2017届高考英语一轮复习单元检测练:必修4 Unit1《Women of achievement》(原卷版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习单元检测练:必修4 Unit1《Women of achievement》(原卷版)

发布时间:2017-04-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  I 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A.B.C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑War started in our house in late July with a month to go before my first day of college. It was a battle of wills over what college I was to attend. Mom wanted me to attend a famous


  school, and I wanted to go to a small writing college. Every night for two weeks, we argued, shouted and gave


  treatments until both sides went to bed with regrets.

  It was mostly my


  . Since my junior year of high school, I had


  at being a nurse. I took all the science courses, and even worked as a


  in my town’s local hospital. My


  was to help the sick and be superwoman to the world.



  graduation and college neared, it all changed.Treating the sick was


  , but not what I was meant to do for the


  of my life. I could picture myself in hospitals, making rounds, and taking


  , but I couldn’t picture myself happy. It wasn’t the


  I wanted.

  Then, I realized I had been creating and writing stories for as long as I could


  . I loved it, and writing was what I had been doing as a


  . It was going to be my career. And it had to be.

  On August 1st, Mom and I sat down at the dinner table and I told her that she had every


  to choose where to spend her money, just like I had every right to decide where I wanted to go to school. If it was her choice not to


  any of my college education, then I would take a year off to work and earn money so I could go to the college I wanted.

  Standing by my decision to be a writer had


  my firm belief to my mom. Finally we were at


  , and she decided to support me, which


  the world to me.

  Before that time, I had never stood up


  my parents on any major decision. Choosing which college to attend


  me to become a separate and complete adult. I am now finished with my first semester as a Professional Writing major and I cannot wait to see what comes next.

  1.A. cooking

  B. gardening

  C. nursing

  D. writing

  2.A. medical

  B. warm

  C. mental

  D. silent

  3.A. fault

  B. success

  C. duty

  D. turn

  4.A. wondered

  B. aimed

  C. pointed

  D. looked

  5.A. student

  B. volunteer

  C. graduate

  D. doctor

  6.A. goal

  B. job

  C. task

  D. post

  7.A. before

  B. after

  C. until

  D. as

  8.A. rough

  B. noble

  C. mild

  D. easy

  9.A. part

  B. whole

  C. rest

  D. half

  10.A. notices

  B. examinations

  C. temperatures

  D. drugs

  11.A. future

  B. effect

  C. drill

  D. idea

  12.A. see

  B. wait

  C. find

  D. remember

  13.A. process

  B. hobby

  C. rule

  D. business

  14.A. chance

  B. time

  C. right

  D. ability

  15.A. expect

  B. raise

  C. offer

  D. finance

  16.A. doubted

  B. followed

  C. shaken

  D. proven

  17.A. peace

  B. war

  C. ease

  D. play

  18.A. attached

  B. applied

  C. devoted

  D. meant19.A. for

  B. against

  C. over

  D. by

  20.A. forced

  B. promised



  第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)

  Strange things were happening in the country of northeast Hebei.The water in the village wells rose and (21)________ (fall) for three days.A (22)________ (smell) gas came out of the cracks.The chickens and the pigs were (23)________ nervous to eat.Mice ran out of the fields.Fish jumped out of bowls and ponds.In the city, some water pipes cracked and burst.(24)________ one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night.After about half an hour, everything began to shake.

  (25)________ seemed as if the world was at (26)________ end.In the fifteen seconds a large city lay (27)________ ruins.The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.People began to wonder how long the disaster would last.All hope was not lost.150,000 soldiers (28)________ (send) by the army to help the rescue workers.Hundreds of thousands of people were helped.The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and (29)_______ _ (bury) the dead.Workers built shelters for survivors (30)________ homes had been destroyed.Fresh water was taken to the city by train, truck and plane.Slowly, the city began to breathe again.

  21._________ 22._________23.________ 24.__________25.__________26._________ 27._________28.________ 29.__________ 30.__________

  II阅读 (共两节,满分30分)

  第一节 阅读理解 (共1小题;每小题2分,满分20分)



  A fellow speaker from California named Geri flew to Japan, in her favorite jeans and a casual jacket, to give her first speech.Fourteen hours later, four perfectly dressed Japanese gentlemen greeted her at Narita Airport.Smiling and bowing low, they handed her their business cards.With her bag in one hand, Geri took their cards with the other.She thanked them, glanced briefly at the cards, and put them into her jeans pocket quickly.

  When the five of them arrived at the hotel, they invited Geri to tea in the lobby (大厅).While sipping tea, the gentlemen presented her with a small gift which she eagerly opened.She was thrilled with the gift and shouted excitedly, “Oh, it's beautiful!”

  At this point, the four Japanese gentlemen stood up and, bowing only very slightly, said “Sayonara” and left immediately.Poor Geri was left astonished.What did she do wrong?

  Everything! Her jeans were the first gaffe.Even if you're coming off a bicycle in Japan, you do not meet clients (客人) casually dressed.The second mistake was Geri's handling of their business cards rudely.In Japan, the business card is one of the most important communicative tools.It is always presented and accepted respectfully with both hands.However, Geri put their cards away much too quickly.In Japan, people use business cards as a conversation starter.You chat about each other's cards and work and do not put theirs away until they gently and respectfully place yours in safekeeping.Putting it carelessly into her jeans pocket was the ultimate disrespect.

  Then, the fourth horror of horrors was that Geri should not have opened the gift in front of her clients.In a land where saving face is critical, it would be embarrassing to discover the gift they gave was not as nice as the one they received.What is worse, Geri hadn't even given them a gift!

  ()31.In the four Japanese gentlemen's eyes, Geri took their cards ________.





  ()2.Why did the four Japanese gentlemen leave Geri suddenly?

  A.Because they couldn't bear Geri's behavior any longer.

  B.Because they had finished the task.

  C.Because Geri had something more important to do.

  D.Because Geri felt embarrassed.

  ()3.What does the underlined word “gaffe” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?





  ()4.The third mistake Geri made was that she ________.

  A.used her own card as a conversation starter

  B.took her clients' cards with one hand

  C.kept her clients' cards in a wrong place

  D.met her clients in jeans

  ()5.What lesson can we draw from this story?

  A.Honesty is the best policy.

  B.Think twice before you take any action.

  C.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

  D.Don't claim to know what you don't know.

  Dogs wag (摇摆) their tails in different directions depending on whether they are excited and wanting to move forward or threatened and thinking of moving back, a study has found.

  Researchers in Italy examined the tail wagging behaviour of 30 dogs, catching their responses to a range of stimuli (刺激物) with video cameras.To conduct the study they chose 15 male dogs and 15 female ones aged between one and six years old.The dogs were all family pets whose owners had allowed them to take part in the experiment at Bari University.The dogs were placed in a large wooden box with an opening at the front to allow them to view various stimuli.They were tested one at a time.

  The researchers led by Professor Giorgio Vallortigara of the University of Trieste found that when the dogs were shown their owners—their tails wagged energetically to the right side.When they were shown an unfamiliar human they wagged to the right, but with somewhat less enthusiasm.The appearance of a cat again caused a right­hand side wag, although with less intensity again.The appearance of a large unfamiliar dog, similar to a German shepherd, changed the direction of tail wagging to the left.Researchers supposed the dog was thinking of moving back.When the dogs were not shown any stimuli they tended to wag their tails to the left, suggesting they preferred company.While the changes in the tail wagging were not easily noticed without the aid of video, it was thought that the findings could help people judge the mood of dogs.Computer and video systems, for example, could be used by professional dog trainers to determine the mood of dogs that they were required to approach.

  ()36.The video cameras were used to catch the dogs' responses because ________.

  A.it was easier to catch the dogs' response changes in the tail wagging

  B.the dogs were put in the wooden boxes and tested one at a time

  C.they enabled the dogs' owners to know about their dogs' habits

  D.the dogs wagged their tails in different directions when they were in different moods

  ().The underlined word “intensity” in Paragraph 3 means ________.





  ().When there are no stimuli, a dog will ________.

  A.wag to the left

  B.wag to the right

  C.not wag at all

  D.wag to the left and then to the right

  ().The underlined word “they” in the last sentence refers to ________.

  A.the dogs

  B.the trainers

  C.the systems

  D.the researchers

  ().The purpose of doing the experiment is ________.

  A.to train dogs for their owners

  B.to help people judge the mood of dogs

  C.to help dogs find company

  D.to help people choose their pet dogs

  第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  It’s been a difficult year. My daughter, my dog and I lost our home. We’ve depended upon the kindness of others to provide temporary shelter.

  At one point, I felt as though my daughter might be better off without me. If she were placed with a rich family, she would have a good life. I was unable to provide a good life for her. However, she never complains, although she has every right to. She went from having a beautifully decorated bedroom of her own, to having temporary shelter.


  I dug through the change at the bottom of my purse and bought her a lollipop at the store today. She’d had her eye on it the entire time we were in line to pay for our purchase. It was an old-fashioned one that cost $1.00.


  It was the end of the month and I only had $1.35 left to my name. However, she’d been such a good girl, and I really thought she deserved a special treat.

  I reached into my purse and counted out enough for the lollipop. You would have thought I gave her the key to the magic kingdom! “Thank you, Mommy! You’re the best mommy!”


  All at once, the cloud of despair that had hung over me lifted.


  I was ready to continue my journey, willing to face whatever challenges may lie ahead.

  A.I really couldn’t afford it.

  B.I became upset at my loss.

  C.I could see tears shining in her eyes.

  D.I wouldn’t have any money coming until the first of next month.

  E.She screamed with joy as she hugged me with all her strength.

  F.I knew without a doubt in that very instant that I was the family that my little girl needed.

  G.She doesn’t complain that I can’t afford to give her the extra things she would love to have.

  III .书面表达(满分25分)【江西省红色七校2016届高三第一次联考】

  假设你是李华,一名高三学生,在网络上看到一所国外大学的招生信息 (admission information), 该大学对中国学生开设30多个专业(major),你对此非常感兴趣,打算用英语撰写一份个人申请,主要内容包括:

  1. 想申请的专业;

  2. 个人优势;

  3. 进入大学后的设想。

  注意:1. 词数:100左右;2. 书信格式已给出; 3. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

  Dear Sir or Madam,

  Yours Sincerely,

  Li Hua


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