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发布时间:2017-04-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  [学 以 致 用] Ⅰ.单句填空,根据语境填入适当的连词 1.(2017·广东)________ he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back,he was wrong... 2.A baby might show fear of an unfamiliar adult,__________ he is likely to smile and reach out to another baby. 3.________ I go,I will miss you. 4.________ life pace continues to speed up,we are quickly losing the art of enjoyment. 5.—I'd really like some lunch ________ I have so much work to do. —Tell me what you want ________ I can get it for you. 6.He speaks very little English,________ I talked to him through an interpreter. 7.We are going to the bookstore in Tom's car.You can come with us ________ you can meet us there later. 8.We were having dinner ________ my friend came to visit us. 9.Start out right away,________ you'll miss the early bus. 10.________ time went on,our teacher's words proved true. 11.The teacher taught us in such a lovely way ________ we would never forget what he taught us. 12.A rainforest is usually found ________ heavy rain is frequent. 13.I suggest you practice hard from now on,________ you want to lose face before so many people. 14.Much has been done to solve the problem of global warming,but it may be some time ________ the situation improves. 15.Mr.Smith had a painful expression on his face while driving,________ he was expecting something dreadful. 16.I didn't think I would need so much money,but I still brought some ________ something unexpected 17.(2017·天津,5)________ small,the company has about 1,000 buyers in over 30 countries. 18.(2017·重庆,25)________ we have enough evidence,we can't win the case. 19.(2017·山东,28)________ I have to give a speech,I get extremely nervous before I start. 20.(2017·辽宁,24)One can always manage to do more things,no matter ________ full one's schedule is in life. 21.(2017·江苏,28)In the global economy,a new drug for cancer,________ it is discovered,will create many economic possibilities around the world. 22.(2017·湖南,23)You must learn to consult your feelings and your reason ________ you reach any decision. 23.(2017·安徽,23)It's much easier to make friends ________ you have similar interests. 24.(2017·四川,7)He is so busy.He cannot afford enough time with his son even ________ he wants to. 25.(2017·江西,28)She says that she'll have to close the shop ________ business improves. 26.(2017·陕西,18)I have heard a lot of good things about you ________ I came back from abroad. 27.(2017·全国Ⅰ,25)I don't believe we've met before,________ I must say you do look familiar. 28.(2017·福建,30)It is hard for the Greek government to get over the present difficulties ________ it gets more financial support from the European Union. 29.(2017·湖南,32)________ hard you try,it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat. 30.(2017·天津,14)Everything was placed exactly ________ he wanted it for the graduation ceremony. 答案 1.If/Although/Though/While 2.but 3.Everywhere 4.As 5.but;and 6.so 7.or 8.when 9.or 10.As 11.that 12.where 13.unless 14.before 15.as if/as though 16.in case 17.Although/Though 18.Unless 19.Whenever 20.how 21.wherever 22.before 23.when 24.if 25.unless 26.since 27.although 28.unless 29.However 30.where Ⅱ.语篇填空在下列空格处填入一个适当的连接词,使结构完整,语意通顺。 My classmate Michael studied very hard __1__ he went to senior school.Every day he worked __2__ every one left the classmate.He said he wouldn't stop trying __3__ he got satisfying scores in his studies.Hard __4__ he tried,he made little progress,but he didn't lose heart at all __5__ he believed as long as he persisted he would succeed one day.__6__time went by,he made improvements in his studies and he was admitted to a university in Guangzhou at last.We had a get­together party__7__we started our new life in university.__8__ everyone had got offers from universities,we had a very good time.When we stood __9__ we used to play and study,we couldn't help thinking of our happy old days.We believed we would never forget each other,__10__ we would go or whatever we would do.Before we departed.__11__ we seemed a little sadder __12__ before,we still fought back the tears. 答案 1.after 2.until 3.unless 4.as 5.because6.As 7.before 8.Since 9.where 10.wherever11.Although/Though 12.than


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