2017届高考英语一轮复习指导课件:必修2 unit 3(新人教版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习指导课件:必修2 unit 3(新人教版)

发布时间:2017-04-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  必修二 Unit 3 Computers

  1. 课前自测 2. 课堂学案 词汇接龙


  Key:1. solve; solution 2. finance; financial 3. intelligence; intelligent 4. appearance; appear; disappear 5. total; totally 6. application; apply; applicant 7. reality; real; realize 8. explore; explorer; exploration 9. operator; operate; operation 10. personal; personally; personality 11. simplify; simplification; simple; simply 12. electronic; electric; electrical; electricity 1. ______ (vt. 解决;解答)→ ______ (n. 解决办法;答案) 2. ______ (n. 金融;财经)→ ______ (adj. 财政的;金融的;资金的) 3. ______ (n. 智力;聪明;智能)→ ______ (adj. 智能的;聪明的)

  4. ______ (n. 外观;外貌;出现)→ ______ (vi. 出现)→ ______ (vi. 消失;失踪) 5. ______ (adj. 总的;整个的 n. 总数;合计 vt.共计;总计)→ ______ (adv. 完全地;整个地) 6. _____ (n. 应用;用途;申请)→ ______ (v. 应用;涉及;申请)→ ______ (n. 申请人;求职者) 7. _____ (n. 现实)→ ______ (adj. & adv. 真实的;现实的;非常;真正地)→ ______ (vt. 实现;了解;认识到) 8. ______ (vt.& vi. 探索;探测;探究)→ ______ (n. 探险家;勘探者)→ ______ (n. 探索;探究;钻研) 9. ______ (n. 操作员;接线员)→ ______ (vt. & vi. 操作;经营;动手术)→ ______ (n. 操作;经营;手术) 10. ______ (adj. 私人的;个人的;亲自的)→ ______ (adv. 就个人而言;亲自)→ ______ (n. 个性;人格) 11. ______ (vt. 简化)→ ______ (n. 简化)→ ______ (adj. 简单的;完全的;仅仅)→ ______ (adv. 简单地;仅仅;完全;朴素地) 12. ______ (adj. 电子的)→ ______ (adj. 电的;发电的)→ ______ (adj. 有关电的;电气科学的)→ ______ (n. 电力;电流) 词块互译 1. _____________

  in a way 2. _____________

  a new situation arises 3. 高质量的生活

  a life ______ high quality 4. 处理来电

  deal ______ telephone calls 5. _____________

  totally change the shape 6. 用计算机语言向队友示意

  signal ______ my teammates ______ computer language 7. 照看我淘气的侄女

  watch ______ my naughty niece 8. _____________

  as time goes by/with time going by 9. 解决所有的问题

  ______ all kinds of problems 10. 取代人类

  _____________ of human beings

  Key:1. 在某种程度上 2. 出现新情况 3. of 4. with 5. 彻底改变了形状 6. to; in 7.

  over 8. 随着时间的流逝 9. solve 10. take the place 句型补全


  I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years ________ I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. 我发育缓慢,差不多到了两百年之后,查尔斯·巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。 (it takes+一段时间+before从句) 2.

  ________, I was made smaller.

  随着时间的推移,我被做得更小了。 (as引导时间状语从句) 3.

  Over time my memory has developed ________ that, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told!

  随着时间的推移, 我的记忆能力增强得如此之多, 就像一头大象一样, 我从来不会忘记告诉我的任何事情! (so…that…引导结果状语从句) 4.

  Anyhow,my goal is to provide humans with a life ________. 不管怎样,我的目标是给人类提供高质量的生活。 (of+抽象名词作后置定语) Key:1. before 2. As time went by 3. so much 4. of high quality 课文回顾 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Key: 1. simplify 2. to solve 3. as 4. reality/really 5. going 6. With 7. quicker


  8. the 9. which 10. been put The computer began as a calculating machine in France in 1642. It could __1__(simple) difficult sums. In 1936 Alan Turing wrote a book about how the computer could be made to work as a “universal machine” __2__(solve) any difficult mathematical problem.

  At the beginning, the computer was __3__ large as

  a room. This __4__ (real) worried the designers. With time

  __5__(go) by, it became smaller and smaller. __6__ artificial intelligence, it is getting much

  cleverer and __7__ (quick). In __8__ early 1960s, computers could be connected by a network, __9__ enabled their users to share information with others. Since the 1970s, computers have had many new applications and become very important


  communication, finance, trade and even __10__ (put) into space rockets and sent to explore the Moon and Mars. 课堂学案 【词块助记】 1. solve vt. 解决;解答

  solve a problem 解决/处理问题 solve a puzzle/riddle 解答难题/解谜 solution to sth./to do sth. (做)某事的解决方法 1. (2017安徽卷)If you see a problem that you care about, you can help solve it. 如果你看到一个你在意的问题,你可能会去帮忙处理它。 2. (2017山东卷)However, one thing has to be got right for any solution to succeed. 然而,必须找准成功的任何方法。 1. (2017陕西卷改编)Now there is talk about how ______(solve) these problems, like raising hotel taxes, or even changing admission to some public squares. 2. (2017湖北卷改编)It was the perfect _______(solve): a rent-free place to reorganize our lives. Key:1. to solve 2. solution 2. total

  adj. 总的;整个的 n. 总数 v. 合计;总数达 1. (2015全国卷Ⅱ) When we choose a large spoon over a smaller one, total intake jumps by 14 percent. 当我们选择吃一大匙而非较小的一匙时,(营养)总摄入量暴增14%。 2. The cost of the various repairs amounts to over 100 pounds in total. 各类修理的费用总计超过了100英镑。 3. Your bill for tonight’s dinner totals (up) to 288 yuan. 您今晚用餐的账单总额为288元。 4. All this is totally unnecessary. 所有这些完全没必要。 a total of… 总共;……的总数(谓语由其后名词的数决定) in total 总计;总共 total up=add up=amount 算出总数 total (up) to= add up to=amount to 共计达;总额为 【构词】totally adv. 完全地 【词块助记】 1. (2017广东卷改编) Ebbesmeyer found out in his researches that the shoes—about 60,000 ________ total — fell into the ocean in a shipping accident. 2. There are certainly some original thoughts here but they are ________ (total) wrong. Key:1. in 2. totally 【词块助记】 3. signal vi. & vt. 发信号; 发暗号; 示意

  n. 信号;暗号

  1. (2015 湖北卷)In order not to be heard, she pointed her finger upwards to signal that someone was moving about upstairs. 为了不被听到,她手指向上以示意有人正在上楼。 2. (2015湖南卷)At Pullman’s signal each man turned his jackscrew the same amount at the same time, thereby raising the building slowly and evenly.

  随着普尔曼的信号,每个人同时将螺旋千斤顶调到相同的量,这样就慢而平稳地将楼房抬升起来。 3. In our class,when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book,it was a signal for everyone to stand up.

  在我们班上,当铃声响起,老师合上他的书时,那是每个人要起立的信号。 a danger/warning signal

  危险/警告信号 traffic signals

  交通信号灯 signal (sb. )that…

  示意(某人)…… signal (to) sb. to do sth.

  示意某人做某事  【辨析】symbol,signal,sign,mark  symbol指符号、象征、标志等, 常表示某种有深邃寓意的事物;signal指为某一目的而有意识地发出的信号;sign表示“记号,符号”时,同symbol,表示“告示, 标志”时,侧重指用图形、文字等所表达的内容,另外还可指“征兆, 迹象”;mark为普通用词,含义广泛,既可指为便于辨认而有意识地做的标记,又可指自然形成的标志或有别于其他事物的特征,也可用于指“分数, 成绩”。 1. Jealousy is just a ________ that shows how much you really like, care, or love someone. 2. A red flag is often used as a danger ________. 3. I frequently use sunflowers as ________ of strength. 4. The dogs are always rubbing against the wall and making dirty ________. Key:1. sign 2. signal 3. symbols 4. marks 4. arise

  vi. 出现;发生;起身 1. (2017山东卷)A number of high buildings have arisen where there was nothing a year ago but ruins.

  很多高楼在一年前还是废墟的地方出现了。 2. (2010山东卷)While scientists are finding ways to make them smaller but even more powerful,problems can arise when these batteries are much larger and heavier than the devices themselves. 虽然科学家们正想办法让设备变得更小且功能更强大,但是当电池比设备本身还要大还要重时,可能会出现问题。 3. Seeing his mother return home,the boy arose from his chair immediately.

  看到妈妈回家来了,小男孩立刻从椅子上站起来。 4. It can’t be too careful while driving,accidents often arise from carelessness. 开车时越小心越好,事故往往是由疏忽大意引起的。 (1)arise作“呈现;出现;发生”之意时, 主语多为抽象名词argument/problem/quarrel/question/movement等,多指不好的事情发生。 (2)arise from/out of… 意为“由……而引起;由……而产生;从……中产生”。 【词块助记】 【辨析】arise,rise,raise,arouse

  原形 词性词义 过去式 过去 分词 现在 分词 arise (vi.)出现; 发生; 起因于 arose arisen arising rise (vi.)升起; 起立; 增长; 上升 rose risen rising raise (vt.)举起; 提高; 饲养; 养育; 筹集; 招募 raised raised raising arouse (vt.)唤醒; 激起 aroused aroused arousing One of the problems ________ (arise) from the present economic situation is that the price now ________ (rise) sharply, of course, partly because many an illegal businessman ________ (raise) it on purpose. This problem ________ (arouse) some objections recently. Key:arising; is rising; raises; has aroused 5. in a way 在某种程度上


  In a way, students are being forced to learn English for the only purpose of passing a variety of exams.

  在某种程度上,学生们正被迫学习英语,其唯一的目的是通过各种各样的考试。 2. He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of putting up at a hotel for the night.

  他决定一路开车回家而不在旅馆里过夜。 3. In no way should you lose heart when you are faced with difficulties. 面对困难时, 你决不应该失去信心。 【头脑风暴】 by way of

  经由;途经 all the way 一直;一路上 in this way 以这种方法 in no way 决不;无论如何都不(放在句首时,句子用部分倒装语序) on one’s way to…

  在某人去……的途中;即将成为…… give way (to)

  让步;屈服 no way


  6. watch over 看守;监视;守护;照管 1. An uncle who lives close can watch over them. 住在附近的一位叔叔可以照管他们。 2. (2017北京卷)Watch for misleading language. Some studies will find that a behaviour “contributes to” or is “associated with” an outcome.

  注意误导性语言。一些研究发现一种行为会“导致”一种结果或与一种结果“相关”。 3. You have to watch out because there are land mines all over the place.

  你必须要小心,因为这里到处都是地雷。 4. In particular, smartphones and the applications that run on them generally keep a close watch on what users do. 特别的是,智能手机和运行于手机中的应用程序通常都密切监视着用户的所作所为。 watch out (for) 当心; 注意 watch for 留意,当心;等待 keep a watch on 监视 under the close watch 在严密的监视下 be on the watch for 小心提防; 警戒

  【头脑风暴】 7. deal with 处理;安排;对付 1. (2017北京卷)But those who frequently deal with many things at the same time were found to perform the worst at the actual multitasking test.

  但那些经常同时处理多件事情的人在真正的多任务测试中表现最差。 2. (2017安徽卷)To them, dealing with an actual human is like an evolutionary step backward. 对他们来说,与现实中的人打交道就像是进化的倒退。 3. I don’t know how to deal with the man dealing in second-cars. Can you tell me what to do with my old car?

  我不知道如何与那个买卖二手车的人打交道。你能告诉我如何处理我的那辆旧车? deal with中的deal为不及物动词,常与疑问副词how连用,表示“怎么处理/对待”;do with中的do为及物动词,表示“怎么处理/对待”时,常与疑问代词what连用。 【头脑风暴】 【微解析】 8. As time went by, I was made smaller.

  随着时间的推移,我被做得更小了。 as在此句中用作连词,意为“随着”,引导时间状语从句。介词with也有此义,但with是介词,后接名词或代词构成with短语或with复合结构。 【仿写】 1. ____________, we find more and more time entertaining. 随着生活水平的提高,我们越来越有时间消遣。(improve) 2. “The designs got stranger and more complicated ____________ time went on.” he said.

  他说:“随着时间的推移,设计变得越来越古怪和复杂。” 【单句改错】 3. As the development of the Internet, the net bar plays an important role in people’s life.

  Key:1. As our life improves/With our life improving 2. as 3. As 改为With 9. And my memory became so large that even I couldn’t believe it!

  我的存储量变得如此之大,连我自己都不能相信! so…that引导结果状语从句,意为“如此……以至于”。so…that…句型的常见形式:so+adj./adv.+that…;so+adj.+a/an+单数可数名词+that…;so+many/few/much/little…+n.+that…。此外,当so…that引导结果状语从句时,若“so+adj./adv.”位于句首时,从句要用部分倒装。 【微解析】 【仿写】 1. (2017四川卷改编)But she is ____________ that she never lets anyone put her down.但是她内心如此强大,从不会让任何人将她打倒。 2. (2017湖北卷)So fast

  ____________ that we can hardly imagine its speed.

  光传播的速度快到我们难以想象。 3. The teacher was telling us

  ____________ that we all forgot the time.老师在给我们讲一个如此有趣的故事,以至于我们全都忘了时间。 【单句改错】 4. (2017天津卷改编)Finally, I got such tired of it that I decided something has to change.

  Key:1. so strong 2. does light travel 3. so interesting a story/such an interesting story

   4. such改为so; has改为had Key:① which was made in July, 2015 ② and has artificial intelligence

  ③ such as cleaning the house and cooking the dinner, etc

  ④ if Allen can be updated when (it is) necessary

  假设你拥有一个名叫Allen的机器人,请根据以下内容,以My Own Android 为题,简要介绍你的这位机器人朋友。

  1. 制造于2015年7月,身高1.5米; 2. 具备人工智能,可以聊天、下棋、玩游戏; 3. 几乎会做一切家务,尤其在陪护年迈的爷爷方面令人满意; 4. 希望能够根据需要随时升级。 My Own Android I have an android named Allen, ① ________________. He is about 1.5 metres in height ② __________. This means he can talk with everyone. Sometimes we play chess or play games. Allen can do almost all the housework, ③ ________. And the best thing Allen can do is to take care of my grandpa who is quite old now when no one is at home. My grandpa is very satisfied with Allen’s service. Of course, ④ __________, I think, that’s much better. 【写作导航】 1.

  用非限制性定语从句来补充说明“Allen制造于2015年7月”; 2.

  用并列句来表达“且具有人工智能”; 3. 用such as来列举其具备的功能:“如打扫房子和做饭等”; 4. 用if条件状语从句来表达自己的希望:“如果Allen在必要时可以升级的话”。


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