2017高考英语北师大版必修4一轮复习课件(安徽专用)《Unit 12 Culture Shock》文化冲击-查字典英语网
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2017高考英语北师大版必修4一轮复习课件(安徽专用)《Unit 12 Culture Shock》文化冲击

发布时间:2017-04-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2(教材P40)I had a similar experience the_last_time I visited China. 上次访问中国时,我的经历和你差不多.

  【句法分析】(1)the last time引导时间状语从句,其后面直接加从句,前面的the last time相当于从属连词. (2)next time,the first time,every time等也可引导时间状语从句.

  ①The last time I spoke to Bob,he seemed happy enough. 上一次我和Bob说话时,他看上去很开 心. ②Be sure to call on us next_time you come to town. 下次你进城一定来看我们.

  ③He left me a good impression the_first_time I met him. 我第一次见他时,他给我留下了好的印象. ④Every time I see him,he looks miserable. 我每次见到他,他都是一副痛苦的表情. 跟踪训练 Ⅰ.完成句子 1.Mary费了好大劲才找到一个工作.

  Mary____________________in finding a job. had great difficulty 2.我每次遇见他,都觉得他又长高了. ________________ I saw him,I found him to be taller. Every/Each time 3.在课堂上,我很难集中精神. I have a hard time ________________________________. (in)paying attention in class Ⅱ.单项填空 1.Can you imagine the difficulty I had________the game? A.on winning

  B.won C.winning

  D.having won

  解析:选C.句意:你能想像得出我赢得这场比赛的困难吗?have difficulty(in)doing sth.做某事有困难.“I had ________ the game”为定语从句. 2.________I toured Zhangjiajie,I was deeply impressed with its beautiful scenery. A.For the first time

  B.At first C.It was the first time

  D.The first time 解析:选D.句意:我第一次去张家界旅游时,它美丽的景象给我留下了很深的印象.for the first time“第一次”作时间状语,后面不能跟句子;at first“首先”;it was the first time后面句子要用过去完成时;the first time相当于从属连词,引导时间状语从句.

  3.This is the first time we________a film in the cinema together as a family. A.see

  B.had seen C.saw

  D.have seen 解析:选D.This is the first time(that)...句型中,从句应用现在完成时.

  4.I know it was the second time that Tom________the Great Wall of China with his family. A.visit

  B.has visited C.had visited

  D.would visit

  解析:选C.It was the second time(that)...,从句中应用过去完成时.

  温馨提示 请做课时作业 必修四 Unit 12 本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放 12put up 住宿;举起;张贴;建造;搭起 (教材P37)...find a local person who will offer to put you up_at a very reasonable price.……找一个乐意向你以非常合理的价格提供住宿的当地人.


  助 记

  ①(2011·高考重庆卷)Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself reminded of his own dreams. 迈克尔在床边贴了一张姚明的图片以提醒自己的梦想. ②She put_up_with his violent temper. 她忍受着他暴躁的脾气.

  ③(牛津P1615)We put_up at a motel. 我们晚间住在一家汽车旅馆. ④Please put up your hand if you have any questions. 如果你有问题,请举手. ⑤We’d better put_up_a_notice here. 我们最好在这儿贴一张通知. 13bring an end to... 结束;使……结束 (教材P46)The arrival of white people gradually brought_an_end_to the traditional Aboriginal way of life. 白人的到来逐渐结束了传统的土著居民的生活方式. 归纳拓展 辨析

  by the end of,at the end of  by the end of 接过去时间点时用过去完成时,接将来时间点时用将来完成时. at the end of 接时间段,用一般时态. ①The chairman finally put/brought an end to the meeting.大会主席终于结束了会议. ②It has been raining for a week on_end. 已经连续不断地下了一个星期的雨. ③If he carries on driving like that,he’ll end up dead. 如果他继续这样开车,总有一天会把命丢掉. ④We had collected 2 million yuan by the end of last year. 到去年年底,我们已经筹集了200万元资金. ⑤We will get to the destination at_the_end_of this year. 今年年底我们就会到达目的地.

  跟踪训练 Ⅰ.选词填空 see...off,insist on,at least,bring an end to,be absorbed in 1.He was________________his conversation,not paying much attention to the road. absorbed in 2.It’s hoped that the talks may ________________ the violence. 3.It cost________________500 dollars. 4.I went to the station to________him________. 5.She kept________________her innocence. bring an end to at least see off insisting on Ⅱ.单项填空 1.John is leaving for London tomorrow and I will________him______at the airport. A.send;away B.leave;off C.see;off

  D.show;around 解析:选C.根据题意“约翰明天要去伦敦,我会去机场给他送行.” see...off为(某人)送行,符合题意.

  2.It is possible that one day we will________disability,so we shouldn’t look down upon the disabled. A.end up with

  B.put up with C.come up with

  D.catch up with 解析:选A.end up with“结束于,以……而告终”,符合句意.put up with“容忍,忍受”;come up with“想出,找到(答案)”; catch up with“赶上”.

  3.________achievement,last week’s ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low,though not failing,grade. A.In terms of

  B.In case of C.As a result of

  D.In face of

  解析:选A.句意:上周在此召开的世贸组织部长会议,收效甚微.in terms of “就……而言”;in case of “以免……”;as a result of“由于……”;in face of“面对……”.

  4.________the financial crisis last year,many people couldn’t pay back the money they________the bank. A.Owe to;owing to

  B.Owing to;owing to C.Owing to;owed to

  D.Owed to;owed to 解析:选C.句意:去年由于受金融危机的影响,许多人不能偿还他们所欠银行的钱.第一空中的owing to是固定用法,意为“因为,由于”.第二个空考查owe sth.to sb.结构,意为“欠某人某物”,句子应为“owe money to the bank”意为“欠银行钱”.故句子结构为:they owed to the bank作定语修饰先行词the money.

  5.You were very clever to________him.He had deceived the rest of us. A.see through

  B.look through C.look over

  D.see off 解析:选A.考查动词短语辨析.句意:你很聪明,能把他识破,他把我们其他人都骗了.see through“看穿”;look through“浏览,快速查看”;look over“检查,查看”;see off“给……送行”. 6.If you get sick,it is impossible to go on with your work,________ it will affect your life. A.on the contrary

  B.in other words C.in a sense

  D.in general 解析:选A.句意:如果你生病了,继续工作是不可能的.相反,它还会影响你的生活.on the contrary“相反”;in other words“换句话说”;in a sense“在某种意义上”;in general“一般说来”. 7.I have offered to paint the house________a week’s accommodation. A.in exchange for

  B.with regard to C.by means of

  D.in place of 解析:选A.句意:我主动要求把房子粉刷一下,用以支付一周的食宿.in exchange for交换;with regard to=regarding关于,至于;by means of借助……手段;依靠……方法; in place of代替;顶替. 8.No one is sure who the dictionary________. A.belonging to

  B.belongs to C.is belonged to

  D.is belonging to 解析:选B.句意:没有人知道这本字典是谁的.在who引导的宾语从句中缺少谓语,故排除A项;belong to属于,无被动语态,也不用进行时态. 句型巧析 1(教材P40)When I first arrived in San Francisco,I had_a_difficult_time_understanding certain aspects of the American way of doing things. 刚到旧金山时,有段时间我感到很难理解美国人在某些方面的处事方式.

  【句法分析】have a difficult time(in)doing sth.做某事有困难.表示做某事有困难有以下几种表达方法: (1)have some difficulty/trouble(in)doing sth.=there is some difficulty/trouble in doing sth.做某事有困难 (2)have some difficulty/trouble with sth.=there is some difficulty/trouble with sth.在某事上有困难 (3)have great/no/little difficulty(in)doing sth. 做某事有很大/没有/几乎没有困难 (4)take trouble to do sth. 不辞辛苦/不嫌麻烦地做某事 ①I had no difficulty(in)finding my father in the crowd. 我毫不费力地在人群中找到了我父亲. ②We’ve been having_trouble_with our teenage son. 我们那个十多岁的儿子一直在给我们惹麻烦.

  归纳拓展 ①(2011·高考重庆卷)On the contrary,Mary Ruebush,an American immunologist(免疫学家),encourages children to play in the dirt to build up a strong immune system. 相反地,玛丽·茹布什(美国免疫学家)鼓励孩子们玩泥巴,以建立一个强大的免疫系统. ②He passed the examination,contrary to what I expected. 他考试及格了,和我预料的情况相反. ③Contrary to all advice he gave up his job and left for the south.他不听任何劝告,放弃了工作,去了南方.

  ④He’s not a cruel man.On_the_contrary,he is exceedingly kind.他不是个残暴的人.恰恰相反,他是非常仁慈的.

  9forgive vt.(forgave,forgiven)原谅;宽恕;免除 (教材P42)I wonder if they’ll ever forgive the way they’ve been treated. 我不知道土著人是否能原谅人们对待他们的方式.

  归纳拓展 ①Can you forgive me for being late again? 你能原谅我再一次的迟到吗? ②Tom can’t forgive_Mary’s_cheating. 汤姆无法原谅玛丽的欺骗行为. 跟踪训练 Ⅰ.品句填词 1.He was completely__________(吸引)in the storybook. 2.The voice was so________(熟悉的)to me,but I couldn’t remember where I had heard it. absorbed familiar 3.The__________(多数)was/were in favour of the proposal. 4.Visitors are__________(要求)not to touch the exhibits. 5.We__________(欠)a great deal to our parents. majority requested owe Ⅱ.单项填空 1.The man must be the leader of the group,easily ________ by his special uniform. A.separated  B.divided C.distinguished

  D.selected 解析:选C.句意:那人一定是这小组的组长,这一点从他特殊的制服很容易区别出来.distinguish区分,分清楚.其他选项与句意不符. 2.(2010·高考湖北卷)It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money________favors to them. A.in preference to

  B.in exchange for C.in place of

  D.in agreement with 解析:选B.考查介词短语.句意:政府官员由于帮助别人而向他们索要钱物是违法的.in exchange for“作为……的交换”,符合题意.in preference to“胜于,优先于”;in place of“替代,取代”;in agreement with“与……达成一致”. 3.I found him sitting in his chair,completely________a magazine. A.being absorbed in

  B.absorbed in C.absorbing in

  D.was absorbed in

  解析:选B.句意:我发现他坐在椅子上,完全沉浸在杂志中了.be absorbed in沉浸在……中;全神贯注于……,此处absorbed in作伴随状语.

  4.The shortage of teachers in less-developed areas seems to________that teaching there offers________chance of advancement or pay increases. A.show;few

  B.indicate;little C.suggest;a few

  D.express;a little 解析:选B.句意:欠发达地区的师资不足似乎表明在那里教学晋升或加薪的机会渺茫.根据语境判断第二空为否定推断,故用little.indicate意为“表明”.

  5.________English,she has to study a second foreign language. A.In addition that

  B.Beside C.In addition

  D.In addition to

  解析:选D.考查短语辨析.句意:除了英语之外,她还必须学一门外语.in addition之后不接that从句;beside是介词,在……旁边;in addition也;另外;in addition to加于……之上;除……之外 又,符合题意.

  6.Parents________much importance to education.They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift. A.attach

  B.pay C.link

  D.apply 解析:选A.考查动词词义辨析.句意:父母认为教育非常重要,他们愿意尽最大努力把这个无价礼物提供给孩子们.attach importance to“认为……很重 要”,符合题意.pay与attention连用;link“连接”;apply“申请”.

  7.What the young man can’t________is that his mum always treats him like a baby. A.support

  B.undertake C.hold

  D.bear 解析:选D.考查动词词义辨析.句意:让这个年轻人不能忍受的是他母亲总把他当小孩子对待.support支持,支撑; underatke从事,负责;hold握住,保持; bear忍受,容忍.

  8.Mum________to us,“Be quiet!Your little sister’s sleeping.” A.whispered

  B.shouted C.explained

  D.replied 解析:选A.考查动词辨析.whisper低语,耳语;shout大喊;explain解释;reply回答.根据情景,妈妈应对我们低声说,而不是大喊大叫.故选A.

  短语细解 10get used to 习惯于 (教材P36)You’re going to have to get_used_to bacon and eggs with a few slices of toast for breakfast over here,Aunt Mei! 梅姨,你得适应这里咸肉鸡蛋加几片烤面包的早饭. 归纳拓展 ①(朗文P1950)I found the job tiring at first but I soon got used to it.起初我觉得这份工作很累人,但很快就习惯了. ②In the end I got_used_to working in such a condition. 最后,我终于习惯在这样的条件下工作了. 11see...off... 给……送行 (教材P40)He insisted on walking me to the station to see me off. 他坚持护送我到车站给我送行.

  归纳拓展 ①If you have to leave tomorrow,I will see you off at the airport.如果你明天必须离开的话,我会去机场为你送行. ②Seeing_that he’s been off sick all week he’s unlikely to come today. 他请病假整整一周了,所以今天也不大可能来. ③Will you see to the arrangements for the next meeting? 你来负责安排下次会议好吗?


  owe...to,owing to owe...to owe是动词,to是介词. owing to 表示原因的介词短语,可作状语、表语. ①Our parents give us a lot of help.We owe much to them. 父母给了我们许多帮助,我们欠他们很多. ②He owes his good health to plenty of exercise and a regular life.他把他身体健康归功于大量的运动和有规律的生活. ③Owing_to the bad weather,we didn’t go to the park. 由于天气不好,我们没有去公园.

  2exchange  vt.交换;兑换;交流 n.交换,兑换 (教材P36)Talking of money—it’s really easy to exchange traveller’s cheques at banks or hotels... 谈到钱——在银行或旅馆和旅行者兑换支票是很容易的事…… 归纳拓展

  助 记

  ①(2011·高考北京卷)I want students to thoroughly study the material and exchange their ideas with each other... 我想让学生去彻底研究这些材料并相互交流意见…… ②(2010·高考山东卷)By having dinner together family members can have free exchange of information and ideas and develop closer ties among them. 通过一起进餐,家庭成员可以自由地交流信息和思想,并培养他们之间更密切的联系. ③Where can I exchange my dollars for pounds? 我在哪里可以用美元兑换英镑? ④May I exchange seats with you? 我和你调一下座位好吗? 3expectation n.[U,C]期待的事物,预期;[pl.]期望 (教材P36)I don’t know what your expectations are of London... 我不知道你对伦敦有什么期望……

  归纳拓展 ①(2011·高考浙江卷)Digital technology often falls short of expectation.电子技术经常不能达到人们的预期. ②Obama’s winning the Nobel Peace Prize was beyond many people’s wildest expectation. 奥巴马获得诺贝尔和平奖完全出乎许多人的预料.

  ③He has_little_expectation_of passing the exam. 他对考试及格不抱希望. ④She ate a light lunch in_expectation_of a good dinner. 她午饭吃得很少,期待晚饭时饱餐一顿.

  4majority n.大多数,大半;多数党/派 (教材P36)...,the majority of them are really friendly and I’ve made some good friends. ……,大多数人是真正友好的并且我已经交了一些好朋友.

  归纳拓展 ①(2011·高考安徽卷)For many years,the majority of Irish people earned their living as farmers. 多年以来大多数爱尔兰人以农业为生. ②In the nursing profession,women are in_a/the_majority. 女性在护理行业中占大多数.

  ③The majority of lone parents are divorced or separated women.单身父母中大多数是离婚或分居的妇女. ④Boys are very much in_the_minority at the dance class. 在舞蹈班上男孩子占极少数.

  【重点提示】 可以说a majority,但majority一般不用于复数形式.majority比most正式,与of连用,主要指人,谓语动词用复数,单独使用时,后面的谓语动词用单数或复数均可.

  5request n.& v.要求,请求 (教材P39)to make a request to someone you don’t know very well  向你不甚了解的人提出请求

  归纳拓展 ①He was there at the request of his manager. 他按经理的要求到了那里. ②She requested that no one should_be_told of her decision.她要求不要向任何人谈起她的决定. ③You are requested not to smoke in the restaurant. 请不要在餐馆里吸烟.

  【重点提示】 request作“要求”讲时,后面可以跟宾语从句,从句用虚拟语气,即其谓语部分用“should+动词原形”,其中should可省略.与此用法相同的还有: 一坚持(insist) 二命令(order,command) 三建议(advise,suggest,propose) 四要求(demand,require,request,desire) 6conduct vt.进行,实施;举止,表现  n.行为,举止 (教材P41)My friend went home,leaving me to conduct the band. 我的朋友回家了,留下我指挥乐队.

  归纳拓展 ①(2011·高考北京卷)Experiments of this kind had been conducted in both the U.S.and Europe well before the Second World War. 在二战之前,美国和欧洲均进行了这类试验. ②(2010·高考陕西卷)Well,a lot of research is being conducted in this area.在这个地区进行了许多研究. ③His conduct disagrees with his words.他言行不一.

  ④Public figures have a duty to conduct_themselves responsibly.公众人物有义务负责地行事. ⑤My aunt conducts her business very successfully. 我的婶婶把企业经营得很成功.

  7attach vt.附上;系上;贴上;使依恋 (教材P42)At first,we didn’t feel we belong here,but now we are attached to the land we live on. 开始我们并没有感觉到我们属于这里,但现在我们与这块我们生活的土地密不可分. 归纳拓展 ①She attached labels to all her bags. 她把标签系(或贴)在所有袋子上. ②I attach_great_significance_to the news. 我认为这则消息具有重大意义. ③She has attached herself to the company. 她已加入那家公司了. ④This hospital is_attached_to the medical college nearby. 这个医院属于附近的那所医学院.

  8contrary adj.& adv.相反的(地) n.反面,相反 (教材P42)Contrary to popular belief,Australia is not a dull place at all for people wanting culture. 与一般的想法相反,澳大利亚对于想感受文化的人来说不是令人感到乏味的地方.

  Unit 12 Culture Shock——文化冲击 必修四 1.whatever,whoever,whichever,whenever,wherever,however引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter和what,who,which,when,where,how连用 句型公式?妙笔生花 (2011·高考江西卷)Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon,or whenever it is convenient to you.请在今天下午或在你方便的时候打电话告诉我的秘书安排一个会议. Whichever(=No matter which)of them you may choose,the quality will be the same. 他们当中不论你选哪一个,品质都一样. 2whatever,whoever,whichever,whomever等引导名词性从句,这时不能用no matter+疑问词替换 She is very dear to us.We have been prepared to do whatever it takes to save her life. 她对于我们非常珍贵,我们要不惜一切代价挽救她的生命. 3.完全倒装句型 Now comes your turn to make a short speech.该轮到你发言了. Then came the hour we had been looking forward to.我们期盼的时候到了. Just in front of the bus lies an injured man,all covered with blood.公共汽车前面有一位老人,浑身是血. 4.否定副词位于句首引导部分倒装句 Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted. 直到我开始工作,我才意识到我已经浪费了多少时间. In no case is anyone allowed to use the fax for personal affairs.决不允许用传真办私事. 基础盘点?自测自评 核心单词 1.__________vt.吸收;吸引;使专心 2.__________n.交换,调换;交流;vt.兑换,交换 3.__________n.大多数,大半 4.__________adj.合乎情理的;正当的 absorb exchange majority reasonable 5.__________adj.谦虚的,谦逊的;适度的 6.__________n.运动,活动 7.__________n.礼貌,礼仪→__________n.方式,态度,举止 8.__________n.请求,要求的事物 9.__________adj.熟悉的;常见的 modest movement manners manner request familiar 10.__________adj.外向的,好交际的 11.__________adj.小心的,谨慎的 12.__________n.习惯,习俗,风俗 13.__________vt.出口,输出 14.__________n.相反;adj.相反的 15.__________vt.原谅,宽恕 outgoing cautious custom export contrary forgive 16.__________n.道歉,认错→__________vi.道歉 17.The dog wagged its tail in __________ of a bone but is __________ to go out. 18.The volcano __________(爆发)and the __________(爆发)killed a lot of creatures near the hill. apology apologize expectation expected erupted eruption 高频短语 1.________________ 让……搭车,搭便车 2.________________

  给(某人)送行 3.________________

  属于 4.________________

  坚决要求做某事 5.________________

  盯着某人 give...a lift see...off belong to insist on doing sth stare at 6.________________

  依附于…… 7.________________

  严肃地看待某事 8.________________

  状况不好 9.________________

  对……敏感 10.________________

  习惯于 11.________________

  至少 be attached to take...seriously in poor condition be sensitive to get used to at least 12.________________

  与……相反 13.________________

  结束…… 14.________________

  许多,大量 contrary to put/bring an end to loads of 典型句式 1.be busy doing sth.忙于做某事 I’ve just been so __________________________________(忙于学习和努力接受)all the new things around me—I think I’m still experiencing culture shock. busy studying and trying to absorb 2.have a difficult time(in)doing sth.做某事有困难 When I first arrived in San Francisco, ________________________________ (我感到很难理解)certain aspects of the American way of doing things. I had a difficult time understanding  3.表示时间的名词词组引导时间状语从句 I had a similar experience __________________(上次)I visited China. the last time 4.hit/beat/pat sb.+介词+the+表身体部位的名词 In the darkness,Kino jumped up with his knife but someone __________________________________(打他的头)and ran away.

  hit him on the head 5.be about to do sth....when...正要做某事,这时…… He ________________________________ them,________(正要袭击……,这时)the hunters heard the baby. was just about to attack when 单元语法 动词后跟-ing形式或不定式形式 1.(2011·高考安徽卷)Tom asked the candy makers if they could make the chocolate easier ________ into small pieces. A.break B.breaking C.broken

  D.to break 解析:选D.此处所要表达的意思是让巧克力更容易掰成一小块一小块的,表示的是尚未发生的目的性动作,所以用动词不定式形式. 2.(2017·浙江温州适应性测试)The bathroom looks lovely.Did you decorate it yourself or get someone ________ it? A.be doing

  B.done C.do

  D.to do 解析:选D.该句考查get sb.to do sth.结构,表示“让某人做某事”,故选D. 3.(2011·高考大纲全国卷)Sarah pretended to be cheerful,________ nothing about the argument. A.says

  B.said C.to say

  D.saying 解析:选D.say与其逻辑主语Sarah构成主谓关系,因此使用现在分词,作伴随状语,故选D. 4.(2011·高考湖南卷)Do you wake up every morning ________ energetic and ready to start a new day? A.feel

  B.to feel C.feeling

  D.felt 解析:选C.现在分词feeling energetic作伴随状语.句意:你每天早晨起来感到精力充沛并准备开始新的一天吗?

  5.(2011·高考四川卷)Lydia doesn’t feel like ________ abroad.Her parents are old. A.study

  B.studying C.studied

  D.to study 解析:选B.feel like sth./doing sth.想要某物,想要做某事.句意:Lydia不想出国学习,她的父母都上年纪了.

  考点串讲?讲练互动 单词精研 1owe vt.欠(债,情)等 (教材P36)I certainly owe you an apology for not writing more often. 我当然应该因不能经常写信而向你道歉.



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