2017高考英语冲刺-动词词组篇 英语短语动词归纳及练习(一)-查字典英语网
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2017高考英语冲刺-动词词组篇 英语短语动词归纳及练习(一)

发布时间:2017-04-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. add to增加 增进

  add up to 加起来是, 所有这一切说明

  This of course ______our difficulties.

  (2)The figures ______360.

  (3)I don’t think these facts will _____ anything.

  (4)The music _____ our enjoyment of the film.

  2.break away from 逃脱,摆脱,破除,改掉

  break in 强行进入插话break off 中断,断绝

  break into 强行进入,突然开始

  break down 身体垮了,(计划)失败,(机器等)坏了

  break out


  break up 散会,(会议)结束,学期结束

  The thief ________ the police and ran into the woods.

  (6)Don’t ___________ while others are speaking.

  (7)Then the car I was in _________, so I had to walk home.

  (8)A house was ______________ between midnight and 4 a.m.

  (9)Excuse me for _____________ like this , said the headmaster.

  (10)We thought it was time to _________ the talk.

  (11)A big fire ___________ in the town last night.

  (12)After ten years of hard work, his health is__________.

  (13)The meeting __________ without result.

  (14)When does school___________?

  3. bring about 引起,实现,使发生 bring down 使下降,使倒下 bring in 收庄稼,提出

  bring out 说明,出版

  bring up 提出,抚养,培养 bring back 使回想起

  The wind _____ a lot of trees last night.

  (16Xiao Li was ______ by his uncle in Shanghai.

  (17)How can we _____ the price?

  (18)This story ______ my unhappy childhood.

  (19)This _____ a change in the balance of force.

  (20)Farmers in the south have also ______ good crops.

  (21)Next month they will ________ a new edition of book.

  (22)Does anyone want to ____ anything further?

  4. call at 停留,停靠call for叫(某人)接某人,索取,需要有

  call in 来访,找(请)来,收回

  call off 取消,不举行

  call on 拜访,号召

  call out大声叫,请去

  call up给---大电话,征召(入伍)

  He was ______ right at the beginning of the war.

  (24)Doctors are often ______ in the middle of the night.

  (25)The sports meet was ______ on account of the rain.

  (26)The next day I went to ______ her again.

  (27)He insisted that we should _____ a specialist at this point.

  (28)The librarian has _____ all the books.

  (29)Please wait for me at home. I’ll _____ you at your house at seven tonight.

  (30)The train ______ several big cities between Beijing and Guangzhou.

  5.come about


  come across 碰到

  come in 进来(站),存在

  come along


  come for


  come down


  come out 出版,开花


  from 出身于,来自

  come up

  走过来, 出现

  come to


  Seeing the teacher_______, we all stopped talking.

  (32)The magazine _____ once a month.

  (33)I think the roses will ______ next week.

  (34)Where do you _________?

  (35)I ______ the book I lent you last month.

  (36)I don’t know how this thing_____?

  (37)I am going to Shanghai tomorrow. Perhaps I will _____ Xiao Li there.

  (38)We are very glad that some prices have ________.

  (39)Let’s wait till the train________.

  (40)Please don’t keep him out in the cold. Let him_______.

  (41)How are you _____ with the plan for your factory buildings?

  (42)When I _______, I found myself lying in hospital.

  (43)How much does the bill _______?

  (44)We walked and walked, in the end we _____ a small mountain village.

  6. cut down 消减,压缩,缩短

  cut off


  cut out 删(省)掉,戒掉

  We must _______ our expenses.

  (46)We were for _______ the cost of production.

  (47)Let’s ________ the unimportant details.

  (48)They were then almost completely ________ from the outside world.

  7.get along


  get back回来,找回

  get down记下来,打下来

  get over 克服

  get on 上(火车,公共汽车等),相处,进行

  get off 下(火车,公共汽车等)起飞,不惩罚

  get rid of 消灭,摆脱,除掉

  get out


  get up


  get to 到达

  get round 传开

  get in touch with 和…..取得联系

  He _____ the watch he had lost.

  (50) She spoke so fast that I couldn’t ________ what she said.

  (51) On the way to school, I saw Xiao Li _______ Bus No.1.

  (52)You won’t _____ so easily next time.

  (53)_____ the rope, and I’ll try my best to pull you out.

  (54)At what time do you _____ every day?

  (55) How are you ______ with your work?

  (56) We will find ways to _____ the difficulties.

  (57) Only in this way can you _____ your headache.

  (58) Write to us when you _______ Shanghai.

  (59) The story has______, and everyone knows about it.

  (60) When you arrive, you may ________ a friend of mine- Linda.

  8. give in 屈服,让步,投降

  give off

  散发出 give out

  分发,用完 give up放弃

  After the 90th failure, he was almost ready to ________.

  (62) These flowers ______ a pleasant smell.

  (63) After two months our food _______

  (64) The doctor advised my father to _______ smoking.

  (65) We decided to _______ to the wish of the majority.

  9.go against 违反



  go all out全力以赴

  go down 下降,减弱

  go off 爆炸

  go in for 从事(某种事业或活动) go out 熄灭

  go round


  go on 继续下去,发生,进行

  go over 审阅,检查

  go down on one’s knees 屈膝下跪

  His actions ______ the will of the people.

  (67) We shall have to _______ if we are to make a success of it.

  (68) The prices are expected to _______ in two months.

  (69) If you think that you can solve the problem, ________.

  (70) He ______ and begged for mercy.

  (71) A lot of students _________ playing basketball, football, and volleyball.

  (72) The bomb _____ and killed ten people.

  (73) What’s ________ outside?

  (74) How did you _________in your examination?

  (75) Suddenly all the light _______ and the room became dark.

  (76) He ______ our written material word for word to correct and improve it.

  10. have a word with 和…..讲句话

  have a good time过得很好

  had better

  最好…..have on


  have to do with和…..有关系

  Excuse me, may I ______ you?

  (78) Did you ____ at the party?

  (79) That _____ nothing

  _____ what we are discussing.

  (80) It’s cold outside, you ______ put on your overcoat.

  (81) Where did you get the shoes you ________ yesterday?

  11. hear about 听到,听说

  hear form 接到…..的信,从…..听到

  hear out

  听完(别人的话)hear of 听到说起Have you _______ the accident that happened the other day?

  (83) I’ve just ______ Xiao Li that we’ll have an English examination next week.

  (84)I don’t know him, but I’ve _____ him.

  (85) I haven’t _____ my parents for a long time.

  (86) Stop talking! Please ___ me_____

  练习(一) 参考答案:

  1. added to 2.add up to 3.add up to 4.added to 5.brke away from 6.break in 7.broke down

  8.broken into 9.breaking in 10.break off 11.broke out 12.breaking down 13.broke up 14.break up

  15.brought down 16.brought up17.bring down 18.brought back 19.brought about 20.brought in

  21.bring out

  22.bring up

  23.called up24.called out 25.called off

  26.call on 27.call in 8.called in29.call for 30.calls at31.coming up 32.comes out

  33.come out 34.come from

  35.came for

  36.came about 37.come across 38.come down 39.comes in 40.come in41.coming down

  42.came to 43.come to 44.came to 45.cut down 46.cutting down 47.cut out 48.cut off 49. got back

  50.get on

  52.get off 53.Get hold of 54.get up55.getting along (on) 56.get over 57.get rid of

  58.get to 59.got round60.get in touch with 61.give up

  62.give off 63.gave out

  64.give up

  65.give in

  66.went against 67. go all out 68.go down 69.go ahead 70.went down on his knees

  71.go in for 72.went off 73.going on 74.go on 75.went out 76. went over

  77. have a word with 78.have a good time79.has ..to do with80.had better 81.had on82.heard about

  83.heard from

  84. heard of 85. heard from 86. hear …out


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