2015届高考英语一轮复习配套课件:M10 Unit 1《Building the future》(译林版)-查字典英语网
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2015届高考英语一轮复习配套课件:M10 Unit 1《Building the future》(译林版)

发布时间:2017-04-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module10·Unit 1

  Building the future  1、expense

  n. 费用;价钱;支出;消耗;开支;经费;牺牲;损失,代价;费钱之物 ◆I don't think we can afford the expense.


  ◆We spare no expense to buy the machine.

  我们不惜成本购买这机器。 ①This printer is of good quality. If it should break down within the first year, we would repair it (自费). ①at our own expense  ②During the ten­day vacation, they traveled to

  France their own expense.

  ②at 2、deposit

  n. 堆积物,沉淀物,存款,押金,保证金,存放物

  current deposit 活期存款

  ◆He put a deposit on a house.

  他给一栋房子付了押金。 vt. 存放,储蓄;沉淀,沉积 ◆You may deposit your returned books with the librarian. 你可以把要还的书留在图书管理员处。 ◆He deposited 5,000 dollars in the bank. 他在银行存了5000美元。 ◆As the river slows down, it deposits a layer of soil. 河流流速变慢时,一层流沙便沉积下来。 3、target vt. 把……作为目标

  n. 靶子,目标 target sth./sb. 把……作为目标 target sth. on / at sth. /sb. 目的在于 hit a target 完成指标 set a target for sth. 为……制定目标 meet a target 达到目标 on target 按目标 an easy target 很容易击中的目标;容易受攻击的人 英译汉 ①The cinema is on target to open next year.

  ____________________________________________ ①电影院定于明年开业。 ②What type of reader is the new magazine targeting?

  ____________________________________________ ②这本新杂志把什么样的读者视作目标? ③The programme is targeted at improving the health of women of all ages.

  ____________________________________________ ③这个项目旨在提高各个年龄段的妇女的健康。

  ④The book will be the target of bitter criticism.

  ____________________________________________ ④这本书将成为尖锐批评的对象。

  1、catch up on 补上,赶上,补做 ◆You know, I have some work to catch up on. 你知道,我有些工作进度必须赶上。 汉译英 迈克需要加把劲赶上功课进度。 ___________________________________________ Mike needed to catch up on his homework. 2、put pressure on/upon sb. 给……施加压力 ease off the pressure of 为某人减轻压力 exert pressure on sb. to do sth. 迫使某人做…… relieve / reduce pressure on sb. / sth. 减缓某人/某物的压力 under pressure 在压力之下 give in to pressure 屈从于压力 high blood pressure 高血压

  air pressure 大气压 ①The pressure that the bank has ______ on our company is to reduce its borrowings.

  A. made

  B. given

  C. sent

  D. put ①D 句意:银行施加给我们公司的压力是减少贷款。 ②Some people work well ______ while others get nervous and do badly.

  A. under way

  B. under pressure

  C. under control

  D. under repair ②B 句意:有些人在压力之下工作得相当好而有些人则感觉很紧张且表现糟糕。 3、on top of

  (= in addition to)另外,此外,除了……之外 On top of being dismissed by the boss, he had an accident on his way home. 不仅被解雇了,在回家路上,他又发生了交通事故。 on the top of 在……上面 on top 在上面

  on top of the world 非常幸福 from top to toe / bottom 从头到脚 at the top of one's voice 大声地;高声地 ______ losing his job, he was divorced by his wife.

  A. Beside

  B. On the top of

  C. In addition to

  D. Except for

  C 句意:非但失去了工作,他妻子还和他离婚了。 4、push for

  努力争取 ◆Don't push him hard for a settlement. 别太逼他给你解决的办法。 ◆We should have to push them for a quick decision. 我们必须敦促他们迅速决断。 ◆They are pushing for economic reform. 他们迫切要求经济改革。

  push around 把……推来推去,摆布  push back 向后推,吞下  push on 推动,推进,努力向前  push through 设法通过;挤过,穿过  push up 抬高,增加,提高  push down 按下  push aside 把……推开,避开  push away 推开  push out 把……推出去, (使)突出 I asked him several questions, but he ______ them ______.

  A. set; away

  B. pushed; away

  C. pushed; aside

  D. pushed; for

  C push aside 把……推开,避开。 此句中的go 意为 “(文句等)表达为……”,强调(诗或歌中词/调) 唱,说或指(故事等)发生情况如何。 ◆How does that song go? 那首歌怎么唱? ◆The story goes that she's been married five times. 据传她结过5次婚。 There is a saying that goes, ‘Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for the rest of his life.’ 有句俗语是这样说的:“授人以鱼,三餐之需;授人以渔,终身之用。” read意为“应读作,写着,写成是……”,强调的是“告示,信或段落等书写的内容”。 say 意为“写道,说,指示”,强调“书面材料或可见的东西”所提供的信息,很多情况下能与read 通用。 write意为“写道”,强调“书面陈述,以(文字)说”。 ◆The sign reads “No admittance”. 告示牌上写着“禁止入内”。 ◆I've changed the last paragraph. It now reads as follows… 我已经修改了最后一段,现在是这样写的…… ◆I saw a notice reading “Keep out”.

  我看到告示上写着“禁止入内”。 ◆The book doesn't say where he was born. 书上没说他是在哪儿出生的。 ◆In his latest book he writes/says that the theory has been disproved. 他在最近的一本书里写道,那个理论后来已被证明不能成立。 — What should I do first? — The instructions ______ that you should mix flour with water carefully first.

  A. go

  B. tell

  C. write

  D. say D 说明书上写道你首先应当将面粉同水一起混合。say强调“书面材料或可见的东西”所提供的信息。


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