2017届高考英语一轮复习指导课件:必修3 unit 4(新人教版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习指导课件:必修3 unit 4(新人教版)

发布时间:2017-04-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

   随着人口和私家车数量增长,加之不遵守交通规则现象增多,交通堵塞愈加频繁。请你写一篇题目为“How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic”的短文。 How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic Almost every city has a big traffic problem.

  To start with, ① ____________________. The second reason is the increasing number of vehicles, especially private cars. The last but not least reason is ② _______________. To deal with this, some people suggest ③ _______________ in order to speed up the flow of the traffic, and others insist that more public bus routes be required in order to limit the number of private cars.

  ④ ________________ and limiting the number of private cars is inconvenient for some people.

  ⑤ _______________. And as for pedestrians, we should also have a sense of safety. Don’t cross the road at a red light. 【写作导航】 1. 说明交通堵塞的原因之一是“大量的人口”,建议使用短语the large number of population和lead to来表达; 2. 使用表语从句列举最后一项交通堵塞的主要原因是“一些人没有意识到遵守交通规则的重要性”; 3. 提出解决问题的方法之一是“修建更多道路”,suggest后可用宾语从句来表达; 4. 语气转折,用动名词短语作主语来表达“多修路会占用太多土地”的弊端; 5. 最后阐明自己的观点“最好的方法就是人们尽可能步行”,可用短语in my opinion来导入。 Key:① the large number of population leads to heavy traffic ② that some people are not aware of the importance of obeying traffic regulations ③ that more roads (should) be built ④ But building more roads takes up too much land ⑤ In my opinion, the best way is to walk if people can

  必修三 Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars

  1. 课前自测 2. 课堂学案 词汇接龙

  1. _______(n. 宗教;宗教信仰)→_______ (adj. 虔诚的;宗教的) 2. _______(adj. 猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的)→_______ (n. 暴力;暴虐;猛烈;不敬) 3. _______(n. 球体;地球仪)→_______(adj. 全球性的;全世界的)→_______(vt. 使全球化) 4. _______(vi. 存在;生存)→_______(adj. 目前的;现存的)→_______(n. 实在;存在;存在物) 5. _____(adj.


  无害的;无恶意的)→_______(n. & vt. 损害;伤害;危害) 6. _______(n. 生物学;生物)→_______(n. 生物学家)→_______(adj. 生物学的;生物的 n. 生物制品) 7. _______(adj. 温和的;文雅的;高尚的)→_______(adv. 温柔地;文雅地;有礼貌地)→_______(n. 先生;绅士) 课前自测

  Key:1. religion; religious 2. violent; violence 3. globe; global; globalize 4. exist; existing; existence 5. harmful; harmless; harm 6. biology; biologist; biological 7. gentle; gently; gentleman 词汇接龙

  Key:8. break; breaker; broken 9. puzzle; puzzling; puzzled 10. physicist; physics; physical; physician 8. _______(vt. & vi. 打破;折断;弄坏 n. 破裂;间断)→_______(n. 破坏者;破碎机)→_______( adj. 破碎的;坏掉的) 9. _______(n. 谜;难题 v. 为难;伤脑筋)→_______(adj. 费解的;令人困惑的)→_______(adj. 困惑的;糊涂的;茫然的) 10. _______(n. 物理学家)→_______(n. 物理学;物理现象)→_______(adj. 身体的;物质的)→_______(n. 内科医生)

  词块互译 1. 迟早会成功

  _____ in time 2. _____ _____

  cool down 3. 下蛋;产卵

  _____ _____ 4. 生了一个男孩

  give birth _____ a baby boy 5. 阻止空气污染

  prevent air _____ _____ 6. 挡住光线

  block _____ the light 7. _____ _____

  cheer up 8. _____ _____

  a fight broke out 9. 掌握英语

  get the hang _____ English 10. 当心过往的车辆

  _____ the cars coming and going

  Key:1. succeed 2. 冷却下来;平静下来 3. lay eggs 4. to 5. from being polluted 6. out 7. 感到高兴;感到振奋 8. 爆发一场打斗 9. of 10. watch out for 句型补全



  was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe. 在45亿~38亿年前,这团尘埃逐渐稳定下来变成了固态的球体,直到此时,它最终将成为什么仍然不得而知。(what 引导主语从句) 2.

  The earth became ______ it was not clear whether the shape would last or not. 地球活动变得越发剧烈,以至于该形状能否保持下去尚不明确。(so+ adj.+ that句型) 3.

  So ________ life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on ________ this problem can be solved. 所以在未来的数百万年中,生命能否在地球上延续将取决于这个问题能否得到解决。(whether引导名词性从句) 4.

  But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried ____________

  on the earth and fell over. 但当我试着向前迈步时,我发现我被送出很远,步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两倍,因而我摔倒了。



  “Oh dear,” I cried, “walking does need a bit of practice ______ gravity has changed.” “天哪,”我大声说,“既然重力改变了,看来走路也的确需要练一练了。”(now that 引导原因状语从句) Key:1. What it was to become 2. so violent that 3. whether; whether

  4. twice as far as 5. now that

  课文回顾 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

  Key:1. loudly 2. to produce 3. its 4. harmful 5. with 6. development 7. after 8. prevents 9.

  Whether 10. be solved   The earth was just a cloud of dust after the “Big Bang”. The earth exploded

  __1__ (loud) with fire and rock. They were in time __2__ (produce) many things,


  were to make the earth’s atmosphere. As the earth cooled down, water began to appear on __3__ (it) surface. It allowed the earth to


  __4__ (harm) gases. The life began to develop. The first small plants multiplied


  filled the oceans and seas __5__

  oxygen. This encouraged the

  __6__ (develop) of early shellfish and fish. Land animals such as insects, reptiles and dinosaurs and so on appeared __7__ green plants appeared. Small clever animals spread all over the earth. They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which

  __8__ (prevent) heat from the earth into space. __9__ life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on

  whether this problem can __10__ (solve). 课堂学案 【词块助记】 1. violent

  adj. 猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的 1. All in all, watching the violent movies not only has bad effects on people’s mental health, but can also cause more hurts in our life. 总之,看暴力电影会影响人们的心理健康,同时在生活中也会带给我们更多的伤害。 2. A violent storm hit the city last night, which caused a lot of damage. 昨天夜里,暴风雨袭击了这座城市,造成重大损失。 3. Larry was in violent pain. As a result, he behaved violently and treated everything with violence. 拉里处于极度痛苦之中,因此他表现得很粗暴,一切都以暴力对待。 a violent attack 猛烈的攻击 a violent storm 暴风骤雨 lay violent hands on 对……使用暴力;对……行凶

  take…by violence 抢夺…… with violence

  猛烈地;强有力地 构词】violently adv. 猛烈地;凶狠地


  n. 暴力;暴行

  1. (2017广东卷改编)Anne says, “Kindness can build on itself as much as ________ (violent) can.”

  2. The storm came so violent that it ruined the whole crops.

  Key:1. violence 2. violent改为violently 【词块助记】 2. harmful

  adj. 有害的 1. What many scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas.

  很多科学家相信,由于地球上长期有水存在,使地球得以把有害气体和酸性物质溶解在海洋里。 2. Smoking can be harmful to your health.

  吸烟会对你的健康有害。 be harmful to 对……有害 be harmless to 对……无害的 do harm to…=do…harm 对……有害 there is no harm in doing sth. 做某事无害处

  【构词】harmless adj. 无害的;不致伤的


  n. & vt.

  损害;伤害;危害 1. (2017福建卷改编)Even if it contains evidence that wind farms are ________ (harm), it will hardly be a pleasant surprise to people who don’t like them. 2. There is no harm asking your teachers for advice on everything. Key:1. harmful 2. 在asking前加in 【词块助记】 3. exist

  vi. 存在;生存 exist in 存在于……中 exist on 靠……生活/生存 there exist(s)… 存在……;有…… in existence 现存的;现有的 come into existence 产生;成立;开始存在

  1. The two sides have reached a partial agreement, but several differences still exist between them. 双方达成了部分协议,但他们之间仍存在着一些分歧。

  2. (2017安徽卷)In my view, new architectural styles can exist perfectly well alongside an older style. 以我来看,新的建筑风格能够和旧的风格一起完美地存在。 3. They were so poor that they did not live but merely existed.

  他们穷得只能算生存,不能算生活。 1. (2017四川卷改编)I’m lucky because I know my first homestill exist. 2. There exists dinosaurs on the earth a long time ago, but now they have died out. Key:1. exist改为exists 2. exists改为 existed

  【词块助记】 4. puzzle

  n. 难题;谜

  vt. & vi.

  (使)迷惑;(使)困惑 1. How life began on earth is one of the biggest puzzles that scientists found hard to solve.

  地球上生命的起源是科学家们最难解答的问题之一。 2. What puzzled me was why they didn’t take the expert’s advice. 使我不解的是他们为何不接受专家的忠告。 3. (2017 天津卷)She gave me a hug and asked me to think about it. I was puzzled. 她给了我一个拥抱要我考虑这件事。我迷惑了。 be in a puzzle 感到困惑;不知如何是好 puzzle about/over 冥思苦想;苦苦思索 be puzzled about 对……迷惑不解 be a puzzle to sb. 对某人来说是个谜 be in a puzzle about


  Her ________ (puzzle) look showed that she was puzzled ________ what he said.Yes. It was really

  ________ puzzle because it was so ________ (puzzle) that he would rather throw away the food than give it to those ________ need.What he said as well as what he did ________ (puzzle) all the people present. Key:puzzled; over/about; a; puzzling; in; puzzled 【词块助记】 5. pull

  n. & vt. 拉(力);拖;牵引力 1. (2015四川卷) They wrapped one end of the rope around the block and pulled. 他们将石块绑缠在绳子的一端并用力扯绳子。 2. (2017全国卷Ⅱ)It was impossible for Joe to climb back or for Simon to pull him up. 乔往回爬或西蒙把他拽上来都是不可行的。 3. Growth occurs because you feel a push, or pull, to move in a direction. 成长会发生是因为你感到了一种推力,或拉力,使你向着某个方向前行。 pull sb./sth. 拉着/拽着某人/某物 pull away 开走(车);脱身 pull back 拉回来;使同退;撤退 pull down 拉下(窗帘等);拆毁(房屋等) pull in (列车等)驶进;进站;(船)靠岸 pull out 拔出;(列车等)出站 pull over 停靠(在路边)

  pull together 齐心协力;团结起来 pull(…)up 把……往上拽;停止

  pull through (使)恢复健康;(使)渡过危机 1. Mr White’s injuries are extremely severe, but he is expected to pull ________. 2. You might be waiting a while for one of these buses to pulling up at the local bus stop. Key:1. through 2. pulling改为pull

  6. in time 最终;总有一天;迟早;及时

  1. (2017四川卷)We arrived in the summer, just in time to enjoy the midnight sun. 我们在夏季到达了,正好及时赶上享受午夜阳光。 2. (2017山东卷)I’m writing this letter to express my apology to you for not writing you back in time. 我写这封信是为了向你表达我没有及时回信的歉意。 3. (2017辽宁卷)At no time did they actually break the rules of the game. It was unfair to punish them.事实上他们没有打破游戏规则。惩罚他们是不公平的。 【头脑风暴】 【拓展】at no time用在句首时,句子要部分倒装;in no time相当于at once或immediately,用于句首时句子不倒装。 on time 按时;准时 in time for sth. 赶上某事 at one time 曾经;一度 at times 有时;偶尔 from time to time 有时;偶尔 at no time 从不;决不 in no time 立即;马上 at a time 每次;一次 7. prevent…from

  阻止;制止做某事 1. (2015重庆卷) When it’s nighttime, try to sleep. In that case, eat before the flight, or an empty stomach will prevent you from sleeping.

  当夜幕降临,就尽量去睡觉。因此在乘飞机之前要用餐,否则空腹会让你睡不着觉。 2. (2017安徽卷)Beehives—either recorded or real—may even prevent elephants from damaging farmer’s crops.

  蜂窝——不管是录制的还是真的,可能更能阻止大象糟蹋农民的庄稼。 3. (2017上海卷)People take these supplements because advertising suggests that they prevent a range of medical conditions from developing.

  人们吃这些补品是因为广告在暗示这些补品能防止一系列身体状况的发生。 prevent+宾语+(from) doing 阻止……做某事 stop+宾语+(from) doing 阻止……做某事 keep+宾语+from doing 阻止……做某事 ban+宾语+ from doing 禁止……做某事  【拓展】在以上结构中,被动语态里from均不可以省去,在主动语态中stop与prevent后面的from可省略,但在keep sb. from doing结构中的from在任何情况下都不可以省略。另外,keep sb. doing…另有其意,即“让某人一直做某事”。 【头脑风暴】 【微解析】 8. What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe.

  在45亿~38亿年前,这团尘埃逐渐稳定下来变成了固态的球体,直到此时,它最终将成为什么仍然不得而知。  what引导主语从句,表示“……的东西或事情”,相当于the thing that…,可具体化为表示“……的人或样子(the person that…)”,“……的数量或数目(the number that…)”,“……的时间(the time that…)”或“……的地方(the place that…)”等。 【仿写】 The young girl was too frightened to speak, standing there for ____________. 小女孩吓得不敢说话,在那儿站了似乎几个小时。 Key:1. what seemed like hours  【仿写】 2.

  ____________ at the meeting describes a bright future for the company.你在会议上所说的为我们公司描述了美好的前景。 3. (2015福建卷改编) ____________ we’re seemingly able to have is the niggling suffering, the anxiety we feel.我们好像所能够拥有的是不间断的痛苦和我们感到的焦虑。 4. (2017全国卷Ⅱ改编)But that began as nothing important in public affairs has grown into a social movement. Key:2.What you said 

  3. What 4. that改为what 9. But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over.

  但当我试着向前迈步时,我发现我被送出很远,步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两倍,因而我摔倒了。 【微解析】 句中的“twice as far as”为倍数表达,意为“是……的两倍远”。as far as…意为“远到……”。英语里常见的倍数表达法有: A+be+倍数+as+adj./adv.原级+as B A+be+倍数+adj./adv.比较级+than B A+be+倍数+the+名词(size/weight/length…)of B 其中的“两倍”用twice,三倍或三倍以上的用“基数词+times”表达。 【仿写】 1. Their new apartment is ____________ of their old one.

  他们的新公寓比旧公寓大三倍。 2. (2017辽宁卷改编) The researchers found that laptop users took ____________ as those who wrote by hand.研究人员发现笔记本电脑使用者比手写者记的笔记多一倍。 3. (2017浙江卷改编) Your heart works up to __________ during exercise, and shifts enough blood over a lifetime to fill a supertanker.

  你的心脏在运动时,工作强度高达3倍,在人的一生中传输的血液足以装满一个超级油轮。 【单句改错】 4. Young people were several times much likely to be out of work than older members of the workforce.

  Key:1. four times the size 

  2. twice as many notes 

  3. three times harder

  4. much改为more


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