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发布时间:2017-04-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  21. Although he knew ________little about ______large amount of work done in the field, he succeeded where more well-informed experimenters failed.

  A. a; the  

  B. 不填;the  

  C. a; 不填  

  D. the; a

  22. --- I promise to go shopping with you if you help me with the housework

  --- ______ You are the last person to keep a promise.

  A. That's great!

  B. How come?

  C. I don't agree.

  D. Come off it!

  23. People hope to become more ______ in predicting earthquakes.

  A. absolute

  B. steady

  C. ideal

  D. accurate

  24. _________ you told me in secret, I had heard nothing about it.

  A. While

  B. Until

  C. After

  D. Since

  25. Student loan is supposed to provide financial support for people who would ______ not be able to go to college.

  A. otherwise      

  B. meanwhile          

  C. therefore             

  D. nevertheless

  26. Finally we decided to fly to France for the winter holiday on our first stop, ________ we planned to stay for three days.

  A. when

  B. there

  C. which

  D. where

  27. On hearing the news, the president _____ his visit to Australia and returned home immediately.

  A. broke off

  B. went off

  C. kept off

  D. took off

  28. Sorry for not having got what you wanted. She kept her mouth shut and just said __________.

  A. that’s her feet of clay

  B. a little bird told her

  C. she wanted to kill the fatted calf

  D. she was the salt of the earth

  29. Each member country WTO must ___________ its laws and regulations and compete on the principle of fairness and cooperation.

  A. submit to

  B. cater to

  C. correspond to


  relate to

  30. Remember to send me a photo of your son the next time you ____________to me.

  A. are writing

  B. will write

  C. write

  D. would write

  31. We’ve got a general idea of what we want, but nothing __________ at the time.

  A. concrete

  B. ordinary

  C. abstract

  D. standard

  32. --- Are you married?

  ---No, still______.

  A. one   

  B. single   

  C. separate   

  D. myself.

  33. After the flood, what the government did first was to provide __________ for the homeless families.

  A. furniture

  B. occupation

  C. accommodation

  D. equipment

  34. _____ he can hardly read is ____ he is slow in mind.

  A. What; that

  B. That; what

  C. What; because

  D. That; because

  35. He is out of work, feeling as if he has _____nothing.

  A. established

  B. accomplished

  C. abolished

  D. guaranteed



  It was hard to accept, but the horrible day had finally arrived. I still remember the tears in my six-year-old sister’s eyes as she looked around the


  closet in wonder. The space once filled with


  clothes now held only loneliness and sorrow. This little child had come to the


  that her father was gone. He had


  us, and there was simply no way to change it.

  Being the


  of four girls has never been easy, but with the departure of our father, our


  and dreams were ruined beyond repair. My mother, the most amazingly warm-hearted person in the world, worked harder than anyone should simply to


  our broken family. However, long hours at work often prevented her from


  being there in our times of need. This is where I have acted as the temporary


  of my three small sisters.

  Many students


  essays about their leadership positions in school and the community, but I


  that my greatest accomplishment is the


  I have played within my own family.

  The senior year in high school is not


  for anyone, especially when it feels like the entire world is


  on your shoulders. I’ve been trying hard to fulfill the dream my mother


  for my future. She was not able to


  her college education due to lack of money,


  this success is her top priority(优先考虑的事) for her

  53 .

  A leader is described as one who has influence on others. I hope that my leadership


  the lives of my sisters and everyone around me. In


  myself to my family and school, I have set goals that I will accomplish great things.

  36. A. heavy

  B. full

  C. empty

  D. broken

  37. A. her

  B. his

  C. our

  D. their

  38. A. protection

  B. prediction

  C. realization

  D. imagination

  39. A. left

  B. avoided

  C. controlled

  D. believed

  40. A. busiest

  B. happiest

  C. smartest

  D. oldest

  41. A. career

  B. world

  C. school

  D. company

  42. A. examine

  B. suit

  C. enjoy

  D. mend

  43. A. physically

  B. carefully

  C. mentally

  D. proudly

  44. A. caretaker

  B. playmate

  C. teacher

  D. friend

  45. A. hate

  B. write

  C. learn

  D. teach

  46. A. ignore

  B. feel

  C. deny

  D. regret

  47. A. card

  B. music

  C. role

  D. game

  48. A. sad

  B. boring

  C. hard

  D. simple

  49. A. resting

  B. working

  C. focusing

  D. basing

  50. A. abandons

  B. explains

  C. continues

  D. holds

  51. A. give

  B. complete

  C. survive

  D. forget

  52. A. as

  B. but

  C. so

  D. or

  53. A. future

  B. job

  C. family

  D. children

  54. A. saves

  B. risks

  C. affects

  D. spends

  55. A. presenting

  B. devoting

  C. connecting

  D. attaching



  Simply increasing physical activity levels alone is unlikely to reduce body weight in young children, and therefore will probably not prevent obesity (肥胖), although it may set the stage for a healthier lifestyle, the results of a study conducted in Scotland suggest.

  Instead, a combination of increased physical activity and other lifestyle changes like sticking to a healthy diet may be needed to stop the trend of obesity.

  “Many children are obese, even at preschool age,” Dr John J. Reilly from the University of Glasgow and his colleagues note in the British Medical Journal. Considering the general lack of evidence on proper ways to prevent obesity in this age group, Reilly’s team had 545 children from 36 nursery schools in the “Movement and Activity Glasgow Intervention (干预) in Children” or MAGIC trial.

  The trial was specifically designed to see if an increase in activity could reduce body mass index (身体质量指数). Each week for 24 weeks roughly half of the preschoolers, who were an average of 4.2 years old, participated in three 30-minute active workouts while at nursery school and their parents were encouraged to increase the child’s activity levels at home. The other half of

  the children, serving as contrasts, followed their usual nursery school schedule.

  According to the researchers, the physical activity intervention had no significant effect on body mass index of the children.

  However, compared with contrast children, intervention children show greater gains in body movement skills, which, the researchers say, may increase confidence in physical ability, perhaps increasing the opportunities of future participation in physical activity or sports.

  In a word, Reilly and his colleagues suggest that “successful interventions to prevent obesity in early childhood may require changes not just at nursery, school, and home, but in the wider environment. Changes in other behaviors, including diet, may also be necessary.”

  Topic Whether exercise alone can 71______________ obesity in young children.

  Researchers Dr John J. Reilly and his 72.________________ from the University of Glasgow

  People researched 545 children from 36 nursery schools

  Process ●about half of the preschoolers 73._______________ 4.2 on average :

  ●participating in active workouts at nursery school

  ●74._______________ parents to increase their activities levels at home

  the other half:

  ●living 75._______________ according to the nursery school schedule.

  76.___________ ●Exercise alone has no 77._______________ on losing weight.

  ●Intervention children show greater gains in body 78._____________ skills, which can make them more 79.______________ in physical ability.

  ●Successful interventions to prevent obesity in early childhood may require changes in both the 80._______________ and other behaviors, including diet.


  目前,越来越多的家长花巨资送孩子出国学习,某英文报社就这一问题做了调查,并开辟了专栏讨论。请你根据所给的提示,以 On Teenagers Studying Overseas 用英语写一篇短文。


  2.38%的人赞成这种做法 ①这样孩子可以接受良好的教育;②学好外语将来发展的机会更多等。62%的人不赞成这种做法 ①花钱太多,是在国内花费的10倍;②孩子太小,在陌生的环境中容易学坏等。




  3.参考词汇:教育工作者-- educationists

  On Teenagers Studying Overseas

  Nowadays more and more people are sending their children overseas for further study, __________________________________________________________

  单项选择: 21-25 BDDBA

  26-30 DABAC

  31-35 ABCDB





  四、 任务型阅读

  71. prevent

  72. colleagues

  73. aged

  74. encouraging

  75. normally

  76. Conclusion

  77. effect

  78. movement

  79. confident

  80. environment.


  Nowadays more and more people are sending their children overseas for further study, even at middle school age. 38% of the people investigated agreed to this. They think their children can receive better education and learn a foreign language as well. And they have more golden opportunities to develop themselves. What is the most valuable is to learn to depend on themselves and to broaden their horizons and improve their understanding of the world.

  However, over 62% of the people, especially some educationists and parents, are not in favor of this, for they think studying abroad costs over ten times as much money as in China, besides, children are too young to take care of themselves. Many parents worry about the safety of their children. What’s more, they might follow bad examples.

  In my opinion, measures should be taken by the government to set up various schools and colleges to meet the needs of the people.


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