2017高三英语二轮复习 江苏专用 完型填空+阅读理解17-查字典英语网
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2017高三英语二轮复习 江苏专用 完型填空+阅读理解17

发布时间:2017-04-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  维A1 阅读理解







  Lake District in the way Wordsworth did...

  Picture yourself in the most beautiful corner of England.Walk with us as we ramble through the beautiful scenery of England's largest national park.See the same landscape that inspired William Wordsworth,Samuel Taylor Coleridge,Beatrix Potter and John Ruskin.

  Don't take our word for how wonderful these trips are.We'll be delighted to provide you with references of others who have rambled with us.They would be delighted to share with you their experiences.

  “I want to sincerely thank everyone at English Lakeland Ramblers for helping to plan the perfect rambling adventure.My mother and I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of our exciting two weeks in the Lake District (thanks to the charming and professional guidance of Janet and Tom).”—A Sells San Antonio,TX

  “What a wonderful time my husband and I had on the walking tour of the Lake District! And our main guide Janet Niepokojczycka was really such a good speaker and so knowledgeable about the history of this area and of Beatrix Potter and William Wordsworth.Ann Strange—our leader on the difficult hikes,was also very good and full of fun.Both guides made the walking trips extremely enjoyable.”—N Ogg Los Angeles,CA

  “I returned last Sunday from the walking tour in the Lake District of England.I just wanted you to know what a great week it was.The tour was everything I had hoped it would be and more.It exceeded my expectations.The countryside was indescribable! My pictures didn't do it justice.Our guide Janet couldn't have been more knowledgeable,friendly,funny,and competent.Our driver Ann was also wonderful.I was traveling with my sister,and our three other companions on the tour were very friendly.”—Jo Jones Moraga,CA








  I expected—rains,churches,authors' homes,gardens and a castle! Meals were excellent and always varied so that a good choice was possible.There was the surprisingly sophisticated cuisine for the remote locations we visited.”—J Schrotz Philadelphia,PA


  ①ramble v.漫步 ②sophisticated adj.精细的

  【语篇解读】 本文主要介绍了英格兰西北部湖区风景如画,并呈现给读者直观的游客反馈。

  1.The purpose of the passage is to ________.

  A.present the traveling experiences of several people

  B.give us some information about England

  C.persuade readers to join in the tour of England's Lake District

  D.ask us to give our own comments on a tour

  答案 C [推理判断题。本文通过四个游客的评价来说明湖区漫步非常有吸引力,因此其目的是吸引游客来加入湖区漫步游。]

  2.We can learn from the second paragraph that ________.

  A.William Wordsworth never went to England's Lake District

  B.William Wordsworth was the first to walk through the Lake District

  C.William Wordsworth didn't like the Lake District

  D.William Wordsworth was struck by the beauty of the Lake District

  答案 D [细节理解题。从文章第二段可知,英格兰西北部湖区给英国著名诗人华兹华斯无数的创作灵感,说明他为湖区的美景所吸引,流连忘返。]

  3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.The guide Janet was very good and knowledgeable.

  B.A Sells was really thankful to Ann for her professional guidance.

  C.N Ogg and three guides had a good time on the walking tour.

  D.J Schrotz thought that the meals were so­so and should be various.

  答案 A [细节理解题。根据游客的评价可知,Janet是一位出色的、知识渊博的导游。]

  4.What does Jo Jones think of the countryside?

  A.It is not suitable to take pictures there.

  B.It is beautiful beyond description.

  C.It is not as beautiful as expected.

  D.It is difficult to walk through the countryside.

  答案 B [细节理解题。从游客Jo Jones的描述可知,她觉得乡村风景如画,即使照片也无法记录乡村的美丽。]

  5.The four references given in the passage can be considered ________.

  A.positive feedbacks on the tour

  B.complaints about the tour

  C.suggestions for further improvements of the tour

  D.letters of thanks to the guides

  答案 A [推理判断题。综合四个游客的反馈,他们对湖区漫步都给予了很高的评价,无论是风景本身,还是导游服务,都令人感到满意。]

  维A2 阅读理解







  island experience just taking a few minutes by






  visit Coochiemudlo Island?

  Coochiemudlo Island is a beautiful subtropical island with golden beaches,calm waters and a relaxed atmosphere.The name “Coochiemudlo” has the aboriginal meaning of red rock,which is due to a steep bank of red cliffs on the south­western






  is uncharacteristic of the rest of the island,which is fringed with sandy beaches and blue waters.Some of the local craftsmen use the red rocks to create unique artworks.

  Coochiemudlo's peaceful atmosphere and stunning views have inspired many artists,and a range of arts and crafts are displayed at the Coochie Craft Markets.Many of these artworks can also be found on display at one of the island's galleries.

  Nearly 200 years ago,the explorer Matthew Flinders landed on Coochiemudlo Island and this historic event is celebrated each July with a reenactment of the landing and a fun day.

  The waters surrounding Coochiemudlo could be described as a water playground.The area is popular for windsurfing,sailing,swimming and paddling boats.You may be lucky enough to spot a dolphin or turtle in the shallow waters near the beach.Wetlands occupy a large portion of the north­eastern part of the island,where a Melaleuca swamp and open woodland can be found.This area supports a variety of birdlife including migratory species.

  Staying on the island is easy.There is a range of accommodation including holiday homes and resort­style units.Getting to the island is easy.A passenger ferry and vehicle barge service operates from Victoria Point every half hour,seven days a week.Once you get to the island,Coochie Bus Service will take you where you want to go.

  Please note: no camping is allowed on Coochiemudlo Island.


  ①aboriginal adj.土著的 ②be fringed with以……为界

  ③reenactment n.重现

  【语篇解读】 本文主要介绍了处于亚热带的Coochiemudlo Island是个美丽而恬静的岛屿,是放松身心度假的好去处。

  1.Coochiemudlo Island got its name from its ________.


  B.sandy beaches and blue waters

  C.geographical feature

  D.relaxed atmosphere

  答案 C [细节理解题。从第二段可知,Coochimudlo Island这个名字的来历与岛上西南角的红色岩礁有关。]

  2.In the north­eastern part of the island,you can ________.

  A.enjoy the red cliffs

  B.produce artworks

  C.go camping

  D.see migratory birds

  答案 D [细节理解题。从倒数第三段可知,在岛屿的东北角,大部分是湿地,聚集了大量的候鸟。]

  3.The underlined word “stunning” in the third paragraph probably means ________.





  答案 B [词义猜测题。综合文章信息可知, Coochinemildlo Island是一个平静而美丽的岛屿,岛上风景宜人。]

  4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

  A.We can get to Coochiemudlo Island by boat from Victoria Point.

  B.Most of Coochiemudlo Island is covered by sandy beaches and blue waters.

  C.On Coochiemudlo Island the boat is the only means of transport.

  D.Every year people celebrate the historic event that Matthew Flinders landed on Coochiemudlo Island.

  答案 C [细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Once you get to the island,Coochie Bus Service will take you where you want to go.”可知C项表述不正确。]

  5.The text is probably ________.

  A.a biography

  B.a traveling ad

  C.a news story

  D.a diary

  答案 B [推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,本文主要向读者推荐了一个旅游景点,因此属于旅游广告。]

  维B 任务型阅读


  Most Americans do not think about preparing for natural disasters until one is knocking at their doorstep.But all the natural disasters that can affect many of us who live in different areas of the world.What a terrible earthquake in Japan in 2011!Many people have been talking about being prepared for a natural disaster.

  STEP 1:What type of natural disasters are most common for the region I live in?The region I live in is most prone to floods,tornadoes and blizzards.However,for my particular place of residence,I am not likely to face a tornado.But,the recent changes of climate have resulted in an increase in other less common natural disasters.

  STEP 2:Develop a game plan.A strong game plan is the most important part of this process.The game plan includes making and practicing an escape route for your family.The game plan also includes choosing a “SAFE” location for those natural disasters that require you to take cover.It is also a good idea to have an emergency bag packed for the family or each member of the family depending on the family size.

  STEP 3:Prepare an information kit.This is something I came up with when considering a relocation.I purchased a fireproof and waterproof safe(保险箱),as small as a child's lunch box or bigger.For each family member,I purchased duplicate birth certificates,social security cards,marriage certificates,and even those most precious family portraits.You may also want to include medical records of family members.This kit should also have emergency contact numbers for family members.All of these documents are in this locked,fire and water­proof box.You want to keep this box in a location in the home that is not part of a common area,but also not so tucked away that you will forget where it is.

  STEP 4:Emergency account.As a young adult,I developed what I called an“Emergency Fund”.Now this is where things get tricky.You want an emergency account for household bills and a separate emergency fund for natural disasters.Based on your family size,you will need to determine how much you need to have in the account.I chose $ 250 per household member as a good amount for how much to keep in this account.This $ 250 in an emergency can fund last min airline tickets,gas fare,food or even hotel expense for a night if necessary.

  STEP 5:Food and safety disaster kit.In addition to having the information kit and the emergency account,there should be a food and safety kit.This kit should include a flashlight,bandages,matches,batteries and a portable radio(if you have one),bottled water,hand sanitizer etc.In addition,add non­perishable(不易坏的)items so you will have food on hand.

  【语篇解题】 随着全球气候的变化,自然灾害频繁发生,我们是不是该“未雨绸缪”,为应对自然灾害做些准备呢?


  1.ignore [根据第一段的第一句“Most Americans do not think about preparing for natural disasters until one is knocking at their doorstep.”可推知,人们总是忽视对自然灾害的防备。]

  2.kinds/types [根据第二段第一句“What type of natural disasters are most common for the region I live in?”可知答案。]

  3.changes [根据第二段最后一句中的“...the recent changes of climate have resulted in an increase in other less common natural disasters.”可知,最近的气候变化使得一些并不常见的自然灾害的发生的可能性增加了。]

  4.practice [根据第三段第三句“The game plan includes making and practicing an escape route for your family.”可知答案。]

  5.location [根据第三段第四句“The game plan also includes choosing a“SAFE”location for those natural disasters that require you to take cover.”可知答案。]

  6.number [根据第三段最后一句“It is also a good idea to have an emergency bag packed for the family or each member of the family depending on the family size.”可知答案。]

  7.small [根据第四段中的“...as small as a child's lunch box or bigger.”可知答案。]

  8.common [根据第四段最后一句中的“You want to keep this box in a location in the home that is not part of a common area...”可知答案。]

  9.afford/buy [根据第五段内容可知,我们应在应急账户中存入能买得起应急物品的钱,故填afford或者buy。]

  10.ready [根据最后一段信息可知,此处表示将食品及其他物品准备好,故用get sth ready“准备好……”。]


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