2017届高考英语一轮复习同步训练:必修2 Unit 4《Wildlife protection》(新人教版含答案)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习同步训练:必修2 Unit 4《Wildlife protection》(新人教版含答案)

发布时间:2017-04-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 4 Wildlife protection

  【热点话题】(世界与环境)保护野生动物的重要性体裁:议论文写作思路:点明主题—阐明理由—发出呼吁【美文诵读】take_action_at_once_to① protect wild animals because animals are not only treasure of nature but also our friends.Besides,animals help keep_the_balance_of_nature② and make the earth more lively and more attractive.It_is_hard_to_imagine③ what our world would be like without animals.What we know for sure is that humans_would_be_very_lonely_if_all_the_animals_died_out_one_day④.So let's live in harmony with animals and try our best to protect them because protecting them is protecting ourselves.【学海拾贝】请按要求完成或翻译下列句子。(采取措施)to protect our children from being harmed by drugs.(保持生态平衡).很It's_hard_to_imagine_that_a_child_should_have_worked_out_such_a_difficult_question.(模仿③)如果你年轻十岁你会把工作做得很好。ould_do the work very well if you were ten years younger. 



  6.(痛苦或忧虑的) 解除或减轻 .昆虫 .收入事件事变安全的可靠的保护 .保护 .保护的防护的保护人 .出席;照顾;注意 .注意关注on

  认真的注意的 认真地聚精会神地雇用;利用(时间、精力等) .雇用聘请雇员 .雇主包含容纳容忍容器控制抑制 .危险危害使受到危险受到危害的濒危的

  用所给单词的正确形式填空。Protective (protect) policies should be carried out to save the endangered(danger) animals.

  2.The employer decided to_employ_Tom as her secretary and she hoped to have a talk with her_employee_before he came to work.(employ)

  3.Put this plant into this container (contain).It is very effective (effect) to mosquito­bites.(dust) book and coughed_fiercely(fierce).Thank you for your appreciating my work and your appreciation made me confident again.(appreciate)



  选用上述短语完成下列短文。(1) in_danger of

  (2) dying_out now because people used to hurt them (3) without_mercy.Mr. zhang and his group have been working hard to (4) protect them (5) from being harmed. Yesterday news came that (6) according_to

  statistics, to laughter (7) in_relief.重点句型1.No rainforest,no animals,no drugs.(p.26)


  No...no...无条件从句意为“没有……就没有……常见于谚语中。无火不起烟/事出有因。[模仿造句]用上述句型完成下列句子。(1)没有理想就没有行动。(2)不劳无获。2.Others think the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live on any more.(p.30)


  too...to...太……以至于不能……后是glad等表示心理状态的形容词时意为“非常很”He is too old to work now.

  他太老了不能工作了。能再次见到你我真是太高兴了。think it is too difficult to solve.





  是非判断题是细节题的一种是要求考生选出与文章内容相符(三误一正)或不相符的一项(三正一误)。题干中常有TRUE或EXCEPT等考生务必要留意是否有NOT或EXCEPT否则就容易出错。常见的提问方式有:(NOT) true?

  The author mentions all of the items listed below except...

  信息点可能在某句、某段较容易找到;但信息点也可能分散在几段甚true,就把四个中最可能正确的一项挑出来首先去查证;如问哪一个NOT true就把四个中最可能是错误的一项挑出来首先去查证。用这一方法最多查证两项答案就会出来。另外还有一招假如我们发现四个选项中有两个选项的意思矛盾或相反那么其中之一很可能是正确答案就立马排除了另两个选

  (2015·福建卷)阅读下列选段然后从所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。Food festivals around the world

  Stilton Cheese Rolling

  May Day is a traditional day for celebrations,but the 2,000 English villagers of Stilton must be the only people in the world who include cheese rolling in their annual plans.Teams of four,dressed in a variety of strange and funny clothes,roll a complete cheese along a 50­metre course.On the way,they must not kick or throw their cheese,or go into their competitors' lane(赛道).Competition is fierce and the chief prize is a complete Stilton cheese weighing about four kilos(disappointinglythe cheeses used in the race are wooden ones).All the competitors are served with beer or port wineFiery Foods Festival—The Hottest Festival on Earth

  Every year more than 10,000 people head for the city of Albuquerque,New Mexico.They come from as far away as Australia,the Caribbean and China,but they all share a common addiction—food that is not just spicy(辛辣) spin and your eyes water.Their destination is the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival which is held over a period of three days every March.You might like to try a chocolate璫overed habanero pepper梠fficially the hottest pepper in the world梠r any one of thethe thousands of products that are on show.But one thing's for sure—if you don't like the feeling of a burning tongue,this festival isn't for you!

  La Tomatina—The World's Biggest Food Fight

  On the last Wednesday of every August,the Spanish town of Bun~,ol hosts La Tomatina—the world's largest food fight.A week­long celebration leads up to an exciting tomato battle as the highlight of the week's events.The early morning sees the arrival of large trucks with tomatoes—official fight­starters get things going by casting tomatoes at the crowd.

  The battle lasts little more than half an hour,in which time around 50,000 kilograms of tomatoes have been thrown at anyone or anything that moves,runs,or fights back.Then everyone heads down to the river to make friends again—and for a much­needed wash!

  1.In the Stilton cheese rolling competition,competitors on each team must________.

  A.wear various formal clothes

  B.roll a wooden cheese in their own lane

  C.kick or throw their cheese

  D.use a real cheese weighing about four kilos

  2.Where is the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival held?

  A.In New Mexico.

  B.In the Caribbean.

  C.In Australia.

  D.In China.

  3.The celebration of La Tomatina lasts________.

  A.three days The chief prize for the Stilton cheese rolling competition is beer or port wine.

  B.More than 10,000 Chinese take part in the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival.

  C.Thousands of spicy foods are on show in the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival.

  D.An exciting tomato battle takes place at the beginning of La Tomatina.

  语篇解读:本文为说明文。主要介绍了世界上三种独特的食物节。解析:事实细节题。由首段第三句和倒数第二句括号内的内容可知选B项。答案:B解析:事实细节题。由第二段首句可知该食物节是在New Mexico举办的。故选A项。答案:A解析:事实细节题。由第三段第二句“A week­long celebration...”可知答案为B项。答案:B解析:事实细节题。由首段尾句可知A项内容只是奖品的一部分故排除A项由第二段第一、二句可知这多人中只有一部B项;由第三段第二、三句可知西红柿大战是该食物节的highlight(最有意思或最精彩的部分)而不是在一开始故排除D项;由第二段倒数第二句可知C项正确。答案:C

  第一节 阅读理解

  阅读下面的短文从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。rmation from a handbook on how people behave in doing business in some countries.

  In Brazil

  Brazilians are warm and friendly.They often stand close when talking and it is common for them to touch the person on the shoulder.People often greet each other (particularly women) with light cheek kisses.Schedules tend to be flexible,with business meetings sometimes starting later than planned.But to be safe,be on time.Meals can stretch for hours—there's no such thing as rushing a meal in Brazil.Lunches also can start in the mid to late afternoon.Brazilians are social,preferring face­to­face communication over emails or phone calls.

  In Singapore

  Singaporeans shake hands when they meet and often also greet each other with a small,polite bow.Business cards should be offered and received with two hands.Arriving late is considered disrespectful.So be on time.Efficiency(效率) is the goalsubject is about money.Rank is important and authority is respected.This determines how people interact in meetings.For example,people avoid disagreeing outright with someone with a higher rank.

  In the United Arab Emirates

  In the UAE,status is important,so the most senior or oldest should be greeted first with their titles.The handshake seems to be longer than elsewhere.So do not pull away from the handshake.Women should cover themselves when it comes to dress.Men also tend to be covered from neck to elbows(肘部) and down to the knees.People do not avoid entertaining in their homesfers you coffee,you should refuse.It might seem odd,but it is a cultural tradition.Coffee should only be accepted if it is already set out or presented.

  In Switzerland

  The Swiss tend to be formal and address each other by last name.They also are respectful of private lives.You should be careful not to ask about personal topics.Punctuality (守时) is vitalstructure in their companies.Higher­ups make the final decisions,even if others might disagree.Neat,clean dress is expected.The Swiss follow formal table manners.They also keep their hands visible at the table and their elbows off the table.It is polite to finish the food on your plate.

  1.The passage is mainly about ________. avoid arguing with their boss?

  A.They put efficiency in the first place.

  B.They dislike face­to­face communication.

  C.They want to finish meetings as quickly as possible.

  D.They are supposed to obey the person of a higher rank.

  3.In the UAE,when should you refuse the coffee if it is offered?

  A.When greeting seniors.

  B.When meeting the host alone.

  C.When attending a presentation.

  D.When dining with business partners.

  4.In which country do people care about where to put their hands at the dinner table?

  A.In Brazil.

  B.In Singapore.

  C.In the United Arab Emirates.

  D.In Switzerland.

  语篇解读:本文是说明文题材为社会文化类。主要列举了在四个不同的国家中从事商务活动时需注意的礼仪等。解析主旨大意题。结合第一段的背景介绍和文章主要内容可知答案为C项。本文主要介绍了四个不同国家的风俗习惯和社交礼仪。答案:C解析:事实细节题。根据文章In Singapore部分的最后三句“Rank is important and authority is respected...people avoid disagreeing outright with someone of a higher rank.”可知新加坡人非常注重等级和权威故选D项。答案:D解析:事实细节题。根据In the United Arab Emirates部分的倒数第三句“When meetings are one­to­one可知答案为B项。答案:B解析:事实经节题。根据文章In Switzerland部分的倒数第二、三句“The Swiss follow formal table manners.They also keep their hands visible at the table and their elbows off the table”.可知答案为D项。答案:D第二节 完形填空阅读下面的短文掌握其大意然后从1~20题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项(2015·天津卷)My fiancé(未婚夫) and I were excited about shopping for our first home.But our funds were ____1________2____ a house in particular.Although her description sounded wonderful,the price was ____3____ our range,so we declined.But she kept urging us to have a look ____4____.____5____ at first sight.It was Our Home,small and charming,overlooking a quiet lake.Walking through the rooms and talking with the owners,a nice elderly couple,we felt the warmth and ____6____ of the marriage within that home.As perfect as it was,the price remained too high for us.But every day,we would sit by the lake,looking at the house and dreaming of ____7____ it would be like to live there.

  Days later,we made a(n) ____8____—far below the asking price.Surprisingly,they didn't ____9____us.They renewed their offer ____10____.It was also much more than we could afford____11____ than the original asking price.

  The next day,we got a ____12____ message that another buyer had offered a much higher price.Even so,we decided to talk with the ____13____ directly.We made our final offer,which ____14____ was thousands of dollars less than the other buyer's bid.We knew it,____15____ we had to try.

  “Sold!” said the owner.Then he ____16____:He'd seen us sitting by the lake all those times;he knew how much we loved the place and that we'd ____17____ the years of work they had put into their home;he realized he would take a ____18____ by selling it to us;we were the people they wanted to live there.He told us to consider the ____19____ in the price “an early wedding present.”____20____,they are not strangers,only friends we haven't yet met.

  1.A.needed B.limitedenough


  D.curiosityaugh at


































  B.risk语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文题材是人物故事类。我和未婚夫要买一套房子可是我们看中的房子的价格大大超解析:根据本句中的But及and后的内容可推知我们买房子的资金是有限的(limited)。答案:B解析:一位代理人向我们特别推荐了一套房子。答案:A解析:尽管她对房子的描述听起来非常好可是价格却超出了我们可承受的范围。beyond超出符合语境。答案:C解析:可是她一直力劝我们至少(at least)看一下房子。答案:A解析:根据后文对房子的描述可知答案为C项。It was love at first sight.那是一见钟情。答案:C解析:我们在那个家里感觉到了婚姻带来的温暖和幸福。与warmth对应的应是happiness故选B项。答案:B解析:每天我们都会坐在湖边看着那座房子想象着居住在里面会是什么样子。考查宾语从句。设空处在从句中作like的宾语且表示“事物”故答案为what。答案:D解析:根据their offer可知答案为B项。答案:B解析:我们的出价远远低于他们的要价没想到他们并没有嘲笑(laugh at)我们。答案:D解析:他们不但没有嘲笑我们反而(instead)更改了他们的要价。答案:A解析:尽管要价还是答案:C解析:第二天我们获得了一个让我们失望的(disappointing)消息:另外一个买家出了一个比我们的出价高出很多的价格。relaxing令人放松的;pleasant令人愉快的;regular有规律的。答案:B解析:即使是这样我们还是决定直接去和房主(owners)the owner可知答案为D项。答案:D解析:我们给出了最后的出价这个价格还是(still)比另外那个买家出的价低好几千美元。答案:B解析:我们明白这个现实可是我们不得不去努力争取。根据语境可知此处转折故选D项。答案:D解析:房主答应把房子卖给我们接下来他解释了(explained)这么做的原因后面就是他说的原因。故选D项。答案:D解析:他知道我们有多么爱这个地方也会感激(appreciate)他们这么多年来倾注在这所房子上的心血。答案:C解析:他知道把房子卖给我们会损失一些钱但是这么做是值得的。答案:A解析:他告诉我们这个差价就算是提前送给我们的结婚礼物了。此处指两种出价的差价故选B项。答案:B解析:根据上文的描述可知这所房子的主人对我们太好(kind)了。答案:A第三节 语法填空阅读下面材料在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(2017·课标全国Ⅰ卷)Are you facing a situation that looks impossible to fix?________(be)unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up.The river was so polluted that it 2.________(actual)caught fire and burned.Now,years later,this river is one of 3.________most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup.

  But the river wasn't changed in a few days 4.________even a few months.It took years of work 5.________(reduce ) the industrial pollution and clean the water.Finally,that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is 6.________(clean) than ever.

  Maybe you are facing an impossible situation.Maybe you have a habit 7.________is driving your family crazy.Possibly you drink too much or don't know how to control your credit card use.When you face such an impossible situation,don't you want a quick fix and something to change immediately?

  While there are 8.________(amaze) stories of instant transformation,for most of us the 9.________(change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work,like cleaning up a polluted river.Just be 10.________(patience)

  语篇解读:本文以花费多年时间解决河流污染为例来告诫我们:当我们面临貌似不可能改善的情况时一定要有耐心变化是循序渐进的是需要付出很多努力的。解析:考查时态。句意:当时很难想象这条河流能够被清理干净。上一句提到In 1969所以此处要用一般过去时。答案:was解析:考查词性转换。该空处修饰动词所以要用副词形式actually意为“事实上实际上”。答案:actually解析:考查冠词。句意:多年之后现在这条河流成为了环境清理最杰出的例子之一。此处是“one of+the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数”结构。答案:the解析:考查连词。句意:但是这条河流不是在几天内改变的甚至也不是在几个月内改变的。or用于否定中意为“也不也不是也没有”。答案:or5.解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:减少工业污染和净化河水花费了多年的工作。It takes/took...to do sth.做某事花费……为固定句式故填动词不定式to reduce。该句式中it是形式主语不定式短语才是真正的主语。答案:to reduce解析:考查形容词的比较级。句意:最后辛苦的工作得到了回报现在河水比以前干净多了。根据句中than可知该空应用比较级故填cleaner。答案:cleaner解析:考查定语从句。句意:可能你有一种让家人发疯的习惯。根据句子结构可知该空应是定语从句的关系词先行词是a habit关系词在定语从句中作主语故填that或which。答案:that/which解析:考查词性转换。虽然有一些令人吃惊的快速改stories,应该用形容词形式amazing(令人吃惊的)。不能用amazed(感到吃惊的)。答案:amazing解析:考查名词。定冠词the后面应该填名词根据谓语动词are和require可知应是名词的复数形式故填changes。答案:changes解析:考查词性转换。句意:要有耐心。此处be动词后面应是形容词作表语故填patient(耐心的)。答案:patient第四节 短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧)并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()画掉。修改:在错的1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;只允许修改10处多者(从第11处起)不计分。und here,we practise spoken English by talking about everything we are interested.We also exchange my experience in English study.We all have a good time here.Thousands of people have been here when it was set up.

  We think that they have learned a lot by taking part in activity here.It is a really supplement to our English class and it is welcome by students,their parents and teachers.They all think it is of helpful.If you want to know much about the corner,you may talk to the students here.


  第五节 书面表达(2015河南、河北、山西考前质检Ⅱ)为迎接“五四”青年节你校将举办英语才艺表演(talent show)想邀请你校外籍教师Smith先生前来观看并作点评。假定你是学生会主席李华请你按照下面内容用英语给他写一封电子邮件。主题:“校园生活创意无限”(Innovations on Campus)时间:4月30日上午8:30-11:30内容:歌曲、舞蹈、课本剧(textbook dramas)、故事、演讲等联系人:李华(电话123456789)注意:词数:100左右;可适当增加细节以使行文连贯;开头和结束语已为你写好不计入总词数。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  With best wishes,

  Li Hua

  答案:ations on Campus”,will take place in our school gym from 8:30 to 11:30.Every class is required to put on one performanceg the performance and will be inspired to learn English better.

  I'd appreciate it if you could come.I'm looking forward to your early reply.If you have any questions,please contact me at 123456789.




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