2017届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:必修5 Unit 4(新人教版含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:必修5 Unit 4(新人教版含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  必修5-Unit 4


  1.Father ________(同意)of my playing games for relaxation as long as I do well in studies.

  2.You'd better make an ________(预约)with the doctor before you visit him.

  3.In the accident, many people were killed, but ____________(与此同时)there were some unhurt.

  4.The figures they have used are just not ________(精确的).

  5.It is a long ________(过程)to obtain a driver's license.

  6.The editor felt ________(内疚的)about not publishing your article.

  7.It will be fine whenever you come, but you'd better ________(通告)me of that before you come.

  8.The fifteen ________(指控) young men from different parts of England denied the charges.

  9.The firm is reported to be ________(集中于) on increasing their markets overseas.

  10.They investigated the problem ________(彻底地) before making the decision.


  1.approved 2.appointment 3.meanwhile 4.accurate

  5.process 6.guilty 7.inform 8.accused

  9.concentrating 10.thoroughly


  1.I can't give my ________ (approve) to such an agreement.

  2.I was ________ (delight) to be invited to her party.

  3.Many ________ (journal) as well as photographers have been invited to their opening ceremony.

  4.Thanks for giving me the ________ (inform) I wanted.

  5.His unusual behavior is really ________ (admire); we should learn from him.

  6.My colleague is eager to find two ________ (assist) to help with her research.

  7.It's said that she is not a ________ (profession) player; she is just an amateur.

  8.It seems strange that he should have missed the deadline ________ (deliberate).

  9.The knowledge ________ (acquire) in one's childhood will make a stronger impression on him than what he learns at any other life stage.

  10.I have made an ________ (appoint) with one of the senior students in this college.


  1.approval 2.delighted 3.journalists 4.information

  5.admirable 6.assistants 7.professional 8.deliberately

  9.acquired 10.appointment


  1.I don't know ________ to deal with the case.

  2.He denied ________ (steal) the money.

  3.He wrote an article on children's education, ________ (depend) on his experiences.

  4.You must keep these words ________ mind.

  5.He defended himself ________ the charge.

  6.Tom is two years senior ________ me.

  7.They had a photo ________ (take) on the top of the mountain.

  8.He is ________ (suppose) to be studying in the classroom now.

  9.It is the first time he ________ (make)

  an appointment with the doctor.

  10.He is looking forward to ________ (publish) his novel.


  1.how deal with与疑问词how连用。

  2.stealing deny doing sth.否认做过某事。

  3.depending 现在分词作伴随状语。

  4.in keep sth. in mind记住某事。

  5.against defend...against 保卫……抗击……。

  6.to senior to比……年长。

  7.taken photo与take之间为被动关系,故用过去分词作宾补。

  8.supposed be supposed to do本应该做……。

  9.has made It is the first time...从句中用现在完成时。

  10.publishing look forward to后跟动名词形式。


  Zhou Yang will never forget his first assignment as a __1__ (report) in a popular English newspaper. At the office his talk with his new boss influenced his life __2__ (strong). His boss first put him as an assistant to an __3__ (experience) journalist and later allowed him to cover a story and submit the article himself. During the interviews, he had to listen for __4__ (detail) facts and prepare the next question depending on __5__ the person said. __6__ the interviewee agreed, he could use a recorder to get the facts straight. The boss also gave him __7__ example of the importance of a recorder. Once a footballer was accused __8__ taking money for deliberately not scoring goals to let the other team win. He admitted that someone had tried to bribe him, but denied __9__ (take) money. The recording __10__ (proof) that he was guilty.


  1.reporter 2.strongly 3.experienced 4.detailed

  5.what 6.If 7.an 8.of 9.taking 10.proved


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