已演变为固定表达,与rarely,seldom等词呼应,表示“几乎从不,很少”. ?

  温馨提示 请做课时作业 必修五 Unit 13

  本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放 解析:选D.A项应为in terms of;on behalf of意为“代表”;on account of意为“因为”;in respect of表示“就……而言;关于”.

  2.(2017·合肥模拟)Lack of money ________ her not continuing her studies. A.accounts for

  B.cares for C.explains to

  D.approves of 解析:选A.句意:缺钱是她辍学的原因.account for“说明……原因”;care for“喜欢”;explain to“向某人解释”,后接人; approve of“赞同”.

  3.Very few experts have ________ with completely new answers to the world’s economic problems. A.come down

  B.come around C.come up

  D.come to

  解析:选C.考查动词短语辨析.come up with“提出”;come down“下来,下降”; come around“恢复知觉,苏醒”;come to“来到,达到,结果是”.

  4.Please ________ a list of the guests for the dinner. A.draw up

  B.draw in C.draw back

  D.draw away

  解析:选A.考查动词短语辨析.句意:请拟一份赴宴客人的名单.draw up起草,拟订;draw in(车)到站;draw back拉起,退后;draw away拉走,离开.根据句意应选A.

  5.I tried millions of times,but I can never ________ him ________ smoking. A.ask;for

  B.persuade;into C.talk;into

  D.talk;out of

  解析:选D.考查动词短语辨析.句意:我试了很多次,但我从来不能说服他不吸烟.ask sb.for sth.请求某人某事; persuade/talk sb.into doing sth.说服某人做某事;talk sb.out of doing sth.说服某人不做某事,符合句意.

  6.(2017·东阳模拟)I feel sure that ________ qualification,ability and experience,you are abundantly suited to the position we have in mind. A.in need of B.in terms of C.in favor of

  D.in face of

  解析:选B.考查介词短语辨析.句意:就你的资格、能力、经验而言,我肯定你非常适合我们一直向往的那个职位.in terms of就……而言,从……方面;in need of 需要;in favor of支持,赞成;in face of面对. 句型巧析 1(教材P9)On the other hand,there_is_little_doubt_that people with low EQs often have problems getting on with other people and dealing with difficult situations;...

  另一方面,毫无疑问情商低的人在与人相处、处理困难局面方面常有困难; ……

  【句法分析】there is little/no doubt that...毫无疑问,这是一个固定句型,其实doubt多作不可数名词,that引导的是同位语从句,用来说明doubt的具体内容. doubt作动词“怀疑”时,常用搭配为:在肯定句中,后接whether/if引导的宾语从句;在否定句或疑问句中,后接that引导的宾语从句. (1)对于……没有怀疑 There is no doubt about/as to... There is little/not much doubt that... There is not much doubt about/as to... Sb.has/have no doubt that...

  (2)(某人)对于某事是否……持有怀疑 There is some doubt whether... There is some doubt about/as to... Sb.has/have some doubt whether... Sb.has/have some doubt about/as to...

  (3)doubt的常见短语: beyond/out of doubt毫无疑问地;确实地 in doubt可怀疑(的),不确定地(的) no doubt确实地,必定地 without (a) doubt无疑地;必定地

  ①There is no doubt that he is an excellent student. 毫无疑问,他是一名优秀学生. ②No_doubt that she was disturbed by the noise. 毫无疑问是噪音惊扰了她.

  ③Their acceptance of the contract is still in_doubt. 他们是否接受那份合同还说不准.

  2(教材P14)If_anything,it made me even angrier. 如果说有什么感觉的话,只会增添我的怒气.

  【句法分析】 if anything如果有……的话 If anything是if引导的条件状语从句的省略形式,相当于If there was anything. 类似结构有: if necessary如果有必要的话 if possible如果有可能的话 if any如果有的话 if so如果这样的话 if ever如果曾经有过的话 if not如果不是的话

  ①If anything,he is a little better today. 如果有什么不同的话,他比昨天好了一点. ②I’d like an appointment on Friday afternoon if_possible.如果可能,我希望预约在星期五下午.

  ③I don’t suppose there will be more than a dozen left,if any.我认为即使还有剩余的话,也不会超过十几个.

  跟踪训练 Ⅰ.完成句子 1.无疑高智商的人在工作上应该得到提拔. ______________________________ people with high IQs ________________________ at work. There is no doubt that deserve to be promoted 2.正是他被指控偷钱. ________________ he ____________________________ stealing money. 3.我越想到他的粗鲁就越生气. ________________ I thought of his rudeness,________________ I became. It is that was accused of The more the angrier 4.如果有可能,我会在钱的方面尽力帮你的. ________________,I’ll try my best to help you ____________________________.

  If possible in terms of money 5.如果他没有把钱用来帮助穷人的话,他已经成为百万富翁了. If he ______________________ all his money ________________ the poor,he _____________________ a millionaire. hadn’t devoted to helping would have become Ⅱ.单项填空 1.—Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday? —Yes.________,I’m going to visit some homes for the old in the city. A.If ever

  B.If busy C.If anything

  D.If possible

  解析:选D.句意:——你为即将到来的假期做了特别安排了吗?——是的.如果有可能的话我将去市里的几家养老院看看.if ever如果曾经;if busy如果繁忙;if anything如果有什么不同的话;if possible如果有可能的话,根据句意可知D项正确.

  2.It is ________ you are very tired;you’ve been walking for hours. A.no doubt

  B.no wonder C.no need

  D.no point

  解析:选B.句意:难怪你很累,你走了好几个小时了.There is no doubt that...毫无疑问……;There is no need to do sth.没必要做某事;There is no point in doing sth.做某事没意义;It is no wonder that...难怪……,……不足为奇.

  5.The shop assistant was dismissed as she was ________ of cheating customers. A.accused

  B.charged C.scolded


  解析:选A.考查动词词义辨析.句意:那个售货员被解雇了,因为她被指控欺骗顾客.be accused of“因某事而被指控”;be charged with“因某事被起诉”;be scolded for“因……而受责备”;be cursed for“因……而受诅咒”.故选A.

  6.While shopping,people sometimes can’t help ________ into buying something they don’t really need. A.to persuade

  B.persuading C.being persuaded

  D.be persuaded 解析:选C.“情不自禁地做某事”是can’t help doing sth.所以排除A、D两项;persuade和people之间是动宾关系,所以用动名词的被动形式.故选C. 短语细解 14talk sb.into(doing)sth.  说服某人做某事 (教材P8)Go and see your teacher and try to talk_him_or_her_into_giving you a better grade. 去见你的老师并努力去说服他/她给你更高的分. 归纳拓展 ①I didn’t want to move abroad,but Bill talked me into it. 我本不想移居国外,但是比尔把我说服了. ②I talked him out_of changing his job. 我说服他打消了换工作的念头.

  ③Don’t let yourself be persuaded into buying things you don’t really want. 不要让别人说服你去买那些你并不需要的东西.

  15end up 最后有某种结局,结果为……,结束 (教材P8)For example,have you ever wondered why some of the smartest students in your class,who you think deserve good grades,sometimes end_up failing exams?


  归纳拓展 ①He’ll end up in prison if he’s not careful. 如果他不小心,最后会锒铛入狱的. ②We were going to go out,but ended up watching videos. 我们原计划外出,但结果却是在家看录像.

  ③Winning the competition put_an_end_to his financial problems.在比赛中获胜使他的财政问题随之消 失.

  16draw up 起草,拟订,拉起,(车辆)停止 (教材P8)Draw_up an agenda and discuss it with the group. 起草一份议程表和大家讨论一下.

  归纳拓展 ①The car drew up(at the gate)and three men got out. 汽车(在门前)停了下来,从车里走出三个人. ②The soldiers were drawn_up outside the palace. 士兵在宫殿外面排好了队.

  ③He drew himself up to his full height. 他挺起胸笔直地站着. ④(2011·高考北京卷)I used to hate being called upon in class mainly because I didn’t like attention drawn to myself.我过去厌恶在课上被点名因为我不喜欢成为人们注意的焦点. = 17in terms of 从……角度,就……而言 (教材P9)Some are trying to study the possibility of improving a person’s EQ,especially in_terms_of “people skills”,... 有些(科学家)正在尝试研究改善一个人的EQ的可能性,特别是在“人际方面”,……

  归纳拓展 ①(朗文P2065)US foreign policy tended to see everything in terms of the Vietnam war. 美国的外交政策往往从越南战争的角度来看待一切. ②(朗文P2065)The company’s prospects look good in_the_long_term.公司的远景看好.

  ③What can we learn about old women in_terms_of fashion? 在时装方面我们能从老年女同志那学些什么呢?

  18compare...to... 把……比作……;把……与……相比 (教材P9)They also showed a better understanding of the disabled students’ feelings compared_to students who had not been involved in the study.  ?


  归纳拓展 ①People like comparing beautiful girls to flowers. 人们喜欢把漂亮的女孩比作花朵. ②Compared_to many people,she was really very fortunate.和很多人相比,她的确很幸运.

  ③Compare this car with that one,and you will find the differences between them.把这辆汽车与那辆汽车相比,你就会发现他们之间的区别.

  跟踪训练 Ⅰ.选词填空 be patient with,have something to do with,can’t help,even if,give a description,on one’s own,compared with,with anxiety,to be honest,be upset about 1.I won’t go to the party ________________ I am invited. 2.It’s my fault and it ______________________ you. 3.I __________________ thinking he’s lying,so I can’t help to apologize for him. even if has nothing to do with can’t help 4.You should ________________ the baby. 5.He ______________ vivid ______________ of what he saw. 6.________________ this room,our room is much brighter. be patient with gave a description Compared with 7.He can finish the task ________________ now.You needn’t help him. 8.________________,I don’t like your idea at all.It’s not practical.

  on his own To be honest 9.She ________________ losing money.Maybe we can comfort her. 10.He was waiting for his son ________________.

  is upset about with anxiety Ⅱ.单项填空 1.His work is good ________ quality. A.in term of

  B.on behalf of C.on account of

  D.in respect of 归纳拓展 ①Our immediate requirement is extra staff. 我们急需增加工作人员. ②Not all goods satisfy the customers’ requirements. 并非所有的商品都能满足顾客的需求. ③(朗文P1946)Most house plants require regular watering. 大多数室内盆栽植物需要定期浇水. ④(2011·高考福建卷)By the end of October 2009,she had completed all certificate requirements. 到2009年底,她已经完成了所有的认证要求. 9confirm v.证实;坚定(决心,意见),使有信心 (教材P14)After confirming that I was,Jenny said that she had noticed I’d left my book in the library... 在确定我是(珍)之后,珍妮告诉我她发现我把书落到图书馆里了…… 归纳拓展 ①The expression on his face confirmed me in my suspicions.他脸上的表情证实了我的怀疑. ②It has been confirmed_that teachers’ salary will be closely connected with their performance. 已经确定老师的工资将与他们的绩效挂钩. ③Her failure to pass the driving test was later confirmed. 她没有通过驾照考试的事后来得到了证实.

  10shelter n.居所,住处;遮蔽;避难处 vi.掩蔽;躲避 (教材P12)They might be sheltering in a cave. 他们可能栖身在一个山洞里.


  助 记

  ①(2010·高考福建卷)In the United States,there were some well-constructed houses for native Indians,ranging from the simple brush shelter to the five-storied pueblo. 在美国,有许多为当地印第安人建造的很好的房子,从简单的小茅屋到五层的小楼. ②Plant herbs next to a wall to shelter them from the wind. 把药草种在墙边以免风吹. ③All ships and fishing boats in the sea off Fujian and Zhejiang have been advised to take_shelter_from storms. 在福建、浙江沿海的所有轮船和渔船都被建议躲避风雨. 11judge vt.判断;评价;判决;评判 (教材P16)It’s difficult to judge but we thought they might be in the same class...  很难判断但我们认为他们可能在同一个班里……

  归纳拓展 ①Teachers tend to be judged by their students’ exam grades.人们常以学生的考试分数来评判教师的优劣. ②In this fog,we can’t judge how far it is to the other side of the river. 在这样的大雾天气下,我们无法判断到河对岸有多远. 12devote vt.献身,投入,专心,热爱 (教材P17)She devotes a lot of her time to caring the neighbours. 她把许多时间用于关心邻居们.

  归纳拓展 ①On Teachers’ Day,Wen Jiabao called on teachers to be devoted to their educational career. 在教师节那天,温家宝号召教师们献身于教育事业. ②(牛津P548)She devoted_herself_to her career. 她全力倾注于自己的事业. ③(2010·高考四川卷)If you have a job,do devote yourself to it and finally you’ll succeed.如果你有了一份工作,付出努力去做它,最后你定能成功.

  13accountant n.会计师 (教材P15)As an experienced accountant,my father has gained the respect of his colleagues. 作为一名有经验的会计,我的父亲赢得了他同事的尊敬.

  归纳拓展 ①How do you account for making so many mistakes in your homework?你如何解释作业中出了这么多错误? ②On_no_account can you give up whatever happens. 不管发生什么你都决不能放弃.

  ③Taking his age into_account,we shouldn’t be so strict with him.考虑到他的年龄,我们不该对他如此严格.

  跟踪训练 Ⅰ.品句填词 1.I’m sure I don’t __________(应得)so much praise. 2.Kate has a great __________(渴望) to catch up with her classmates. deserve desire 3.The fighting men were ________(怒视)at each other. 4.The doctor __________(致力于) himself to finding a cure for cancer. 5.They went __________(登上)the ship just before it started to leave. glaring devoted aboard Ⅱ.单项填空 1.There is too much noise outside;I can hardly________ attention on my book. A.fill B.pay C.connect

  D.concentrate 解析:选D.句意:外面太吵了,我很难把注意力集中到书本上.concentrate集中;fill装满,充满,指装满容器或者充满空间等,不能说装满注意力;connect连接,联系;pay attention to sth.为固定搭配,pay attention不能与介词on搭配.故选D.

  2.The President ________ that he would visit France the following month. A.deserved

  B.confirmed C.predicted

  D.doubted 解析:选B.考查动词词义辨析.句意:这位总统证实说他下个月会访问法国. confirm(进一步)证实;deserve值得; predict推测,预测;doubt怀疑.A、C、D三项均不符合句意,故选B.

  3.The mosque(清真寺)provided ________ for hundreds of families whose homes had been flooded. A.shelter

  B.place C.religion



  4.The time he has devoted in the past ten years ________ the disabled is now considered ________ of great value. A.to help;being

  B.to helping;to be C.to help;to be


  解析:选B.devote...to doing sth.把……奉献于……;be considered to be...被认为…….其中he has devoted in the past ten years to helping the disabled为定语从句,修饰the time.故选B.

  考点串讲?讲练互动 单词精研 1gain vt.&vi.&n.获得,赢得;(钟表)走快;利益 (教材P4)Well,knowing these things can help you gain a better sense of yourself... 噢,知道这些事情有助于更了解你自己……

  归纳拓展 辨析

  gain,acquire,earn,achieve  gain 收获;获得.指获得有用或必需的东西.可以用于体重、力量的增加,奖学金的获得,更常用于经验、知识、教育、满足等的获得. acquire 购得,得到(尤指昂贵的或难以得到的东西);获得,掌握(知识、技能等). earn 取得;赚得.通常指通过工作挣钱,也可以用于应该得到的东西,如支持、认同、声望或尊敬. achieve 得到;获得.多指成就、目标、幸福的取得. ①Her unusual talent gained her worldwide recognition. 她非凡的才能举世公认. ②He had finally achieved success.他终于获得了成功. ③She has acquired a good knowledge of English. 她英语已经学得很好. ④He earned the respect of his students. 他赢得了学生的尊重. 2deserve  vt.应得,应受;值得 (教材P8)For example,have you ever wondered why some of the smartest students in your class,who you think deserve good grades,sometimes end up failing exams?


  归纳拓展 ①He deserves a reward for his great contribution to education.他为教育事业做出了很大贡献,应受到嘉奖. ②They didn’t deserve_to win the match. 他们不该赢得这场比赛. ③In my opinion,the performance of Liu Qian doesn’t deserve_to_be overpromoted/overpromoting. 在我看来,刘谦的表演不值得过度宣扬. ④(2011·高考陕西卷)These indeed deserve our efforts and money.这确实值得我们花些功夫和金钱. 【重点提示】 deserve不用于进行时态,deserve doing=deserve to be done,doing主动形式表示被动意义,该用法与need,want,require等用法相同.

  3accuse vt.控告;指控 (教材P9)The man was accused of stealing money. 那人被控告偷钱.

  归纳拓展 辨析

  accuse,charge,punish,scold,blame 动词 含义 搭配 accuse 当面指责或指控,不一定诉诸法庭 accuse sb.of... charge 因犯较大错误或重大罪行而正式起诉 charge sb.with... punish 惩罚、处罚 punish sb.for... scold 责骂、批评 scold sb.for... blame 责备 blame sb.for... ①She accused him of stealing her money. 她控告他偷了她的钱. ②The boy was_punished_by his father for his stealing money.那孩子由于偷钱而受到了父亲的惩罚. ③Her father scolded her for upsetting her mother. 她因惹母亲生气而遭父亲斥责. 4concentrate vt.&vi.集中(思想、注意力等) (教材P5)Concentrate on what is really important. 把注意力集中到真正重要的东西上去.

  归纳拓展 ①I can’t concentrate with all that noise going on. 噪音不绝于耳,我无法集中精神. ②I decided to concentrate all my efforts on the present task.我决定全力以赴应对目前的任务. ③Since she left,he has been_buried_in his work. 自从她走后,他全心扑在工作上. ④(2011·高考广东卷)He got sick soon because he could not eat the school food.He could not concentrate in the classroom.他因不能吃学校的饭食而生病了.他在课上无法集中精力.

  5desire n.愿望,欲望,渴望 v.渴望,期望 (教材P119)Tour guides need to be independent,outgoing and have a desire to share information. 导游需是独立的、外向的并有分享信息的意愿. 归纳拓展 ①We all desire peace and happiness. 我们大家都渴望得到和平与幸福. ②The prince desired her to be his queen. 王子希望她能成为自己的王后. ③Anna has a great desire to travel.安娜非常向往旅游. 6aboard adv.& prep.在船(飞机,车)上;上船,上飞机 (教材P11)I feel that airlines should not allow new-born babies aboard their long distance flights. 我认为航空公司不应该允许新生儿登机进行远距离飞行. 归纳拓展 ①We went on board the ship.我们登上了轮船. ②Everyone aboard the plane got worried when the plane was out of control. 当飞机失控时,机上的所有人都感到担心. 7anxiety n.忧虑,担心 (教材P14)The day that I met my best friend for the first time,I was full of anxiety. 我第一次遇见我最好的朋友的那天心里充满了忧虑.

  归纳拓展 ①(牛津P75)Some hospital patients experience high levels of anxiety.有些住院病人十分焦虑不安. ②His anxiety_to succeed led him to work hard. 他渴望成功之心促使他努力工作.

  ③(朗文P76)He was a bit anxious_about the safety of the machinery. 他有些担心机器的安全. ④(2011·高考广东卷)Studies have shown that to be bored is to be anxious.研究表明:感到厌烦就是忧虑. ? 辨析 anxious,eager anxious 着重指焦虑、着急或担心. eager 着重指对成功的期望或进取的热情. 8requirement n.需要,要求,规定 (教材P119)Can you think of any jobs where this isn’t a requirement? 你能想到不需要这点的工作吗?

  栏目导引 基础盘点?自测自评 考点串讲?讲练互动 必修五 Unit 13 People——人 必修五 类型:说明文 典例:谈一谈如何解决学习中遇到的困难。 佳作晨背?文思泉涌 【佳作模板】 My Approach to Difficulties in Learning As high school students,we run into one difficulty after another in the process of learning.Everyone has their own way to deal with them.Here I would like to share mine. When I am faced with a difficulty,I usually choose to refer to relevant learning materials or Web pages.?In this way,I can not only work it out but also improve my ability to overcome problems all by myself.

  ?However,when it is something beyond my competence,I turn to my classmates or teachers for help.Sometimes I also ask my parents for advice.As a result,I have made steady progress in my studies。 【佳句储备】 ?In this way,I can not only work it out but also improve my ability to overcome problems all by myself. By this means,not only can I work it out but also I can improve my ability to overcome problems on my own. ?However,when it is something beyond my competence,I turn to my classmates or teachers for help. But when I meet difficulties I can’t solve all by myself,I would ask my classmates or teachers for help. 基础盘点?自测自评 核心单词 1.__________n.紧急情况 2.__________vi.躲避,遮蔽;n.避难处 3.__________adv.精确地,准确地→__________adj.精确的 4._____________n.缺点,短处 emergency shelter accurately accurate shortcoming 5.__________vt.预测,预言 6.__________vt.值得,应得 7.__________n.失败 8.__________vt.控告,谴责 9.__________adj.敏锐的,锋利的 10.__________n.渴望,欲望 11.__________n.收获 predict deserve failure accuse sharp desire harvest 12.__________adj.不安的,不快的 13.__________n.减轻,宽慰 14.__________v.证实 15.__________adj.感激的,感谢的 16.__________adj.有罪的,不安的 17.__________n.表情;表达能力,用词→__________v.表达 upset relief confirm grateful guilty expression express 18.__________adj.有天赋的→__________n.天赋 19.We must____________(集中)our attention on efficiency;_____________ (专心,专注)is essential if you want to do a good job. gifted gift concentrate concentration 20.I didn’t want to be__________(使有联系)with it at all because the __________(联系)had no good to me.

  associated association 高频短语 1.________________愿意做某事 2.________________

  处理,应付 3.________________

  耐心对待某人 4.________________

  斥责或责备某人 5.________________

  怒视 be willing to do sth deal with be patient with sb tell sb.off glare at 6.__________________

  突然想到,猛然想到 7.________________

  说实话 8.________________

  禁不住要做某事 9.___________________

  劝服某人做某事 10.________________

  起草 come/spring to mind to be honest can’t help doing sth. talk sb.into doing sth. draw up 11.________________

  集中于,专心于 12.________________

  结果为……,以……结束(尤指意料之外的) 13.________________


  concentrate on end up in terms of 典型句式 1.It is/was...that...强调句式 At work,____________________(正是智商)gets you hired but____________________(是情商)gets you promoted. it is IQ that it is EQ that 2.There is no(little)doubt that(几乎)毫无疑问 ______________________(几乎没有疑问)people with low EQs often have problems getting on with other people and dealing with difficult situations. There is little doubt that 3.the more...,the more...越……,越…… I was getting more and more annoyed and of course,____________________(越烦躁)I got,____________________(越少)I was able to concentrate. the more upset the less 4.if anything如果有什么不同 The fact that she looked like a sensitive,friendly girl didn’t matter.____________________(如果有什么不同),it made me even angrier. If anything 5.虚拟语气在条件状语从句中的应用 ____________________(如果Jenny不是)a kind person who was willing to forgive my shortcomings, I___________________________(我就不会经历)such true friendship. If Jenny hadn’t been would never have experienced 单元语法 过去分词和情态动词表推测 1.________with so much trouble,we failed to complete the task on time. A.Faced  B.Face C.Facing

  D.To face

  解析:选A.be faced with面临(问题、不愉快局面等).如:You are faced with a choice.你面临抉择.空处后若没有with,则应用facing.

  2.________automatically,the e-mail will be received by all the club members. A.Mailed out

  B.Mailing out C.To be mailed out

  D.Having mailed out D.Having mailed out 解析:选A.由上下文逻辑可知,the e-mail与mail out之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故须用过去分词作状语.

  3.(2011·高考江西卷)It ________be the postman at the door.It’s only six o’clock. A.mustn’t

  B.can’t C.won’t


  解析:选B.句意:门口不可能是邮递 员,(现在)才六点钟.对现在的否定推测,由It’s only six o’clock.分析可知应用can’t(不可能).而mustn’t表禁止;won’t不会;needn’t不必,均不符合语意.

  4.—I had thought he would be nervous in this speech competition,but he turned out to be calm. —He ________ quite enough preparation for it. A.should do

  B.must do C.should have done

  D.must have done 解析:选D.句意:——我原以为在这次演讲比赛中他会紧张,但结果他却非常镇定.

  ——他对此一定做了十分充分的准备.本题考查情态动词的用法.根据句意可知,说话者是对过去的事情进行推测,故排除A、B两项;should have done sth.表示“过去本应该做某事但实际上未做”,故被排除;must have done sth.表示“过去一定做了某事”. 5.(2011·高考北京卷)—I don’t really like James.Why did you invite him? —Don’t worry.He________come.He said he wasn’t certain what his plans were. A.must not

  B.need not C.would not

  D.might not 解析:选D.根据语意可知,James不太确定他的计划,他可能不来.might not表示“可能不”. 栏目导引 基础盘点?自测自评 考点串讲?讲练互动 必修五


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