2016届高考英语二轮复习专项练习:Book5 阶段综合·检测训练(新人教版)-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语二轮复习专项练习:Book5 阶段综合·检测训练(新人教版)

发布时间:2017-04-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  (用时:120分钟 满分:150分)


  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



  W:Flight 737 is being announced.I’d better be on my way.Goodbye.Thanks for your hospitality.

  M:You’re welcome.Happy landing.

  1.Where are the speakers?

  A.At the airport. 

  B.In a shop. 

  C.At the railway station.


  W:Don’t be nervous.They’ll simply measure your height and weight and then take your blood pressure.

  M:That doesn’t sound too hard.I think I’m ready for it.

  2.What will the man have?

  A.A blood test.

  B.A job interview.

  C.A physical examination.


  M:Hello!This is Tom Davis.I have an appointment with Mrs.Jones at nine o’clock this morning,but I’m afraid I’ll have to be about fifteen minutes late.

  W:That’s all right,Mr.Davis.She doesn’t have another appointment scheduled until ten o’clock.

  3.When will the man probably meet with Mrs.Jones?

  A.At 9:00. B.At 9:15. C.At 10:00.


  W:Hi,Tom.Nice and warm today,isn’t it?

  M:Yes,beautiful.I hope it can stay warm until this weekend.

  W:But the weather report says it is going to rain from tomorrow.

  M:Oh,no,I hate rain.

  4.What’s the weather probably like tomorrow?





  M:I’m going to New York next week,but the hotel I booked is so expensive.I’ve got to start saving.

  W:Why book a hotel?My parents have two spare rooms in their apartment.

  5.What does the woman mean?

  A.The man can live with her parents.

  B.She will rent an apartment for him.

  C.The man should book a cheaper hotel.





  M:Oh,I’m exhausted.

  W:Why are you so tired?What did you do today?

  M:There were so many things to do.

  W:Did you do all those things by yourself?

  M:Oh,yes.I had to.I had to check the new products.I had to hold the meeting with the department managers.I had to listen to their reports and give my comments.That’s my job,you know.

  W:Well,it sounds like you really had to do all those things.But you shouldn’t work too hard.Do you know what you should do at the moment?


  W:Take some time off.

  M:Go on holiday?

  W:To relax yourself.How about having a trip this weekend?

  M:You mean having a picnic?


  M:Great idea!

  6.Which position does the man most probably hold?

  A.General manager.


  C.Department manager.


  7.What do you think the man will do this weekend?

  A.Have relaxation.

  B.Continue working.

  C.Help the woman.



  W:Hey,you.Can’t you be a bit faster?You make the whole group wait for you.

  M:How can you blame it on me?I’m having trouble in operating this kind of machine.It is designed for you right-handers.

  W:You always complain about these machines.But you are not the only one using your left hand.

  M:Really?I don’t know who else is the same as me.

  W:To tell you the truth,I’m also left-handed.


  W:Yeah.You should spend some time getting suited to it in advance.Then you can do it quickly.

  M:Is that what you have done?

  W:Yes.In fact,it pays to use both hands.

  M:OK,I will try.

  8.What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

  A.Master and servant. 

  B.Boss and secretary. 

  C.Shift leader and worker.


  9.What are the two speakers talking about?

  A.Repairing machines.

  B.Operating machines.

  C.Designing machines.


  10.What can we learn from the conversation?

  A.Left-handers can’t run the machines.

  B.The woman only uses her right hand.

  C.The woman is more skillful than the man.



  M:So,what sort of person are we looking for?

  W:Well,they’d have to be reliable,of course.I don’t want to find that we are about to go out and they haven’t shown up,or they are running late or something.

  M:Sure.That last kid—what was her name?She...

  W:Oh,please,she was always late,but you have to admit she was hard-working—always cleaned the house while we were out.

  M:Well,that’s not so important as far as I’m concerned.I mean,they are being paid to take care of the kids.If they clean the place,it’s a bonus,but...

  W:But,no...we need to be able to trust them,of course—I mean,leaving them here in the house with the kids,you know...

  M:Yeah.Honesty is definitely important.

  W:And also they have to be friendly.It’s no good if the kids don’t like them.

  M:Absolutely.So,who should we interview,then?

  11.What is the shortcoming of the last girl they mentioned in the dialogue?

  A.She didn’t work hard.

  B.She wasn’t on time.

  C.She didn’t tell the truth.


  12.Why are they going to have an interview?

  A.To find someone to teach their kids.

  B.To find someone to clean the house.

  C.To find someone to look after their kids.


  13.What quality is a must in the man’s opinion?

  A.Being hard-working.

  B.Being honest.

  C.Being friendly.



  W:Welcome to the program.This afternoon I’m standing in the middle of the northern Black Forest,with Rainer Sanger.

  M:Good afternoon,Sarah.

  W:Rainer,you’re very concerned about this area of the forest,aren’t you?Can you tell us why?

  M:Well,much of the forest was wiped out in the terrible storm last winter,as you can see.Many of the trees are dead,and more are dying because of the damage.We believe that the government isn’t doing enough right now to make this beautiful forest get into its former state.

  W:I see.But have you spoken to the government about this?

  M:We have tried,but each time they say that they haven’t got enough money.They are always using money as the excuse.It’s getting really disappointing!

  W:But it’s not just an excuse,is it?They clearly don’t have enough money for everything and the storm came unexpectedly.

  M:Of course we know that,but the point is that we aren’t asking for money.What we need right now is their guidance—we can provide volunteers to work on the forest.

  14.What is the woman?

  A.A guide. B.A reporter.C.A governor.


  15.How does the man feel about the present state of the forest?

  A.Nervous. B.Curious. C.Worried.


  16.What does the man expect the government to do?

  A.To offer guidance.

  B.To give them money.

  C.To provide volunteers.



  W:Mr.Smith,we have learned a lot about your work.Now,tell us something about your after-work activities.

  M:I guess it’s not quite different from anyone else’s.I’m interested in sports.I run about 3 miles every day.I particularly enjoy cross country running.I run across fields,jump over streams and so on.While I’m running I think about all sorts of things,and at the end of a run I’m sometimes surprised to find that I’ve managed to solve a problem that was on my mind.Next year I’m going to try the London Marathon.It’s a long,hard race—42 kilometers,but I very much want to do it.I worry a bit about getting old,and I’d like to prove to myself that I’m still almost as fit as I was twenty years ago.I’m interested in climbing as well as running.I’ll never become an expert climber,but I know what I’m doing in the mountains.I successfully completed a course in snow and ice climbing when I was younger,and I did a series of easy climbs in the Alps a few years ago.My wife doesn’t share my interests in the mountains.She agreed to go climbing with me once,but she found that she felt ill as soon as she got above 1,000 meters,so we decided to follow different hobbies.

  W:You certainly seem to enjoy yourself by doing sports.All right,Mr.Smith.Thanks for your interesting talk.

  17.What is the man talking about?

  A.His wife’s hobbies.

  B.His after-work activities.

  C.His success as an expert climber.


  18.What is the man going to do next year?

  A.To climb the Alps with his wife.

  B.To enter for the London Marathon.

  C.To complete a course of climbing.


  19.Why does the man run every day?

  A.To keep fit and healthy.

  B.To finish a course in physical training.

  C.To solve some difficult problems.


  20.When did the man do easy climbs in the Alps?

  A.Twenty years ago.

  B.Last year.

  C.A few years ago.


  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




  My father playing the violin lights up any room.To him,it is an instrument of faith,hope and charity.My mother used to joke:“Your papa would play his violin if the world was about to blow up.”

  Once Dad came about as close to that as could ever be possible. 

  In the early years of the 20th century,the boll weevil (棉籽象鼻虫) began destroying the cotton farms in the southern USA.

  In May 1910,folks all over the nation were talking about Halley’s Comet (哈雷彗星).There were all sorts of frightening stories about it,the main one being that the world would pass through its tail,said to be millions of miles long.

  Between the threats of comet and weevils,the farmers were running low on optimism.One night,they gathered at our farm to discuss what to do.Will Bowen,a local man,suggested:“Charley,how about giving us a little music?”

  “I don’t think anybody want to hear me tonight,” Dad replied.

  “Come on,Mr Nordyke,” one of the younger women urged.“Play for us!”

  Dad had a knack (诀窍) for getting people in the mood for his music.He played church songs,and then shifted to war songs.By the time he had finished performing,people were stamping their feet,clapping their hands and yelling.

  All of our neighbors went home whistling.Very few remembered to look to see whether the comet was still around.

  Another evening,Will Bowen called Dad on the telephone and said:“Charley,I’m downhearted and blue.Could you play a tune or two for me down the phone?”

  Dad handed the receiver to me and then set off playing the songs he had performed that night.I could hear Mr Bowen whistling and yelling.

  By the time the tune was finished there were half a dozen neighbors on the line.They talked about how wonderful the music sounded over the telephone.They made numerous requests;I relayed them to Dad and he played.

  Our broadcasts became regular features of community life.When the weather was bad in winter and farmers were forced to remain in the house,someone would ring us and ask Dad to play.Usually it developed into a network affair.Our phone kept ringing with requests for music until radio came into fashion.

  21.Why did the author’s mother say so at the end of Paragraph 1?

  A.She believed her husband had the ability to save her world.

  B.She thought her husband could always get strength from his violin.

  C.She was unhappy that her husband loved his violin more than her.

  D.She believed music has the power to save the world.



  22.The underlined sentence “Once Dad came about as close to that as could ever be possible.” functions as  . 

  A.a conclusion of the first paragraph

  B.an introduction of a story

  C.an example of my father’s love of music

  D.the topic sentence of this passage



  23.Which of the following is TRUE?

  A.At first Mr Nordyke was too shy to play the violin.

  B.The neighbors often dropped in to hear Mr Nordyke’s music.

  C.Mr Nordyke’s music entertained and encouraged friends in the community.

  D.The farmers realized Halley’s Comet would not destroy the earth after listening to the music.



  24.What is the main idea of the article?

  A.A father’s everlasting love of violin.

  B.A father’s popularity in the community.

  C.How one man used his violin to make a difference.

  D.How farmers fought threats of comet and boll weevils.




  When Jane Austen (1775-1817) wrote her novels in England,she was writing about a world that most of us would not recognize.

  But today Austen’s books are in greater demand than ever.In the last 10 years,five of her six novels have been made into Hollywood films,while her books continue to be best-sellers.So why is Austen still popular?

  Richard Jenkyns,a professor of English at Oxford University,argues that her novels still appeal to people because they focus on issues that are as relevant today as they were when she wrote them.

  Her novels are about women trying to find a perfect husband,but also explore issues surrounding marriage,friendships and the family.“The stories are fairly timeless.They are about human interaction (互动) which we are all familiar with,” Jenkyns says.

  The most famous book Austen wrote is PrideandPrejudice,a love story about Elizabeth Bennett and Mr Darcy.At first these two do not get on.They eventually fall in love,but must still overcome opposition to their relationship from their families.

  “All of Austen’s books are easy to read making them popular with children and adults,but they work on different levels so people can take what they need from them”,author Kate Henry says.

  “You can choose to see the politics and feminism (男女平等主义) in them,but if you don’t want to take on those issues you can turn a blind eye to it,” she says.

  Austen is often hailed (赞扬) as the greatest romance writer in the English language,so it is surprising she remained unmarried.“Maybe she was too much of a romantic,waiting for the perfect man,” Kate Henry says.

  25.What is the point of this article?

  A.To describe the impact of Jane Austen’s works.

  B.To promote Jane Austen’s novels among teenagers.

  C.To analyze why Jane Austen’s novels have such a lasting appeal.

  D.To introduce how Jane Austen’s personal life influenced her novels.



  26.According to the author,what made Jane Austen’s works so popular?

  a.Her books are easy to read and understand.

  b.Most of them have a happy ending.

  c.People can still relate to them today.

  d.They are mostly about romantic love and family life.

  e.They tell how females can succeed in a male-dominated society.







  27.What does Kate Henry mean in the second-to-last paragraph?

  A.You cannot miss the politics and feminism in Austen’s books.

  B.You can take whatever you want from Jane Austen’s books and focus on what interests you.

  C.Some readers find the political and feminist elements in Austen’s work too difficult to follow.

  D.Some readers find the political and feminist elements in Austen’s work old fashioned.



  28.What’s the attitude of the writer towards Jane Austen and her novels?

  A.Objective. B.Negative.

  C.Appreciative. D.Subjective.




  The metro system in London,widely known as the Tube,is the world’s oldest underground railway.However,it is more than just a transport system.

  It is not unusual to see people reading thick books on the tube,crowded at the door during rush hour.But there is another way Londoners enjoy literature on the underground,as poems are scattered around randomly.

  The project of the poems has been running since 1986 and poems appear three times a year,six at a time.Two of the poems are always written by living poets.American writer Judith Chernaik,editor and founder of Poems on the Underground,said that most of them are chosen randomly,either from great poets or from unknown enthusiasts of English poetry.

  Conceived (构思) by Chernaik,these poems aim to bring poetry to passengers,and show a wide range of styles.They are classical or contemporary,domestic or international.

  Love or hate poetry,this project “has proved to be an excellent way of introducing poetry,with passengers often wanting to read more,”according to the government organization Transport for London.“This has led to the publication of a series of ”Poems on the Underground “books,which is now in its 11th edition.”

  This new edition contains poems that have been displayed in carriages over the years.The poems are classified into sections such as love,music,nature,war,and loss.

  “Our Tube system has become quite the bastion (堡垒) of British culture,” The London Insider magazine commented.

  29.The purpose of the project “Poems on the Underground” is to  . 

  A.introduce the works of living British poets

  B.provide a platform for Londoners to enjoy poetry

  C.study the traditions of British poetry

  D.encourage more people to write poems



  30.We can learn from the article that the poems that appear on the tube in London  . 

  A.are voted by the passengers on the tube

  B.mainly talk about the topics of love and war

  C.have replaced the books passengers carry to read

  D.have drawn interest from a lot of passengers



  31.The best title of this passage most probably is  . 

  A.Poems on the Underground

  B.Poems Becoming Popular with People

  C.A New Edition of Poetry Book

  D.Public Campaign of Reading Poems





  During the Christmas holidays I usually go to Scotland.My dad loves the mountains,lakes, and nature.So every year we visit the north of Scotland.However,last year we wanted some warm weather,so we went to Morocco instead.

  I must stress that traveling is not as expensive as you may think.There are many budget airlines that offer deals throughout the year,so if you book in advance going abroad is sometimes cheaper than traveling within a country.

  In the lead up to the Christmas holidays,we had typical British weather.There were weeks of grey,dull skies and not one day of sun.But on our first morning in Morocco,the deep blue sky seemed endless and the sun blazed down with a light wind in the air.How refreshing it was to be awake at last.

  We stayed in Marrakech,a city that excites your senses.Sights,smells,tastes and sounds filled the air.The city was alive from morning till night;there was a never-ending buzz from the street vendors and snake charmers.The alleyways that snaked out from the central square were like mazes made up of lanterns and spices(香料).The night was full of rich,fiery colors.

  We traveled to many places around the city.We went to the base of the Atlas Mountains to see the cascades (瀑布),and we went to the seaside at Essaouira.Morocco is an amazing country with so much to offer in terms of landscape,culture and food.

  On the subject of food,oh it was tasty!Kebabs (烤肉串),olives,oranges,breads—there are so many things for you to choose from.Morocco is famous for its mint tea too.The tea is sweet and strong with a powerful scent.We indulged (沉醉于) in such delights morning,afternoon and night.

  It was my first trip to North Africa.It is very much a region of the world that draws you in.The culture is so different to that of Europe,but there are still many similarities with Asia.Morocco is an interesting fusion of traditions and values that challenge previous perceptions (认知).

  32.Why did the author’s family choose to go to Morocco last year?

  A.Because her dad wanted to get close to nature.

  B.Because they were bored with going to Scotland.

  C.Because her family wanted to go to a warm place.

  D.Because they wanted to visit their relatives there.



  33.The underlined word “budget” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to  . 







  34.What can we conclude from the story?

  A.The weather in Morocco disappointed the author.

  B.The author didn’t get used to the powerful scent of Morocco’s Mint tea.

  C.Moroccan culture has much more in common with Europe than Asia.

  D.The trip enabled the author to better understand Morocco’s traditions and values.



  35.This text is developed  . 

  A.by describing

  B.by comparing

  C.by giving examples

  D.by persuading






  “Do it yourself (DIY)” is a term used to describe building or repairing of something without the aid of experts.It came into common usage in the 1950s in reference to home improvement projects which people might choose to complete independently. 36  It promotes the ability of the ordinary person to learn to do more than what he thinks is possible. 

  From the late 20th century,we have given in to the convenience of being told the “right way” to do things because it is convenient. 37  We have organized shopping,organized entertainment,and even organized marriage.With the development of industrial revolution,we have had our clothes and furniture made with the help of the machine.Our food supply has left our backyards and ventured (冒险) into the factory.Things get cheaper and easier to find,but we buy as one and eat as one. 

  DIY culture holds a powerful belief: 38  That statement may seem like the DIY movement is quite self-centered,but there is great evidence that the opposite is true.By creating with our own minds and hands,by relying on what has come before and projecting what will be,we have become open to many possibilities. 39  

  People can both create to serve their own needs and find the value in what others create.In other words,we can both learn how to make what we desire ourselves and consume goods made by others. 40  But the joy of DIY culture is how we begin to find our interconnectedness,for example,our talents of swimming and skating with the talents of others in our community. 

  A.Almost everything in our life has been arranged in a system.

  B.DIY provides us with some particular requirements and tools.

  C.People can have what they want if they can learn to make it themselves.

  D.We question the lifestyle based on our values and fashioned with our hands.

  E.Of course the danger of DIY culture is that we try to become entirely self-confident.

  F.In recent years,DIY has taken on a broader meaning that covers a wide range of skill sets.

  G.We can sew our own clothes,grow vegetables,and do other activities that put us in touch with the processes of life.

  答案:36.F 37.A 38.C 39.G 40.E

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  Years ago,there was a very wealthy man who,with his devoted young son,shared a passion for art collecting.Together,they traveled around the world,adding only  41  art treasures to their collection. 

  One year,as winter approached, 42  engulfed(吞没) the nation,and the young man left to  43 his country.After only a few short weeks,his father received a telegram.His beloved son was 44 in action.The art collector  45  awaited more news, 46  he would never see his son again.Within days,his fears were  47 .The young man had died while rushing a fellow soldier to a doctor. 

  Upset and  48 ,the old man faced the coming Christmas holidays with sadness.On Christmas morning,a knock on the door awakened the  49  old man.As he opened the door,he was greeted by a  50  with a large package in his hands. 

  He introduced himself to the old man by saying,“I was a  51 of your son.I was the one he was  52  when he died.May I come in for a few moments?I have something to show you.” 

  As the two began to  53 ,the soldier told of how the man’s son had told everyone of his,not to mention his father’s, 54 of fine art.“I am not a(n)  55 ,”said the soldier,“but I want to give you this.” 

  As the old man unwrapped the package,he saw a portrait of his son.Though the world would  56  consider in the work of a genius,the painting featured the young man’s face  57  striking detail. 

  Overcome with emotion,the man  58  the soldier.After the soldier had left,the old man put the painting above the fireplace,pushing  59  thousands of dollars worth of art.His task completed,the old man sat in his chair and spent Christmas gazing at the  60  he had been given. 

  41.A.latest B.richest

  C.finest D.cheapest



  42.A.flood B.fire

  C.storm D.war



  43.A.save B.help

  C.serve D.build



  44.A.missing B.acting

  C.fighting D.dying



  45.A.calmly B.anxiously

  C.quietly D.secretly



  46.A.fearing B.doubting

  C.wondering D.expecting



  47.A.completed B.doubled

  C.removed D.confirmed

  解析:考查动词辨析。 由下一句可以看出,他所担心的事情真的发生了,也就是说他的儿子真的牺牲了。所以选D项,意为“(得到)证实”。complete“完成”;double“加倍”;remove“移动,开除”。


  48.A.nervous B.tired

  C.lonely D.frightened



  49.A.sad B.puzzled

  C.angry D.worried



  50.A.farmer B.soldier

  C.painter D.seller

  解析:考查语境化选词。由他自我介绍中的“Iwastheonehewas 52 whenhedied.”可以看出,这位来客就是老人的儿子牺牲时救的那个人,再结合第二段的“Theyoungmanhaddiedwhilerushingafellowsoldiertoadoctor.”可以看出,他也是一位士兵。故选soldier。 53 空后也有原词复现。 


  51.A.guard B.photographer

  C.partner D.friend



  52.A.rescuing B.carrying

  C.guarding D.hiding



  53.A.argue B.move

  C.talk D.eat



  54.A.description B.love

  C.sense D.understanding



  55.A.artist B.businessman

  C.hero D.reporter



  56.A.sometimes B.never

  C.often D.still



  57.A.for B.of

  C.in D.on



  58.A.thanked B.questioned

  C.welcomed D.treated



  59.A.down B.up

  C.aside D.off



  60.A.treasure B.gift

  C.souvenir D.package




  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



  The International Red Cross and Red Crescent(弯月) Museum was opened in Geneva in 1988. 61  tells the story of men and women who,in the course of the major events of the last 150 years,have given assistance  62  victims of wars and natural disasters. 

  The organization  63  (found) in 1863,and was based on an idea by a Swiss businessman called Henry Dunant.He had witnessed too many  64  (die) and wounds at the Battle of Solferino in Italy four years  65  (early),in which 40,000 people were killed,wounded or missing.He had seen the lack of medical services and the great suffering of many of the wounded, 66  simply died from lack of care.The International Red Cross/Red Crescent exists  67 (help) the victims of conflicts and disasters regardless of their nationality. 

   68  symbol of the organization was originally just the red cross.It has no religious significance;the founders  69  the movement adopted it in honor of Switzerland.However,the original symbol,the red cross could hurt Muslim soldiers, 70  a second symbol,the red crescent,was used.Both are now official symbols. 

  答案:61.It 62.to 63.was founded 64.deaths 65.earlier 66.who 67.to help 68.The 69.of 70.and/so

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







  I learned early in life that I had to be more patient and little aggressive.From the time I was about four until I was about six,I destroyed each of my toy.I was happy when the toys worked,but when things did wrong,I got angry and broke it.For a while parents bought me new toys.But before long they began to see which was happening.When I tear apart my fifth birthday toy train,my father said,“That’s it.No more toys to you.” My punishment lasted a year.Meanwhile,I found out that with more patience I must make my toys to last.

  My attitude changed from then on.








  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)








  Dear Alice,

  I have received your letter saying that you are anxious about the coming exam.






  I wish you success in the exam.


  Li Hua


  Dear Alice, 

  I have received your letter saying that you are anxious about the coming exam. 

  In my opinion,it’s important for you to have a right attitude towards exams.They are only a means of checking how you are getting along with your studies,so there is no need to worry too much about the results.You should study hard every day and make good preparations for exams.In this way you can avoid suffering from the pressure of exams.

  Besides,you’d better go out for a walk or do some outdoor exercise so that you can keep yourself relaxed and then concentrate yourself on exams.What’s more,having enough sleep can make you energetic and enable you to perform well in an exam.

  I wish you success in the exam. 


  Li Hua 


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