2016届高考英语二轮复习专题综合能力训练:13 阅读理解(4)(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语二轮复习专题综合能力训练:13 阅读理解(4)(含解析)

发布时间:2017-04-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  专题能力训练十三 阅读理解(四)




  It was a dangerous period for Nancy where her own fortunes were concerned.She had to rely on freelance(自由撰稿) work for six months after Quality Weekly Magazine folded.The regular salary cheque had always seemed very small,but now it was like lost riches.She sent many articles to other magazines.Sometimes she struck it lucky and got a task.She once wrote a short article of a politician who appreciated her fair-minded approach and gave her some secret information.Her article was noticed by an editor in search of something sharp and fresh.And Nancy was getting a name for sharp comment.In this trade,she saw,you didn’t need so much to be up to date with things as ahead of them,lying in wait for circumstance,ready to jump.

  Then one day she walked into the offices of National Daily.It had taken her article and its editor had looked kindly upon her.Having handed over a piece on the latest educational theories she’d written,she fell into conversation with a woman she had known before.She learned that one of the paper’s regular columnists(专栏作家) had quitted the job.So Nancy made the necessary phone call to apply for the job.

  And then,the phone call came.She’d have a weekly column with her photograph next to it.There’d be a salary cheque,and perhaps fame and success to follow that.She realized that the job presented her with a wonderful opportunity.

  Later,when she was alone,Nancy thought that her appointment had probably been a piece of good fortune.However,she refused to allow the word “luck”.She must have got the job because she was good and experienced.What she never knew was that in fact the editor had been at the point of offering the column to another writer,Alex.When he was about to pick up the phone to call Alex,the colleague he most disliked walked into his office,and spoke with satisfaction of the possibility of closer association with this old friend of his.As soon as the colleague was out of the room,he reached for the phone,and rang Nancy.

  【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了National Daily的专栏作家南希的职场经历。南希原来工作的Quality Weekly Magazine杂志社倒闭后,南希一直靠自由撰稿工作来维持生计,失业后她意识到机会的重要性。在一次偶然中,她得到了National Daily的专栏作家离职的消息,随即抓住了这一时机,求职成功。

  1.Why did Nancy spend a dangerous period?

  A.Because freelance work was difficult to do.

  B.Because she reported some secret information.

  C.Because her regular salary cheque was too small.

  D.Because she lost the job in Quality Weekly Magazine.


  解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第二、三句 “She had to rely on freelance(自由撰稿) work...but now it was like lost riches.” 可知,由于南希所在的Quality Weekly Magazine倒闭了,她不得不靠自由撰稿工作来维持生计。她因此生活拮据,度过了一段危险时光。故D项正确。

  2.Nancy thought the secret of success as a journalist was to  . 

  A.make positive comments

  B.wait and grasp the chance

  C.get along well with editors

  D.keep up with the latest information


  解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句 “...she saw,you didn’t need so much to be up to date with things as ahead of them,lying in wait for circumstance,ready to jump.” 可知,南希认为,等待和抓住机会是成功的关键。故B项正确。

  3.In the last paragraph,the underlined part “this old friend of his” refers to  . 

  A.the colleague B.the editor

  C.Alex D.Nancy



  4.What can we infer from the passage?

  A.The new job presented Nancy with pressure.

  B.Nancy got the job in National Daily by chance.

  C.Regular columnists are better than freelance writers.

  D.Working hard is the key to gaining popularity for a writer.


  解析:推理判断题。根据第二段最后两句 “She learned that one of the paper’s regular columnists(专栏作家) had quitted the job.So Nancy made the necessary phone call to apply for the job.” 以及第三段最后一句 “She realized that the job presented her with a wonderful opportunity.” 可知,一次偶然的机会南希得知National Daily的一名专栏作家离职,她随即抓住了这一机会求职;根据最后一段可知,主编本想用艾力克斯,但因其同事的原因才用了南希。由此可判断,南希是偶然得到机会在National Daily工作的。故B项正确。



  Facebook(脸谱网) friends cannot replace the real thing,say psychologists.

  People are happier and laugh 50% more when they talk face to face with friends or via webcam(web camera) than when they use social networking sites,a study has found.

  Dr.Roberts,a famous lecturer at the University of Chester,said such websites don’t appear to help people make true friendships.Based on two questionnaires(调查表),he found there was no link between Facebook use and people with larger groups of friends.

  Dr.Roberts,whose work will be presented at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference in Harrogate,said,“The bottom line is that our relationships are not dependent on the quantity of our communication.They depend on quality,and even Skype(网络电话) is better at increasing the quality of our communication than time spent on Facebook.”Even talking on the phone or texting does not make people feel as good as sharing a smile,the research says.The studies suggest quality,not quantity,of communication is the most important for keeping friends for life.

  People find the most satisfying relationships come from a small number of close friends,with an outer “ring” of 10 significant others.With these people,it doesn’t matter what type of social media you use for communication.But people who want to “contact the world at large” using Facebook can be disappointed,because they spread themselves too thinly,claim researchers.

  In a third study,Dr.Roberts asked people to communicate with friends face to face or via Skype and keep a 14-day diary.This was compared with communicating via phone,text messages or social networking sites.People communicating face to face or on Skype were 50% more likely to laugh,and they rated themselves as significantly happier.


  5.Dr.Roberts’s finding that there was no connection between Facebook use and people with many friends was  . 

  A.based on questionnaires B.based on conversations

  C.through instant messages D.through social media


  解析:细节理解题。第三段中说罗伯茨博士的研究 “Based on two questionnaires(调查表)”,因此选A项。

  6.What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?

  A.Most people contact each other online.

  B.Keeping a friend for life is not easy.

  C.The quality of communication is the most important for keeping friends for life.

  D.Skype is better at understanding us than Facebook.



  7.What does the underlined part in the fifth paragraph probably suggest?

  A.They are too excited to express themselves.

  B.They limit their social circle to a small range.

  C.They spread their information at a low speed.

  D.They lack information to introduce themselves.


  解析:推理判断题。根据画线部分所在句的转折连词 “But” 及 “disappointed” 可知,画线部分的语境与前面的 “contact the world at large” 相反,因此其含义应是B项,他们把自己的社交圈局限在一个很小的范围内。

  8.What is Dr.Roberts’s attitude towards the use of Facebook?

  A.Positive. B.Casual.

  C.Responsible. D.Unsupportive.


  解析:推理判断题。文章第一句就说,脸谱网上的朋友不能替代真正的朋友;再根据第三段中的 “such websites don’t appear to help people make true friendships” 可知,罗伯茨博士对使用脸谱网是不支持的,故选D项。



  Jenny was a pretty five-year-old girl.One day when she and her mother were checking out at the grocery store,Jenny saw a plastic pearl(珍珠) necklace priced at $2.50.Her mother bought the necklace for her on condition that she had to do some housework to pay it off.Jenny agreed.She worked very hard every day,and soon Jenny paid off the necklace.Jenny loved it so much that she wore it everywhere except when she was in the shower.Her mother had told her it would turn her neck green!

  Jenny had a very loving daddy.When Jenny went to bed,he would read Jenny her favorite story.

  One night when he finished the story,he said,“Jenny,could you give me your necklace?”

  “Oh!Daddy,not my necklace!” Jenny said.“But you can have Rosy,my favorite doll.Remember her?You gave her to me last year for my birthday.Okay?”

  “Oh no,darling,that’s okay.” Her father brushed her cheek with a kiss.“Good night,little one.”

  A week later,her father once again asked Jenny for the necklace after her favorite story.

  “Oh,Daddy,not my necklace!But you can have Ribbons,my toy horse.Do you remember her?She’s my favorite.”

  “No,that’s okay,”her father said and brushed her cheek again with a kiss.“God bless you,little one.Sweet dreams.”

  Several days later,when Jenny’s father came in to read her a story,Jenny was sitting on her bed and her lip was trembling.“Here,Daddy,” she said,holding out her hand.She opened it and her beloved pearl necklace was inside.She let it slip into her father’s hand.

  With one hand her father held the plastic pearl necklace and with the other he pulled out of his pocket a blue box.Inside the box was a real,beautiful pearl necklace.He had had it all along.He was waiting for Jenny to give up the cheap necklace so he could give her a real one.


  9.What did Jenny have to do to get the plastic pearl necklace?

  A.She had to help her mother do some housework.

  B.She had to listen to her father tell a story every night.

  C.She had to ask her father to pay for the necklace.

  D.She had to give away her favorite toys to the poor children.


  解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的 “Her mother bought the necklace for her on condition that she had to do some housework to pay it off.” 可知选A项,女孩必须帮妈妈做家务。

  10.From the text we know that  . 

  A.Jenny’s mother paid a lot for the plastic pearl necklace

  B.Jenny wore the necklace everywhere even in the shower

  C.Jenny didn’t like Rosy and Ribbons any longer

  D.Jenny got a real pearl necklace from her father



  11.Jenny’s father asked for her plastic pearl necklace repeatedly in order to  . 

  A.get it for himself B.donate it

  C.train her character D.put it away



  12.What can be the best title for the text?

  A.A Lovely Girl B.Father and Daughter

  C.A Pearl Necklace D.An Unforgettable Childhood





  AUGUSTA,Maine—Repair crews from Maine to Michigan and into Canada worked to restore power to more than half a million homes that were left in the dark by last weekend’s ice storm,which has been linked to 27 deaths.

  In the United States,the storm caused at least 17 deaths on Christmas day,from traffic accidents and carbon monoxide (一氧化碳) poisoning.

  In Canada,10 people were reported dead,including seven who were reported dead from apparent carbon monoxide poisoning.Police said five people in Ontario died after using gas to heat their home northeast of Toronto and two in Quebec in a wooden house.Earlier,three people were killed in eastern Canada in highway crashes blamed on severe weather conditions.

  The ice storm last weekend was one of the worst to hit during a Christmas week,and repair crews were working around the clock to restore service.

  As temperatures decreased sharply in Toronto,authorities reported a sudden jump in calls for help for suspected carbon monoxide poisoning,responding to 110 calls in a 24-hour period.Officials said they typically see 20 such calls a day.Fire officials warned people not to use anything that burns inside a home,and even cautioned against using a lot of candles.

  “I understand they want to keep warm,but you cannot do this.This is deadly,” Toronto Mayor Rob Ford said Tuesday.

  In Toronto,about 72,000 customers remained without power Christmas morning.Elsewhere in Ontario,about 30,000 customers were still in the dark.Tens of thousands of homes were still without power on Wednesday in Michigan,down from more than 500,000 at the storm’s peak (顶峰).Maine had about 60,000 without power.

  Canadian officials warned that some customers could be without power until Saturday.

  13.What is the main cause of the death in Canada?

  A.Their houses’ burning down.

  B.Traffic accidents on highways.

  C.Carbon monoxide poisoning.

  D.Using lots of candles at home.



  14.Why were there a jump in calls for help?

  A.Because there was a sudden drop in temperature.

  B.Because many crashes happened on the highway.

  C.Because a lot of people wanted to order candles.

  D.Because people couldn’t get out to pay their bills.



  15.What can we infer from the text?

  A.The repair work hasn’t been finished.

  B.The ice storm last weekend was the worst.

  C.Fire officials didn’t give people warning.

  D.The ice storm is at its peak at the moment.



  16.What’s the best title for the passage?

  A.Cold Christmas comes without power

  B.Ice storm leaves many without power

  C.Ice storm causes many deaths on road

  D.The worst disaster happens in Canada




  Three-quarters of a million tourists flock to the white beaches every year,but this booming industry has come at a price.Poisonous smoke rising from open fires,rubbish made up of plastic bottles,packets...it’s a far cry from the white sands,clear waters and palm trees that we associate with the Maldives(马尔代夫),the paradise island holiday destination set in the Indian Ocean.

  Of its 200 inhabited islands,which are spread across an area of 35,000 square miles,99 are good resorts(度假胜地).So many tourists come every year,more than double the local population.Of these tourists,over 100,000 travel from the UK.The capital,Malé,is four times more densely populated than London.Given these facts,it’s hardly surprising that the Maldives has a waste disposal problem.

  Years ago,when the tourists left,the government had to deal with a stream of rubbish.Their solution was to turn one of the islands into a dumping ground.Four miles west of Malé is the country’s dumping ground,Thilafushi.What you are seeing here is a view of the Maldives on which no honeymooners will ever clap eyes.Each visitor produces 3.5 kg of waste per day.The country dumps more than 330 tons of rubbish on the island every day.

  Now,since many waste boats,fed up with waiting seven hours or more,directly offload their goods into the sea,the government of the Maldives has banned the dumping of waste on the island.So,the waste boats ship the rubbish to India instead.

  17.What is the main cause of the waste disposal problem?

  A.The big local population.

  B.Too many waste boats.

  C.The large number of tourists.

  D.Open fires on the islands.



  18.The underlined part can probably be replaced by “ ”. 

  A.it’s quite similar to B.it’s a long distance from

  C.it’s a loud shout from D.it’s totally different from


  解析:句意理解题。由画线部分前面描述的污染现状和其后的 “the white sands,clear waters and palm trees”可推知,画线部分意为 “完全不同于”,故D项正确。

  19.What can we learn from the text?

  A.It is much more crowded in Malé than in London.

  B.Another island will be used as a dumping ground.

  C.No honeymooners are willing to visit the Maldives.

  D.Waste on islands will be offloaded directly into the sea.


  解析:细节理解题。由第二段的倒数第二句 “The capital,Malé,is four times more densely populated than London.”可知A项正确。

  20.What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?

  A.To attract more tourists to the Maldives.

  B.To state the waste disposal problem in the Maldives.

  C.To call on us to protect the environment.

  D.To explain the causes of pollution in the Maldives.




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