2017届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:13 必修5 Unit 13(北师大版含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:13 必修5 Unit 13(北师大版含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点规范练13(必修5 Unit 13)



  For history fans,Margaret Thatcher is one of the most interesting of the British Prime Ministers.She is praised by both British and American conservatives for her firm principles and accomplishments of her term.

  Being so popular,it is only appropriate that a solid movie be made to detail the life of the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.The film Iron Lady focuses on Thatcher (Meryl Streep) and her dementia(痴呆症),with certain items in her house reminding her of periods of her life,which then start series of flashbacks.Thatcher also fantasies of her husband,Denis (Jim Broadbent),and holds conversations with him throughout the film.

  In a world controlled by men and where women are thought to belong to the kitchen,Thatcher struggles to break through the barriers of sex to win a seat in Parliament(国会).Not only does she struggle with her sex,but being the daughter of a simple shopkeeper,she struggles with class barriers.

  After winning a seat in Parliament in 1959,Thatcher was appointed Secretary of State for Education and Science (SES).The film details how the leadership of her party didn’t take her or her opinions seriously.Thatcher became tired of being unheard and decided to challenge the leadership of the party and run for Leader of the Opposition.Not expecting to win the position,she took off in popularity,continuing a strong campaign even after her manager was killed by the Irish Republican Army.

  Thatcher,after the conservative party won a majority in Parliament,became the first woman Prime Minister of the UK.She took off in popularity until an economic decline hit the country.She regained popularity after the Falklands War.

  The film,in many cases,shows archive footage(资料片)to convey the historic timeline of the movie.The film does an excellent job in recording the complex life of one of Britain’s most complex women.It examines the price that Lady Thatcher paid for power,the class and sex struggles she overcame,and the burden of dementia.The film strikes an astonishingly dear portrait of the “Iron Lady” and will be sure to stand the test of time.

  1.According to the passage,the film Iron Lady is mainly about  . 

  A.Margaret Thatcher and her dementia

  B.Thatcher’s principles and achievements

  C.the British Prime Ministers’ interests

  D.Margaret Thatcher and her husband

  2.When Thatcher worked as Secretary of SES, . 

  A.her party took her and her opinions seriously

  B.she tried hard to break through the barriers of sex

  C.she struggled to break through the class barriers

  D.she wasn’t respected by the leaders of her party

  3.This passage is possibly a(n)  . 

  A.autobiographyB.political report

  C.film review D.life story

  4.What is the author’s attitude towards the film Iron Lady?

  A.Negative. B.Positive.

  C.Disapproving. D.Casual.


  A man and his girlfriend were married.It was a large  1 . 

  All of their friends and  2  came to see the lovely ceremony and to  3  in the festivities and celebrations.All had a wonderful time.The bride was impressive  4  her white wedding gown and the groom was very attractive in his black suit.Everyone could  5  that the love they had for each other was  6 . 

  A few months later,the wife came to the husband with a/an  7 ,“I read in a magazine about how we can  8  our marriage,” she offered.“Each of us will write a list of the things that we find a bit  9  with the other person.Then,we can talk about how we can  10  them and make our lives happier together.” 

  The husband agreed.So  11  of them went to a separate room in the house and thought of the things that annoyed them.They thought about this question for  12  of the day and wrote down what they  13 .The next morning,at the breakfast table,they decided that they would  14  their lists. 

  “I’ll start,” offered the wife.She took out her list.It had many  15  on it,enough to fill three pages.In fact,as she started reading the list,she noticed that tears were starting to appear in her husband’s eyes. 

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.“Nothing,” the husband replied,“keep reading your list.”

  The wife continued to read until she had read all three pages to her husband.She  16  placed her list on the table and  17  her hands over the top of it. 

  “Now,you read your list,” she said happily.

  Quietly the husband  18 ,I don’t have anything on my list.I think that you are perfect the way  19  you are.I don’t want you to change anything for me.The wife, 20  by his honesty and the depth of his love for her and his acceptance of her,turned her head and wept. 

  We have a wonderful world that is full of beauty,light and promise.Why waste time in this world looking for the bad,disappointing or annoying when we can look around us,and see the wonderful before us?

  1.A.festival B.feast C.celebration D.holiday

  2.A.family B.colleagues

  C.fans D.neighbors

  3.A.overcome B.undertake

  C.intake D.partake

  4.A.dressed in B.pull on

  C.put on D.wore

  5.A.say B.tell C.know D.learn

  6.A.real B.actual C.true D.pure

  7.A.proposal B.idea C.request D.command

  8.A.expand B.strengthen

  C.broaden D.deepen

  9.A.annoyed B.disturbed

  C.disturbing D.annoying

  10.A.focus B.fix C.concentrate D.react

  11.A.both B.all C.each D.neither

  12.A.the remained B.the rest

  C.the left D.the following

  13.A.came up B.came out

  C.came for D.came up with

  14.A.go over B.make up

  C.look over D.turn to

  15.A.matters B.topics C.items D.details

  16.A.cleanly B.clearly C.proudly D.neatly

  17.A.unfolded B.folded

  C.opened D.stretched

  18.A.stated B.declared

  C.announced D.suggested

  19.A.what B.where C.who D.that

  20.A.encouraged B.criticized

  C.touched D.loved



  Some 1. (invent) happened in strange ways.“Potato chips” is one of them. 

  White Lake House was 2.  restaurant in New York in the 1850s.George White was the cook there.Many highly-ranked people often came to the restaurant 3. (enjoy) his cooking. 

  One thing which really upset George was that a customer complained 4.  the food and sent it back to the kitchen to be done over.He would often return it overcooked.He was unhappy to see the customer walk out of the restaurant 5.(angry). 

  On August 24,1853,a customer returned his fried potatoes to the kitchen 6.  they weren’t crunchy(脆的) enough.George reacted in his 7. (usually) way.He cut the potatoes very thin and cooked them in hot oil.They were so crunchy and George was sure that the man would refuse to eat them.Instead,the man loved them.He even 8. (order) more. 

  Now,do you know 9.  invented the potato chips?It’s George White!He later set up his own restaurant.He named it George’s House.He put baskets of his potato chips on all the tables.They made his restaurant a very popular place. 

  Today,potato chips are one of Americans’ 10.(favour) foods!



  My hobby is collecting stamps.I had stamps from many countries,like England,Canada,China and the other countries.Yesterday,one of my favorite stamp was lost,this made me really upset.I looked for it anywhere and asked everybody in the room,but still I couldn’t find them.“Where could it have gone?” I thought to myself,“Maybe I should tell my teacher.” With my eyes filling with tears,I came in Mr.Li’s office.“Don’t be so worrying!” Mr.Li told me with a smile,“You must put it somewhere else.I am sure it will turn up soon.”



  .1.A 细节推断题。根据第二段中“The film Iron Lady focuses on Thatcher(Meryl Streep) and her dementia(痴呆症),with certain items in her house reminding her of periods of her life,which then start series of flashbacks.”一句可知答案。

  2.D 推理判断题。根据第二段内容可知,当撒切尔夫人在议会获得一个席位时,他的政党不考虑她的观点,表现出对她的不尊重,故选D项。

  3.C 文章体裁题。文章对电影“Iron Lady”做了介绍,故本文应该是一篇影评。

  4.B 观点态度题。根据最后一段,尤其是“The film does an excellent job in recording the complex life of one of Britain’s most complex women.”可知,作者对该片是肯定的。

  .1.C 根据前句中的“married”可知此处表示举行了一场盛大的结婚庆典,故选C项。

  2.A 所有的朋友和家人都来到结婚典礼。根据friends可知选A项。

  3.D 此处表示来参加欢宴和庆祝活动。overcome“克服”;undertake“承担”;intake为名词,意为“进风口”;partake“参加”。结合语境选D项。

  4.A 此处表示穿着白色婚纱的新娘漂亮迷人。be dressed in意为“穿着”,强调状态,而put on强调动作,故选A项。

  5.B 每个人都能看出他们彼此的爱是真诚的。tell可以表示“断定,说”,符合题意。

  6.C 根据婚礼的描述可知人们能看出他们彼此的爱是真诚的。故选C项。

  7.A 从后文妻子说话的内容可知,这是她的一个提议,故选A项。

  8.B 句意为:我刚才在杂志上看到一篇文章,说的是怎样巩固婚姻。strengthen意为“加强,巩固”,故选B项。

  9.D 根据第四段第二句中“thought of the things that annoyed them”可知答案为D项。

  10.B 此处意为:然后我们商量一下怎样调整。fix意为“修理,调整”,故选B项。

  11.C 此处意为:于是他们各自走向不同的房间去想对方的缺点。故选C项。

  12.B 此处意为:在那一天余下的时间里,他们都在思考这个问题。故选B项。

  13.D 此处意为:把他们想到的都写下来。come up with意为“想出”,符合语境。

  14.A 此处意为:第二天早上吃早饭的时候,他们决定查看一下缺点清单。go over意为“仔细检查”,符合语境。

  15.C 此处意为上面列举了很多条。item意为“条款,项目”,符合语境。

  16.D 整整三页都念完之后她把单子整齐地放在桌上。neatly意为“整齐地”,符合语境。

  17.B 此处意为两手交叉放在上面。fold one’s hands意为“交叉双手”,故选B项。

  18.A 根据下面丈夫所说的话可知此处意为丈夫平静地说。state意为“声明,陈述”,符合语境。

  19.D 此处意为我觉得像你这样就很完美了。way做先行词,后面的定语从句可用that/in which引导,或者省略。故选D项。

  20.C 此处表示妻子被丈夫的话所打动。touch意为“触动”,符合语境。

  .1.inventions 根据文章内容可知,此处介绍以奇怪方式而产生的一些发明,故用invent的名词复数形式inventions。

  2.a 此处表示泛指,应用不定冠词a。

  3.to enjoy 表示目的,用动词不定式做目的状语。

  4.about 短语complain about sth.表示“抱怨某事”。

  5.angrily 修饰动词walk out of the restaurant,故应用副词。

  6.because 此处表示原因,应用because引导原因状语从句。

  7.usual 修饰名词way应用形容词。

  8.ordered 该段叙述过去的事件,故用过去时态。

  9.who 根据答句“It’s George White!”可知,此处用who引导宾语从句。

  10.favourite 表示“最受欢迎的”用favour的形容词形式favourite。

  .My hobby is collecting stamps.I stamps from many countries,like England,Canada,China and


  other countries.Yesterday,one of my favorite was lost,made me really upset.I looked for it and asked everybody in the room,but still I couldn’t find .“Where could it have gone?” I thought to myself,“Maybe I should tell my teacher.” With my eyes with tears,I came Mr.Li’s office.“Don’t be so !” Mr.Li told me with a smile,“You must put it somewhere else.I am sure it will turn up soon.”


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