2015届高考英语一轮复习配套课件:M6 Unit 1《Laughter is good for you》1(译林版)-查字典英语网
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2015届高考英语一轮复习配套课件:M6 Unit 1《Laughter is good for you》1(译林版)

发布时间:2017-04-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  (4) lively是以­ly结尾的形容词,不是副词。可用作定语、表语及宾语补足语。意义为“生动活泼的,活跃的,栩栩如生的,鲜艳的”。 It'll be the biggest live concert the world has ever seen. 它将是世人所看到过的最大的现场直播音乐会。 Anne is very lively. 安妮很活泼。 All living things depend on air and water. 所有的生物(有生命的事物)都依赖于空气和水。 Is the snake dead or alive? 那条蛇是死是活? She has a lively sense of humor.

  她有强烈的幽默感。 She is the living image of her mother. 她简直是她母亲活的化身。 Our classroom is alive with so many young people. 我们的教室因有这么多年轻人而生机勃勃。 ①— What a pity! I've not got a ticket for the football match.

  — Don't worry. It'll be broadcast ______. ①A 答句意义是:别担心,它将会现场直播的。live可用作副词,意为“现场直播”。 ②Each time we celebrate a festival it changes a little and in that way we keep our culture ______.

  A. live

  B. lively

  C. alive

  D. living  ②C 句意:每次我们庆祝节日,都有点变化,就这样将我们的文化保留下来。keep sth. alive 固定词组,意为:使……保留下来/仍然存在。 ③我的老师有奇特的方法使他的课堂生动有趣。 My teacher has a strange way of making his classes  . ③lively and interesting  ④因此,中国将会再有生活在野外的麋鹿了。 So once more there will be milu deer ________ in the

  wild in China. ④living 8、guarantee

  vt. 保证;担保

  ◆We can not guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather. 雾天我们不能保证火车准时到达。 ◆Buying a train ticket doesn't guarantee you a seat. 买到火车票并不能保证你有座位。 guarantee sth. / that…保证…… guarantee sb. sth. 对某人保证某事 guarantee to do sth. 保证做某事 ◆I guarantee to pay off his debt. 我保证替他还债。

  n. 保证,保障;担保人;保修单 ◆Money is no guarantee of happiness. 有钱并不保证一定幸福。 ◆The new television had a guarantee with it. 这台新电视机有保修单。 Module 6 Unit 1

  Laughter is good for you(1) 1、behave

  v.(举止或行为)表现;(指机器等)运转或性能良好 ◆She behaves (towards me) more like a friend than a mother.

  她像朋友一样(待我), 而不像是我的母亲。 ◆Children, please behave (yourselves)!

  孩子们, 规矩些!

  ◆How's your new car behaving?

  你的新汽车好使吗? behave (oneself) 表现良好; 行为良好 ­behaved (用以构成复合形容词)有某种表现的: well­/ ill­/ badly­behaved children 表现好/不好的孩子们 behavior n. 行为, 举止; 运转状态, 性能 ①多么顽劣的小孩!

  What ____________ children!

  ①badly behaved  ②他虽然是个小孩,但是他的行为举止像成人。

  He was a little boy, but he ______ as if he was an adult. ②behaved  2、perform

  v. 做, 执行, 履行;工作;运转;演出演;正式进行, 施行(某事) perform a task/one's duty/a miracle


  perform an operation to save his life 动手术挽救他的生命 ◆They are performing his play/piano concerto tonight. 他们今晚演出他的剧/钢琴协奏曲。 2、perform

  v. 做, 执行, 履行;工作;运转;演出演;正式进行, 施行(某事)

  ◆How is the new car performing? 新汽车性能如何?

  ◆The new drug has performed well in tests. 那种新药试验效果不错。

  perform a ceremony, rite, ritual, etc. 举行典礼﹑ 仪式等  perform a study/experiment/analysis 进行研究/实验/分析  perform a function/role 起作用  performer n. 表演者; 演出者  performance n. 表演;演出;表现,业绩  an accomplished performer 有造诣的表演者  performing art 表演艺术 ①他们总是很耐心地做实验。 They always ______ their experiments with great

  patience. ①perform  ②计算机以惊人的速度完成这些演算。

  The computer ______ these calculations with

  surprising speed.

  ②performs ③外科医生正在施行一项危险的手术。

  The surgeon was ______ a dangerous operation.  ③performing  ④今晚他将演奏笛子。 He ______ on the flute tonight. ④will be performing 3、amuse vt. 使愉快,使高兴

  ◆The girls amused themselves with dolls.

  女孩们玩洋娃娃玩得很高兴。 ◆I was very much amused to see the seal perform its tricks.


  amuse sb. / oneself with sth. 拿某物使某人高兴  be amused at / by / with sth. 因某事而高兴  be amused to do sth. 因做某事而高兴

  amusing adj. 好笑的,有趣的  amused adj.(人、表情等)愉快的;被逗乐的  amusement n. 娱乐  to one's amusement 令人愉快的 注意复习有类似用法的词,如interest, excite, tire, bore, surprise, astonish, amaze, shock, frighten, puzzle, confuse, convince, disappoint等。 用amuse的适当形式填空 ①The stand­up show was so ________ and the ________ audience howled with laughter. ①amusing; amused

  ②His story kept the audience ________ all the time. ②amused ③Lucy has a great sense of humour and always keeps her colleagues ________ with her stories.

  A. amused

  B. amusing

  C. to amuse

  D. to be amused ③A 本题考查非谓语动词。keep +sb./sth.+done,根据句意,sb.与它后面的动词构成被动关系,故选A。 4、attain

  vt. 获得(某事物);达到;实现 He attained the age of 25 before marrying. 他在结婚前就已经25岁了。 ①这些目标一定可以达到。

  These objectives are certainly ______.  ①attainable  ②更多的妇女在公共生活中获得权力。 More women are ______ positions of power in public life.

  ② attaining ③Thousands of foreigners were ________ to

  the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.

  A. attended

  B. attained

  C. attracted

  D. attached

  ③C 表示成千上万的外宾被吸引来参加上海的世博会。 5、tear

  vi. & vt.

  撕;扯 ◆She tore her finger on the nail.

  钉子把她的手指挂破了。 ◆This material tears easily.

  这种料子很容易撕破。 ◆He was so angry that he tore the letter into pieces.


  tear down 拆掉  tear up 撕毁  tear oneself away from 恋恋不舍地离开  be torn by 受……折磨  tear off 急速脱掉 这本书如此有趣以至于我对它恋恋不舍。 The book is so interesting that I can‘t


    tear myself away from 6、burst

  vi., vt. & n. 爆炸;爆发;破裂;突然打开;充满

  ◆Owing to the weight of the contents the sacks burst open.

  因为东西太重,口袋裂开了。 ◆The newly­married couple are bursting with happiness.

  新婚的小两口乐不可支。 ◆With a final burst of speed she overtook the leading runner and won the race. 她以最后一股劲猛冲,超越了领先的运动员,赢得了这场赛跑。 burst in 突然进入;突然插嘴 burst into laughter / tears 突然大笑/大哭起来 be bursting with 充满 burst out 突然发出声音

  Seeing my old friends after 20 years, I felt as if my heart would ______ joy.

  A. burst by

  B. burst with

  C. bursting by

  D. bursting with B  7、辨析 live, alive, living, lively (1) live ①adj. 只能用作前置定语,不可作表语或后置定语,意为“活的,有生命的,通电的”等,通常指事物,不能指人,如:a live fish; a live mouse; a live wire。②adj./adv. 指球赛、文艺演出等时,意为“现场(观看)的;直播的”。③vt. 实践,身体力行。 (2) alive adj.“有生命的, 活的”(与dead对应)。主要用于指人,也可指事物, 在句中可作表语、后置定语、宾语补足语或主语补足语。be alive with 因……而生机勃勃。 (3) living adj.意为“有生命的;活着的”等。既可用作定语,也可用作表语。 该词还可用作象征意义,意为“现存的;现行的”。 它作定语时,一般是作前置定语。 living引导的分词短语作定语时,则应放在它所修饰的名词之后。


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