2017高三英语二轮复习(江苏专用)B 高频考点 小试身手:B6(6.2)-查字典英语网
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2017高三英语二轮复习(江苏专用)B 高频考点 小试身手:B6(6.2)

发布时间:2017-04-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  ①(2017·课标全国)Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can ________almost every word her teacher says.

  C.put away

  D.put together

  答案 B [put out意为“伸出,长出,熄灭,扑灭,出版”;put down意为“把……放下,镇压,平息,写下,记下”;put 意为“把……收起来放好”;put together意为“把……放在一起,组合”。根据句意判断应选B项。句意:玛丽真的擅长在课堂上记笔记,她几乎能记下老师说的每一个字。]

  (2017·浙江卷)Armed with the information you have gathered, you can ________preparing your business plan.

  答案 B [题干的意思是:“用你所收集到的信息武装好自己,这样你就可以着手准备你的商业计划了。A选项表示“打算,着手”,其后常接不定式形式作宾语;B选项表示“开始,着手”,其后常接动词­ing形式作宾语;选项表示“出发,使爆炸”;D选项表示“建立,设立”。根据语意及空格后的preparing可确定选项。]

  (2017·江苏卷)—OK, I've had enough of it. I give up.

  ________your responsibilities.

  A.run off with

  B.run up against

  C.run out of

  D.run away from

  答案 D [run off with意为“带着……逃走,与……私奔”;run up against意为“意外地碰到,偶遇”;run out of意为“用完……,耗尽……”;ran away from意为“从……逃离,回避……。后半句句意:你不能逃脱你自己的责任。],

  ④(2011·浙江卷)He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of ________at a hotel for the night.

  Aputting down

  B.putting off

  C.putting on

  D.putting up

  答案 D [put down“记下,镇压”;put off“推迟,延期”;put on“穿上,演出”;put up“搭起,张贴,为……提供食宿,投宿,(在……)过夜”。句意:他决定一路开车回家而不是在旅馆住宿。]

  (2011·江苏卷)—You look upset. What's the matter?


  A.turned over

  B.turned on C.turned off

  D.turned down

  答案 D [句意:“你看上去有些心烦意乱。发生什么事了?”“我的建议又被拒绝了。”turn over翻身,移交;turn on打开(电视机,电灯等),接通(电流、煤气、水等),突然袭击;turn off关掉(电流、煤气、水等),拐弯turn down拒绝;把……调低,关小。答语中含句式have sth done,此处多意为“使某物遭受……”,此意特指不好的事情。]

  (2011·陕西卷)Some insects ________the colour of their surroundings to protect themselves.

  答案 C [句意:有些昆虫为了自我保护会随着周围环境改变自身颜色。take in“理解,吸收,欺骗”;take off“起飞,脱去”;take on“呈现,承担”;take on a...colour“呈现……颜色”;take out“清除,除掉”。]

  (2010·陕西卷)You look well. The air and the seafoods in Sanya must ________I suppose.

  A.agree with

  B.agree to

  C.agree on

  D.agree about

  答案 A [考查动词短词辨析。agree with同意,赞成;与……相适应;agree to同意,赞成(观点,看法等);agree on就……达成协议;agree about对……有相同的看法。题干意思是:你看上去很好。我认为:三亚的空气和海鲜很适合你。故选A。]

  (2010·浙江卷)After that, he knew he could ________any y doing what he could to the best of his ability.

  A.get away with

  B.get on with

  C.get through

  D.get across

  答案 C [本题考查与get相关的短语辨析。分析四个选项的意思:get away with侥幸逃脱;get on with与……友好相处;get through接通,顺利通过,完成;get across被理解,越过。根据语境:经过那件事之后,他明白了他能尽一切可能去顺利解决任何突发情况。]

  (湖南卷)I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson ________.

  答案 A [cut in意为“插嘴,打断”。Jackson在谈话时插嘴。cut down意为“砍倒”;cut out意为“切断”;cut up意为“切碎”。]

  (辽宁卷)The final examination is coming up soon. It's time for us to ________

  A.get down to

  B.get out

  C.get back for

  D.get over

  答案 A [get down to意为“开始认真做某事”。句意为:因为快要期末考试了,所以到了认真学习的时候了。get out意为“出来”;get back for意为“为……回来”;get over意为“做完”。]

  (辽宁卷)The computer system ________suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.

  broke in

  答案 A [break down含有“打破,减轻,坍塌,彻底失败,精神不支,中止,把分解”等意思,这里指在他正在搜寻信息时电脑突然坏了。break out意为“发生,(战争等)突发,爆发”。break up意为“开垦,破碎,破坏,解散,结束,衰弱”。break in意为“闯入,打断,使习惯于,使驯服,训练成为”

  ⑫(江苏卷)Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and ________jokes.

  答案 C [make up意为“编造”。根据上下文的意思可判断出Jack善于讲和编笑话。turn up发现,找到;put up建立;show up露出,露面。]

  (浙江卷)The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without ________his notes.

  答案 B [refer to的意思是“借助,参考,参看bring up意为“培养”;look for意为“寻找”;try on意为“试穿”。]

  (全国Ⅰ卷)In some western countries, demand for graduates from MBA courses has ________.

  答案 C [fall down意为“下降”。句意为:在一些西方国家里,对MBA研究生的需求已经下降。turn down意为“关小(收音机等)”;turn over意为“翻过来”;fall over意为“从……落下”。]

  (北京卷)I don't ________rock'n' roll. It's much too noisy for my taste.

  答案 D [go in for意为“喜欢”。我不喜欢摇滚音乐。go after意为“追求”;go away with意为“与……离开”;go into意为“进入,参与”。]

  (福建卷)It is certain that he will ________his business to his son when he gets old.

  答案 C [hand over意为“移交,交出”。句意为:当他年老时,他肯定会把自己的生意交给他的儿子。]

  (广东卷)Helen always helps her mother even though going to school ________most of her day.

  答案 A [take up意为“占用(时间)”。句意为:海伦经常帮她妈妈,虽然上学占去了她整天大部分时间。make up意为“补足”;save up意为“储存”;put up意为“建立”。],get over克服




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