'New' wave-like cloud finally wins official recognition “新”型波浪状云首次被列入官方图集-查字典英语网
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'New' wave-like cloud finally wins official recognition “新”型波浪状云首次被列入官方图集

发布时间:2017-04-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

媒体英语 'New' wave-like cloud finally wins official recognition “新”型波浪状云首次被列入官方图集

Play audio file 文字稿 由世界气象组织( World Meteorological Organization )发布的《国际云图》首次正式列入了 12 种“新”型云。该图册可追溯到十九世纪,是一本用来观察及识别分布在全球各地的云型的参考书。《国际云图》最后更新于 1987 年,在平民科学家的呼吁下,新发布的电子版中收入了一种形似波浪的“粗云”。请听 Matt McGrath 的报道。

Looking like the roiling sea seen from beneath the waves, asperitas clouds were first photographed back in 2006 by amateur observers. Since then, a global campaign to recognise the cloud type has gathered pace, resulting in a formal classification in this first digital edition of the atlas.

Other odd-shaped clouds and weather phenomena have now been added to this global reference book that dates back to 1896. Contrails from the wispy vapours of aeroplanes have officially been recognised, as have rainbows, halos, snow devils and hailstones.

One key development that has helped revolutionise the atlas has been the smartphone. Experts say the public’s ability to capture the often fleeting formations will lead to the discovery of many new clouds in the years ahead.

词汇表 roiling 翻腾的,波涛起伏的

asperitas clouds “粗云”,一种海浪状的云团

observers 观察者

recognise 正式承认、认可

gathered pace 加快了(发展)步伐

classification 分类,归类

digital edition 数字版,电子版

atlas 分布图集、图册

odd-shaped 奇形怪状的

contrails 飞机尾气凝结云

wispy 一缕缕的

halos (气象)光晕

snow devils “雪卷风”,一种自然现象

hailstones 冰雹

revolutionise 彻底改变、改革

fleeting 稍纵即逝的

formations (云的)形状

测验 请听报道并回答下列问题。

1. When were the first photographs of the asperitas clouds taken?

2. What has been a key development that has helped revolutionise the atlas?

3. True or false? Clouds formed by the vapours of aeroplanes have also been added to this global reference book.

4. Which word in the text could mean the opposite of 'professional'?

答案 1. When were the first photographs of the asperitas clouds taken?

Asperitas clouds were first photographed back in 2006.

2. What has been a key development that has helped revolutionise the atlas?

One key development that has helped revolutionise the atlas has been the smartphone.

3. True or false? Clouds formed by the vapours of aeroplanes have also been added to this global reference book.

True. Contrails are clouds from the wispy vapours of aeroplanes, and they have been officially recognised by this global reference book.

4. Which word in the text could mean the opposite of 'professional'?



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