2017届高考英语一轮复习指导课件:必修2 unit 4(新人教版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习指导课件:必修2 unit 4(新人教版)

发布时间:2017-04-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  必修二 Unit 4 Wildlife protection

  1. 课前自测 2. 课堂学案 词汇接龙


  Key:1. attention;

  attentive 2. security; secure 3. respond; response 4. protection; protect; protective

  5. mercy; merciful; merciless 6. succeed; success; successful 7. importance; important; importantly

  8. certainty; certain; certainly 9. harm; harmful; harmless 10. appreciate; appreciation; appreciative

  11. reservation; reserve; reserved 12. employment; employer; employee; employ; unemployment 1. _______

  (n. 注意;关注;注意力)→ _______ (adj. 专心的) 2. _______ (n. 安全)→ _______ (vt. 保卫 adj. 安全的;可靠的) 3. _______ (vi. 回答;响应;作出反应)→ _______ (n. 反应;回答) 4. _______ (n. 保护)→ _______ (vt. 保护)→ _______ (adj. 防护的) 5. _______ (n. 仁慈;宽恕;怜悯)→_______ (adj. 仁慈的)→ _______ (adj. 无情的) 6. _______ (vi. 成功 vt. 接替;继任)→ _______ (n. 成功)→ _______ (adj. 成功的) 7. _______ (n. 重要;重要性)→ _______ (adj. 重要的)→ _______ (adv. 重要地) 8. _______ (n. 确定的事实)→ _______ (adj. 确定的;某一;一定)→ _______ (adv. 必定) 9. _______ (n. 损害;危害

  vt. 损害;危害)→ _______ (adj. 有害的)→ _______ (adj. 无害的) 10. _______ (vt. 鉴赏;感激;意识到)→ _______ (n. 欣赏)→ _______ (adj. 感激的;赏识的;有欣赏力的) 11. _______ (n. 预约;预订;保留)→ _______ (n. 储存;自然保护区

  vt. 储备;保留;预约)→ _______ (adj. 保留的;预订的) 12. _______ (n. 雇佣;使用)→ _______ (n. 雇主)→ _______ (n. 受雇者)→ _______ 〔vt. 雇用;利用(时间、精力等)〕→ _______ (n. 失业;失业率)

  词块互译 1. ________________

  wildlife protection 2. ________________

  a nature reserve/a natural protection zone 3. 处于灭绝的危险中

  in danger of ________ 4. 对要求作出回应

  respond ________ the request 5. 如释重负;松了口气

  ________________ 6. 突然笑起来

  burst ________ laughter/burst ________ laughing 7. 惨无人道地捕杀动物

  hunt animals ________________ 8. 保护野生动物不受到绝种威胁

  protect wildlife ________ being endangered 9. 成功赢得比赛

  ________________ the competition 10. ________________

  come into being Key:1. 野生动植物保护 2. 自然保护区 3. dying out 4. to 5. in relief 6. into; out 7. without mercy/with no mercy 8. from 9. succeed in winning 10. 形成;产生 句型补全


  Please take me to a distant land ______________

  the animal that gave fur to make this sweater. 请把我带到遥远的地方,在那里我能找到提供毛绒来做这件毛衣的那种动物。 (where引导定语从句)


  It shows the importance of wildlife protection, but I’d like to help __________ the WWF suggests.

  这体现了野生动植物保护的重要性,不过,我还是想按照世界野生生物基金会的建议来帮助你们。 (as引导方式状语从句) 3.

  After a while she saw some zebra __________ black and white lines __________ beneath their stomachs.

  过了一会儿她看到了一些斑马,它们身上有一直延伸到腹部的黑白相间的条纹。 (with的复合结构) 4.

  They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long __________ into being.

  他们在千百万年前就生活在地球上,远远早于人类的产生。 (before引导状语从句) 5.

  They learned this from the way __________ together.

  他们是根据(恐龙)骨骼的连接方式了解到这一点的。 (the way作先行词的定语从句) Key:1. where I can find 2. as 3. with; going 4. before humans came

  5. (that/in which) the bones were joined

  课文回顾 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Key: 1. endangered 2. wonderful 3. were hunted 4. hers 5. an 6. farmers

  7. to protect 8. from 9. where 10. so

  Daisy wanted to help

  __1__ (endanger) species of wildlife. One day, she had a strange dream. She

  travelled by a __2__ (wonder) flying carpet and talked with an antelope


  Tibet. The antelope told her they __3__ (hunt) because of their fur which can

  be used to make sweaters like __4__ (she).

  Later in the blink of an eye, the flying carpet took her to Zimbabwe


  she talked with


  elephant and got to know the __6__ (farm) there no longer hunted them. That’s


  the government decided __7__ (protect) the elephants and they finally made a lot of money


  the tourism. At last she arrived at the thick rain forest __9__ a monkey told her “No rain forest, no animals and no drugs.” After the travel, Daisy had learned __10__ much that she decided

  to continue to help protect wildlife. 课堂学案 1. contain

  vt. 包含;容纳;容忍;克制(感情等);抑制 1. (2017湖南卷)After the meal, she placed a little box containing an old pen in my hand. 饭后,她在我手里放了一个装有一支旧钢笔的小盒子。 2.

  (2017安徽卷)Your fridge has read the chip that contains information about the milk,and it knows the milk is old.

  你的冰箱已经读取了芯片上含有的牛奶的信息并知道了牛奶已经过期。 3. (2011陕西卷)My father could hardly contain his pride in me.

  我的父亲抑制不住对我的骄傲。 4. As far as I know,the hall can contain/hold/seat/admit 3,000 people.

  据我所知,这个大厅可容纳3 000人。 【词块助记】 contain sth. 包含…… contain one’s anger/laughter 抑制怒火/发笑 contain oneself 克制自己 container n. 容器 【辨析】contain,include contain 意为“包含;含有;容纳”,指的是包含的全部内容或容量,也可指里面所含的成分,不用于进行时态。 include 意为“包含;连……在内;计入;包括”,用于表示所包含之物中的一部分,其后的宾语往往是主语的一部分。including用作介词,放在所包括的东西之前;included为过去分词形式的形容词,放在被修饰名词之后。 1. This book ________ ten units, ________ two main revisions.

  2. This bottle ________ two glasses of beer.

  3. At least twenty people were killed in the explosion, ________ two children.

  4. Vegetables ________ a lot of fibers.

  5. Everyone had something to say, me ________.

  Key:1. contains;including 2. contains 3. including  4. contain 5. included 【词块助记】 2. affect


  影响;感动;侵袭 1. (2017四川卷)Although known as the love hormone, it affects the sexes differently. 尽管被称作爱情荷尔蒙,但是它以不同的方式影响着男性和女性。 2. (2017四川卷)Thus our hearts can also affect what we see and what we don’t see.

  因此,我们的心脏也能够影响我们所看到的以及我们看不到的。 3. (2017陕西卷)It can also be affected by power and class, but not necessarily so.它(地位)也受到权力和阶层的影响,但不一定非要如此。 4. His timely help affected me to tears.

  他的及时帮助感动得我热泪盈眶。 be greatly/deeply affected by 被……深深打动 be affected by heat/cold 中暑/着凉 be affected with high fever 发高烧 have an effect on 对……产生影响 be of no effect 无效 come into effect 生效;实行 take effect 生效;起作用 【构词】effect n. 结果;效力;影响;作用

  affection n. 爱慕;爱情 1. The weight-loss pill has a strong side affect on people’s hearts.

  2. Around 540 million people are affecting by second-hand smoke,which causes 100,000 deaths per year.

  Key:1. affect改为effect 2. affecting改为affected 3. appreciate

  vt. 鉴赏;感激;意识到 1. (2017天津卷)Only then did I truly begin to appreciate Dad and his faith that guided us through the hard times.

  直到那时我才真正地开始感激爸爸以及他的信仰,他的信仰曾经指导我们度过艰难时期。 2. (2017辽宁卷)A feeling of being bored, anger, anxiety, tenseness, worry, a feeling of not being appreciated — those are the emotions that tire sitting workers. 一种厌倦、愤怒、焦虑、紧张、担心的情感,一种不被感激的情感——这些就是那些坐着的工人们疲惫的情感。 3. I would appreciate it if you could donate some money to help set up the reserve.

  如果你能捐钱帮助建立保护区,我会非常感激。 【词块助记】 appreciate+n./pron./v.-ing 重视;感激 I would appreciate it if/when…

  假如……我将不胜感激 show/express one’s appreciation for 对……感激不尽 1. I’d appreciate ________ if you would like to teach me how to use the computer. 2. None of us appreciate ________ (make) fun of in our daily life.

  Key:1. it 2. being made 4. succeed vi. 成功 vt. 接替;继任 1. (2017广东卷)However, to succeed in life, one first needs to set a goal and then gradually make it more practical.

  然而,为了取得成功,我们首先需要设立一个目标,然后逐步让这个目标变为现实。 2. (2017北京卷)Good social skills—including empathy—are a kind of“emotional intelligence” that will help you succeed in many areas of life.

  良好的社交技能——包括同感——是一种情感智力,它会帮你在生活中的许多方面取得成功。 3. When the duke dies, his eldest son will succeed to the title.


  4. (2017福建卷)Parents arrange everything for their children and spare no effort to pave the way for their success. 父母为孩子安排好一切,不遗余力地为他们的成功铺平道路。 【词块助记】 succeed in doing sth. 成功做了某事 succeed to sth.

  继承 succeed sb. as…

  接替某人成为…… 【构词】 success n.

  [U]成功;成就 [C]成功的人或事物




  successfully adv.

  成功地 After _______ (succeed) to

  his father’s company as president of it _______ (successful), he succeeded _______ making the company more _______ (success) in its field, which in turn helped to make him _______ big success.

  Key:succeeding; successfully; in; successful; a 5. employ

  vt. 雇用;利用(时间、精力等) 1. (2017陕西卷)Men and women must be treated equally in education and employment. 男女在教育和职业中应当受到平等对待。 2. (2017山东卷)It’s standard practice for a company like this one to employ a security officer. 对于一个像这样的公司,雇一个保安是标准的做法。 3. He employs himself in reading after work.下班以后,他把时间花在看书上。 4. More scientists are being employed in studies to develop new medicines.更多的科学家正在从事开发新药的研究。 employ sb. as/to be… 雇用某人任…… employ sb. to do sth.

  雇用某人做某事 be employed in doing sth.=employ oneself in doing sth.

  忙于;从事于(做)某事 in employment

  有工作;在工作 out of employment 失业 【词块助记】 1. The ________ (employ) decided to employ Tom as her secretary and she hoped to have a talk with all her ________ (employ) before he came to work. 2. When we arrived at his home, we found he was ________ (employ) in watering his garden. 3. They graduate from school and jump between employers, or in and ________ of employment. Key:1. employer; employees 2. employed 3. out 6. die out 灭亡;逐渐消失 1. (2017全国卷Ⅰ)In fact, half of the 6,000-7,000 languages spoken around the world today will likely die out by the next century. 事实上,当今世上所说的6到7千种语言有一半极有可能在下个世纪消失。 2. (2017重庆卷)If it is not much too inconvenient, would you please come to China to have a close observation of the poor finless porpoises and give us aid and direction to prevent them from dying out completely?

  如果方便的话,你能来中国近距离地观察一下可怜的长江江豚并给我们援助和指导以防止它们完全灭绝吗? 3. As the sound of the music died away, the film came to an end.

  随着音乐声渐渐消失,电影结束了。 4. The apple trees in the field are all dying off from disease.


  【头脑风暴】 die away

  (声音、光线等)逐渐消失 die of 因……而死(疾病、饥饿、情感等内因) die from 因……而死 (外伤、车祸、事故等外因) die down (兴奋、火势) 渐弱;渐熄;平息 die off (家族、种族等) 相继死去;(花草)先后枯死 be dying for

  很想要;渴望 be dying to do sth.


  【头脑风暴】 7. come into being 形成;产生

  1. There is no road ahead of us but road will come into existence/being after we walk through. 在我们之前没有路,我们走过之后路便形成。 2. This decision, which aims to make all indoor public places smoke-free, will come into effect from the first day of 2017.


  come into effect/force/operation 开始生效/执行/实施 come into existence/being

  开始存在/形成/产生 come into power/office

  就职;上台执政 come into use/service

  开始被使用 注意:come into being 为不及物动词短语,无被动形式,也不用于进行时态。 【微解析】 8. It shows the importance of wildlife protection, but I’d like to help as the WWF suggests.

  这体现了野生动植物保护的重要性,不过,我想按照世界野生生物基金会的建议来帮助你们。 as在句中引导方式状语从句,意为“按照;如同;像……一样”。as作为连词的意义及用法主要有:(1)“如同,按照”,引导方式状语从句;(2)“当……时候,一边……一边……,随着”,引导时间状语从句;(3)“因为,既然”,引导原因状语从句;(4)“尽管”,引导让步状语从句(从句使用部分倒装,即将形容词、副词、名词、动词等放于as前面,单数可数名词提前时应省略冠词);(5)引导比较状语从句,常用于as…as…句型,意为“像……一样……”(第一个as是副词,第二个as是连词)。 【仿写】 1. (2017福建卷改编) If all visitors to the Fairy Lake Park do ________, the lake will be severely polluted and soon turned into a huge dustbin.

  如果所有到仙女湖的游客都像这对夫妇那样做,那么湖水会严重污染,而且很快就会变成一个大垃圾箱。 2. He smiled politely ________ her drunken friends. 当玛丽为她喝醉酒的朋友道歉时,他礼貌地笑了笑。 3. (2011全国卷Ⅰ改编) ________, Sue couldn’t get the door open. 尽管她试了,但苏还是打不开门。 【单句改错】 4. Careful surveys have indicated that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs like directed. Key:1. as the couple did 2. as Mary apologized for 3. Try as she might

  4. like改为as

  Key:① I am writing to tell you that the finless porpoises are becoming extinct

  ② The number of them is less than 1,000

  ③ that you can finance some programmes to make people aware of

  ④ I would appreciate it greatly if you can take action at once

  Dear Sir or Madam, I’m a student from Chongqing, China. ①____________ ________ because humans’ activities have a bad effect on them. ②_________________, so I hope you can take some effective measures to protect them. One of my suggestions is ③____________________ the serious situation of the finless porpoises so as to protect them. ④_____________________. Meanwhile, I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【写作导航】 1. 直截了当说明写信目的是为了“告诉你们长江江豚正濒临灭绝”,可用宾语从句; 2. 介绍“目前中国长江江豚总数不足1000只”,用the number of…结构表示“……的数量”; 3. 用表语从句来表达你的一个建议,即“你们能够资助一些项目来让人们意识到这一严峻形势”; 4. 用句型I would appreciate it greatly if…来表达自己的期望:“如果你们能够立即采取行动,我将不胜感激”。 (2017重庆卷)调查显示,中国长江江豚 (finless porpoise)受人类活动影响而濒临灭绝,目前总数不足1000只。假设你是李华,现请用英文给WWF(世界野生生物基金会)写一封信,请他们关注这一情况并提供帮助。内容应包括: ●说明写信目的 ●简述江豚现状 ●希望WWF如何帮助(比如:资助江豚保护项目等) ●表示感谢并期待回复


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