冠词 突破常考点 演练大冲关
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“ the + adj . ” 表示一类人的常用短语:
the rich 富人
the dead 死者
the poor 穷人
the aged 老人
the old 老人
the living 活着的人
the young 年轻人
the injured/wounded 受伤的人
[典题精选] [我来改正] [常设误点] ①(2017·陕西高考)That day I didn’t learn much about animals, insects or trees, but I learnt a impressive lesson about gravity! ②(2016·邢台市高三摸底考试)But he had only an 100yuan note. ③(2016·嘉峪关市一中三模)He was an European billionaire who got everything he wanted. [典题精选] [我来改正] [常设误点] ①(2015·新课标全国卷Ⅱ) One day, little Tony went to a shopping center with his parents ... A woman saw him crying and told him to wait outside a shop. ②(2016·郑州二模)Most of us feel nervous whenever we’re taking the important exam. ①shop前的a→___ ②the→__ the an [典题精选] [我来改正] [常设误点] ①(2017·新课标全国卷Ⅱ)This custom soon became another meal of day. ②(2016·江西九校联考)Forrest Gump was born in small village. ①在day前加___ ②在in和small之间加__ the a [典题精选] [我来改正] [常设误点] ①(2017·浙江高考) Tomorrow is first day of school. ②(2016·衡水一中模拟) In order to realize his dream, Bill Gates, richest man in the world, gave up studying in Harvard University. ①在first前加___ ②在richest前加___ the the