2016年高考英语二轮复习专用课件:Module 1 Europe(外研版必修3)-查字典英语网
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2016年高考英语二轮复习专用课件:Module 1 Europe(外研版必修3)

发布时间:2017-04-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (1)On the desk

  . 桌子上有几堆书。 (2)The child tiptoed quietly to the bird.

  when he was about to catch it. 那个男孩垫着脚尖安静地走向那只鸟,当他正要去抓的时候,鸟儿飞进了树林。 (3)For a moment nothing happened.

  all shouting

  together. 有一会儿什么都没有发生,然后传来了众人齐喊的声音。 多维训练 lie piles of books Away it flew into the forest Then came voices 答案

  Neither Amy nor Helen is English. Amy和Helen都不是英国人。 11. 句型公式:neither...nor... 边讲边练

  突破核心考点 neither...nor...既不……也不……,常用来连接两个平行结构。若连接两个主语时,其谓语动词应与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致,即“就近原则”。 有类似用法的还有:either...or...,not only...but also...,not...but...,...or...,there be句型等。 (1)She neither sang nor danced at the party. 在聚会上她既没有唱歌也没有跳舞。 (2)Do either you or he have lunch at school? 是你还是他在学校吃午饭? 用be动词的正确形式填空 (1)

  either you or I going there tomorrow? (2)Not only the students but also their teacher

  enjoying the film. (3)It is not I but you who

  the first to run to the goal in the competition. 多维训练 Are is are 答案 返回 在高考语境中提升解题技能 语境填词 1.No one is sure how the

  (古代的) Egyptians built the pyramids near Cairo.(2015·四川) 2.

  (对面) is St.Paul’s Church,where you can hear some lovely music.(2015·北京) 3.Study and write at your own pace—you do not have to rush—as you have a year to go through the

  (计划).(2017·湖南) ancient Opposite project 答案 4.These efforts paid off,and Sparrow soon became one of the most successful fast­-food chains in the

  (地区) where it operated. (2017·山东) 5.An

  (协议) seems to be impossible because the majority of the committee members are against it.(2017·陕西) regions agreement 答案 单句语法填空 1.They have recorded all lost objects ranging from potatoes

  golf gloves.(2017·广东) 2.An excellent example is an Ashoka project started in 1995 in Dhaka,which handled the rubbish problem

  (face) the city.(2017·安徽) 3.The LongPen produces a unique

  (sign) each time because it copies the movement of the author in real time.(2017·天津) to facing signature 答案 4.According to US

  (govern) reports,emissions(排放) from cars and trucks have dropped from 10.3 million tons a year to 5.5 million tons.(2017·新课标全国Ⅱ) 5.Homestays are located

  London mainly in Zones 2,3 and 4 of the transport system.(2011·天津) government in 答案 短语填空 work on,be faced with,in terms of,little by little,because of 1.Everyone needs a hand when

  challenges.(2015·重庆) 2.She survived

  a plentiful supply of fresh water.(2015·陕西) 3.For economists,every decision is made by knowledge of what one must forgo—

  money and enjoyment—in order to take it up.(2017·江苏) 4.When I

  the farmland in the daytime,I always keep the sheep tied to a tree on the riverbank.(2017·湖北) faced with because of in terms of work on 答案 5.One day,a sociologist proposed that the consumer society has been consuming modern humans

  .(2017·湖北) work on,be faced with,in terms of,little by little,because of little by little 答案 完成句子 1.He went to the library after breakfast and

  there ever since.(2015·福建) 他早饭后去了图书馆,从那之后,一直在那里写论文。 2.

  the center of the city,the hotel provides excellent service for its customers. 位于市中心,这家旅馆为顾客提供优质的服务。 has been writing his essay Located/Situated in 答案 3.The size of our newly-­built building is

  the old one. 我们新建的教学楼的面积是旧教学楼的四倍。 4.

  to drive the car. 现在轮到你开车了。 5.Neither Tom nor Jack

  music. 汤姆和杰克都不喜欢音乐。 four times as large as/four times the size of Now comes your turn is fond of 答案 1.上周,来自我们学校的代表参观了由一个著名建筑师设计的美术馆。 2.美术馆是这座城市的标志性建筑。 3.它坐落在那个巨型雕塑的对过。 4.美术馆以它的悠久历史而闻名。 5.在那里我们加深了对古老艺术和文明的理解。 提示 黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用现在分词作定语,which引导的非限制性定语从句。 写作素材 (关于美术馆) 微写作 连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)

  Last week,the representatives coming from our school visited the gallery designed by a famous architect—the landmark of the city,which is situated just opposite the huge sculpture.The gallery is known for its long history.There we have deepened the understanding of ancient art and civilization. 答案 返回 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  Florence is in Italy.It’s known for the Renaissance,during 5.

  some great paintings and sculptures 6.

  (produce).Florence’s art galleries,churches and museums attract plenty of 7.

  (tourism) every year.The Uffizi Palace is the most famous art gallery in the city.

  Athens,the capital of Greece,is the birthplace of 8.

  (west) civilisation.The Parthenon on the Acropolis Hill 9.

  (build) there.The work of Greece’s greatest writers has a good effect 10.

  other writers. which were produced tourists western was built on 答案 返回 边讲边练


  face n.脸;面孔;面部表情(expression,look);面,表面;v.面对;面向;正对;面临 1. (1)lose face 丢脸;失面子 in the face of面对(问题、困难或危险等) face to face面对面地 (2)be faced with面临,面对(难题) (1)If Tom doesn’t keep his promise,he’ll lose face. 如果汤姆不信守诺言,他就会丢面子。 (2)She showed great courage in the face of danger. 面对危险时她表现出了巨大的勇气。 (3)The two have never met face to face before. 两个人以前从未见过面。 多维训练 (1)用face的正确形式填空 ①

  with so many difficulties ahead,the girl doubted whether she could get through the task on time. ②I’d like to book a room

  south. Faced facing 答案 (2)短语填空 lose face,in the face of,face to face ①We need to find a way to end the conflict without either side

  . ②He stood

  with his opponent. ③He was unable to deny the charges

  new evidence. losing face face to face in the face of 答案

  range n.山脉;批;组;范围;v.排列;处在……范围内;涉及 2. (1)beyond/out of one’s range/the range of...超出……的范围;在射程外 within/in the range of在……范围之内 a range of一系列,一些 (2)range from...to...从……到……之间变化 range between...and...在……到……之间变动 (1)The price of the house is well beyond our range. 这所房子的价格远远超出我们所能承受的范围。 (2)A wide range of colors and patterns are available. 各种颜色和样式都有。 (3)She has had a number of different jobs,ranging from chef to swimming instructor. 她做过许多不同的工作,从厨师到游泳教练。 图解助记 多维训练 (1)写出下列句子中range的词性及汉语意思 ①The food prices will have an increase in the range of 7 to 10 percent.

  ②The land has high mountain ranges and deep valleys.

  ③Estimates of the damage range between 1 million and 5 million.

  n.范围 n. 山脉 vt.在……内变动 答案 (2)单句语法填空 ①Costs range from 50

  several hundred pounds. ②If the target was farther than fifty metres,then it was out

  range. ③We have

  range of men’s shirts on special offer. (3)It came

  my vision. 该物体进入了我的视野。 to of a in/within the range of 答案

  situated adj.位于……的;坐落于……的 3. (1)be situated at/on/in...坐落于…… (2)situate vt.使位于;使处于 (3)situation n.情形;境遇;(建筑物等的)位置 in a...situation处于……境况 应试指导 场所介绍类写作高频词汇 (1)This modern three star hotel is situated close to the city centre. 这家现代化的三星级宾馆毗邻市中心。 (2)The Business Library is situated on the ground floor. 商业图书馆位于一楼。 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①Half an hour later,they reached the lighthouse

  (situate) on the mouth of the river. ②He got into a situation

  it is hard to decide what is right and wrong. situated where (2)单句改错 Situating in a quiet spot within a few minutes’ walk of a river,the hotel is comfortable to live in.

  Situating→Situated 答案

  sign n.符号;标记;迹象;征兆;手势;vi.以动作示意;vt.签署;签名;做手势;做记号 4. (1)a sign of...……的迹象/预兆;……的标志 make/give a sign to...对……做手势 (2)sign to sb.to do sth.打手势让某人做某事 sign in/out签到/退 sign up for报名参加 (1)While driving,you should pay attention to the road signs! 开车的时候你要注意路牌! (2)My teacher made a sign to me to keep silent. 我老师示意我保持安静。 (3)The teacher signed to me to sit well. 老师打手势让我坐好。 图解助记 词义辨析 (1)sign记号,标记,用法最广,可指符号(装置),也可指情绪、性格的直观显示,还可指具体的用于识别或指示的标志,如指示牌、卡片等;借喻作“征兆,迹象”讲。 (2)mark标志,标记,含义广泛,指事物留下的深刻印记或某物上用于辨别该物品的附属物,比sign更侧重于区别性或揭示性的标志,有时不一定十分直观或明显。 (3)signal信号,常指约定俗成、用于传达某些信息的信号,也指灯光、声音或信号标志。 (4)symbol象征,符号,指被人们选出的物体或图案用来代表另一事物,并作为该事物的标记或象征。 sign,mark,signal,symbol 多维训练 (1)选词填空 sign,mark,signal,symbol ①He made a

  on the box with a pencil so that he could find it again easily. ②A green light on a traffic

  means you can continue on your way. ③She shows no

  of being interested. ④White has always been a

  of purity in Western cultures. mark signal sign symbol 答案 (2)用sign短语的正确形式填空 ①MIT President Susan Hockfield said more than 120,000 people

  the first MITx course. ②For safety reasons,please

  when you arrive at the building,and

  when you leave. signed up for sign in sign out 答案

  because of由于;因为 5. (1)because与because of虽然都表示“因为,由于”,但用法有区别: because为连词,引导原因状语从句;because of为介词短语,后接名词、代词或what引导的名词性从句。 (2)表“原因”的其他介词短语:as a result of,owing to,due to(不放在句首),thanks to,on account of等。 (1)Because of the human beings’ destructive influence,the number of this precious species has promptly dropped to less than 1,000. 由于人类破坏性的影响,这种珍稀物种的数量已经迅速下降到不足 1 000只。 (2)This accident was due to/owing to his careless driving. 这场车祸是他开车疏忽大意造成的。 (3)Thanks to your advice,much trouble was saved. 多亏你的建议,省去了许多麻烦。 多维训练 (1)用because,because of填空 ①Our flight was delayed

  the weather was bad. ②—Life is still hard for a great many farmers in China’s west. —

  that,the government is taking new measures to help them out. (2)单句改错 She was very unhappy because what her mother said.

  because Because of because后加of 答案 边讲边练


  opposite adj.相对的;相反的;adv.在对面;prep.在……对面;n.反义词;相对物 6. 多维训练 (1)完成句子 ①Many people

  (持相反的观点) about the matter. ②There is a garden

  (在街道的对面). hold the opposite view on the opposite side of the street 答案 ③In China people believe in the saying “out of debt,out of pressure”; however,in the west,

  (正好相反)—when you are in debt,you are trustworthy and financially capable. (2)单句改错 The result was quite opposite from what we had expected.

  it is just the opposite from→to 答案

  agreement n.同意;一致;协议 7. 多维训练 单句语法填空 (1)They had an agreement

  she would give them any leftover food from her shop. (2)They have made an agreement

  the plan. (3)They decide things

  agreement among themselves. (4)What you say must be in agreement

  what you do. (5)The

  (agree) has raised hopes that the war may end soon. (6)They finally reached an agreement

  both sides could be benefited. that about by with agreement where 答案

  in terms of就……来说;从……角度 8. 多维训练 (1)We are

  (和……关系很好) all our neighbors. (2)This plan is of great benefit

  (从长远来看). (3)

  (从健康的角度来看),eating less is quite necessary. (4)US companies want to be able to

  (在平等的条件下与……竞争) their overseas rivals. on good terms with in the long term In terms of health compete on equal terms with 答案

  on the other hand另一方面 9. 多维训练 翻译句子 (1)一方面我们应该呼吁公众提高认识,另一方面我们应该立即行动。

  On (the) one hand,we are supposed to appeal to the public to deepen the understanding,but on the other (hand),we ourselves should do it immediately. 答案 (2)我不去。一则我已经看过这部电影;二则今晚我有一个重要会议要参加。

  I won’t go.For one thing,I have seen the film;for another,I have an important meeting to attend tonight. 答案

  Between France and Spain is another mountain range—the Pyrenees.在法国和西班牙之间是另外一座山脉——比利牛斯山脉。 10. 边讲边练

  突破核心考点 表示地点、方向、时间等的介词短语放在句首时,若句子的主语是名词而不是代词时,往往用全部倒装结构。 表示方向、地点和时间的副词in,out,down,up,off,back,away,there,now,then,here,first等放在句首,若主语是名词而不是代词时,也用全部倒装结构。 句型公式:介词短语位于句首引起倒装 (1)On the door hung a big sign. 门上挂着一个大招牌。 (2)Away flew the bird.那只鸟飞走了。 (3)There she goes.她去那儿了。 Book 3

  Module 1 话题晨背

  积累写作素材 自主排查

  夯实基础知识 边讲边练

  突破核心考点 在高考语境中提升解题技能 话题词汇 话题晨背

  积累写作素材 1.country n.乡下;农村 2.discover v.发现 3.distance n.距离 4.explore v.探险 5.immigration n.移居;移民 6.primitive adj.原始的;远古的 7.worldwide adj.世界范围的 8.be made up of由……组成 9.be famous for以……闻名 10.lie in位于;在于 经典语篇 假如你是李华,今年进入高中学习,请用英语给你的笔友Tom写一封电子邮件,介绍新学校的情况。内容包括: 1.你的近况; 2.学校概况; 3.你的感想。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.邮件的格式已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:重点的key Dear Tom,

  Best wishes!

  Yours, Li Hua 佳作欣赏 Dear Tom,

  This September is my first month at senior high school and everything here seems strange to me—the new school,new teachers and new classmates,but I have got used to① it.

  My new school,a key senior high school in our city,was built in 1945.② There are 30 classes and over 1,300 students in my school③ with a six­story teaching building,three laboratories and a library.A great number of students have graduated from it and many of them have achieved great success④ in the development of modern industry and agriculture.

  Anyway,I enjoy my first month in this school and I hope I can make progress in my study every day.

  Write back and tell me something about your new school.

  Best wishes!

  Yours, Li Hua 思维发散 1.仿照第①句翻译句子 Tom已习惯于住在农村。



  Tom has got used to living in the countryside. My new school,built in 1945,is a key senior high school in our city. Our school contains 30 classes and 1,300 students. 答案 4.按要求改写第④句 (1)

  (用定语从句改写) (2)


  A great number of students have graduated from it,many of whom have achieved great success.

  A great number of students have graduated from it,many of them having achieved great success. 答案 返回 自主排查

  夯实基础知识 A.写作单词 1.

  (prep.) 横过;穿过 2.


  计划;项目;工程 3.

  (n.) 发源地;出生地 4.



  (vt.& vi.)

  领头;前进 5.


  象征;符号 across project birthplace head symbol 答案 重点单词 6.




  面部的 7.

  (adj.) 坐落(某处)的;位于(某处)的


  使位于 8.




  使……坐落于,位于 9.

  (prep.) 在……对面



  (vt.& vi.) 反对,抵制 face facial situated situate located locate opposite oppose 答案 10.




  信号 11.






  不同意 12.




  政府 13.




  地区的 sign signal agreement agree disagree govern government region regional 答案 14.








  产品,工业产品 15.




  代表 produce production product representative represent 答案 B.阅读单词 16.boot (n.)

  17.continental (adj.)

  18.range (n.)

  19.landmark (n.)

  20.gallery (n.)

  21.sculpture (n.)

  22.ancient (adj.)

  23.parliament (n.)

  长筒靴;皮靴 大陆的;大洲的 山脉 标志性建筑 美术馆;画廊 雕刻;泥塑 古代的 国会;议会 答案 24.geographical (adj.)

  25.feature (n.)

  26.architect (n.)

  architecture (n.)

  27.civilisation (n.)

  civilise (vt.)

  地理的 特点 建筑师 建筑 文明 使开化,使文明 答案 1.

  因为;由于 2.

  前所未有的;有史以来 3.

  作为……而出名/闻名 4.

  查阅;提到 5.

  据……;依照…… 6.

  另一方面;反过来说 7.

  对……加以控制 8.

  一点点地;逐渐地 because of of all time be known as refer to in terms of on the other hand have control over little by little 答案 重点短语 1.

  another mountain range—the Pyrenees. 在法国和西班牙之间是另外一座山脉——比利牛斯山脉。 2.Paris is the capital and largest city of France,

  on the River Seine. 巴黎是法国的首都和最大的城市,位于塞纳河边。 3.Their work

  other writers

  . 他们的作品自那以来一直影响着其他作家。 Between France and Spain is situated has influenced ever since 答案 经典句式 4.The expanded European Union has a population of more than half a billion people,

  the population of the United States. 扩大后的欧盟有五亿多人口,为美国人口的两倍。 5.



  English. Amy和Helen都不是英国人。 twice as big as Neither nor is 答案

  Paris,one of the 1.

  (much) beautiful cities,is the capital of France.It’s well known 2.

  the Eiffel Tower.The Louvre,one of the world’s largest art galleries,is also in Paris.Besides,the restaurants,cafés and theatres in Paris are 3.


  Barcelona is 4.

  second largest city of Spain.The church of the Sagrada Familia is one of its most famous landmarks. most for popular the 答案 课文语法填空 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


  • 大家都在看
  • 小编推荐
  • 猜你喜欢