2015高考英语一轮复习同步检测:M7 Unit 2《Fit for life》(译林版)-查字典英语网
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2015高考英语一轮复习同步检测:M7 Unit 2《Fit for life》(译林版)

发布时间:2017-04-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. ______ has been shown that children who are not active or whose diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.

  A. There

  B. What

  C. As

  D. It

  2. Ann told her mother on ______ phone that she was working for a charity that gives ______ aid to the poor in Africa.

  A. the; an

  B. a; an

  C. a; 不填

  D. the; 不填

  3. It was in Yushu ______ the powerful earthquake happened ______ the brave soldier lost his life when saving a boy.

  A. that; that

  B. where; that

  C. where; where

  D. which; where

  4. The doctor recommended that you ______ swim after eating a large meal.





  5. I'm not ______ the opinion that the best way to travel is a guided tour. Personally, independent travel is more fun.

  A. in charge of

  B. in honor of

  C. in need of

  D. in favor of

  6. Those who suffer from headache will find they get ________ from this medicine.





  7. The two parties involved agreed that once the trade agreement was signed, it would remain ______ in the following two years.

  A. effective

  B. reasonable

  C. formal

  D. complex

  8. — Sorry to keep you waiting, sir. The meeting went on longer than ______.

  — That's all right, I only got here a moment ago.

  A. expecting

  B. expected

  C. having expected

  D. to expect

  9. — Do the ______ meet with your approval?

  — Yes, of course. I agree to them.

  A. motivations

  B. commitments

  C. arrangements

  D. expectations

  10. ______ to surfing the Internet,he fell behind with his lessons.

  A. Addicted

  B. Addicting

  C. Being addicted

  D. To be addicted

  11. The ______ of new scientific discoveries to industrial production usually makes jobs easier to do.





  12. Graduates ______ qualities like patience, self­confidence and determination are badly needed in today's job market.

  A. relating

  B. subscribing

  C. possessing

  D. circulating

  13. — I've a really bad headache.

  — You need a break or you'll be absolutely ______.

  A. tried out

  B. left out

  C. picked out

  D. worn out

  14. — I intend to set up a company of my own. I'm fed up with working for others.

  — You ______ this for two years.

  A. would say

  B. have been saying

  C. had said

  D. are saying

  15. The worried mother posted the letter of asking for help online, ______ kind netizens to help her find her missing son.

  A. call for

  B. calling for

  C. called for

  D. to have called for



  There is an old joke about quitting smoking. “Quitting is easy, I did it several times!” There is, in reality, some __1__ in it. Most smokers quit several times before they quit __2__!

  I too, tried to quit several times. I smoked for about 10 years. To give up smoking, I tried the gum(口香糖), chocolate, etc. I did have some __3__, though. Then some stress would hit me at my job or family and I would start smoking again. One day, I got __4__ because I was caught smoking at work. I smoked a whole pack in a few hours. Then I couldn't __5__ a pack anymore without any income! This time, I made up my mind to quit forever.

  A strong desire for __6__ began in a few hours. I felt sick and anxious. Fortunately, those feelings were not new to me. I __7__. I kept some things in my mouth and hands when I got restless. When things got really bad, I used to run into a __8__ and watch movies. Luckily, I am a movie fan. Watching movies took my mind off cigarettes for a while. This is what worked for me. Distraction! I used to distract(分心) myself with something __9__, anything that would take my mind off smoking.

  It has been almost a year since I quit. Now, I have found a new job. My __10__ has improved a lot and I am healthier. I don't think I can go back to smoking ever. Strangely enough, the smell of smoke makes me sick now. Strange, but true!

  My message is that you can quit smoking. Do not __11__ if you have failed a few times. Distract yourself and you can __12__ it. I did it. So can you.

  1. A. opposition

  B. point

  C. difficulty

  D. truth

  2. A. temporally

  B. forever

  C. ever

  D. occasionally

  3. A. success

  B. failure

  C. surprise

  D. courage

  4. A. separated

  B. married

  C. fired

  D. changed

  5. A. afford

  B. paint

  C. sell

  D. store

  6. A. movies

  B. gums

  C. chocolates

  D. cigarettes

  7. A. gave out

  B. held on

  C. looked on

  D. watched out

  8. A. library

  B. shop

  C. cinema

  D. hospital

  9. A. dull

  B. cold

  C. new

  D. else

  10. A. cough

  B. handwriting

  C. reading

  D. skill

  11. A. make up

  B. turn up

  C. give up

  D. call up

  12. A. buy

  B. make

  C. borrow

  D. invent


  Next time you are faced with a puzzling problem, don't worry — the answer could lie 1.__________ your garden or the nearby forest. Leaving your computer at home, turning 2.__________ the cell­phone and taking a walk in the forest 3.__________ help improve brain power by as much as 50 per cent, a study has revealed. Researchers found that students performed 4.__________ better in a creative test after spending four days outdoors away from the modern technology.

  In the experiment, 60 students were chosen. 5.__________ were divided into two groups. 30 students in the first group were tested before the trip and scored an average 4.14 in a 10­question creativity test. The remaining 30 students in the second group were tested 6.__________ the four­day trip in a forest and answered an average of 6.08 questions correctly — an improvement of 50 per cent.

  Researchers said the results indicate that time spent walking in parks 7.__________ woodlands away from the modern technology helps people to restore brain power. They say a hike provides 8.__________ easy way to lift your creative abilities after long periods in front of a computer or TV screen.


  A man wears a mask as he walks to cross a street shrouded by haze in Beijing, China, Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2017. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)

  A new study links heavy air pollution from coal burning to shorter lives in northern China. Researchers estimate that the half­billion people alive there in the 1990s will live an average of 5.5 years less than the southerners because they breathed dirtier air.

  For decades, a government policy provided free coal for heating, but only in the colder north. Researchers found significant differences in both particle(颗粒)pollution of the air and life expectancy in the two regions.

  “While previous studies have found that pollution affects human health, the deeper and more important question is the impact on life expectancy,” said one of the authors, Michael Greenstone, a professor of environmental economics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

  “This study provides a unique setting to answer the life expectancy question because the free heating policy greatly changes pollution concentrations (浓度)for people who appear to be of otherwise the same health,” Greenstone said.

  The policy gave free coal to heat homes and offices to cities north of the Huai River, which divides China into north and south. It was in effect for the 1950­1980 period, and, though stopped after 1980, it has left a practice in the north of heavy coal burning.

  The researchers collected data for 90 cities, from 1981 to 2000, on the annual daily average concentration of total suspended(悬浮)particulates. The researchers estimated the impact on life expectancies from 1991­2000. They found that in the north, the concentration of particulates was 184 micrograms per cubic meter — or 50 percent higher than in the south, and life expectancies were 5.5 years lower on average across all age ranges.

  The researchers said the difference in life expectancies was almost entirely due to an increased incidence of deaths classified as cardiorespiratory(心肺的) — those from causes that have previously been linked to air quality, including heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer.

  The authors said their analysis suggests that every additional 100 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter in the atmosphere lowers life expectancy at birth by about three years.

  1. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

  A. China provided free coal for heating in North China.

  B. People in North China live shorter than those in South China.

  C. Coal burning shortens life spans in northern China.

  D. Coal burning causes bad air quality in northern China.2. We can infer that ______.

  A. air quality was better in South China

  B. southerners don't burn coal for heating

  C. coal is mainly produced in North China

  D. coal is no longer used for heating in North China

  3. According to Greenstone, what greatly contributes to the changes in pollution concentrations in North China?

  A. Bad weather.

  B. Sand storms.

  C. Gases from cars.

  D. The free heating policy.

  4. In North China, the free coal policy lasted about ______.

  A. 2 decades

  B. 3 decades

  C. 4 decades

  D. 5 decades

  5. What was the concentration of particulates in the south?

  A. About 184 micrograms per cubic meter.

  B. About 122 micrograms per cubic meter.

  C. About 100 micrograms per cubic meter.

  D. About 55 micrograms per cubic meter.


  Learning about the death of a loved one can be among life's most stressful events. A recent study showed that the risk of heart attack increases in the days and hours after getting news of such a death. Researchers recently studied nearly 2,000 heart attack survivors. The subjects were asked whether someone close to them had died in the six months before their heart attack.

  Elizabeth Mostofsky is with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts. She says: “We have found that the risk of having a heart attack was 21 times higher in the day following the loss of a loved one, compared to other times. And that risk remained high in the following days and weeks.”

  Earlier research explored the risk of dying from any cause over a year or more after the death of a husband, wife or child. The earlier research did not include the death of other close family members or friends.

  Ms. Mostofsky and her team studied information from the days immediately after receiving the news. She says several things could explain why the intense feelings after the death of a loved one could lead to a heart attack. She says: “Deep sorrow causes feeling of depression, anger, and anxiety, and several studies have shown that these emotions can cause increased heart rate, higher blood pressure, and blood clotting(凝固). And those in turn, can increase the chances of having a heart attack.”

  Ms. Mostofsky says the family and friends of those mourning for a loved one should know about the increased risk of heart attack. People should be making sure that the person who has lost the beloved is taking care of himself or herself, including taking regular medications. They also should have enough rest, because they are at that heightened level of vulnerability(易受伤害) at this time in their life.

  1. Who were the study subjects in the recent study? (No more than 4 words)


  2. What emotions can deep sorrow contribute to? (No more than 5 words)


  3. What advice does Mostofsky give to the person mourning for a loved one? (No more than 15 words)


  4. What is the main idea of the passage? (No more than 12 words)





  1. 词数:不少于120;

  2. 参考词汇:二手的 second­hand adj.


  Wang Yong is a heavy smoker.________________________________________________________________________













  Unit 2

  Ⅰ.1. D 考查代词。it此处为形式主语,that引导的从句是句子真正的主语。句意:已经证明,不活跃或者饮食中脂肪含量高的孩子容易发胖。

  2. D 考查冠词。on the phone属固定用法。aid在此为不可数名词,表泛指,不加冠词。

  3. B 考查定语从句和强调结构。第一空用where引导定语从句,并在从句中作状语;第二空用that 来构成强调句,强调部分为in Yushu。

  4. D recommend表“建议”,后面接宾语从句要使用虚拟语气。其中should可以省略。

  5. D 考查介词短语。in favor of在此意为“赞成”,符合句意。in charge of 主管,负责; in honor of 对……表示敬意; in need of 需要。

  6. A  句意应为“那些头痛的人会发现这种药物能使头痛缓解。”所以A项意义符合句意, relief 表示“缓解,减轻,解除”。 safety表示“安全,保险”;defense 表示“防御,防护”; shelter表示“掩蔽,保护”。

  7. A 考查形容词词义辨析。effective 意为“有效的”,符合句意。reasonable 合理的; formal 正式的; complex 复杂的。

  8. B 考查非谓语动词。expect与meeting之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故在此用其v.­ed形式。前一句意思是“先生,抱歉让你久等了。那个会议开得比预期要长”。

  9. C 考查名词词义辨析。arrangement“安排”之意,符合句意。motivation 动机; commitment 承诺; expectation 期望。

  10. A 原句可还原为Because he was addicted to surfing the Internet,省略了主语与be 动词。

  11. A 句意:新的科技发现在工业生产中的运用让工作变得更容易做。

  12. C 考查动词词义辨析。possess“具有,拥有”之意,符合句意。relate 联系,叙述; subscribe 订阅; circulate 循环。

  13. D 考查动词词义辨析。wear out意为“精疲力竭”,符合句意。try out 试验; leave out 遗漏; pick out 挑选。

  14. B 考查时态。此处用现在完成进行时态表示过去一段时间内一直发生并有可能继续发生的事情。句意:——我想开办自己的公司。我厌倦给别人打工。——你说这样的话已有两年了。

  15. B 考查非谓语动词。现在分词在此表伴随状态。句意:这位焦急的母亲把求助信放在网上,呼吁热心的网民帮助她寻找她失踪的儿子。

  .A 1. D 这句话的意思是“这个笑话还真的有点道理”。truth意为“真相,事实”,符合句意。opposition 反对; point 观点,意义; difficulty 困难。

  2. B 大多数人在彻底戒烟之前,都戒过好几次。forever意为 “永远”,符合句意。temporally 临时; ever 曾经,以前; occasionally 偶尔。

  3. A “我的确取得了一些成功”。

  4. C 倒数第二段中的Now, I have found a new job有提示,说明作者因为在上班时间抽烟被炒了鱿鱼。

  5. A 后面讲作者没有了任何收入,可见他一盒烟都买不起了。afford意为 “买得起,付得起”,符合句意。

  6. D 作者戒烟后不到几个小时就出现了想抽烟的强烈欲望。

  7. B 尽管烟瘾难忍,但作者坚持不破戒抽烟。hold on 在此是“坚持”之意。符合句意。give out 分发,疲倦,用尽; look on 旁观; watch out 当心。

  8. C 作者应该是在电影院里看电影,故选C项。

  9. D 作者用别的什么东西来分散注意力。else意为“另外的,别的”,符合句意。

  10. A 作者接着讲到他比以前更健康了,可以判断戒烟后他的“咳嗽”情况有了很大改观。

  11. C 作者鼓励烟民朋友不要因为几次戒烟失败而放弃努力。give up“放弃”之意,符合句意。make up 构成,和解,化妆,编造; turn up 出现,放大; call up 打电话,回忆,召集。

  12. B make it为固定短语,意为“成功,做成某事,做好,赶到等”,符合句意。

  B 1. in lie in是固定短语,意为“在于”。

  2. off turn off意为“关掉”。

  3. can 谓语动词前通常考虑填副词或情态动词。根据句意应填can。

  4. much/far 要考虑填能修饰形容词比较级的副词。

  5. They 句子缺少主句,考虑填主格代词。用they来替代前面的名词students。

  6. after 考查逻辑判断。前面before the trip有提示,故此处讲的是旅行后的测试。

  7. and 两个并列宾语之间缺少连词。

  8. an 不定代词在此表泛指。

  .1. C 主旨大意题。根据主题句A new study links heavy air pollution from coal burning to shorter lives in northern China.可知本文主要讲中国北方因为烧煤取暖成性,空气污染严重,影响居民人均寿命预期。

  2. A 推理判断题。根据第二段第二句Researchers estimate that the half­billion people alive there in the 1990s will live an average of 5.5 years less than the southerners because they breathed dirtier air.可以判断中国南方的空气质量比北方要好。

  3. D 细节理解题。根据第五段第一句…because the free heating policy greatly changes pollution concentrations (浓度)…可知Greenstone认为免费供煤取暖政策大大改变了华北的污染浓度。

  4. B 细节理解题。根据第六段第二句It was in effect for the 1950­1980 period可知华北免费供煤取暖政策持续了约30年。

  5. B 细节理解题。根据倒数第三段第三句They found that in the north, the concentration of particulates was 184 micrograms per cubic meter — or 50 percent higher than in the south可知北方的污染浓度是每立方米184微克,比南方高出50%,故南方的污染浓度约为每立方米122微克。

  .1. 2,000 heart attack survivors. 细节理解题。根据Researchers recently studied nearly 2,000 heart attack survivors.可知这次研究的对象是2000位心脏病存活者。

  2. Depression, anger and anxiety. 细节理解题。根据Deep sorrow causes feeling of depression, anger, and anxiety…可知极度悲伤可能会导致抑郁、气愤和焦虑等不良情绪。

  3. Taking care of himself or herself, taking regular medications and having enough rest. 细节理解题。根据最后一段的内容可知丧失亲人的人应注意照顾好自己,定期服药,同时要保证足够的休息时间。

  4. Study shows a death in the family may cause real heart break. 主旨大意题。根据主题句(第一段)A recent study showed that the risk of heart attack increases in the days and hours after getting news of such a death的内容可知本文主要讲研究发现丧失亲人真的会伤心——伤害心脏。

  .One possible version:

  Wang Yong is a heavy smoker. One day he was about to smoke when his wife stopped him and drove him out of the home. When he walked out of his house, he saw Mrs. Li, who was sitting on a long bench and looking after her two children. Mrs. Li invited Wang Yong to sit down. Wang Yong said “My wife doesn't permit me to smoke at home.” With these words, he lit a cigarette and began smoking. He added, “As you know, second­hand smoking is harmful. If I smoke in my home, that will do great harm to my lovely son. So I have to come here to have a smoke.” Having heard that, Mrs. Li ran away as fast as she could with her children.

  I think Wang Yong is a selfish man. He only thinks of himself and his family. But he doesn't realize that his smoking will also endanger others' health.


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