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发布时间:2017-04-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  Two brothers lived on the 80th floor. One day they returned home from travel and 1 that the mansion had a power cut! Although they carried a big pack of luggage, it seemed to have no other choice, so they decided to climb the 2 up together!

  When they arrived at the 20th floor, the elder brother 3 putting the luggage there and coming back for it the next day. Feeling much more relaxed, they continued to climb up. When they 4 to the 40th, the younger started to complain and they quarreled till the 60th floor. Arriving there, they were so tired that they didn't have any 5 to quarrel. The younger said, “Don't quarrel. Let's 6 climbing the stairs.” And they went on climbing the building 7 , finally reaching the 80th! Excitedly arriving at the door of their home, they found that their 8 are kept on the 20th floor.

  This story is a reflection on our lives. Many of us live under the 9 of our parents, teachers and friends when young. We seldom get to do the things we love. By the age of twenty, with so much pressure, we get 10 and then decide to throw down this load. 11 from this load, we work energetically with ambitious dreams. But at the age of forty, we discover that the youth has already died and so much 12 is produced unavoidably and we begin to feel sorry for that. To the age of sixty, we discover life hasn't remained too much, so we tell ourselves not to complain and 13 the remaining days! Upon that we walk silently over our own remaining years of life. Arriving at the 14 of the life, we find that it seems that we haven't completed something yet. As it turns out, all our 15 stay at the youth year of 20.

  1. A. showed

  B. minded

  C. discovered

  D. searched

  2. A. lifts

  B. mountains

  C. towers

  D. stairs

  3. A. argued

  B. suggested

  C. quarreled

  D. forced

  4. A. arrived

  B. hurried

  C. struggled

  D. reached

  5. A. strength

  B. courage

  C. opportunity

  D. resource

  6. A. begin

  B. stop

  C. quit

  D. finish

  7. A. happily

  B. silently

  C. hurriedly

  D. angrily

  8. A. keys

  B. parcels

  C. belongings

  D. bags

  9. A. doubts

  B. examinations

  C. expectations

  D. duties

  10. A. calmed

  B. tired

  C. relaxed

  D. confused

  11. A. Freed

  B. Protected

  C. Burdened

  D. Kept

  12. A. sadness

  B. excuse

  C. regret

  D. forgiveness

  13. A. pass

  B. forget

  C. ignore

  D. value

  14. A. beginning

  B. end

  C. middle

  D. rest

  15. A. contents

  B. feelings

  C. realizations

  D. dreams




  A. Popular Mechanics is for people who have a passion to know how things work. It's about how the latest advances in science and technology will impact your home, your car, consumer electronics, computers, even your health.

  B. V Times is the magazine of great food, good health, and smart living. You'll find new tastes, old favorites, and tips on how to cook with fewer calories and less fat.

  C. Marie Claire offers solutions for the woman whose time constraints demand one resource to respond to diverse aspects of her life. From global and cultural issues to fashion and beauty coverage, Marie Claire is for the woman of substance with an eye for style.

  D. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, the flagship magazine of the National Geographic Society, chronicles exploration and adventure, as well as changes that impact life on Earth. Major topics include culture, nature, geography, ecology, science and technology.

  E. EW is your allaccess pass to Hollywood's most creative minds and fascinating stars. They're the first to know about the best (and worst) in entertainment, and with their sharp insight and trusted voice, they keep you plugged into pop culture.

  F. SmartMoney comes to you straight from the editors of the Wall Street Journal, the best financial reporters in the business. Every issue brings you the information you need to know to deal with markets and protecting your wealth.


  ()46. Sammy is crazy about latest films and she is eager to know the updated news of famous actors and actress so that she can share the topic with her girl friends in her spare time.

  ()47. Johnson, a freshman in college, has a taste for new digital products and is always curious about the way they function and how they impact life on Earth.

  ()48. Jane is a busy office lady. With a lot of things to do in her job, she cannot afford the time to broaden her horizon. Thus, she is in need of an access to all the things interesting to her, from pop culture to international affairs.

  ()49. Sue works in an IT company and has a good income. But as the living cost is increasing, she strongly feels the need to keep the value of her money.

  ()50. Joyce is a fashionable lady. She used to pay much attention to beauty coverage. But as she keeps gaining weight, she feels it urgent to know how to have a balanced diet and lead a healthy life.



  30%的网民认为 70%的网民认为

  1. 挣大钱是受高等教育者证明自己成功的最好方式。

  2. 创造更多的财富可以更好地回报家庭和社会。 1. 这是金钱崇拜。

  2. 很多事情是无法用钱来衡量的。

  ﹡微博:microblog; 网民:netizen; 师范大学:Normal University; 崇拜:worship


  [1] 以上提供的所有信息; [2] 你自己对董藩教授观点的看法。


  [1] 必须使用5个句子表达要求的全部内容; [2] 语篇连贯,字迹工整,卷面整洁。



  Recently, there has been a scandal involving Da Vinci Furniture [达芬奇家具], which is famous for its high prices in China. One Da Vinci single bed can be sold for more than 100,000 yuan and a sofa set can be sold for more than 300,000 yuan. Salesmen say that it is because Da Vinci is an Italian international super brand and its furniture is produced in Italy. In addition, it claimed its raw materials are high-quality natural materials without pollution.

  However, the survey results show that a large amount of the expensive Da Vinci furniture is produced in China, not Italy, and the raw materials are not rare wood as they declared. The survey results also show that the Da Vinci furniture that consumers purchased even included unqualified products.

  According to sources, Da Vinci purchased furniture from Dongguan City of south China's Guangdong Province and directly carried the furniture to Italy from the Shenzhen port, and then carried them back to Shanghai. As a result, that furniture will have complete import formalities. Some Da Vinci furniture in Shanghai even did not leave China but only stay at the bonded zone [保税区] for some time and returned the market as foreign-made products.


  1、 以约30个词概括这篇短文的主要内容;

  2、 然后以120个词对某些国人崇拜洋货的现象进行讨论,内容包括:

  (1) 你对洋货崇拜的看法是什么?

  (2) 根据你自己或朋友的经历,讲述一个关于崇拜洋货的故事。


  1、在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2、作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。



  1-5 CDBCA

  6-10 DBACB

  11-15 ACDBD

  46-50 EACFB


  A possible version:

  On April 4th, 2011, Professor Dongpan from Beijing Normal University posted a message on the microblog that the poverty of the highly-educated means shame and failure. The message was no sooner delivered than an argument about it was aroused on the Internet. 70% of the netizens hold the point of view that this is money worship and many things cannot be measured by money. The rest of them believe being wealthy is the best way for the highly-educated people to prove their own success and making more money helps people better pay back their own family and the whole society. Whatever other people think of the professor’s opinion, I insist that money doesn’t equal success, which should be measured by various factors.


  A possible version:

  Da Vinci Furniture, a famous Italian luxury brand, has been involved in a scandal that its products are not made in Italy, but in Dongguan and its raw materials are not good, rare or even qualified, either.

  I think worshiping foreign products does no good to both consumers themselves and the country as a whole. I know many people around me worshiping foreign products in a crazy way. I once had a classmate called Li Ming, a student from a poor family but superior in school work. He liked to pursue everything foreign, thinking foreign goods mean fashion. One day, he found a classmate playing with his new iphone4. Driven by his craze for the attractive stylish phone, he lost his mind and tried to steal it when his classmate put it on his bed. Unfortunately, he was caught red-handed by another roommate. Two days later, he was expelled from school. A once superior student lost his bright future for a single mistake.

  What a pity for such a young man! So I strongly oppose to those who blindly worship foreign products.


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