2017届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:必修4 Unit 3(新人教版含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:必修4 Unit 3(新人教版含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  必修4-Unit 3

  1.Don't lose your sense of ________(幽默),because it makes your speeches really impressive.

  2.I was surprised that ________(贯穿)our whole visit to Australia we only saw one kangaroo.

  3.I would always keep my distance from drinkers on social ________(场合).

  4.Liu Wei, the famous armless piano player, has succeeded in having an ________(杰出的)career.

  5.Sadly, the man was soon ________(无家可归的)and unable to find a job.

  6.He ________(溜)out of the quiet reading room when he finished his reading.

  7.The teacher ________

  (低语)to me, “You did a good job.”He didn't want the others to hear.

  8.The boy likes Hollywood movies and says that he wants to ________(导演)movies when he grows up.

  9.If they see a snake, men and women will ________(反应)differently.

  10.The artist created the interesting map just to __________(使娱乐) his friends.


  1.humour 2.throughout 3.occasions 4.outstanding

  5.homeless 6.slid 7.whispered 8.direct 9.react



  1.She is an outgoing, fun and ________ (humour) person to be around.

  2.We have to accept the facts no matter how ________ (astonish) they might sound.

  3.________ (fortunate), his mother died when he was very young.

  4.The restaurant is ________ (particular) popular with young people.

  5.She sounded very ________ (convince) to me.

  6.He must have ________ (drink) too much; when he tried to stand up, he fell over.

  7.Running away is our instinctive ________ (react) when we meet danger.

  8.The western part of the country is very ________ (mountain).

  9.He wanted to get a satisfied ________ (explain), but was refused.

  10.The hotel offers its guests a wide variety of ________ (amuse).


  1.humorous 2.astonishing 3.Unfortunately

  4.particularly 5.convincing 6.drunk 7.reaction

  8.mountainous 9.explanation 10.amusements


  1.His family was badly ________ when he was a little boy.

  2.Up to now we ________ (plant) five thousand trees on the slope of the mountain.

  3.He is ________ (convince) of his bright future.

  4.The audience burst into ________ (laugh) on seeing his funny action.

  5.His room is ________ a mess and needs to be tidied.

  6.How did you react ________ the result of the exam?

  7.He went to France, ________ he learned some French.

  8.The electricity was cut ________ owing ________ the snowstorm.

  9.He can play ________ piano as well as his teacher.

  10.This is one of the best places ________ he has been to.


  1.off be badly off贫困潦倒。

  2.have planted up to now与现在完成时连用。

  3.convinced be convinced of相信……。

  4.laughter burst into laughter突然大笑。

  5.in in a mess 杂乱。

  6.to react to对……作出反应。

  7.where 先行词为地点名词,定语从句中缺状语,故用where引导。

  8.off; to cut off切断;owing to由于。

  9.the play the piano弹钢琴。

  10.that 先行词被形容词的最高级修饰,定语从句用that引导。


  Charlie Chaplin was a funny actor. He __1__ (bright) the lives of American and British people's life through two world wars __2__ they felt __3__ (depress), so they could feel more content __4__ their lives. Up to now nobody __5__ (be) able to do this better than him.

  Charlie Chaplin was born in a poor family. His parents were both music hall performers. Unfortunately, when he was five years old, his father died, __6__ (leave) his family even __7__ (badly) off. By his teens, Chaplin could mime and act the fool. With time going by he became more and more popular. He played a character who became __8__ (home), wandering along the streets, wearing a moustache and wide trousers. This character was a social __9__ (fail) but was loved for his optimism and __10__ (determine) to overcome difficulties.


  1.brightened 2.when 3.depressed 4.with 5.has been

  6.leaving 7.worse 8.homeless 9.failure



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