2016届高考英语二轮复习针对训练:专题4 语法填空和短文改错 第3讲 语法专题 3 形容词和副词题(通用版)-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语二轮复习针对训练:专题4 语法填空和短文改错 第3讲 语法专题 3 形容词和副词题(通用版)

发布时间:2017-04-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  [专项训练]单句语法填空(2015·高考四川卷改编)Little Tom sat ____________(amaze)watching the monkey dancing in front of him.解析:句意:小汤姆坐着吃惊地看着猴子在他前面跳舞。句中需要一个形容词来说明主语的状态语法上叫做“主语补足语”。又因为此处修饰的是人(Little Tom)故用amazed。答案:amazed(2015·高考湖北卷改编)The girl used to be shy____________ (gradual)getting active in group work and is more willing to express herself.

  解析:句意:那个女孩过去很害羞但现在团队合作越来越积极(比以前)更愿意表达自己的想法。修饰动词用副词故填gradually。答案:gradually(2015·福建安溪一中高三期中改编)Fitness is important in sportbut of at least ____________(equally) importance are skills.

  解析:句意:强健的身体在体育运动中很重要但是至少同样重要的还有体育技能。根据设空处后的importance可知应用形容词equal。答案:equal(2015·陕西西安市83中阶段考试改编)Many people volunteered to donate blood;however____________(much).解析:句意:许多人加入到志愿献血的行列但是血库需要更多的血液。根据however可知血库需要更多的血液本句为隐含的比较级。答案:more____________(smooth)for the first two days after I moved to New York.

  解析:句意:我搬到纽约后的前两天一切似乎都进展得很顺利。修饰动词go应用副词。答案:smoothly____________(good) with your money.In other words,you can get your money’s worth.

  解析:句意:相信我们。我们保证你能花了钱买到最好的。换言之你能得到物有所值的东西。根据语境可知设空处需用最高级形式。答案:best____________,return to this issue at our next meeting.

  解析:句意:还有许多问题要讨论。因此我们将要在下次会议上回到这个主题。根据句意可知前后为因果关系表示“因此”且空前后有逗号故填therefore。答案:therefore____________(promise) young players of great potential for better performances in the coming season.

  解析:句意:为了在接下来的赛季中有更出色的表现篮球教练立即去寻找有希望、有潜力的年轻运动员。设空处后为名词应该用形容词修饰故填promising意为“有前途的”。答案:promising____________(practice) suggestions to get us out of the trouble.

  解析:句意:你的主意很有趣但是我们需要能让我们走出困境的实用的建议。设空处后的suggestion为名词因此应用形容词修饰故填practical意为“实际的实用的”。答案:practical(2015·浙江温州十校联考改编)The car is quite small____________(especial) when you have children,so change it for a larger one if possible.

  解析:句意:这辆车相当小特别是当你有了孩子时(会觉得它更小)因此如果可能的话换一辆大点的吧。设空处修饰从句:when you have children故应用副词形式。答案:especially____________(cheap) than others,but they don’t look as good.

  解析:句意:——这些橙子只要一美元。——哦它们比别的便宜但看上去不如别的好。由than可知应用比较级。答案:cheaper____________(easy) to defeat you when you often assess yourself negatively.

  解析:句意:没有什么比你常常消极地评价自己更容易击败你自己。该句使用了否定式的比较级表示最高级含义。much用来修饰比较级。答案:easier____________(tire) today after giving the room a thorough cleaning and I have never had as ____________(tire) a day as today.

  解析:句意:经过对这个房间的大扫除后今天我非常累。我从来没像今天这么累。两个设空处都需用形容词原级形式的形容词形式有:tired(感到劳累的)(令人劳累的)(令人厌烦的)。现在分词构成的形容词多表示主语或被修饰词所具有的特征常译为“令人感到……的”;过去分词构成的形容词多表述主语答案:tired;tiringdigital cameras,I would prefer the ____________(small) one,which is very easy for me to carry.

  解析:句意:在这两个数码相机中我更喜欢那个小一点的它对于我来说很容易携带。根据句意两个the+比较级”表示“两者中更……的”。答案:smaller____________(much) medicine I take,the worse I seem to feel.

  解析:句意:我吃药越多似乎感觉越糟糕。“the+比较级+比较级”表示“越……越……”。答案:more单句改(2015·高考浙江卷·短文改错)On the left­hand side of the classuld easy see the football field.


  解析:此处用来修饰动词see所以应用easy的副词形式easily。答案:easy—easily(2015·高考陕西卷·短文改错) I thought the biscuits were really well.解析:此处作表语修饰the biscuits要用good。well用作形容词时表示人身体好。答案well—good

  3.(2015·高考陕西卷·短文改错)My mum makes the better biscuits in the world解析:由该句中的in the world以及前the可知此处要用形容词的最高级。答案:better—best accidents caused by drinking is twice as larger as the number of those caused by non­drinking driving.


  解析:句意:由饮酒导致的交通事故是普通事故的两倍。本题为倍数句型:倍数+as+形容词/副词原形+as。故把larger改为large。答案:larger—large(2016·四川乐清市二中月考改编)Experts warn that global warming will cause extreme climate changes including more frequently floods_________________________

  解析:句意:专家警告说全球变暖导致气候的变化包括频繁的洪灾、热浪和干旱。根据floods可知前面应有形容词修饰。答案:frequently—frequent to death for murdering his roommate with poison.


  解析:句意:不允许任何人超越法律因此年轻有才华的大so it is...poison为“It is+ + that...”句式其中it为形式主语。答案:reasonably—reasonable________________________________________________________________________



  解析:句意:——你是在医院工作吗?——事实上我在这个镇子里的一家私人诊所工作。actually事实上(用于纠正或反驳他人)又如:No不我不是一名学生。事答案:Actual—Actuallyso far.We are,however,confident that the work will be completed as expected.




  解析:widely表示抽象意义意为“广泛地”;wide表示具体意义意为“宽地”。答案:widely—wide[高考模拟]语法填空(2015·吉 阅读下面材料在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。he best policy.”It is more than an old cliche(陈词滥调)____________ good way to live your life.

  First,honesty is the 2.____________(easy) choice that we can make.When people get caught in

  lies,it always costs them something.Many relationships are destroyed by lies.

  Second,honesty gives us much 3.____________(free).Many people believe that being honest limits them in life____________(pay) a price for their acts; on the contrary,when we are honest,we are 5.____________(true) free.

  If there were two people 6.____________(stand) before you,a person with a record of being honest and a person 7.____________ is known to be dishonest,who would you be more likely 8.____________(believe)?____________ we live in the truth or we live in lies.The truth sets us free and lies leave us in nothing but more troubles.Honesty is a choice that we make each day.The choice is 10.____________(you).What will you choose?【解题导语】 本文是一篇议论文论述了“诚实是上策”这一观点。 解析:考查冠词。a。答案:a解析:考查形容词最高级。根据空前的冠词the可知此处应填其最高级形式easiest。答案:easiest解析:考查名词。根据give sb.sth.的结构可知此处应填free的名词形式freedom。答案:freedom解析:考查时态。sooner or later“迟早”根据其意思可知该空应用一般将来时。答案:will pay解析:考查副词。修饰形容词应用副词因此此处应填true的副词形式。答案:truly解析:考查非谓语动词。此空在“If there were two people”后说明要用非people与stand之间为主谓关系因此用现在分词standing。答案:standing解析:考查定语从句。先行词为“person”因此应该用关系代词who或that引导定语从句。答案:who/that解析:考查非谓语动词。be likely to do为固定搭配。答案:to believe解析:考查连词。根据固定结构either...or...“要么……要么……”可知此处应填Either。答案:Either解析:考查代词。这就是你的选择。此处用名词性物主代词yours作表语指代“your choice”。答案:yours







  About a month ago,I was walking alone on the beach in the evening.I have already finished my homework,and I wanted to relax.Suddenly,I saw two children stand on the beach.They seem to have found something made of metal,which was big and reddishbrown.When I took a look at it,I knew immediate that it was an old bomb!I told them to move away the bomb.Fortunately,I had a mobile phone around with me,so I called the police and told them that had been found.About 15 minutes late,the police arrived.I was praised for it but then I went home.The next day,I heard that the police had blown the bomb up.It had been on the sand for over 60 years!


  About a month ago,I was walking alone on the beach in the evening.I

  already finished my homework,and I wanted to relax.Suddenly,I saw two children

  on the beach.They

  to have found something made of metal,which was big and reddishbrown.When I took a look at it,I knew

  that it was an old bomb!I told them to move

  / the bomb.Fortunately,I had a mobile phone around with me,so I called the police and told them

  had been found.About 15 minutes ,the police arrived.I was praised for it

  then I went home.The next day,I heard that the police had blown the bomb up.It had been

  the sand for over 60 years!


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