2017届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:1 必修1 Unit 1(北师大版含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:1 必修1 Unit 1(北师大版含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点规范练5(必修2 Unit 5)


  Hui Opera enjoys a long history and is one of the most ancient operas in China.The opera first appeared in Anhui Province.The art form was gradually developed by learning from different operas in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

  Hui Opera has played an important role in the development of Chinese operas.Not only does Peking Opera come from it,but also 40 other local operas across the country have greatly been influenced by it.

  In the Qing Dynasty,Hui Opera became popular all over the country with its performers’ excellent acting skills.In some cities of Southern China,rich businessmen even had their own private Hui Opera troupes(剧团)and stages.In 1790,the Sanqing Hui Opera Troupe,led by Gao Langting,went to Beijing to celebrate the 80th birthday of Emperor Qianlong.In Jiaqing’s days,the “Four Great Hui Opera Troupes”—Sanqing,Sixi,Hechun and Chuntai—have been very famous in Beijing.

  In Emperor Daoguang’s days,Cheng Changgeng,known as the leader of Hui Opera as well as the founder of Peking Opera,combined the good points of different operas,and introduced the Huangmei tune from Anqing,Anhui Province,which was really a hit in Beijing.After developing for about 50 years,the great Peking Opera was born.

  The stage art of Hui Opera is rich and of many kinds.The costumes are of good taste.Hui Opera has experienced highs and lows in its history,but long history and special nature make it warmly accepted across the country.

  1.Why is Hui Opera important in the development of Chinese operas?

  A.Because it’s the oldest opera in China.

  B.Because it has greatly influenced many other operas.

  C.Because it developed rapidly in a short period of time.

  D.Because it’s the mother of many Chinese operas.

  2.What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

  A.Good acting skills helped much to make Hui Opera popular.

  B.Hui Opera was popular all over the country in the Qing Dynasty.

  C.Even the emperors in the Qing Dynasty liked Hui Opera.

  D.There were once four great Hui Opera troupes in Beijing.

  3.Which of the following is TRUE about Cheng Changgeng?

  A.He was the founder of Hui Opera.

  B.He created the Huangmei tune.

  C.He was recognized as the leader of Hui Opera.

  D.He once celebrated Emperor Qianlong’s birthday.

  4.Which of the following might be the best title for the text?

  A.Ups and downs of Hui Opera.

  B.Hui Opera and Peking Opera.

  C.The great history of Chinese ancient operas.

  D.Hui Opera—one of the most ancient operas in China.



  Traveling in Vietnam was like visiting a mysterious neighbor.You have lived next door to each other for years but know very  1  about what happened on  2  side of the fence. 

  I traveled there last August.A(n) 3  180-kilometre trip from a Chinese border town to Hanoi,the capital of Vietnam, 4  an adventurous eight hours.That’s  5  the country still doesn’t have a modern expressway system.The major passage going through the country is only a two-way road. 6 ,many areas are mountainous. 

  Vietnamese drivers are  7  and fearless.They compete with each other at full speeds no matter how scared the  8  feel.When the bus shook us violently for the hundredth time,the driver made a  9  to make us feel better.“See,this is just a  10  Vietnamese people give you,a free massage (按摩) service.” 

  It was midnight  11  I reached that hotel.Switching on television,I was  12  by something:All the  13  in the TV plays spoke in the same voice. 14 ,modern Korean plays and historical Chinese plays are  15  with the Vietnamese.But it seemed they didn’t have enough  16  to dub (为……配音) all these programs.So,the same boring woman appears  17  every TV play to speak for the roles.The next morning when I opened the window,I found myself in a huge “ 18 ”.The buildings in the streets were  19  in all kinds of colors you can imagine.Vietnamese are allowed to  20  their houses as they like.Each one was different.The large number of colors brought the city alive. 

  1.A.little B.much

  C.a lot D.few

  2.A.another B.other

  C.either D.the other

  3.A.long B.simple

  C.pleasant D.awkward

  4.A.took B.spent

  C.paid D.devoted

  5.A.why B.when

  C.because D.where

  6.A.Therefore B.However

  C.Also D.Otherwise

  7.A.wonderful B.impatient

  C.careful D.helpless

  8.A.passengers B.policemen

  C.drivers D.passers-by

  9.A.story B.joke

  C.promise D.statement

  10.A.gift B.pleasure

  C.competition D.surprise

  11.A.that B.until

  C.when D.while

  12.A.excited B.embarrassed

  C.disappointed D.amazed

  13.A.actresses B.stories

  C.characters D.channels

  14.A.At present B.To be honest

  C.Sure enough D.In return

  15.A.satisfied B.received

  C.content D.popular

  16.A.time B.budget

  C.people D.space

  17.A.beside B.under

  C.over D.behind

  18.A.film B.garden

  C.book D.cup

  19.A.put B.set

  C.dressed D.filled

  20.A.rent B.make

  C.live D.paint



  Today I spent time 1. (talk)to an old friend about some of the choices that we have made in our lives.We both agree that life has 2.(basic)been good to us.And we are very 3. (appreciate)of what we have been blessed with. 

  Today I would like you to think about your journey and where you see yourself in the next five years.Do you see that you have become exactly who you set out to be?If you are like me,you are working daily on those goals.I work on my 4.(aim)because I am excited about that opportunity. 

  However,I do realize that sometimes life can get 5. the way of our goals.I remember when my friend 6. (decide)to buy her first home.She was ready and had everything 7.(line)up.But during this time her father died and she had to move home 8.(help)take care of her mother.Her goal was delayed,but she didn’t give it up completely.And that’s exactly 9. key to this all.In order to achieve your goals,you have to keep working on 10.. 



  Our life today has many problems.One of the biggest problems are pollution.Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty.It killed our fish and pollutes our drinking water.Noise pollution makes us to talk louder and become angry more easy.Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution,what is bad to living things in the world.We need to do a lot of thing to fight pollution.Factories must clean our waste water before it thrown away.We can’t throw waste things on the ground.We can go to work by bus and with our friends in a same car.Everybody must help to fight pollution.



  .1.B 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Not only does Peking Opera come from it,but also 40 other local operas across the country have greatly been influenced by it.”一句可知,徽剧在中国戏剧发展中起着重要的作用,不仅因为京剧来自于徽剧,还因为有四十多种其他地方戏都深受其影响。故选B项。

  2.B 段落主旨题。文章第三段重点说明徽剧在清朝时深受全国人的欢迎。故选B项。

  3.C 判断正误题。根据第四段内容可知答案。

  4.D 文章标题题。本文重点说明了徽剧的发展历史及其对中国戏剧的影响,故选D项。

  .1.A 根据but表达转折意义可知,中国和越南是邻国,但彼此对对方却知之甚少。

  2.D 表示两边中的另一边应用the other。

  3.B 后面说明用了8小时,而距离仅180公里,故此处作者所表达的是“简单的”旅程竟花了8小时。

  4.A 主语是物trip,故应用took表示“花(时间)”。

  5.C 根据上文说明很短的距离却用了8小时的时间,此处给出原因;that’s because...表示“那是因为……”。

  6.C 此处说明原因,穿越越南全国的只有一条双行道,而且许多地区为山区,由此判断此处应用also表示递进关系。

  7.B 该空所填词和fearless并列,应为同类词。故选B表示既无“耐心”又无畏,后面一句也提供了暗示。

  8.A 越南的司机开车无耐心无畏惧,全速行驶,而不管“乘客(passengers)”感到有多害怕。

  9.B 根据后面司机的话可知,他是在和乘客“开玩笑”。

  10.A 根据后面说明“免费按摩服务”可知,此处司机开玩笑说这是送给乘客的“礼物”。

  11.C 由句子结构可知,此处用when引导时间状语从句。

  12.D 由后面一句说明电视剧中所有的人物都用同一声音说话可知,这一现象让我很“惊讶”。

  13.C 根据TV plays和spoke可知,此处表示的是剧中所有的“角色、人物”。

  14.A 后面说明的是现在的情况,故选A表示“现在”。

  15.D 根据后一句的转折意思可知,此处用popular表示“受……的喜爱”。

  16.B 配音都是同一个声音,是因为付不起(找不同人进行配音所需要的)“经费”。

  17.D 配音应该是在幕后进行的,故用behind。

  18.B 根据打开窗户往外看可知,此处表示的是“(五彩斑斓的)花园”。

  19.C 由后面说明“越南的房子五颜六色”可知,此处用dressed;be dressed in表示“穿着”,形象地说明越南的房子被披上各种颜色。

  20.D 根据后面说明的每一栋房子都不同,故此处说明在越南允许人们随自己的意愿粉刷他们的房子。

  .1.talking spend后应跟动词-ing形式做宾语。

  2.basically 此处应用副词修饰谓语部分。

  3.appreciative 在句中充当表语应用形容词。

  4.aims 在work on后应用名词,且此处和前面的goals对应,故也应用复数形式。

  5.in 表示“挡道”应用get in the way。

  6.decided 根据前后文可知,此处应用过去时态。

  7.lined 由had为谓语动词可知,此处应用非谓语。have something done表示“让某事被做”。

  8.to help 表示目的应用动词不定式。

  9.the 表示特指应用定冠词the。the key to“……的关键”。

  10.them 此处用人称代词指代的your goals。

  .Our life today has many problems.One of the biggest problems

  pollution.Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty.It

  our fish and pollutes our drinking water.Noise pollution makes us


  talk louder and become angry more .Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution, is bad to living things in the world.We need to do a lot of

  to fight pollution.Factories must clean

  waste water before it thrown away.We can’t throw waste things on the ground.We can go to work by bus

  with our friends in

  same car.Everybody must help to fight pollution.


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