2015届高考英语一轮对点题组训练:1-3 Unit 3 Celebration(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2015届高考英语一轮对点题组训练:1-3 Unit 3 Celebration(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-04-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 3 Celebration

  [对 点 题 组]


  1.Leaders of most countries ________ (attend) the UN conference held in South Africa earlier this year.

  2.This is our ________ (contribute) to the world of the 21st century, a world of independence and cultural understanding.

  3.Something as simple as sharing thoughts openly can make a ________(power) difference to one's health.

  4.She ________(apply) to seven companies for a job, but failed to get it.

  5.China Daily is more than a newspaper, for it can also ________ (service) as a useful textbook for English study.

  答案 1.attended 2.contribution 3.powerful 4.applied 5.serve


  1.He served the army two

  years ago.________

  2.And the same method can be applied for the other cases.________

  3.An old Party member who attended the Party in 1949 joined the meeting.________

  4.We hope your suggestion would contribute to solve the problem.________

  5.It was believed any village that did not give food would have bad luck.________

  6.There are twenty teachers in this primary school,included two men teachers.________

  7.The mayor addressed to the crowd solemnly yesterday.________

  8.He has learnt enough German to carry out a conversation.________

  答案 1.served后加in 2.for―→to 3.attended―→joined;joined―→attended 4.solve―→solving 5.在believed后加that 6.included―→including 7.去掉to 8.out―→on


  1.________________the policeman who had arrested him three times for carrying drugs.


  2.The problem ________________.


  3.His brother________________in the traffic accident.


  4.They ________________ by the others.


  5.I think you need to ________________.


  答案 1.Before George is standing 2.is too hard for me to work out 3.is said to have been killed 4.shouldn't be looked down upon 5.apply to several colleges


  1.据说不久前我们村发生了一场火灾,许多房子被毁了。(It is said that...;destroy)

  2.不幸的是,李明家的房子也被烧毁了。(as well)

  3.许多人给这些村民捐款。(contribute to)

  4.李明家建了一所新房子。(put up)

  5.现在李明的生活恢复了正常,又能够在学校继续学习了。(carry on)



  It is said that a big fire broke out in our village not long ago,and many houses were destroyed.Unfortunately,Li Ming's house was burnt down as well.Faced with this situation,many people contributed to these villagers.A new house was put up for Li Ming's family.Now Li Ming's life has returned to normal and he can carry on with his study in his school.


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