2015高考英语一轮复习同步检测:M7 Unit 4《Public transport》(译林版)-查字典英语网
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2015高考英语一轮复习同步检测:M7 Unit 4《Public transport》(译林版)

发布时间:2017-04-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1. — What is the price of petrol these days?

  — Oh, it ______ sharply since last month.

  A.is raised

  B.has risen

  C.has arisen

  D.is increased

  2. Passengers are permitted ______ only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.

  A.to carry


  C.to be carried

  D.being carried

  3. — We should leave early ______ there's heavy traffic.

  — There's no hurry. We have two hours to go before the concert.

  A. so that

  B. even if

  C. in case

  D. as though

  4. We should offer the post to Harry. He has technical knowledge ______ rich experience.

  A. instead of

  B. by means of

  C. due to

  D. as well as

  5. The frightened girl put her hand ______ her mouth and tried to stop herself from screaming.

  A. off

  B. into

  C. over

  D. above

  6. For many years, the scientist ______ an effective way to treat the disease, but up to now he hasn't found one.

  A. has looked for

  B. had looked for

  C. had been looking for

  D. has been looking for

  7. Jim is hardworking, careful, and patient. In a word, he has all the qualities ______ to do the job well.

  A. requiring

  B. required

  C. being required

  D. to be required

  8. Physical problems often ______ emotional or mental problems. Therefore, it's important for us to pay attention to our mental health.

  A. arise from

  B. result in

  C. rely on

  D. try out

  9. My new partner Bill has such ______ behavior that I always feel uneasy about working with him.

  A. diverse

  B. political

  C. acceptable

  D. aggressive

  10. When ______ to act out the dialogue in pairs in class, the two girls were a bit nervous.

  A. asked

  B. to be asked

  C. asking

  D. having asked

  11. — Has the plan been carried out?

  — Not yet. We need to receive official ______ from the authority first.

  A. approval

  B. enquiry

  C. reservation

  D. statistics

  12. Your handwriting is really too bad to read; I can hardly ______ what exactly you’re trying to say.

  A. give out

  B. make out

  C. leave out

  D. bring out

  13. Under the rules of the club, to join it, you have to ______ to buy a minimum of six books a year.

  A. expect

  B. undertake

  C. bother

  D. aim

  14. Personally, I think leaving the car unlocked is an open invitation ______ stealing.

  A. for

  B. on

  C. in

  D. to

  15. — It's a pity that I missed the news report.

  — Don't worry. It ______ again at nine o'clock this evening.

  A. is broadcast

  B. is being broadcast

  C. has been broadcast

  D. will be broadcast



  Being a school bus driver can be a heroic effort; handling a giant vehicle while __1__ to keep children quiet and in their seats is quite a feat(技艺). But lately, a few school bus drivers have gone above and beyond the call of __2__.

  This morning, North Carolina school bus driver Penny Cooper got 39 elementary school students __3__ off a bus after it caught fire. When students noticed smoke coming from the back of the vehicle, they __4__. Cooper stopped the bus immediately and calmed down the students. Then, she evacuated everyone through the front door in a(n) __5__ way. Finally, she entered the bus again to make sure all the students got off the bus. By the time the __6__ arrived, the bus was fully engulfed in flames. The flames were so hot that they melted the windows and tires. Thanks to Cooper's calm __7__, no one was injured in the fire.

  On Monday, North Carolina bus driver Evans Okoduwa succeeded in __8__ a young man who tried to hijack(绑架) the school bus to Washington so that he could shoot government officials. Okoduwa was driving the bus when the man approached him with a __9__. But after talking to the man, Okoduwa managed to get him to __10__ his foolish idea and put down the weapon.

  California school bus driver Danny Waldrum saved the life of a choking 13­year­old boy this month. Waldrum, a retired officer, was driving his bus to school one morning when he noticed that his only __11__ was choking(窒息). The boy looked pale and was in great danger. Waldrum called the hospital at once. He checked to see if the boy was breathing and then performed CPR(心肺复苏术). Several minutes later, doctors arrived. The doctors said that it was Waldrum's __12__ treatment that saved the boy's life.

  1. A. pretending

  B. failing

  C. promising

  D. attempting

  2. A. duty

  B. patience

  C. space

  D. attention

  3. A. luckily

  B. angrily

  C. safely

  D. unexpectedly

  4. A. laughed

  B. panicked

  C. lay

  D. left

  5. A. orderly

  B. friendly

  C. lively

  D. costly

  6. A. drivers

  B. teachers

  C. firefighters

  D. soldiers

  7. A. habits

  B. directions

  C. appearances

  D. styles

  8. A. shooting

  B. approaching

  C. saving

  D. persuading

  9. A. gun

  B. book

  C. ruler

  D. pen

  10. A. give up

  B. turn down

  C. show off

  D. look through

  11. A. messenger

  B. tourist

  C. passenger

  D. customer

  12. A. gentle

  B. kind

  C. careful

  D. timely


  In Los Angeles, drivers spend sixty­one hours every year stuck in traffic. Professor Cyrus Shahabi also knows about traffic jams. He lives more than 65 kilometers from 1.__________ office. He is always late 2.__________ with the help of a navigation(导航) system.

  He decided to do something for that. He developed a program called ClearPath, 3.__________ uses historical data to predict traffic conditions even before the driver leaves the house.

  “4.__________ is unique is that we use a lot of data that's currently become available including traffic data and weather data. We analyze that 5.__________ that we can predict what's going to happen in front of you when you leave home,” said Professor Shahabi.

  “Now you are driving and there's 6.__________ accident in front of you, but the accident is 20 minutes away. And you know from historical data that that accident will have cleared 7.__________ the time you get there. We can take that into account and send you towards the accident.”

  He hopes that his program can be used 8.__________ soon as possible in cities with the worst traffic jams.


  The world of taxi drivers is dominated by men. But there is one small taxi company in Delhi, where all the drivers and passengers are female. Women's safety is a hot topic in India at the moment, so it's proving a very popular service. “When I'm on the road driving our taxi I feel very proud, because this is the first taxi service for women,” says 31­year­old Shanti Sharma, who is one of eight female drivers with a taxi service called Cabs for Women by Women.

  The last couple of months, since the rape(强奸) and murder in the city of a college student travelling on a bus, have been particularly busy for her and her colleagues.

  “After this case, our workload has increased so much,” says Sharma. “Women who used other cab services are also turning to us now.”

  Most women in Delhi say they routinely face harassment(骚扰), and worse, especially on public transport.

  Sharma, a single parent with three daughters, has been working as a taxi driver since 2011, when the service was first set up, and it has changed her life. This is the first time that she has earned enough — about $250 a month — to support her family.

  Of course, she and the other female taxi drivers are completely outnumbered by male cabbies. “When I park somewhere, there are always men there and inevitably five or six of them get together and hang out,” she says. “I'm usually the only woman in the parking lot, so I just stay inside the car.”

  It's not much better when she is out on the road. Sharma says the male drivers give her a hard time. “As soon as they see a woman at the wheel they start honking(按喇叭)for no reason. They'll try to overtake you. I'm always worrying about how to avoid getting hit by someone.”

  The company behind Cabs for Women by Women, Sakha Consulting Wings, had a number of goals when it set up the service. It wanted to give women from poor backgrounds an opportunity to earn money. By putting women in charge of technologies, it also wanted to change people's attitudes, and open up boundaries for women.

  1. Which of the following words can be used to describe the present taxi service called Cabs for Women by Women?

  A. Prosperous.

  B. Depressing.

  C. Difficult.

  D. Bad.

  2. Why are women who used other cab services turning to Cabs for Women by Women?

  A. Because Cabs for Women by Women is cheap.

  B. Because Cabs for Women by Women is safe.C. Because Cabs for Women by Women is famous.

  D. Because Cabs for Women by Women is comfortable.

  3. What do you know about Shanti Sharma?

  A. She is the first female taxi driver in Delhi.

  B. She lives in harmony with her husband.

  C. She has regretted becoming a taxi driver.

  D. She had trouble in supporting her family before becoming a taxi driver.

  4. The underlined word “cabbies” refers to “______”.

  A. college students

  B. taxi services

  C. taxi drivers

  D. female passengers

  5. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

  A. Opportunities Cabs for Women by Women provides for women.

  B. The main purposes of Cabs for Women by Women.

  C. The people's attitudes towards Cabs for Women by Women.

  D. The background information of Cabs for Women by Women.


  You could fill the sky with all the ideas people have had for flying cars — or what Carl Dietrich calls “flying­driving vehicles”. “Since the turn of the twentieth century, there have been many hundreds of published ideas for flying­driving vehicles. And some of them have actually been built and flown. But the Transition is the closest to actually getting to the market place,” said Carl Dietrich.

  Carl Dietrich heads a company in Massachusetts called Terrafugia. Terrafugia is developing the Transition airplane, which people have considered as the first practical flying car. And the Transition is designed to really be an airplane that can fold up its wings and drive down the road.

  The Transition Roadable Aircraft easily changes to a car. It takes about twenty seconds. It's like putting the top down on a convertible(折篷汽车), only instead of folding up your roof, we're folding up our wings and we're transferring power from a propeller(螺旋桨) to the wheels for driving on the ground.

  Development began in 2006, and the first road and flight tests took place in 2009. The Transition had to meet federal safety standards for cars and aircraft. Last year the Federal Aviation Administration agreed to let it weigh more than other light sport aircraft. But even fully loaded, it still weighs about half as much as an average car.

  The aircraft can climb to more than 3,000 meters. It can carry two people at speeds over 160 kilometers an hour in the air. And on the ground it can drive at 130 kilometers an hour.

  The company expects to complete the building process for its flying cars within the next few months. Then it will begin an intensive year­long testing program. Terrafugia expects the Transition to reach market, at a price of around $250,000. So far, nearly 100 people have already signed up as buyers. Many more are considering the purchase.

  1. Who is Carl Dietrich? (No more than 8 words)


  2. What is special about the Transition airplane? (No more than 7 words)


  3. What is the main idea of the third paragraph? (No more than 10 words)


  4. What do you think of the market prospects for the Transition? (No more than 3 words)




  优势 劣势


  列车 票价低廉 1.速度慢,旅行时间长



  列车 1.速度快,旅行时间短








  2.参考词汇:车厢—n. carriage 农民工— migrant worker


  With the operation of the Beijing­Guangzhou high­speed railway, many ordinary trains along the line have stopped the operation.













  Unit 4

  Ⅰ.1. B 本题考查时态的用法。 根据since last month 可知应用现在完成时。

  2. A 本题考查permit sb. to do sth.这一用法。

  3. C 考查状语从句。由答语中的“不用急,离音乐会开始还有两个小时”可知,第一个说话者的意思是“早点出发以防交通拥挤”,故选in case(以防)。so that 以至于; even if 即使; as though 好像。

  4. D 考查短语辨析。句意:“我们应该把这个职位提供给哈里,因为他既有丰富的经验,又有专业的知识”。由此可知选as well as(除……之外,也)。instead of 代替; by means of 用,凭借; due to 由于。

  5. C put off “延期,拖延”;put into“把…… 放入/投入……”;over指“蒙在……上,覆盖在……上面”,句中指捂住嘴。

  6. D 考查时态。现在完成进行时表示某一动作从过去开始一直持续到现在,并有可能继续进行下去。句意:多年来,这位科学家一直寻找一种治疗这种疾病的有效方法,但迄今为止他还没有找到。

  7. B 考查非谓语动词。require和qualities之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用其v.­ed短语作后置定语。

  8. A 考查短语动词辨析。由语境Therefore, it's important for us to pay attention to our mental health.可知选A项。arise from起因于,由……引起。result in 导致; rely on 依靠; try out 测试,试验。

  9. D 考查形容词辨析。由语境“和他一起工作我总是不自在”可知选D项。aggressive挑衅的,富有攻击性的。diverse 各种各样的; political 政治的; acceptable 可接受的。

  10. A 考查省略。当从句主语和主句主语一致,且从句谓语部分为be时,从句主语和be可省略。从句补充完整为:When they were asked…。

  11. A 考查名词辨析。由语境“现在计划还没有实施”可知,需先征得官方许可(approval),故选A项。enquiry 咨询,调查; reservation 预订,保留; statistics 统计。

  12. B make out“(勉强)听见,看见,理解”;give out “分发,公布,发布”;leave out “遗漏,排除”;bring out“使明显;推出(新产品)”。

  13. B 考查动词辨析。根据语境“想要加入俱乐部,你必须承诺每年至少买6本书”可知选undertake, 意为“承诺,答应”。expect 期望; bother 花费精力做某事,常用于否定句和疑问句中; aim 以……为目标。

  14. D 考查介词搭配。an invitation to sth.为固定搭配,意为“导致……的诱因”。

  15. D 考查时态。由语境可知,错过了这则资讯没关系,还会再重播,故选D项。

  .A 1. D attempt在此用作动词,“试图,尝试”,符合句意。

  2. A duty在此是“职责,责任”之意。这句话的句意是“这几个校车司机的行为已超出了他们正常的工作职责范围”。

  3. C 本段最后一句No one was injured in the fire有提示,可见这位司机安全地使39个小学生下了车。

  4. B 后一句讲Cooper使孩子们镇定下来,可以判断孩子们一看到汽车着火就慌张了。panic意为“惊慌”,符合句意。

  5. A 此处讲Cooper指挥孩子有序地从汽车前门疏散下来。orderly在此用作形容词,“秩序井然的”,符合句意。friendly 友好的; lively 生动的; costly 昂贵的。

  6. C 根据常识,应该是消防队员赶来灭火。

  7. B 由于Cooper镇定自若的指挥,无人在这次事故中受伤。direction 意为“指挥”,符合句意。habit 习惯; appearance 外表; style 风格。

  8. D 根据本段最后一句Okoduwa managed to get him to __10__ his foolish idea 可知Okoduwa成功地说服了绑架者。persuade“说服”之意,符合句意。shoot 枪击; approach 靠近; save 救活。

  9. A  本段最后一句讲绑架者放下了武器,故A项最佳。

  10. A Okoduwa说服绑架者放弃了这种愚蠢的想法。give up“放弃”之意,符合语境。turn down 拒绝; show off 炫耀; look through 浏览。

  11. C 坐车的人称为“乘客”,passenger 意为“乘客”,符合句意。messenger 信使; tourist 游客; customer顾客。

  12. D 医生说Waldrum及时的处理和治疗救了男孩一命。timely在此用作形容词,“及时的”之意,符合句意。

  B 1. his 名词前缺少限定词,根据句意用his。

  2. even 副词even意为“甚至”,作程度状语。

  3. which 非限制性定语从句缺少关系代词,故填which。

  4. What 主语从句缺少主语,故填what。

  5. so so that引导一个目的状语从句。

  6. an 不定冠词在此表泛指。

  7. by 介词by在此意为“到……为止”。

  8. as as soon as possible为固定搭配,意为“尽可能早”。

  .1. A 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句it's proving a very popular service可知这项女性出租车服务业务生意兴隆。

  2. B 推理判断题。第一段第三句Women's safety is a hot topic in India at the moment, so it's proving a very popular service有提示。这种由妇女驾驶的出租车能为女性乘客提供安全保障,故很多妇女选择了这项出租车服务。

  3. D 推理判断题。根据第六段最后一句This is the first time that she has earned enough — about $250 a month — to support her family可知这是她第一次赚了足够多的钱来养家糊口。可以判断在她成为出租车司机前,她养活全家是有困难的。

  4. C 词义猜测题。前面she and the other female taxi drivers有提示,故可判断“cabbies”在此指“出租车司机”。

  5. B 主旨大意题。根据本段的主题句The company behind Cabs for Women by Women, Sakha Consulting Wings, had a number of goals when it set up the service可知本段主要讲开展Cabs for Women by Women出租车业务的目的。故B项最佳。

  .1. He is boss of a company called Terrafugia. 细节理解题。根据Carl Dietrich heads a company in Massachusetts called Terrafugia可知Carl Dietrich是这个公司的老板。

  2. It can drive on the road. / It can be used as a car. 细节理解题。根据第二段第二、三句可知这种飞机可以在地面上行驶。

  3. The Transition Roadable Aircraft easily changes to a car. 主旨大意题。根据第三段主题句The Transition Roadable Aircraft easily changes to a car可知本段主要讲这种飞机很容易转换成小汽车。

  4. Promising/ Good/Optimistic. 推断题。根据最后一段最后两句So far, nearly 100 people have already signed up as buyers. Many more are considering the purchase的内容可以看出,这种飞机市场前景比较乐观。

  .One possible version:

  With the operation of the Beijing­Guangzhou high­speed railway, many ordinary trains along the line have stopped the operation.

  People prefer to choose high­speed trains because high­speed trains move very fast, thus shortening the travel time. Besides, they are very comfortable and convenient to travel by. But the train tickets are very expensive.

  Compared to high­speed trains, ordinary trains move very slowly, taking much more travel time. What's worse, the carriages are often crowded with passengers. However, the cheap tickets appeal to ordinary passengers.

  As we know, migrant workers and students, who have low or no incomes, are the main travelers along the line. If they can't take ordinary trains, they have no choice but to take high­speed trains, which most of them can't afford. So I think it is wrong to cancel so many ordinary trains. Both ordinary and high­speed trains should be operated for different people.


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