2017届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:7 必修2 Module 1(外研版含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:7 必修2 Module 1(外研版含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点规范练7(必修2 Module 1)




  The spread of Western eating habits around the world is bad for human health and the environment.These findings come from a new report in the journal Nature.

  David Tilman,a professor of ecology at the University of Minnesota,America,examined information from 100 countries to identify what people ate and how a diet affected health.He noted a movement beginning in the 1960s.He found that as nations industrialized(工业化),population increased and earnings rose,more people began to adopt what has been called the Western diet.

  The Western diet is high in sugar,fat,oil and meat.By eating these foods,people began to get fatter and sicker.David Tilman says overweight people are at greater risk for non-infectious diseases like diabetes(糖尿病) and heart disease.

  Unfortunately when people become industrialized,if they adopt this Western diet,they are going to have these health problems,especially in developing countries in Asia.China is an example where the number of diabetes cases has been jumping from less than one percent to 10 percent of the population as they began to industrialize over a 20-year period.And that is happening all across the world,in Mexico,in Nigeria and so on.

  And,a diet bad for human beings,is also bad for the environment.As the world’s population grows,more forests and tropical(热带的) areas will become farmlands for crops or grasslands for cattle.We are likely to have more greenhouse gas in the future from agriculture than that coming out of all forms of transportation right now.

  Mr.Tilman calls the link between the diet,the environment and human health,“a trilemma”—a problem offering a difficult choice.He says one possible solution is leaving the Western diet behind.


  1.According to the passage,more greenhouse gas might be given off in the future from  . 

  A.transportationB.developing countries

  C.agriculture D.developed countries


  解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的最后一句“We are likely to have more greenhouse gas in the future from agriculture than that coming out of all forms of transportation right now”可知,未来更多的温室气体排放可能来自于农业,故选C项。

  2.David Tilman believes that  . 

  A.the diet,the environment and human health are closely connected

  B.the Western diet is the only choice as the nation industrializes

  C.people in tropical areas are more likely to have heart disease

  D.traditional diets are more balanced than the Western diet


  解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段的第一句“Mr.Tilman calls the link between the diet,the environment and human health...a difficult choice”可知,Tilman先生把日常饮食、环境和人的健康之间的联系称为三难困境。由此可知,它们三个是紧密相关的,故选A项。

  3.We can infer from the passage that  . 

  A.Nigeria has the largest number of diabetes cases

  B.overweight people are at higher risk of infectious diseases

  C.the examined information comes from developing countries

  D.industrialization contributes to the spread of the Western diet


  解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的最后一句“He found that as nations industrialized(工业化),population increased and earnings rose,more people began to adopt what has been called the Western diet”可推知,工业化、人口增长和收入增加造成了西方饮食的传播,故D项正确。

  4.The main purpose of the passage is to  . 

  A.call on us to protect the environment

  B.warn us of the danger of the Western diet

  C.remind us of the importance of health

  D.advise us to have a balanced diet




  My heart story started when I was 13 years old.My father died of a heart attack while on a golf course at the young age of 45.Heart disease  1  in my family.Like my father,I have astronomically high lipid(脂质) levels and the good news is that today there are some  2  that can significantly reduce my lipid levels to  3  normal ranges. 

  In 2011,when I was 45 and my own son was 13,history  4  itself.While skating with my son,I began to  5  an “uncomfortable feeling”.I didn’t think it was heart-related.When we  6 ,my wife gave me aspirin and we decided to see my  7  the next day because my symptoms had  8  decreased.My doctor sent us straight  9  the hospital where I had my heart examined.Tests  10  that I had trouble with my heart.After nine days at the hospital and a surgery,I went home on my 46th birthday with a  11  life. 

   12  there was no evidence of any heart damage at all.My doctor told me that I must have been doing  13  pretty good before my heart attack because patients didn’t usually  14  the kind of blockage(堵塞物) I had,or they encountered  15  damage to the heart.I told them that I had been  16  walking for seven years before my heart attack,walking up to 20 miles a week.Several people in the medical profession told me that walking  17  my life! 

  This October,I will be walking at the Heart and Stroke Walk in Tacoma.Every step is a  18  that life is fragile and can be taken from us at any moment.My  19  to you is very simple: 20  you have heart disease in your family,there is something you can do about it. 





  2.A.measures B.ways C.drugs D.ideas


  解析:下文的“significantly reduce my lipid levels”表明,作者利用药物来降低自己的脂质水平。

  3.A.above B.below C.near D.with



  4.A.covers B.remains C.repeats D.controls



  5.A.express B.avoid C.expand D.experience



  6.A.set out B.got back C.calmed down D.got away


  解析:上文的“While skating with my son”表明作者没有在家,故此处指当他回到家时,他的妻子给了他阿司匹林。

  7.A.son B.friend C.mother D.doctor


  解析:下文的“My doctor sent us straight...”暗示着作者和妻子一起去看医生。

  8.A.hardly B.considerably

  C.completely D.practically


  解析:上文的“the next day”说明,作者没有马上看医生是因为他的症状大大减少了。considerably“很,非常,相当大地”,符合语境。

  9.A.for B.to C.in D.at


  解析:句中的“the hospital where I had my heart examined”说明医生马上把“我们”送到医院,to表示“向,朝,到,往”,符合语境。

  10.A.exposed B.declared C.showed D.implied


  解析:下文中的“a surgery”表明此处指测试显示作者的心脏有问题。show“说明,表明,显示”,符合语境。expose“揭露,暴露”;declare “宣告,宣称”;imply“暗示”。

  11.A.special B.common C.new D.colorful



  12.A.Amazingly B.Fortunately

  C.Naturally D.Eventually



  13.A.something B.nothing

  C.everything D.anything



  14.A.suffer B.abandon C.understand D.survive



  15.A.significant B.slight C.permanent D.minor


  解析:此处指这些病人即使康复之后,也会有明显的心脏损伤。与上文中的“no evidence of any heart damage at all”形成对比。significant“显著的,重大的”,符合语境。

  16.A.referring to B.seeking for

  C.wondering at D.insisting on


  解析:下文中的“walking for seven years”“walking up to 20 miles a week”说明,作者一直坚持走路。insist on“坚持”,符合语境。

  17.A.improved B.saved C.treated D.enriched



  18.A.sign B.battle C.dream D.reminder



  19.A.plan B.message C.thought D.course



  20.A.unless B.though C.if D.whether




  When we think about the value of exercise,we tend to focus on the physical benefits.But over the past decade,social scientists 1.(discover) more benefits of regular exercise:its impact 2. the way we think.Studies indicate that putting regular exercise into your routine 3. improve concentration,memory and help lower stress.

  There is also evidence 4.(suggest) that exercise during regular work hours may improve performance.Within the study,5.(research) had over 200 employees at a variety of companies self-report their performance on a daily basis.They found that 6. employees visited the gym,their experience at work changed.7. reported managing their time more effectively,being more productive,and getting on well with their colleagues. 

  8.,many of us can’t take exercise regularly.The reason is that we don’t have time.But let’s be clear:9. we really mean when we say we don’t have time for an activity is that we don’t consider it a priority.Instead of viewing exercise as something we do for ourselves,it’s time we 10.(start) considering physical activity as part of the work itself. 



  1.have discovered 解析:考查时态。本句中的时间状语“over the past decade”表明该句应用现在完成时。

  2.on 解析:考查介词。名词impact与介词on连用,表示“对……的影响”。

  3.can 解析:考查情态动词。研究表明,把经常性的锻炼纳入日常生活中能提高注意力,增强记忆力,帮助减少压力。can“能,会”,符合语境。

  4.suggesting 解析:考查非谓语动词。动词suggest与其逻辑主语evidence是主谓关系,因此用现在分词做后置定语。

  5.researchers 解析:考查名词。本句缺主语,故填research的名词形式。依据下一句中的“They found”可知,这里应用复数形式,指研究人员让这些员工报告自己的表现。

  6.when/after 解析:考查连词。分析句子结构可知,此处指当员工参加锻炼时或参加锻炼后,故填when或after。

  7.They 解析:考查代词。根据上文中的“over 200 employees...self-report...”可知,这里指这些被调查的员工报告说,故用They。

  8.However 解析:考查副词。根据下文中的“many of us can’t take exercise regularly”可知前后文在内容上形成对比,且空后有逗号,故此处应用However。

  9.what 解析:考查主语从句。分析句子结构及语境可知,空处引导主语从句且做动词mean的宾语,故what“什么,所……的”符合语境。

  10.started 解析:考查固定句式。在it is time(that)...的句式中, that后面的从句用“主语+did...”结构。


  I went to shopping with my mom before Christmas.When we finished shopping,my mother asked me I wanted anything else.I nod immediately as I remembered my good friends Wang Lin,whose mother died last year.He didn’t have a coat.But I decided to buy one for her.I told my mom which I thought.She was very delighted and given me 200 yuan.With the money,I bought a black coat for Wang Lin.The next morning,I wrapped the coat on Christmas paper and wrote “To Wang Lin,From Santa Claus” on it.I was very happy that I could do anything for him.


  I went


  shopping with my mom before Christmas.When we finished shopping,my mother asked me

  I wanted anything else.I nod immediately as I remembered my good friends Wang Lin,whose mother died last year.He didn’t have a coat.But I decided to buy one for her.I told my mom which I thought.She was very delighted and given me 200 yuan.With the money,I bought a black coat for Wang Lin.The next morning,I wrapped the coat on Christmas paper and wrote“To Wang Lin,From Santa Claus” on it.I was very happy that I could do anything for him.


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