2015高考英语一轮复习同步检测:M7 Unit 1《Living with technology》(译林版)-查字典英语网
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2015高考英语一轮复习同步检测:M7 Unit 1《Living with technology》(译林版)

发布时间:2017-04-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 7


  1. — Mary didn't turn up at my birthday party as she had promised.

  — No surprise at all. That's just ______ of her.

  A. ashamed

  B. certain

  C. typical

  D. critical

  2. This woman succeeds in her career ______ the sacrifice of her family.

  A. at

  B. for

  C. with

  D. through

  3. Bored with all those tasks, he decided to take a week off ______.

  A. winding up

  B. to wind up

  C. winding down

  D. to wind down

  4. I ______ my homework and was about to go to bed when my father came back from work last night.

  A. would finish

  B. have finished

  C. was finishing

  D. had finished

  5. — How's your sleep problem recently, Mrs. Smith?

  — Oh, it is almost not troubling me any more. I ______ take sleeping pills now.

  A. eventually

  B. badly

  C. rarely

  D. seriously

  6. — The worst thing about a party is clearing up afterwards.

  — But if we deal with it without delay, we can get it all ______ in an hour.

  A. to do

  B. do

  C. doing

  D. done

  7. The girl was so touched by the audience's warm welcome ______ for a moment she was at a loss for words.

  A. until

  B. when

  C. that

  D. since

  8. To my great disappointment, my report was ______, and all my work on it went for nothing.

  A. presented

  B. rejected

  C. refused

  D. completed

  9. My classmate Lily has made great progress in her English study this term and deserves ______.

  A. to praise

  B. to be praised

  C. praised

  D. being praised

  10. — Look, your glass is broken. I'll get you ______.

  — Thank you.

  A. the other

  B. other

  C. the others

  D. another11. I won't tell my son the answer to the physics problem until he ______ on it for half an hour.

  A. has been working

  B. will have worked

  C. is working

  D. had worked

  12. Thanks to those hard­working actors and actresses, the television ______ of the stage play was very successful.

  A. translation

  B. solution

  C. evolution

  D. adaptation

  13. At the foot of the mountain ______, which has a population of no more than 10,000.

  A. is a quiet small town lying

  B. lies a quiet small town

  C. does a quiet small town lie

  D. a quiet small town is lying

  14. Frank put the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it would not be ______ to the kids.

  A. accessible

  B. relative

  C. acceptable

  D. sensitive

  15. ______ more time with her children after work, the woman works very hard even without taking a rest in the company.

  A. Spend

  B. Spending

  C. To spend

  D. Having spent



  China's Shenzhou­9 capsule, with its crew of three, docked (对接)with the Tiangong­1 space lab. The __1__ of the flying vehicles occurred at 14:07 Beijing time.

  The latest Shenzhou mission was launched on Saturday, taking the nation's first __2__ astronaut into orbit. 33­year­old Liu Yang, the first Chinese woman in space, flew with __3__ Jing Haipeng, 46, and fellow flight engineer, Liu Wang, 42.

  It was another two hours after the docking before the astronauts moved between the vehicles.

  They first had to wait for pressures inside the vehicles to be __4__ before they could open the hatches(舱盖).

  Jing Haipeng, who headed the crew, led the way into the lab, followed by Mr Liu. Ms Liu __5__ stayed behind in the Shenzhou capsule in case of __6__.

  A video camera inside Tiangong relayed pictures of the entrance of the two men, who waved into the camera. They immediately __7__ checking systems in the Tiangong­1 space lab. After 20 minutes, Ms Liu followed her male colleagues into Tiangong, and the three then turned to the camera as a group to __8__.

  This is China's fourth manned mission. It followed last year's unmanned Shenzhou­8 successful docking with the Tiangong­1 space lab, which gave China the __9__ to put astronauts on the current flight.

  Monday's docking was a(n) __10__ procedure. That is to say, it was computers — rather than the crew that were in charge of events. The union happened at a(n) __11__ of about 340km (210 miles) over the earth. Ms Liu operated a handheld video camera to record the moment of docking.

  During the flight, a range of scientific experiments were __12__, including a number of medical tests. At some point in the next few days, the astronauts were to attempt a manual(手动) docking.

  1. A. joining

  B. separating

  C. crashing

  D. interacting

  2. A. young

  B. old

  C. male

  D. female

  3. A. Operator

  B. Commander

  C. Programmer

  D. Designer

  4. A. great

  B. weak

  C. equal

  D. sensitive

  5. A. calmly

  B. initially

  C. excitedly

  D. eventually

  6. A. emergency

  B. accidents

  C. necessity

  D. fires

  7. A. put off

  B. gave up

  C. stuck to

  D. set about

  8. A. sign

  B. perform

  C. speak

  D. wave

  9. A. confidence

  B. power

  C. permission

  D. gift

  10. A. gradual

  B. specific

  C. automatic

  D. smooth

  11. A. attitude

  B. altitude

  C. distance

  D. length

  12. A. carried out

  B. called off

  C. showed off

  D. made up


  Streaming is a technique for transferring data so that it can be processed as a steady and continuous stream. Most traditional users do not have fast 1.__________ access to download large multimedia files quickly. 2.__________, with streaming, you connect directly to the server and stream the movie or music to your computer or smart phones, meaning you can watch movies or listening to music over 3.__________ Internet connection. The big difference with streaming is that you pay to access content, rather 4.__________ actually owning it yourself.

  The main advantage of streaming is convenience. You can have access 5.__________ thousands of movies and songs at the touch of a button. Also, by only accessing content, you don't have to worry about storage space. You'll never fill 6.__________ your hard disk with MP3s, or your bookshelf with DVDs. Streaming is good for the environment too. Streaming files uses much 7.__________ energy than creating, shipping and watching or listening to DVDs and CDs.

  But some criticize streaming for its bad sound and image quality. A CD will probably sound a lot better than 8.__________ streamed song, and a movie on Blu­ray will look better than a streamed one too.


  It was a modest test drive: moving forward 15 feet, turning in place 120 degrees, then backing up about 8 feet. The entire trip took about 16 minutes.

  But for the team behind Curiosity, the six­wheeled NASA rover(探测器) that landed on Mars 17 days ago, the first tracks on Mars were an exciting milestone. “It couldn't be more important,” Peter C. Theisinger, the mission's project manager, said. “I mean, we built a rover. So unless the rover moves, we really haven't accomplished anything.”

  Curiosity, which was launched on November 26, 2011, is to spend about a couple of years traveling through a 96­mile­wide crater(陨石坑)and up a mountain at the center of the crater, exploring for signs that early Mars could have been habitable for life.

  But that journey of miles started a few feet away from Bradbury Landing, where Curiosity set down on Aug. 6, 2017. The spot had been named for Ray Bradbury, the author of “The Martian Chronicles” and other influential science­fiction novels. He would have turned 92 on Wednesday.

  Recently, Curiosity has been busy with other exercises. On Sunday, the rover fired a laser instrument for the first time, hitting a rock and analyzing the atomic makeup. On Monday, it extended its arm. On Tuesday, it moved its four corner wheels in preparation for the drive.

  “Everything has been going extremely well,” Mr. Theisinger said. So far, the only broken instrument has been a wind sensor that may have been damaged during the landing, NASA said.

  During the next week, as more instruments are checked out, Curiosity is to head to its first destination, called Glenelg. At first, Curiosity will move only about 30 feet at a time. As its engineers gain experience, the drives will stretch to longer than the length of a football field.

  Mr. Theisinger warned that the early successes did not ensure future ones. So far, the mission has accomplished only two of its primary goals: to launch on time and to land on Mars. “We've got a long way to go before this mission meets its full potential,” he said.

  1. What does Peter C. Theisinger think of the test drive?

  A. It is unimportant.

  B. It is very important.

  C. It ended up as a failure.

  D. It is not smooth.

  2. How long will Curiosity stay on Mars traveling through the crater?

  A. About one year.

  B. About two years.

  C. About four years.

  D. About five years.

  3. Curiosity is mainly designed to ______.

  A. search for life evidence on Mars

  B. prepare for human landing on Mars

  C. explore the natural resources on Mars

  D. try out some scientific instruments

  4. We can infer that Ray Bradbury ______.

  A. designed the Mars rover Curiosity

  B. is a space scientist from NASA

  C. has just died

  D. is an English science­fiction writer

  5. What is Mr. Theisinger's attitude towards the mission?

  A. Very optimistic.

  B. Very confident.

  C. Very disappointed.

  D. Very cautious.


  Drones are used extensively by the military. There are killer drones, attack drones, spy drones and surveillance(监视) drones used in the military. At present, the USA has some 7,000 military drones in military operation. It is predicted that by 2020, there could be as many as 30,000 in the US army. But is this a good thing?

  First of all, what is a drone? Basically, a drone is a plane without a pilot — an “unmanned plane”. Drones can be controlled by a pre­programmed computer or a pilot in a control center.

  Compared with piloted aircraft, drones have many advantages. Drones are cheaper to buy and easier to handle. Because there is no human pilot in the plane, they can keep military personnel out of harm's way. And they can stay in operation for much longer periods of time. Above all, they can attack the target with greater accuracy, thus greatly reducing damage to civilians and buildings.

  Military drones have two principal uses. First, they're used for surveillance. The technology for this is known as the “Gorgon Stare” — a video capture device with nine cameras which can take in a 4­by­4 kilometers area. Drones are also used to strike targets, either buildings or people. For example, in Yemen in September 2011, a drone was used to kill a terrorist called Anwar al­Awlaki, who was accused of being organizational leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

  However, military use of drones is controversial in many countries. Many people argue that drones often kill civilians by mistake. Since 2008, U. S. drone strikes in Pakistan have killed at least 67 civilians. Others think that the use of drones puts fighting wars on a similar level to video games, making it too easy and diminishing ethical(伦理) decisions.

   Module 7

  Unit 1

  Ⅰ.1. C 考查形容词词义辨析。typical意为“典型的,惯常的”,符合句意。ashamed 惭愧的,不好意思的; certain 肯定的,确定的; critical 批评的。

  2. A at the sacrifice of “以牺牲……为代价”。

  3. D wind up 给……上发条; wind down 松弛下来。此处用动词不定式表目的。

  4. D 考查时态。句意:爸爸昨晚下班回家时,“我”已经把作业完成了,正准备上床睡觉。表示完成作业这一动作在爸爸回来之前发生,故用过去完成时表示“过去的过去”。

  5. C 考查副词词义辨析。rarely意为“稀少地,罕见地”,符合句意。eventually 最终; badly 差地,迫切地; seriously 严肃地。

  6. D 考查非谓语动词。句意:“聚会最麻烦的事情是事后得收拾。”“但是如果及时处理,我们可以一小时内收拾干净。”do 与其逻辑主语it为动宾关系,故用v.­ed 形式作宾语补足语: get sth. done 使某事完成。

  7. C 本题考查 so…that…句型。so…that…是习惯搭配,意为“如此……以至于……”,其中that引导的是结果状语从句。

  8. B 考查形容词词义辨析。reject意为“拒绝,拒收”,符合句意。present 提出,呈现; refuse 拒绝; complete 完成。

  9. B 考查非谓语动词。deserve+to do 意为“应该……,值得做”,本题中,动词praise与逻辑主语Lily之间是被动关系,故答案选B。

  10. D 考查代词用法。another 意为“另一个,又一个”,表示泛指,符合语境。the other 指两者中的另一个; other 后需要跟名词; the others 是复数形式,表特指。

  11. A 考查时态。现在完成进行时表示一个过去开始,现在仍在继续中的动作。

  12. D 考查名词词义辨析。adaptation在此是“改编,改编本”之意,符合句意。translation 翻译; solution 解决方案; evolution 进化。

  13. B 考查倒装句。表示地点或方位的介词短语位于句首时,句子需要进行全部倒装。由于这里说的是经常性或习惯性情况,需用一般现在时,故选B项。

  14. A 考查形容词词义辨析。accessible 意为“易接近的,可得到的”,符合句意。relative 相对的; acceptable 可接受的; sensitive 敏感的。

  15. C 考查非谓语动词。此处是动词不定式作目的状语。句意:为了下班后能多陪陪孩子们,这位女士在公司甚至不停歇地努力的工作。

  .A 1. A 前面一句China's Shenzhou­9 capsule, with its crew of three, docked (对接)with the Tiangong­1 space lab有提示。join“连接”之意,符合句意。separate 分离; crash 碰撞;

  interact 互动。

  2. D 后面一句33­year­old Liu Yang, the first Chinese woman in space有提示。

  3. B 后面一句Jing Haipeng, who headed the crew. 说明景海鹏是本次太空任务的指挥长。

  4. C 宇航员要等到两个飞行器的压力变得相等时才能打开舱盖。

  5. B initially意为“最初,开始时”,符合句意。calmly 镇静地; excitedly 兴奋地; eventually 最终。

  6. A 刘洋起初待在神舟九号返回舱内,以防万一。

  7. D set about doing sth.意为“着手做某事”,符合句意。put off 推迟; give up 放弃;

  stick to 坚持。

  8. D 前面who waved into the camera有提示。故可判断3位航天员转向摄影机挥手致意。

  9. A confidence “信心”之意,符合句意。

  10. C 后面讲到这次对接是计算机操纵的,自动的过程,故选C项。automatic“自动的”,符合句意。gradual 逐渐的; specific 具体的; smooth 顺利的。

  11. B altitude“高度”,之意,符合句意。attitude 态度; distance 距离; length 长度。

  12. A carry out意为 “实施,执行”,符合句意。call off 取消; show off 炫耀; make up 编造。

  B 1. enough 考查副词。此处为后置副词,修饰fast,故填enough。

  2. However 考查副词。前后意思转折。

  3. your/the 考查代词/冠词。本句的主语是you,故形容词性物主代词应为your。此处也可用定冠词the。

  4. than 考查习语搭配。rather than意为“而不是”。

  5. to 考查习语搭配。have access to是“可使用,可得到,可接近”等意思。

  6. up 考查动词短语。fill up“填满,装满”之意。

  7. less 考查形容词。根据后面than可判断此处应用形容词的比较级形式。根据句意判断。流媒体文件使用的能量应当要少很多。故填less。

  8. a 考查冠词。不定冠词a 在此表示泛指概念。

  .1. B 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句It couldn't be more important可知Peter C. Theisinger认为这次试车非常重要。

  2. B 细节理解题。根据第三段可知好奇号火星探测器将在火星陨石坑附近展开为期两年左右的火星探测任务。

  3. A 细节理解题。根据第三段…exploring for signs that early Mars could have been habitable for life可知好奇号火星探测器的主要任务是寻找火星是否有生命存在的证据。

  4. C 推理判断题。第四段最后一句He would have turned 92 on Wednesday实际上是一个虚拟语气句子,意思是“他本来在星期三就要度过他的92岁生日了”。言下之意:他刚刚离开了人世。

  5. D 推理判断题。从文章最后一段…the early successes did not ensure future ones.以及…the mission has accomplished only two of its primary goals: to launch on time and to land on Mars. “We've got a long way to go…”等内容可以看出Theisinger先生出言谨慎。

  .1. Military drones 概括信息题。本文主要介绍了军用无人机。

  2. Kinds 概括信息题。根据右边的信息可知本处主要讲军用无人机的种类。

  3. no pilot 整合信息题。根据a drone is a plane without a pilot — an “unmanned plane” 可知无人机指飞机上没有飞行员的飞机。

  4. Controlling ways 概括信息题。根据右边的信息可知本处讲无人机的飞行控制方式。

  5. cost 整合信息题。根据Drones are cheaper to buy可知与有人飞机相比,无人机在价格上更便宜。观察下面的形式可知,应用名词性短语,故用lower cost。

  6. more 整合信息题。根据they can keep military personnel out of harm's way可知无人机对军事人员更安全。

  7. longer time 整合信息题。根据And they can stay in operation for much longer periods of time可知无人机运转时间更长。

  8. more accurate 整合信息题。根据 they can attack the target with greater accuracy可知无人机对目标的攻击会更准确。

  9. striking targets 整合信息题。根据Drones are also used to strike targets可知无人机可以用来攻击目标。

  10. civilians 直接信息题。根据Many people argue that drones often kill civilians by mistake可知无人机经常误杀平民。


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