2016届高考英语二轮复习专题综合能力训练:12 阅读理解(3)(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语二轮复习专题综合能力训练:12 阅读理解(3)(含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  专题能力训练十二 阅读理解(三)




  If you bought some candy months ago but never ate it,how can you tell whether it is still safe to eat?The easiest way is to check the “use-by date”printed on the wrapper.If that date has already passed,you’re likely to throw the candy away.But is that really necessary?

  According to a new report from the US Natural Resources Defense Council(NRDC),tons of food is wasted each year,largely because people don’t fully understand what expiration dates,or “use-by dates”,actually mean.

  Food dating was introduced in the 1970s because consumers wanted more information about the things that they were eating.When they first showed up,use-by dates were only supposed to indicate freshness because producers wanted their products to be tasted in their best conditions.

  But the truth is that these dates aren’t related to the risk of food poisoning or food-born illness,according to Time News.However,most customers misinterpreted use-by dates and related them to the safety of the food,and they still largely do now.

  Eggs,for example,can still be eaten three to five weeks after purchase even though the use-by date is much earlier.When their use-by dates pass,strawberry-flavored drinks may lose their red color and biscuits may lose their crunch(嘎吱嘎吱的声音),but they are not harmful.

  “It’s a confusing subject,the difference between food quality and food safety,”said Jena Roberts,vice president of National Food Lab,a US food testing company.“Even in the food industry I have colleagues who get confused.”

  This is why scientists are calling for a standard explanation to be printed following the use-by dates.“We want this to be clearly communicated so consumers are not misunderstanding the date and contributing to a lot of waste,”said Dana Ganders,a staff scientist with the NRDC.

  But this won’t be a mistake that is easy to correct since people have believed it for so long.Another problem is that the quality levels of different foods change differently—some are still safe to eat long after their use-by date while others are not.

  As a result,food industry officials are now thinking of changing the use-by date to a date indicating when food is most likely to go bad.


  1.The use-by date was first intended to  . 

  A.tell the freshness of food

  B.show the safety of food

  C.give a warning of food poisoning

  D.indicate the relation between food and illness


  解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二句中的 “When they first showed up,use-by dates were only supposed to indicate freshness” 可知,应选A项。

  2.The underlined word “misinterpreted” in Paragraph 4 probably means “ ”. 

  A.made guesses about B.formed a wrong idea about

  C.made wrong use of D.took no notice of



  3.Which of the following is TRUE?

  A.Most customers understand what use-by dates mean.

  B.“Use-by dates”have existed for more than 50 years.

  C.Biscuits can’t be eaten when not as crunchy as they were bought.

  D.Even after their use-by dates pass,some foods are still safe to eat.



  4.Scientists are calling for a standard explanation to be printed together with the use-by dates because  . 

  A.use-by dates are not helpful or reliable

  B.more consumers get worried about food safety

  C.most consumers often misunderstand use-by dates

  D.the quality level of different foods changes differently





  No one knows how much money Dr.Lyle Tullis gave away to students.I was his colleague for nearly a decade and I never stopped being amazed at his generosity.Our college has a program of providing cross-cultural experiences for students.Lots of students take advantage of summer experience overseas.I discovered that no group left for overseas without some of its members receiving financial help from Dr.Tullis.

  It wasn’t that he made a lot of money.For one thing,he taught in a church-run school.There,his salary was half of what those people earned in a tax-supported school.

  Other colleagues occasionally complained about the low pay.Not Lyle Tullis.Occasionally some professors would leave our campus for a better-paid position.They told me they did so because,with better pay,they could provide for their families.

  The size of Lyle Tullis’ paycheck never seemed to be the most important thing to him.I realized that one day when I was thanking him for helping a student,his eyes shone as he said to me,“I’ve got so much money that I don’t know what to do with it.So,I just give it away.”

  Most people wouldn’t have thought that way.Dr.Tullis drove one of the oldest cars on campus.It was even older than almost any of the students’ cars.His home,while comfortable,was not fancy at all.But Lyle Tullis lived with the feeling that he had so much money that he needed to give it away.

  He was one of the favorite on campus.Cynics(愤世嫉俗者) might say he bought fame.But they would misunderstand.Lyle wanted to devote his life,all of it,to helping others.

  【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了慷慨大方的Lyle Tullis的事迹,他自己开着破旧的汽车,过着简朴的生活,而且挣的工资也不多,却一直在资助那些参加文化交流的学生。

  5.What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?

  A.Dr.Tullis was very popular with his students.

  B.The author was wondering why Dr.Tullis gave students money.

  C.Dr.Tullis was generous in giving his students financial help.

  D.The author had a program of providing cross-cultural experiences for students.


  解析:段落大意题。根据第一段内容可知,在作者和Lyle Tullis成为同事的近十年里,每一次参加文化交流的学生中都有受到Lyle Tullis经济帮助的。故选C项。

  6.Why did Dr.Tullis give his money away?

  A.He had a good fortune.

  B.He wanted to buy fame.

  C.He was ready to help the students in need.

  D.He didn’t know where to put it away.


  解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二段的第二、三句话可知,Lyle Tullis在教会学校教书,工资是其他靠税收支持的学校教师的一半,因此A项不正确;根据文章最后一段的内容可知,B项的说法不正确;根据文章第四段中的 “I’ve got so much money that I don’t know what to do with it.So,I just give it away.” 可知,D项的说法不正确;只有C项 “Lyle Tullis准备帮助那些需要帮助的学生”,符合文章意思。故选C项。

  7.We can learn from the text that  . 

  A.Dr.Tullis was very content with his low pay

  B.Dr.Tullis cared little about his family

  C.the author felt confused about Dr.Tullis’ generosity

  D.many people would misunderstand Dr.Tullis


  解析:细节理解题。根据文章第五段的最后一句 “But Lyle Tullis lived with the feeling that he had so much money that he needed to give it away.” 可知,Lyle Tullis对他的低工资感到满足。故选A项。

  8.Which of the following can best describe Dr.Tullis?

  A.Honest. B.Generous.

  C.Friendly. D.Conservative.


  解析:推理判断题。根据全文可知,虽然Lyle Tullis挣的工资不多,过着简朴的生活,却每次都资助那些参加文化交流的学生,可知他是慷慨的,故选B项。



  China’s new term,tuhao,may be in next year’s Oxford English Dictionary.The word caught the attention of the dictionary’s editing team after BBC’s recent program on influential Chinese words.“If its influence continues,it is very likely to appear on our updated list of words,”said Julie Kleeman,project manager with the editing team.

  In Chinese tu means uncouth(粗鲁的) and hao means rich.It has traditionally been referred to rich people who throw their weight around in China’s countryside.The word became more popular in September with the launch of Apple’s new gold-colored iPhone,which is loved by China’s rich people.The color became known as “tuhao gold”.The word is now also used by the online community to refer to people who have the cash but lack the class to go with it.Kleeman also mentioned two other Chinese words—dama and hukou—which may also make it into the dictionary.

  People can have an intuitive(直觉的) grasp of the meanings if they see pinyin,Kleeman said,adding that people avoid using an English word to keep the original meaning.

  “We have nearly 120 Chinese-linked words now in Oxford English Dictionary,”she said.Some of them are:guanxi,which means “connection”;taikonaut,a mix of taikong,meaning outer space,and astronaut.

  The new words will be first uploaded on the official website before the dictionaries arrive.The online version is also renewed every three months.“It at least broke our old rules.It used to take 10 years to include a new word but now we keep pace with the time,” according to a statement from ex-chief-editor John Simpson.

  9.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

  A.Dama and hukou have made it into Oxford English Dictionary.

  B.Some influential Chinese words appeared on one of BBC’s recent programs.

  C.Tuhao refers to people who have both the cash and the class.

  D.John Simpson thinks that it is not good to break old rules.


  解析:正误判断题。从第一段中的 “The word caught the attention of the dictionary’s editing team after BBC’s recent program on influential Chinese words.” 可知,B项正确。

  10.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean?

  A.Give orders to others. B.Get ready to help others.

  C.Go on a diet. D.Put on weight.


  解析:语意推断题。根据第二段的第一句及第二句中的 “rich people” 和 “in China’s countryside ” 判断,这里说的是有钱人在农村指手画脚,发号施令,因此选A项。

  11.Tuhao became more popular in September partly because  . 

  A.it is very likely to appear in Oxford English Dictionary

  B.it is often used by the online community

  C.people use Chinese pinyin to keep the original meaning

  D.Apple launched a new gold-colored iPhone


  解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的 “The word became more popular in September with the launch of Apple’s new gold-colored iPhone” 可知,选D项。

  12.The main idea of the text is that  . 

  A.tuhao may end up in Oxford English Dictionary

  B.sometimes pinyin makes Chinese words better understood

  C.tuhao has a new meaning at the present time

  D.Oxford English Dictionary includes new words faster than before


  解析:主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了中国的流行语 “土豪” 可能会被《牛津英语词典》收录,因此选A项。



  Anxiety is the appropriate emotion when the immediate personal terror—of a volcano,an arrow,a stab (刺伤) in the back and other disasters,all directed against one’s self-disappears.

  The kind of world that produces anxiety is actually a world of relative safety,a world in which no one feels that he himself is facing sudden death.The anxiety exists as an uneasy state of mind,in which one has a feeling that something unspecified (不具体的) and indeterminable may go wrong.If the world seems to be going well,this produces anxiety—for good times may end.If the world is going badly—it may get worse.Anxiety tends to be without focus;the anxious person doesn’t know whether to blame himself or other people.He isn’t sure whether it is the current year of the administration or a change in climate or the atom bomb that is to blame for this undefined sense of unease.

  It is clear that we have developed a society which depends on having the right amount of anxiety to make it work.While we agree that too much anxiety is harmful to mental health,we have come to rely on anxiety to push us into seeing a doctor about a symptom (症状) which may indicate cancer,into checking up on that old life—insurance policy which may have out-of-date provisions (规定) in it,into having a conference with Billy’s teacher even though his report card looks all right.

  People who are anxious enough keep their car insurance up,have the brakes checked,don’t take a second drink when they have to drive.People who are too anxious either refuse to go into cars at all—and so complicate the ordinary course of life—or drive so tensely and carefully that they help cause accidents.People who aren’t anxious enough take chance after chance,which increases the terrible accidents of the roads.

  13.According to the author,anxiety is the emotion when  . 

  A.one is filled with a sudden sense of uneasiness

  B.one sees no immediate danger

  C.one has an unclear sense about his life

  D.one feels that the world may go badly



  14.The author holds that  . 

  A.anxiety is a good thing

  B.anxiety is a symptom of mental illness

  C.some anxiety can lead to changes for the better

  D.no anxiety is bad for society



  15.According to the author,accidents of the road tend to be caused by  . 

  A.all those who are too anxious

  B.all those who have anxiety

  C.those who have no anxiety

  D.those who are not anxious enough



  16.The best title for the passage would be  . 


  B.The Right Amount of Anxiety

  C.Anxiety Comparing with Safety

  D.Different Attitudes to Anxiety





  Last week the American Medical Association voted,for the first time,to declare obesity(肥胖) a disease.How should the rest of us respond? When we meet obese people,should we cast them a knowing glance of concern and ask how they are doing? Should we send flowers and “get well soon” cards to obese family members and friends?

  Should the U.S.declare war on obesity,as we once did on cancer?

  If obesity truly is a disease,then over 78 million adults and 12 million children in America just got classified as sick.Yet many sensible people know that declaring obesity a disease is a mistake.Simply put,obesity is not a disease.To be sure,it is a risk factor for some diseases.

  Yet everyone who is obese does not get sick,and many normal-weight people do not stay healthy.I have known slim people who took good care of themselves throughout their lives yet fell ill and died young.Others who exhibited no particular interest in their health and did not watch their weight lived to an old age.In most cases,we simply cannot tell from a person’s weight what lies ahead for them in life.Consider Winston Churchill.Though average in height,Churchill weighed up to 250 pounds.He smoked cigars and drank relatively heavily.He did not work out.Yet he became perhaps the most important statesmen of the 20th century and one of the greatest politicians in history.He lived to age 90.

  Is obesity bad for people? For some,especially patients who are extremely overweight,the answer is almost certainly yes.Would many overweight people benefit from exercising more and eating less? Again,the answer is likely yes.But this does not make obesity a disease.Many people are not harmed by carrying extra pounds,some may actually benefit from it.For these reasons,we should be careful before labeling obese people diseased.

  17.What can we learn from the third paragraph?

  A.Over 90 million Americans are more or less overweight.

  B.People with good sense would agree with the declaration.

  C.More Americans suffer from obesity than any other diseases.

  D.Obesity is the leading cause of most deadly diseases.



  18.By mentioning Winston Churchill,the author wants to  . 

  A.tell us slim people are more likely to die young

  B.show how successful an overweight person can be

  C.prove overweight people are not necessarily unhealthy

  D.encourage people not to care much about their way of living


  解析:写作意图题。第四段中作者提到了Winston Churchill,而该段开头是其主旨,即并非所有肥胖的人都是不健康的,同时,最后部分提到他活到了90岁,也可进一步推断出C项正确。

  19.What is the author’s attitude towards the American Medical Association’s declaration on obesity?

  A.Favorable. B.Uncaring.

  C.Disapproving. D.Friendly.



  20.Where can we probably find the text?

  A.A government report.

  B.A popular science magazine.

  C.A website about losing weight.

  D.A book about famous people.




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