Over the weekend, investors flocked to Xiongan in droves, while online it has been the subject of social media buzz. A sleepy district in Hebei province has suddenly become the centre of China's property craze.
What caused the rush?
It all began on Saturday when the Chinese government announced the location of a special economic zone (SEZ) which would effectively serve as an extension of Beijing.
The capital has been grappling with overcrowding and heavy pollution caused by a booming population, and officials are trying to relocate industries and encourage people to live further afield.
So-called Xiongan New Area, the 100 sq km (38.6 sq mile) zone is expected to eventually expand to 2,000 sq km - nearly three times the size of New York - and is a key component of a massive "mega-region" developing around Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.
What happened?
Anticipation about a new possible SEZ - where the local authorities have more freedom to make their own economic rules to appeal to domestic and foreign investors - had been bubbling for months.
So when authorities confirmed its location in Xiongxian and Anxin counties, south of Beijing, investors wasted no time. Hundreds of property punters descended on the area immediately after the announcement.
Locals saw their normally quiet streets flooded with cars bearing Beijing and Tianjin licence plates, while hotels were completely packed out, according to local media.
Homeowners were overjoyed to find themselves sitting on potential goldmines, with their property value skyrocketing overnight.
So good news for everyone?
Alarmed by the rocketing prices, the government moved in on Sunday to burst the nascent property bubble by suspending all new sales in the region. It also imposed strict regulations on who could develop and sell property in the area, as well as restrictions on residential permit registrations.
But that hardly deterred investors, who simply redirected their attention to areas just outside Xiongan. Home prices in neighbouring counties have now started soaring too, reported the Global Times.
Xiongan, it seems, is yet another chapter in China's obsession with property.
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