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发布时间:2017-04-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Periods may be annoying, but at least they're predictable - sort of. If yours is a little delayed this cycle, and you're not trying to get pregnant right now, your first instinct is probably to freak out a bit. But don't.


There are actually many things that can delay your period that have nothing to do with being pregnant. For instance, many medications list delayed periods as a side effect, especially psychiatric drugs that can elevate your levels of prolactin. (This hormone is produced in low levels by your body at all times, but it becomes elevated during and right after pregnancy to help you produce breast milk.) "Usually women get told [about the possibility] because it's a relatively common side effect" of these medications, explains Raquel B. Dardik, MD at the NYU Langone Medical Center. "So it's not usually much of a surprise."


Click through to see other possible reasons why your period might be tardy this month.


1. Stress

1. 压力

One of the most common causes of a later period is, unfortunately, stress. That's because when you're stressed, your level of the hormone cortisol increases. And, says Dr. Dardik, "that can delay ovulation or suppress it altogether."


Of course, "that's sort of a double whammy," Dr. Dardik says, because you're already stressed and being worried about a missed period isn't exactly going to help that situation. So if you've been through some trying times or experienced heightened anxiety recently, give yourself a break and be patient.

当然,"那是种双重打击," 达迪克博士说,因为你本来就已经备受压力了,而担心大姨妈延迟根本不会解决这个问题。所以,如果你最近经历了困难时期或高度焦虑,那为何不放松一下,耐心等待呢?

2. Extreme Circumstances

2. 极端情况

Stress certainly counts in this category. But if you've been through other extreme situations recently, your period may be out of whack.


That could include life changes like major surgery or significant weight loss associated with an eating disorder, Dr. Dardik says. It could also include a traumatic experience, such as sexual assault, a loss of a loved one, or a really bad car accident. So if you've been through a major life moment, consider that your late period could be a symptom of that. Check in with your doctor to pin it down and if you're really having trouble, don't be shy about seeking the help of a mental health counselor.



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