2017年冲刺高考CRI英语听力素材练习(word):China Eyes Latin America for Trade Growth-查字典英语网
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2017年冲刺高考CRI英语听力素材练习(word):China Eyes Latin America for Trade Growth

发布时间:2017-04-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  China is seeking deeper trade and investment cooperation with Latin America amid the global economic slowdown and sluggish international demand.

  Tian Deyou is director of the Americas division under the Ministry of Commerce.

  "China's export increased 7.9 percent last year. That's no modest figure but still it is the lowest in a decade. With this in mind, we should refocus our attention on rising markets including Latin America."

  Bilateral trade between China and Latin America increased about 16 percent for the first half of last year to reach nearly $150 billion.

  China has become Latin America's third-largest trade partner, and the region's third-largest investment source.

  Latin America economy is facing historic opportunities as the upcoming World Cup and the Olympic Games bring enormous development in its infrastructure and other sectors.


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