2017届高考英语一轮选修模块复习训练:选修6 Unit 3《A healthy life》(新人教版含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮选修模块复习训练:选修6 Unit 3《A healthy life》(新人教版含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 3 A healthy life

  【热点话题】(健康) 健康的重要性体裁:说明文写作思路:健康的重要性——体育锻炼的好处【美文诵读】ave a sound mind,we must first have a sound body.This is_of_vital_importance.①We_can_feel_energetic

  _and_vigorous_only_by_keeping_ourselves_healthy_and_strong ② in studying and working and live a happy life.

  Physical_exercise_is_the_best_way_to_keep_ourselves_fit._③ In taking part in out­door sports,we are closer to nature and can take in fresh air.The_beauty_of_nature_will_keep_us_clear­headed,which_is_essential_to_our_health.④ Besides,sports stimulate_the

  _circulation_of_blood⑤ and help to remove the wastes in the body.Sports can also work up our appetite and improve our digestion.As a result,we can become strong­bodied.【学海拾贝】按要求完成或翻译下列句子。改写①句一空一词。将②改为only位于句首的倒装句。最好的办法是对此事保持沉默。e best_way is to keep_silent about this matter.


  Ⅰ.按要求写出下列单词香烟 .精神的智力的 结果效力 .4.局促不安的笨拙的 酒酒精 .l

  6.女人;女性的 .怀孕的 滥用虐待 .禁令;禁止取缔停止离开 .放松松弛使放松 relax

  轻松的使人放松的强壮的 力量力气加强巩固气喘吁吁的气息呼吸喘气呼吸羞耻;使丢脸 .令人羞愧的感到惭愧或羞耻的15.使失望失望的沮丧的disappointed



  2.His experience in the Vietnam War caused him much mental suffering.In fact,more than half of the soldiers were seriously mentally ill because of the war.(mental)

  3.You take my breath away and you leave me breathless.(breathe)

  4.The man in the river desperately tried to reach the side.The situation was desperate but not hopeless.(desperate)

  5.It is illegal of you to sell cigarettes to teenagers.(legal)


  选用上述短语完成下Lily (1) was_addicted_to gambling and lost 300,000 yuan at a time...Although she (2) got_into heavy gambling debts,she (3) wasn't_ashamed_of herself and still (4) felt_like gambling day and night.Her husband was very angry and (5) decided_on a divorce to end their marriage.

  Ⅲ .重点句型Your mother tells me that you started smoking some time ago and now you are finding it difficult to give it up.(p.18)


  find/consider/feel it+宾补+doing/to do/that从句。认为……是……他们认为今天完成工作是不可能的。[模仿造句]用上述句型翻译下列句子。(1)我觉得I_found_it_difficult_to_understand_him.(2)她觉得照顾弟弟是她的责任。e_felt_it_her_duty_to_take_care_of_her_little_brother.I knew it was time to quit smoking.(p.18)


  It is time...的句型常有以下几种延伸:(1)It is time (for sb.) to do sth.

  该是(某人)做某事的时候了。如:该是我们上课的时候了。(2)It is (high) time that sb.did/should do sth.

  It is high time that we told him the bad news.

  该是我们告诉他这个坏消息的时候了。[模仿造句]用上述句型完成下列句子。(1)他的演讲结束了他该走了。;it is time for_him_to be off.(2)现在我认为你该睡觉了。3.It is not easy to stop smoking,but millions have managed to quit and so can you.(p.19)




  词语关联分为原词复现、同义词或近义词复现。原词复现指在英语语篇中同一概念或同一单词及其复数形式或同源单词在上下文中不断出现。同义词或近义词复现指在英语语篇中为了体现语言的多样性或避免重复经常使用同义词、近义词或解释性的词语来连接上下文。【例】 There are billions of creations every year.Someone notices a__1__in the world and then creates something to meet that need.This__2__may bring great changes to people's life.B.change解析:下文有“to meet that need”这里用原词复现法解题。答案:C

  D.product解析:上文有“creations这里用原词复现法解题。答案:A【例】 I began to take 1.I had been so afraid of failing but suddenly there was no 2 .Mrs.White taught me to take chances and not be 3 .She was my comforter when I was upset.解析:近义词复现。take risks与下文的“take chances”属近义词语。答案:C解析:原词复现。上文有failing。答案:B解析:afraid。答案:A

  运用所学的解题技巧完成下列微型完形填空题。(一)(双语的) brain is wonderful because it reflects humans' abilities of flexible thinking. Bilingual babies learn that objects and events in the world have two 12 lots of good exercise the study.

  1.A.purposes B.ways解析:近义词复现。name与label是近义词。答案:C解析:原词复现。答案:B(二) 1 items means less harm.The use of items such as cleaning products produces poison that is harmful to both the environment and our health.Therefore,  2 amount necessary of them helps reduce the threats (威胁).解析:原词复现。poisonous与poison是同答案:A解析:近义词复现。less属近义词复现。答案:D(三) 1 .Later,  2 .If I could talk with her, 解析:近义词复现。appreciate有“感激、欣赏”之意。答案:Bes

  D.efforts解析:原词复现。下文有“women's rights”。答案:A(四) 1 ed.At the conference, people were impressed by the kindness and natural beauty of his mother despite the scar, but the boy was still 2 .解析:原词复现。下文再次出现scar。答案:Aleased


  第一节 阅读理解阅读下面的短文从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。A

  Dear Irene,

  I am feeling rather heart­broken.My best friend who lives in another city will have her 30th birthday party this weekend,but she hasn't invited me.Last year,she flew up to my city for my 30th birthday.She was also one of my bridesmaids (伴娘)at my wedding.We have never had any arguments Our another friend who lives in the same city as me has been invited and she told me about the party.

  About three days ago, I emailed my friend and asked if she would have a party.I have not received a response up to now.What should I do?Should I contact her and let her know how I love to go and celebrate with her? I really don't want to lose such a dear friend.Please help!Hi, Elyse,

  You must have felt very sad about it.And you did absolutely the right thing by asking.It is rude of your friend not to respond at all.But is there any possibility that your message got lost in cyberspace (网络空间)? Can you send it again?d hasn't told your mutual (共同的) friend not to say anything about the party to you You should make clear,whether she didn't want to invite you or there were some other reasons why you were not invited.Perhaps there is a misunderstanding.

  If your friend truly hasn't invited you,you can write to her and make your friend know she is an important person in your life.And tell her that you are hurt without her invitation to her birthday party to celebrate her special day.When your friend knows she is so important to you,she may want to continue the friendship with you.



  1.What is Elyse's problem according to her letter?

  A.She had an argument with her best friend.

  B.Her best friend has decided to move to another city.

  C.She hasn't been invited to her best friend's birthday party.

  D.Her best friend has made a new friend and wants to leave her.

  2.It is implied in Paragraph 2 of Irene's letter that Elyse's friend________. secret

  C.only invited a few people

  D.might have sent her an invitation

  3.How did Elyse feel when writing the letter?

  A.Nervous and confident.

  B.Worried and puzzled.

  C.Surprised and curious.

  D.Shy and embarrassed.

  语篇解读:Elyse最好的朋友过生日却没有邀请她她因此写信向Irene寻求帮助。解析:细节理解题。根据Elyse信中第一段的“I am feeling rather heart­broken.My best friend who lives in another city will have her 30th birthday party this weekend可知她在为没有被邀请参加最好的朋友的生日聚会而苦恼。答案:C解析:推理判断题。Irene在信中第二段提到Elyse的朋友并没有让她们共同的朋友不要提她过生日的事又根据“Perhaps there is a misunderstanding.”可知Irene认为有可能Elyse的朋友给她发了邀请。答案:D解析:推理判断题。信中作者感到heart­broken同时又搞不清楚为什么她的朋友没有邀请她而感到迷惑。答案:BB

  One thing is certain about teenagers:Things changeported that a person's IQ may rise or fall and regions of the brain may change during the teenage years.

  An IQ measures a person's ability to think and reason.Many researchers have believed it never alters for a person.If that were true,then your IQ at 10 would be the same as your IQ at 40.The new study shows it is not the case.A person's IQ can change,Richard Haier said.Haier,a brain researcher at the University of California,Irvine,called the new results“extremely interesting”.

  Brain researcher Cathy Price,who teaches at University College London,designed an experiment to know about the mysteries of how teenagers think.In 2004,she and her colleagues tested the IQs of 33 teens who ranged from 12 to 16.At the same time,the scientists took pictures of the teens' brains using MRI.An MRI produces images of the brains using radiation and a powerful magnetic field.

  A few years later,in 2007 and 2008,the participants returned to the lab.Like the first time,the scientists tested the teens' IQs and used an MRI to see their brains.But when Price compared the old and new results,she was shocked.Many of the teenagers' IQs had changed greatly over the years.One person had lost 18 IQ points;another had gained 21.Some people with high IQs on the first test had even higher IQs on the second.And some low­scoring individuals saw their scores fall even further.hat did the brain researchers mainly report recently?

  A.People went through a lot of changes during their teenage years.

  B.A person's IQ reaches its highest in his/her teenage years.

  C.Regions of the brains of different people are different.

  D.A person's IQ may be different at different ages.

  5.How did Cathy Price and her colleagues arrive at their findings?

  A.By referring to some teenagers' grades.

  B.By doing experiments on teenagers.

  C.By referring to former studies.

  D.By doing various surveys.

  6.From Paragraph 4 we know that________.ecome lower

  D.it's impossible for someone to gain over 20 IQ points in his/her later life

  7.What's the writer's purpose in writing the passage?

  A.To tell us how to get high IQs.

  B.To tell us about the results of an IQ­related study.

  C.To encourage us to take part in sports.

  D.To show the importance of communication.

  语篇解读:研究发现一个人的智商并不是永远不变的而是会随着年龄的增长而发生一些变化。解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的“The researchers recently reported that a person's IQ may rise or fall...”可知那些研究人员最近报告人的智商是会变的。答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的“Brain researcher Cathy Price以及第三、四段的内容可知这些研究人员主要是通过做实验的方式得出的结论。答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的“Some people with high IQs on the first test had even higher IQs on the second”可知一个人智商高的话随着年龄增长智商可能还会变得更高。答案:A解析:作者意图题。文章主要向我们讲述了一个关于人的智商的研究结果。故选B。答案:B第二节 完形填空阅读下面的短文掌握其大意然后从1~20题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。____1____ the problems faced by disabled people.We were asked to“____2____a disability” for several hours one Sunday.Some members,____3____,chose to use wheelchairs.Others wore sound­blocking earplugs (耳塞) or blindfolds (眼罩).____4____experience.I had never considered before how____5____it would be to use one.As soon as I sat down,my____6____made the chair begin to roll.Its wheels were not____7____.Then I wondered where to put my____8____.It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest into____9____.I took my first uneasy look at what was to be my only means of____10____for several hours.For disabled people,“adopting a wheelchair”is not a temporary(临时的)____11____.____12____position and thought it might be restful,____13____kind of nice,to be____14____around for a while.Looking around,I____15____I would have to handle the thing myself! My hands started to ache as I____16____the heavy metal wheels.I came to know that controlling the____17____of the wheelchair was not going to be a(n)____18____task.

  My wheelchair experiment was soon____19____.It made a deep impression on me.A few hours of “disability” gave me only a taste of the____20____ B.aware ofwered




































  D.finished【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。全文讲述了作者通过参加一次小组活动来了解残疾人所面临的问题的经历。作者和其他人都暂时“接受残疾”把自己“扮”成残疾人而作者选择了坐轮椅的方式。由于是第一次坐轮椅作者不知道该把脚放到哪里以及怎样使轮椅转起来。通过这次经历作者体验了残疾人每天在生活中所面临的种种挑战。解析:结合空格前sensitivity的含义“感受敏感B项。答案:B解析:下文中“For disabled peopletemporary(临时的)...”提到了adopt这个词指的是让人们采用乘坐轮椅的方式了解残疾人这是一种暗示;此处指的是被要求“接受残疾”几个小时以了解B。cure表示“治愈”;prevent表示“阻止”;analyze 表示“分析”。答案:B解析:作者以自己作为例子下文中也主要是以作者本人的体验来展开的所以选like me“像我这样的”。答案:D解析:根据下文的“I had never considered before how __5__可知作者从来没有考虑过怎样使用轮椅所以这是一个学习的过程故选learning。答案:A解析:既然作者没使用过轮椅同时结合下文也可看出作者使用起轮椅比较笨拙不知道该怎样弄才好因此选B。答案:B解析:结合前面的“As soon as I sat down...”以及后面的“made the chair begin to roll”的暗示和常识可知当作者坐下后应该是作者的体重使得轮椅开始动起来。答案:D解析:作者一坐下轮椅就开始动起来表明这个轮子没有被锁住。答案:A解析:联系下文“It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest...”中的footrest可知这里指作者不知道该把脚放到哪里。答案:B解析:联系上句的内容可知作者费了半天劲终于把footrest放到了恰当的位置上文的where对此处的place也是一种提示。答案:A解析:这里表示作者第一次不安地看了看将要在上面度过几个小时的唯transportation)。答案:C解析:联系本文最后一段的“My wheelchair experiment was soon...”可知作者进行的只是一次坐轮椅的体验。此处表示:对那些终生在轮椅上的人们来说却并非是一次临时性的体验。答案:C解析:联系后面的“thought it might be restful”中的restful可知作者经过一番周折想在轮椅上找一个比较舒适的位置来坐得放松些。答案:D解析:restful和nice是一种递进的关系故选表示程度意为“甚至”。答案:D解析:联系下文的“I would have to handle the thing myself!”可知作者原以为有人会推着自己的轮椅到处转转。答案:B解析:联系前面的Looking around“环顾四周”作者终于明白了I would have to handle the thing myself即作者明白了得自己来推动轮椅而不是有人推着他。答案:A解析:结合前面的“My hands started to ache”和后面的“the heavy metal wheels”可知当作者转动轮子让轮椅移动的时候因为费力所以手都疼了。turn在这里表示“转动”。答案:B解析:转动轮椅的轮子后下一步就是把握轮椅的方向。答案:C解析:对于一个“新人”来说控制轮椅的方向不是一项容易的任务。答案:A解析:前文已经提到了for several hours one Sunday联系下文的It made a deep impression on me.可知作者的这次体验很快就结束了。答案:D解析:几个小时的残疾体验对于作者无论在生理上还是心理上都是一种挑战而这种挑战是残疾人必须克服的故答案为C项。答案:C第三节 短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧)并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()画掉。修改:在错的词下画一条横线并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;只允许修改10处多者(从11处起)不计分。ember my grandfather very much.He was tall,with broad shoulder and a beard that turned from black toward gray over the years.He had a deep voice,which set himself apart from others in our small town,he was strong and powerful.In a fact,he even scared my classmates away during they came over to play or do homework with me.However,he was the gentlest man I have never known.



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