2017届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:选修7 Unit 2(新人教版含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:选修7 Unit 2(新人教版含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.It's surprising that he has no ________(渴望)for wealth.

  2.Her pale face ________(使惊觉)her mother.

  3.Should we have ________(同情)for beggars?

  4.I must ask you to ________(陪同)me to the police station.

  5.Rules are rules and they must be ________(遵守).

  6.The entire ________(全体员工)in our company has done an outstanding job this year.

  7.It seems quite ________(荒谬的)to expect anyone to drive for three hours just for a ten­minute meeting.

  8.He kept promising her that he would ________(离婚)his wife, but he never actually did it.

  9.There are several people with a lower rank than me in our factory—that is, they are ________(资历较浅的)to me.

  10.To their disappointment, their father never showed them much ________(感情).


  1.desire 2.alarmed 3.sympathy 4.accompany

  5.obeyed 6.staff 7.absurd 8.divorce 9.junior



  1.To the ________ (satisfy) of the boss, his products could satisfy the needs of the customers.

  2.The ________ (talent) singer was popular with his fans because of his talent.

  3.The old blind man asked me to do him a favour and find his ________ (favour) book.

  4.He was ________ (company) by his wife to the hospital.

  5.In the discussion, he made a forceful ________ (state).

  6.You know the punishment for ________ (obey) orders is very strict.

  7.I did not feel at all ________ (sympathy) towards Kate.

  8.The administration's ________ (think) changed as the war progressed.

  9.I asked the woman behind the ________ (count) if they had any stamps.

  10.What's Michael's ________ (assess) of the present situation?


  1.satisfaction 2.talented 3.favourite 4.accompanied

  5.statement 6.disobeying 7.sympathetic 8.thinking

  9.counter 10.assessment


  1.________ was disturbing that Tom kept disturbing me.

  2.They had the light ________ (burn) all night.

  3.He sets ________ some time to accompany his wife and children every day.

  4.It was not until I got to the office ________ I found I left the key at home.

  5.He is junior ________ me in the position.

  6.From then ________, he lived peacefully in the village.

  7.He became ________ (attach) to the beautiful girl in the end.

  8.He set ________ the fire alarm immediately.

  9.I thought ________ was ridiculous to laugh at the boss.

  10.He came home late last night, ________ rather, at midnight.


  1.It it作形式主语,代替that从句。

  2.burning the light与burn之间为主动关系,故用现在分词形式作宾补。

  3.aside set aside挤出,放在一边。

  4.that It was not until...that...强调句型。

  5.to be junior to比……低。

  6.on from then on从那时起。

  7.attached become attached to依附。

  8.off set off拉响。

  9.it it作形式主语,代替后面的不定式。

  10.or or rather更确切地说。


  A robot used for housework was tested __1__ in a family. He looked like a tall and handsome man with smooth hair, __2__ (speak) in a deep voice. Larry was going to be away from home, so he hired such a robot to __3__ (company) his wife Claire. Claire didn't like the idea at the beginning, but she agreed to it at last. At the first sight of Tony, Claire felt __4__ (embarrass). Tony began to win Claire's trust

  __5__ (gradual). He helped Claire realize her dreams __6__ making her home elegant, giving her a new haircut, changing the makeup she wore and giving her advice on her dresses. Therefore, at the party all her guests __7__ were invited were filled with __8__ (admire) when they saw her house was completely changed. After the test, the company was __9__ (satisfy) with Tony's report because he had successfully made a woman regain her confidence and fall __10__ love with him.


  1.out 2.speaking 3.accompany 4.embarrassed

  5.gradually 6.of 7.who/that 8.admiration

  9.satisfied 10.in


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