2015届高考英语一轮复习配套课件:M11 Unit 4《The next step》(译林版)-查字典英语网
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2015届高考英语一轮复习配套课件:M11 Unit 4《The next step》(译林版)

发布时间:2017-04-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module11·Unit 4 The next step 1、furnish

  vt. 供给,供应,装备,配备;提供(必需品);布置(房间、公寓等)(+with) ◆I will furnish all you need. 我愿供给你所需要的一切。

  ◆The house is well furnished. 这间房屋内布置得很好。 ◆The school doesn't furnish students with lunch. 学校不供给学生午饭。 ◆The company will furnish each contestant with a free ticket. 公司将为每个参赛者免费提供一张票。 这公寓家具齐备,价格颇高。 ____________________________________________ Furnished with full furniture,the apartment costs a lot.


  vt. 使害怕,使恐怖 ◆Rats terrify girls.

  老鼠使女孩子们害怕。 ◆The pupils were terrified out of their senses.

  小学生们被吓得魂不附体。 ◆He was terrified of being killed in a gun fight. 他很害怕死于枪战。 ①______ (terrify) by a snake, she let out a scream of cry. ①Terrified ②雷雨把那个小孩吓坏了。

  _________________________________ ② The thunderstorm terrified the child. ③ I am ______ of spiders.

  A. terrify

  B. terror

  C. terrifying

  D. terrified ③ D 我害怕蜘蛛。


  v. 烤;烘; 敬酒;祝酒 ◆When toasting someone's health, you raise your glasses, but the glasses should not touch. 当为某人的健康干杯时,你们举起酒杯,但酒杯不要相互碰撞。

  n. 敬酒;祝酒,土司;烤面包片  propose a toast to 提议为……干杯  drink a toast to 为……干杯  toast one's health 为某人健康干杯  raise one's glass to 为……干杯  drink to 为……干杯

  Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom. 女士们,先生们,我提议为新娘和新郎干杯。


  把……收起;储存,积攒 ◆Put away the tools after work, will you? 工作结束后请把工具收拾好。 ◆She put away her clothes in the dresser. 她把衣服收好放在衣橱里。 ①请收好你的玩具。 _________________________________________ ① Put away your toys, please. ②我每个月储存一点钱。 _________________________________________ ② I put away a little money every month. ③ The teacher told the class to ______ their books.

  A. put away

  B. put by

  C. put on

  D. put up ③ A 老师要全班同学把书本收好。 2、take up

  开始花时间做……;对……产生兴趣;打听,对……采取进一步的行动;(事物或事情)占用(时间或空间) ◆John took up acting while he was at college. 约翰在上大学时喜欢上了演戏。 ◆The big table takes up too much room. 这张大桌子占据了太多的空间。 ◆If the enemies dare to come, take up arms and fight. 如果敌人敢来,拿起武器,战斗。

  take away 拿走;取走,使消失  take back 收回,送还;取消;使回忆起  take in 吸收;领会;订阅  take out 取出  take apart 拆开;严惩  take after 像,学……样子  take off 脱掉;起飞  take on 穿上;雇用;承担;呈现  take to 沉湎于;适应  take over 接管;取代  take aim 瞄准  take place 发生  take down 写下,记下  take turns 轮流  take one's place 代替某人的职务  take…for granted 认为……当然  take one's seat 就座  take the side of 支持某方  take sth. by mistake 错拿某物 用介词或副词填空 ①Now I'll give you some tablets to take ________ the pain. ②The policeman took ________ all particulars of the accident. ③Take your coat ________ and sit down. ④Now his hair has taken ________ a healthy shine. ⑤So many young men want to take ________ writing. ⑥After he retired from office, Rogers______painting for a while, but soon lost interest.

  A. took up

  B. saved up

  C. kept up

  D. drew up ①away ②down ③off ④on ⑤up ⑥A 句意:从政府机关退休后,罗杰斯迷了一阵子绘画,不过很快就没有了兴趣。save up储蓄, 贮存;keep up不低落, 维持, 继续;draw up草拟, 停住, 逼近。

  3、land on one's feet

  安全摆脱困境 stand on one's feet 独立自主 rush sb. off one's feet 把某人累坏了,使某人疲于奔命 be on one's feet 站着 keep one‘s feet 站稳脚跟,不跌倒  ①I've been ____________ (忙得不可开交)

  all the morning.

  ① rushed off my feet

  ②She'll have to get a job and learn to __________(独立自主) sooner or later.

  ② stand on her own two feet ③Joe got fired for never coming to work on time, but he ____________(摆脱困境), and found another job that paid twice as much money.

  ③ landed on his feet


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