2017届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:必修4 Unit 1(新人教版含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:必修4 Unit 1(新人教版含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  必修4-Unit 1


  1.There are some connections between his words and ______(举止).

  2.The expert was ________(直言的)and he said that he was against the new project.

  3.There is an ________ (争论)about whether we should support the new party.

  4.You need some kind of ________(娱乐)and it's worthwhile if you want to work better.

  5.His father is a very ________(考虑周到的)man and he is also very modest.

  6.Teaching is a ________(有价值的)job.

  7.I ________(观看) him entering the bank with a gun.

  8.The hospital has to treat ________(紧急事件)such as car accidents.

  9.Three thousand________(观众) crowded in the concert hall.

  10.Today, I ________(打算) to finish reading this book.


  1.behaviours 2.outspoken 3.argument

  4.entertainment 5.considerate 6.worthwhile

  7.observed 8.emergency 9.audience 10.intend


  1.I felt a great sense of ________ (achieve) when I reached the top of the mountain.

  2.I'm having problems with my Internet ________ (connect).

  3.The ________ (organize) of such a large­scale party takes a lot of time and energy.

  4.I like her attitude very much, and the ________ (behave) of the other students shows that they like her, too.

  5.She observed a man ________ (break) into the bank and she reported it to the police at once.

  6.After a long time of discussion they accepted the agreement without ________ (argue).

  7.Rough seas caused much ________ (sick) among the passengers.

  8.Books offered an excellent ________ (entertain) for idle hours.

  9.It is ________ (consider) of you to call on me from time to time.

  10.I think it would be a ________ (kind) to tell him the bad news straight away.


  1.achievement 2.connection 3.organization

  4.behaviour 5.breaking 6.argument

  7.sickness 8.entertainment 9.considerate



  1.His father died in the disaster, leaving his family ________ (suffer) a lot.

  2.She observed the chimps ________ (wander) in the forest.

  3.She devoted her life to

  ________ (do) research on wild animals and plants.

  4.Either he or I ________ (be) to blame for this broken cup.

  5.Each boy and girl in my class ________ (be) present at the meeting yesterday.

  6.It was years of hard work ________ made her famous.

  7.________ made me annoyed was that she let out my secret.

  8.He is second ________ none in physics.

  9.She was permitted ________ (enter) the garden.

  10.Free ________ sickness, she lives a happy life.


  1.suffering leave sb. doing sth.使某人处于……。

  2.wandering observe sb. doing sth.观察某人在做某事。

  3.doing devote...to doing sth.献身于做……。

  4.am either...or...连接并列主语,谓语动词采用就近一致原则。

  5.was “each+单数名词+(each)+单数名词”作主语,谓语动词用单数。

  6.that It was...that...强调句型。

  7.What what引导主语从句,在从句中作主语。

  8.to second to次于……。

  9.to enter be permitted to do sth.被允许做某事。

  10.from/of free from/of摆脱……。


  Jane Goodall studied chimps in their own environment. She lived in the forest so __1__ she could observe the chimps and record their daily __2__ (behave). She woke up in the morning and went back to the place __3__ she left the family __4__ (sleep) in a tree the night before. She waited in the shade of the trees while the family began to wake up and moved __5__. She spent her years __6__ (observe) the chimps and tried to make people aware that it is wrong to use chimps for __7__ (entertain) and advertisements. She helped to set __8__ special places where chimps could live __9__ (safe) in the wild. What she did inspired others __10__ (achieve) their goals.


  1.that 2.behaviour 3.where 4.sleeping 5.off

  6.observing 7.entertainment 8.up 9.safely

  10.to achieve


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