2017高三英语二轮复习(江苏专用)B 高频考点(高频 规律 技巧)课件:B1-查字典英语网
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2017高三英语二轮复习(江苏专用)B 高频考点(高频 规律 技巧)课件:B1

发布时间:2017-04-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  —OK. You ________have one if you go to bed as soon as possible. A.might



  D.shall 答案 D [句意:——妈妈,给我讲个故事好吗?——好,如果你尽快上床睡觉,我就给你讲一个。本题考查情态动词。shall在此处表示“允诺”,故选择D项。]

  ①(2011·陕西卷)—Will you read me a story, Mummy?

  —Don't worry. You ________have it by Friday. A.could



  D.may 答案 B [句意:——我至今还没有拿到参考书,但是下个月这个学科就要测试了。——别担心,周五之前你一定会有的。本题考查情态动词。shall用于第二人称表示允诺、要求、命令、威胁等语气,根据句意可知此处表示允诺的语气,故答案为B。could能,能够;must必须;may也许,均不符合语境,可排除。]

  ②(2010·江苏卷)—I haven't got the reference book yet, but

  I'll have a test on the subject next month.

  —Khulaifi.________I spell that for you? A.Shall



  D.Might 答案 A [shall意为“……吗,……好吗,叫……好吗,是不是想……”,用于征求对方的同意或意见。would用于第二人称,表示“愿意”。can用于征得对方的同意,意为“可以,可能”。might用于征得对方的同意,意为“可以”,用于疑问句和建议时比may更委婉和礼貌。]

  ③(北京卷)—What's the name?




  D.shall 答案 D [在陈述语气中,主语是第三人称时,shall表示说话者的意图,含有意旨、命令、恫吓等,支配着对方的行动。这是法官的宣判,用shall比较合适。should“应该”,语气不如shall强烈。] ④(重庆卷)“The interest ________be divided into five parts,

  according to the agreement made by both sides,”declared

  the judge.




  D.may 答案 A [本题中shall表示威胁,命令。故选A。]

  ⑤It has been announced that all the students ________

  put on masks(口罩)before going to school in case they

  are infected with SARS virus.


  ①Shall/May(Might)/Can(Could)I/we...? ②Shall he/she/they...? ③Would/Will you...? Shall the driver wait outside? 司机在外边等着可以吗? Would you do me a favor? 请帮我一下,好吗?


  It has been announced that candidates shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected. 已宣布,在所有试卷收上来之前,应试者必须待在自己的座位上。(规则或规定)


  决心(涉及法律规定时常用shall) (2017·江苏卷)—Happy birthday! —Thank you! It's the best present I ________for. A.should have wished

  B.must have wished C.may have wished

  D.could have wished 答案 D [这是我能够期望的最好礼物。] (2017·陕西卷)I ________thank you too much for all your help to my son while we were away from home. A.won't



  D.will 答案 B [can't和too...或enough连用,表示……也不为过。]

  热点1·9 点击进入word


  The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone was able to get out. 尽管这场大火迅速蔓延到了整个宾馆,但是每个人都逃了出去。 1.表能力

  I cannot but choose to go.我只好去。

  (1)“may well+动词原形”是一种常用结构,意为“完全能,很可能”,相当于“be very likely to+动词原形”。 He may well be proud of his son. 他大可为他的儿子感到自豪。 (2)“may as well+动词原形”意为“最好,满可以,倒不 如”。 We may as well stay where we are. 我们留在现在的地方倒也不错。 2.cannot but+do sth表示“不得不/只好做某事”。 3.may well和may as well结构。 4.cannot(或can never等)与enough连用表示“再……也不为过”。 5.may可以用于祈使句,表示祝愿。

  May you be happy.

  祝你幸福。 6.should表示惊讶

  常与wonder, surprise, astonish, shock, amaze, strange, curious等表吃惊的词语连用。 ①Tom looked back but who should sit behind? Just his ex­wife. 汤姆回头看,可谁竟会坐在他后面?他前妻。 ②It's strange that you should have arrived so early. 奇怪了,你来得这么早。 ③—That's unfair! —I'm really sorry. You should say such words. ——那不公平! ——真遗憾。你居然说出这样的话来。

  名 师 招 招 鲜

  (1)阅读语法参考书,首先从整体上把握情态动词的语法特征和语义特征; (2)逐个学习,了解每个情态动词的用法特征; (3)认真区别具有相同功能的、意思相近的情态动词的用法; (4)收集大量真实的口语材料(如教材中的对话材料及听力材料),在真实的交际情景中领悟它们的用法和特征。


  学习和掌握情态动词的意义和用法,应遵循如下步骤: 2.解答情态动词和虚拟语气类的题目时,一定要细细领会情景特征,不要放过任何细节。只有这样,才能找到足够的有效信息,做出最佳选择。 3.一定要将上面提到的高考热点落到实处,反复咀嚼,反复演练,确保精通。(情态动词用法繁多,本专题只对高考常考重点内容进行讲述。)





  D.didn't do 答案 D [本题考查虚拟语气。在would rather后的宾语从句中也用虚拟语气,其结构为would rather sb+过去时。故选D。]


  B.had been


  D.has been 答案 A [本题考查虚拟语气。as if引导的从句谓语动词与主句谓语动词所表达的动作同时发生,as if引导的从句谓语动词用一般过去时。故选A。]

  ④Most insurance agents would rather you ________anything

  about collecting claims until they investigate the situation. ⑤He speaks Chinese so fluently as if he________a Chinese.

  A.has been



  D.had been 答案 D [本题考查虚拟语气。as though引导的从句谓语动词先于主句谓语动词所表达的动作发生,as though引导的从句谓语动词用过去完成时。D项正确。] ⑥Looking round the town, he felt as though he ________

  away for ages.



  C.has been

  D.had been 答案 B [句意:不要这么拿着这个花瓶,就好像它是钢制成似的。本题考查虚拟语气。as if意为“好像”,分析句意可知as if后面的句子须使用虚拟语气,并且所述情况是对现在事实的假设,因此使用一般过去时,故选择B项。]

  ⑦(2017·北京卷)Don't handle the vase as if it________made

  of steel. 1.wish后面的宾语从句一般用虚拟语气,表示一种不可能


  ※if only+句子=How I wish+(that)从句 If only I were a flying bird!=How I wish I were a flying bird! 我要是一只飞鸟该多好啊!

  2.在would rather后的宾语从句中,也用虚拟语气,其结


  I would rather/prefer I had not told him the bad news.我宁愿没告诉他那个坏消息。

  如果as if引导的从句谓语动词与主句谓语动词所表达的动作同时发生,as if引导的从句谓语动词用一般过去时;如果as if引导的从句谓语动词所表达的动作先于主句谓语动词所表达的动作,as if引导的从句谓语动词用过去完成

  3.虚拟语气在as if/as though引导的从句中的运用 时;如果as if引导的从句谓语动词所表达的动作后于主句谓语动词所表达的动作,as if引导的从句谓语动词用过去将来时。 She speaks English so fluently as if she had studied English in America.(先于) 她讲英语如此流利,好像她在美国学过英语。

  (2017·北京卷)We ________the difficulty together, but why didn't you tell me? A.should face

  B.might face C.could have faced

  D.must have faced 答案 C [考查虚拟语气。由but和didn't看出与过去相反。]

  热点1·3 点击进入word ※“本……却……”是高考虚拟语气重要的考查点,近些年虚拟语气考查有上升趋势,故更值得注意。

  can/could have done 本来能够做却未做 cannot/could not have done 本来不能做却做了 should/ought to have done 本该做,而实际上未做 should not/ought not to have done 本不该做而做了 needn't have done 本不必做而做了 had better have done  当时最好做了(其否定式had better not have done表达相反的含义) 续表 would rather

  have done  宁愿当时做了(其否定式would rather not have done表达相反含义,两者都表示“后悔”之意) would like/love to have done sth 过去愿意做但未做成 intend/plan/be to have done sth 本计划、打算做却未做 wish/hope to

  have done sth 本希望做却未做 (2017·浙江卷)Had they known what was coming next, they ________second thoughts. A.may have

  B.could have C.must have had

  D.might have had 答案 D [前面为倒装省略形式,正常语序应为If they had known what was coming next,与过去相反假设。]

  热点1·4 点击进入word 虚拟语气在非真实条件句中的运用

  从 句 主 句 与现在事实相反的假设 If+主语+动词的过去式(be动词用were) 主语+should/would/could/might+动词原形 与过去事实相反的假设 If+主语+had+过去分词 主语+should/would/could/might+have+过去分词 与将来事实相反的假设 1.If+主语+动词的过去式 2.If+主语+were to+动

  词原形 3.If+主语+should+动词

  原形 主语+should/would/could/might+动词原形

  在条件状语从句中可省略if,把were, had, should提到句首,变为倒装句式。 If it should rain tomorrow, we would not go climbing. →Should it rain tomorrow, we would not go climbing. 如果明天下雨的话,我们就不去登山了。 注意:当省略的条件状语从句中的谓语动词是否定形式时,不能用动词的缩略形式。



  if省略句 2.含蓄条件句

  but...(真实) If you had not helped me, I would have failed. ①Without your help, I would have failed. ②But for your help=If it had not been your help =Had it not been your help I would have failed.

  3.高考考查与过去相反 ③But that you had helped me, I would have failed. ④You helped me. Otherwise, I would have failed. ⑤You helped me, or/or else I would have failed. ⑥I would have failed but you helped me.

  (上海卷)It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I ________in love, at the age of seven, with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown. A.wouldn't have fallen

  B.had not fallen C.should fall

  D.were to fall 答案 B [考查虚拟语气错综复杂句,从句与过去相反假设。]


  A.had not worked that hard

  B.did not work that hard C.was not working that hard

  D.were not working that hard 答案 A [考查虚拟语气错综复杂句。主句表示的行为所发生的时间为现在,而条件状语从句表示与过去事实相反,故从句应用过去完成时,选A。]

  ①I would not be sitting in a comfortable office if I ________

  at school.


  B.would study C.had studied

  D.was studying 答案 C [句意:也许如果当时我学习的是理科而不是文科的话,那么我(现在)就可以给你更多的帮助了。本题考查虚拟语气。根据then一词可以确定此处表示与过去事实相反,故if引导的从句部分用had done,故选C。] ②(2011·北京卷)Maybe if I ________science, and not literature

  then, I would be able to give you more help. 当条件状语从句表示的行为和主句表示的行为所发生的时间不一致时,被称为“错综复杂句”,动词的形式要根据它们所表示的时间做出相应的调整。 If you had followed my advice just now, you would be better now. 如果你刚才听了我的建议,你现在就好多了。 If you had studied hard before, you would be a college student now. 如果你以前好好学习的话,你现在就是一名大学生了。 ※一般考查主句与现在相反假设,从句与过去相反假设,一般有时间提示。

  (浙江卷)The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it ________be very slow. A.should



  D.can 答案 D [can表示客观存在较小的可能性。 ]

  热点1·6 点击进入word

  表推测(可能性) 1.可能性可分为客观的可能性和具体事情实际发生的可能性两种。所谓客观的(理论的)可能性即并不涉及具体某事是否会发生,此种用法常常可以说明人或事物的特征。情态动词can可用于肯定句中表示客观的(理论的)可能性,而表示具体事情实际发生的可能性时,can一般不用于肯定句。

  Accidents can happen on such rainy days.

  这样的多雨天气可能会发生事故。(客观的可能性) We may go to the cinema tonight, but we are not sure yet. 今晚我们可能去看电影,但还没确定。(实际可能性,不用can)


  2.表示具体事情实际发生的可能性 词形 肯定式 否定式 疑问式 must 必定,必然 / / should 按说应该 应该不会 / ought to 按说应该 应该不会 / can / 不可能 有可能吗? could 微弱的可能 不可能 语气比can弱 may 或许,也许,也未可知,也说不定 可能不 / might 比may还弱 比may not还弱 / (2)表示具体事情实际发生的可能性时,may, must常用于肯定句,一般不用于否定句和疑问句(may not表示“可能不”);can常用于否定句、疑问句或感叹句中,表示疑惑、惊讶或不相信等意思;could既可用于肯定句又可用于否定句 、疑问句中。 常见: 肯定句must>should>may>might 否定句can not>should not>may not>might not 疑问句can/could This can't/couldn't be done by him. 这不可能是他干的。(表不相信)

  This may not be done by him. 这可能不是他干的。(表不确定) Mr. Bush is on time for everything. How can it be that he was late for the opening ceremony? 布什先生做一切事情都非常守时。开幕式他怎么可能会迟到呢?(表示疑惑、惊讶) I didn't hear the phone. I must have been asleep. 我没听见电话铃响,我一定是睡着了。(表肯定) —Are you coming to Jeff's party? ——你要来杰弗的聚会吗? —I'm not sure. I might go to the concert instead.(表不确定) ——我不确定,我可能要去音乐会。

  (2017·课标全国Ⅰ卷)I ________use a clock to wake me up because at six o'clock each morning the train comes by my house. A.couldn't



  D.needn't 答案 D [根据句意,火车准时经过我家,没必要用闹钟。] (2017·重庆卷)—________you interrupt now? Can't you see I'm on the phone? —Sorry Sir, but it's urgent. A.Can



  D.Would 答案 C [must此处可译为“偏偏”或“非要”。]

  热点1·7 点击进入word

  表示必要性 must常用来表示必要性,意为“必须”。 (1)must+do sth(现在或将来)必须做某事 (2)don't have to do sth/don't need to do sth/needn't do sth(现在或将来)不必做某事 (3)表示过去没必要做某事时,分为以下情况: ①needn't have done sth本来不必做而做了某事 ②didn't have to do sth/didn't need to do sth/It was not necessary to do sth(过去)不必做某事(不强调是否做了) You needn't have worked that late last night. It was harmful to your health. 你昨晚不必工作到那么晚。那对你的身体没好处。 ※1.mustn't have p.p形式不存在 因为:(1)mustn't表禁止,动作未发生 (2)must表推测,可能性全部否定用can't

  ①With the development of society,a computer has become a must. 2.must近些年常考其“偏要”“非要”之意 3.must n.必需之物;必做之事 ②Homework seems a must for every student. should也可以表示必要性,意为“(义务上)应该”。should表示必要性时,在语气上比must(必须)弱。“should+动词原形”,表示现在或将来应该做(的必要性);“should+have+过去分词”,表示过去本该做(的必要性)。

  (2017·辽宁卷)One of our rules is that every student ________wear school uniform while at school. A.might



  D.will 答案 C [shall表示强制、命令。]

  热点1·8 返回 上页 下页 名师招招鲜 易错警示 考点精析 返回 上页 下页 名师招招鲜 易错警示 考点精析 返回 上页 下页 名师招招鲜 易错警示 考点精析 B

  高频考点(高频 / 规律 / 技巧) B1


  考 纲 解 读

  1.准确把握情态动词表允许、推测、判断等用法。 2.准确把握情态动词在虚拟语气句子中的使用。 3.wish, as if/though, if only, would rather+从句,

  It's time+从句等句型中的虚拟语气。 4.表示“坚持、命令、建议、要求”的词语后及各

  类从句中的虚拟语气。 5.虚拟语气在非真实条件句中的运用。

  考 情 解 读


  题量 年份 推测 请求、允诺、允许 必要性 情态动词其他用法 虚拟语气 2008 8 0 2 2 2 2009 5 0 3 1 5 2010 5 6 2 1 4 2011 4 1 3 3 6 2017 1 0 4 5 10

  趋 势 解 读 1.一般来说,每年高考的单项填空必有一道考查情态动词的题目,以后的高考题对于情态动词的考查不会有太大变化,(1)虚拟语气;(2)推测和可能性;(3)表示必要性及表示请求、允许、允诺是高考的热点。 2.预计2017年对情态动词的考查呈上升趋势。试题的立意不偏不怪,但是有效信息越来越隐蔽,情景越来越生动、真实,考查角度越来越细微化、综合化。

  易 错 警 示 —I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to a railway official. —How unbelievable to get it back! I mean, someone ______it. A.will have stolen

  B.might have stolen C.should have stolen

  D.must have stolen

  易误选D 许多考生认为此处表示某人肯定把手提包偷走了,结果导致误选D。其实根据语境可推断出此处表示可能性较小的推测:手提包当时有可能会被偷走。故答案为B。

  Don't play with the dog, Jack, for it ________be dangerous at times. A.shall





  很多考生认为玩狗将很危险或者肯定很危险,从而误选A或D。其实,shall用于第二、第三人称表示“允诺,命令,警告,威胁”等;should表示“应该”;must表示“必须,一定”等;而can除了表示“能,能够”外,还可表示“(有时)会,可能会”等。根据语境及情态动词的意义可知,正确答案为C。 —I think I'll give Bob a ring. —You ________.You haven't been in touch with him for ages. A.will


  C.have to



  考生有可能误选C项。分析句意可知,表示原则上或道义上“应该”的情态动词should用在这里正合适。故选D。 ________fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off. A.Would you be

  B.Should you be C.Could you be

  D.May you be


  考生容易误选D项,但是may用于倒装结构时表示祝福、祝愿,用在此处不合适。分析句意可知,横线处所填的内容表示条件。当条件状语从句的谓语中含有were,should, had时,可以将这些词移到句首,此时须把连词if省略,故选B。此处相当于If you should be。 —Don't you think it necessary that he ________to Miami but to New York? —I agree, but the problem is ________he has refused to. A.will not be sent; that B.not be sent; that C.should not be sent; what D.should not sent; what

  易误选A、C 本题是对虚拟语气和省略的考查,考生若是对相关知识掌握得不牢固,便可能误选A项或C项。第一空,在“It+be+necessary/right/important/essential/impossibe等+that从句”结构中,从句的谓语动词部分要用(should)do结构,此处的should不可以换用其他的情态动词,故选项A被排除;动词send与主语he之间为动宾关系,故选项D也被排除;第二空,题干中的“he has refused to”是一个省略结构,其完整形式为“he has refused to be sent to New York”,该句子不缺成分,故应填上只起连接作用、在句中不作任何成分、没有任何含义的that。that在本题中引导表语从句。故选B。 Thank you for all your hard work last week, I don't think we ________it without you. A.can manage

  B.could have managed C.could manage

  D.can have manage


  这是一种含蓄的虚拟语气,句中的虚拟条件通过介词短语without you来体现,句中last week表明是过去的事情,所以这里的without you 相当于“if it had not been for you”,故选B。 考 点 精 析

  基 础 盘 点

  热 门 考 点 1.采用(should)do结构“虚拟语气”; 2.would rather(that)/if only/as if/it

  be(high)time(that)等固定句型; 3.needn't/could(not)/should(not)...have p.p.本

  ……却; 4.与某时态相反假设; 5.虚拟语气中的错综复杂句; 6.表推测; 7.表必要性; 8.请求、允诺、准许; 9.其它情态动词用法。

  关 注 节 点

  The doctor recommeded that you ________swim after eating a large meal. A.wouldn't



  D.shouldn't 答案 D [考查(should)do表建议。]


  A.Who do you suggest

  B.Who do you suggest that should C.Do you suggest who should

  D.Do you suggest whom should 答案 A [考查虚拟语气。在suggest表示建议的宾语从句中,虚拟语气结构为“should+动词原形”,should可省略,故选A。]

  ①________be sent to work there?




  D.would have 答案 C [考查虚拟语气。本题中有requirement,后跟动词原形。] ②Their requirement that he ________one year's experience

  is reasonable.

  A.drive; not answer B.was driving; shouldn't answer C.should drive; shouldn't have answered D.drove;shouldn't answer 答案 B [insist表示“坚持说”,后面的宾语不使用虚拟语气,故选B。]

  ③The bus driver insisted that he ________at a normal speed

  when the accident happened and there fore ________for

  the child's death. 1.用于表示建议、愿望、命令等动词后的宾语从句中。常见的动词有:demand, order, require, insist, suggest, recommend, urge, propose, advise等。宾语从句中的虚拟语气结构为“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。


  The man insisted that he had never stolen the money.


  等名词后的表语从句和同位语从句中要用虚拟语气,其构成是“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。 ※“一、二、三、四”法 一、坚持 二、命令 三、需要 四、建议 与此类词汇逻辑相关联的名词性从句谓语一般都是(should)be/do。

  3.在suggestion, proposal, order, plan, idea, request, advice

  2.It is desired /suggested/proposed/recommended/ necessary/ important/natural/essential+that从句,从句中的谓语动词用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。 (2011·辽宁卷)Jack is a great talker. It's high time that he ______ something instead of just talking. A.will do

  B.has done C.do

  D.did 答案 D [虚拟语气固定句型,比正常时态后退一个时态。]


  —I wish they ________always late. A.weren't

  B.hadn't been C.wouldn't be

  D.wouldn't have been 答案 A [句意:—孩子们都到哪里去了?宴会就要被他们彻底破坏了。—我希望他们不要总是迟到。本题考查虚拟语气。wish后跟that从句,从句部分采用虚拟语气,与现在事实相反的用一般过去时,与过去事实相反的用过去完成时。本题表示与现在事实相反,所以用一般过去时,故正确答案为A项。]

  ①(2011·北京卷)—Where are the children? The dinner's

  going to be completely ruined.


  B.listen C.am listening

  D.had listened 答案 D [本题考查虚拟语气。wish后面的宾语从句一般用虚拟语气,表示一种不可能实现的愿望。宾语从句动作先于wish,故用过去完成时。]


  B.would follow C.had followed

  D.have followed 答案 C [本题考查虚拟语气。If only+句子=How I wish+(that)从句。宾语从句动作先于if only,故用过去完成时。]

  ②How I wish I ________to my parents' advice. ③Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I ________your


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