2016届江苏省高考英语二轮专项突破:语法 专题5 交际用语-查字典英语网
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2016届江苏省高考英语二轮专项突破:语法 专题5 交际用语

发布时间:2017-03-31  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  专题五 交际用语

  考点1 常考的交际用语

  1.—Sorry,Liz.I think I was a bit rude to you.

  —________,but don’t do that again!(2015·天津,1)

  A.Go ahead

  B.Forget it

  C.It depends

  D.With pleasure

  2.—Jack,you seem excited.

  —________? I won the first prize in the English speech contest.(2015·天津,4)

  A.Guess what

  B.So what

  C.Pardon me

  D.Who cares

  3.—Let’s go to the New Year’s Eve party,shall we?

  —________ I guess it will be fun.(2015·陕西,11)

  A.Forget it!

  B.No way!

  C.Why not?

  D.What for?

  4.—Jim,can you work this Sunday?

  —________? I’ve been working for two weeks on end.(2015·江苏,23)

  A.Why me B.Why not

  C.What if D.So what

  5.—I got that job I wanted at the public library.

  —________! That’s good news.(2017·陕西,11)

  A.Go ahead



  D.Come on

  6.—Why not stay here a little longer?

  — ________,but I really have to go.(2017·重庆,2)

  A.Never mind

  B.I’d love to

  C.Pleased to meet you

  D.I can’t find any reason

  7.—This apple pie is too sweet,don’t you think so?

  —________.I think it’s just right,actually.(2017·山东,3)

  A.Not really

  B.I hope so

  C.Sounds good

  D.No wonder

  8.—Could I use this dictionary?

  —________.It’s a spare one.(2017·江西,21)

  A.Good idea

  B.Just go ahead

  C.You’re welcome

  D.You’d better not


  1.It/That (all) depends.那得视情况而定。

  2.Forget it.没关系(回答道歉);休想(表示拒绝);别提了。

  3.How come?怎么会?为什么?

  4.Never mind.没关系;别担心。

  5.It’s up to you.由你决定。

  6.I can’t agree more.我非常赞同。

  7.Not really.不完全是;不怎么样。

  8.So what?那又怎么样?

  9.Go ahead.用吧,使吧。


  11.I’d love/like to.我很乐意/愿意。

  12.Not exactly.(说反话时用)根本不,决不,一点也不。

  考点2 区分两对相似的交际用语

  1.—Sir,could I hand in my homework a bit late?

  —________,since you’ve been unwell these days.(2015·陕西,16)

  A.You can’t be serious

  B.I’m afraid not

  C.Good idea

  D.Well,all right

  2.—Thank you for the flowers.

  —________.I thought they might cheer you up.(2017·江苏,35)

  A.That’s right

  B.All right

  C.I’m all right D.It’s all right


  1.All right表示“好吧”,用于表示同意别人的提议;It’s/That’s all right表示“不用谢”或“没关系”,用于应答别人的感谢或道歉;That’s right表示“你说得对”。

  —Are you sure you won’t come for a drink with us?

  —All right then,if you insist.(2017·新课标全国Ⅱ,15)



  2.With pleasure相当于I’m glad to表示“非常乐意”,用于应答别人的求助。My pleasure“不用谢”,用于应答别人的感谢。

  考点3 接受请求或邀请的应答语

  1.—Can you come to a party on Saturday,Peter?

  —Oh,________I’m already going out,I’m afraid.(2015·安徽,21)

  A.what a pity!

  B.don’t ask!

  C.how come?

  D.so what?

  2.—Hello Jenny,can I see Ms.Lewis?

  —________.I’ll tell her you’re here.(2015·重庆,15)

  A.With pleasure

  B.Never mind

  C.You’re welcome

  D.Just a minute

  3.—Would you mind answering some questions on shopping habits?


  A.Yes,with great pleasure

  B.No,I am afraid I can’t make it

  C.Yes,it is worth the time

  D.No,as long as it doesn’t take long

  4.—Shall we go for a drink at one o’clock this afternoon?

  —________.Will two o’clock be OK?(2017·陕西,23)

  A.Sure,it’s up to you

  B.Sure,no problem

  C.Sorry,I can’t make it

  D.Sorry,I’m not available today


  1.接受请求或邀请的应答用语有:With pleasure;I’d be happy/glad to;I’d love to;No problem;Good idea;That would be nice;By all means等。

  2.拒绝请求和邀请的应答用语有:Sorry,but...I’d rather you...;Thank you,but...;I’d love to,but...;It’s very nice of you,but...等。


  方法1 熟记常考情景

  高考英语常考如下8种情景:询问信息、个人看法、电话、就餐、请求、问候、谈论天气、购物。熟练掌握上述情景的交际方式和常用表达,解决问题就能有的放矢。比如对于道谢及其答语有:Thank you very much./Thanks a lot./It’s kind of you to help me./That’s (It’s) all right./You’re welcome./Don’t mention it./It’s a pleasure./It’s my pleasure.等;对于道歉及其答语:Excuse me./I’m sorry./Pardon me./That’s all right./Not at all./Don’t worry about it./Never mind.等。


  —That would be great!Please drop me off at the library.(2010·安徽,35)

  A.Could you bring me the bill

  B.Would you like me to give you a lift

  C.Could you tell me the postcode for Paris

  D.Would you like to have my e­mail address

  答案 B

  解析 答语句意为:那太好了!你在图书馆让我下车就行。根据句意可知应选B项。

  方法2 注意东西方文化差异,不要受汉语思维影响


  —Jack,I’d like to have your opinions about my written report.

  —________.But I have one suggestion.(2017·重庆,15)

  A.That’s a good idea

  B.You are too modest

  C.It looks fine to me

  D.You should check it first

  答案 C

  解析 考查情景交际。语境为:对方请Jack就一份书面报告说说自己的看法。A项用于对方提出建议时的回答;B项为中式表达;D项不够礼貌,且与语境不符。由答语后一句“但我有一个建议”可知,C项符合题意。

  提醒:完成作业 强化练(五)

  强化练(五) 交际用语


  1.—Shall we offer the new position to Jack?

  —________.You are the boss.(2015·泰州二模,35)

  A.You bet

  B.It’s your call

  C.No problem

  D.It depends

  2.—Do you know the newly appointed CEO?


  A.I’ll check it

  B.Only that there is one

  C.More often than not

  D.It will come to me

  3.—I heard that some police didn’t allow suspects enough sleep to get so­called criminal evidence in America.

  —________?This certainly goes against the law.(2015·扬州一模,35)

  A.Who cares

  B.Why bother

  C.What for

  D.How come

  4.—Where do you think Simon’s disappeared?

  —________.But we are trying to get in touch with his parents.(2015·徐州三模,35)

  A.God bless you.

  B.It’s no big deal

  C.God knows

  D.It makes sense

  5.—Susan is so hard­working that she has won a third scholarship.

  —Just as a proverb goes,“________.”(2015·南通一模,35)

  A.Make hay while the sun shines

  B.No pain,no gain

  C.The early bird catches the worm

  D.Once bitten,twice shy

  6.—Jack,how can I turn on this iPad?


  A.Allow me!

  B.So what?

  C.Hold on.

  D.Nothing much.

  7.—What a bad luck!I have missed a golden chance!

  —Let it be.________(2017·江苏百校联考,35)

  A.A flower blooms more than once.

  B.A fault confessed is half corrected.

  C.A loveless life is living death.

  D.A problem shared is a problem halved.

  8.—I don’t understand why I have been dismissed.

  —________!You are always being late and making mistakes.(2017·苏北四市一模,35)

  A.You are asking for it

  B.You are kidding

  C.It’s up to you

  D.You’ve got a point there

  9.—Do you understand the film The Hobbit,the most amazing US­made one last year?

  —________,but I am confused at many scenes.(2017·苏锡常镇二模,21)

  A.Not a little B.Not a bit

  C.Just a bit

  D.No problem

  10.—Jane looked beautiful at the wedding.

  —Huh!Too much make­up,________.(2017·徐州三模,35)

  A.as I must disagree

  B.when I dare say

  C.unless you mind

  D.if you ask me

  11.—Mary works really hard and she does well in her tests.


  A.you reap what you sow

  B.that’s her feet of clay

  C.she is the apple of our eyes

  D.that’s her cup of tea

  12.—Why are you moving out?

  —________,but I just don’t like the atmosphere here.

  A.No offence

  B.No worries

  C.No problem

  D.No doubt

  13.—Did you have butterflies in your stomach at the interview?

  —________.That was my first job interview.

  A.It depends

  B.Not really

  C.You bet

  D.I mean it

  14.—Sorry,it’s already 6 o’clock.I have to be off for an appointment.


  A.It couldn’t be better

  B.You really have me there

  C.Let’s call it a day

  D.Take your time

  15.—Do you think I should join the singing group,Mary?

  —________ If I were in your shoes,I certainly would.

  A.None of your business.

  B.It depends.

  C.Why not?

  D.I don’t think so.

  16.—Let’s go to Tianjin Music Hall.The soft music makes me relaxed.

  —________.It makes me sleepy.

  A.Bless me


  C.Not me

  D.Let me see

  17.—You seem to be fond of classical music.

  —________.As a matter of fact,I like jazz music better.

  A.I don’t agree B.Not really

  C.I couldn’t agree more

  D.No doubt

  18.—Do you know anything about British history?

  —________ I have no interest in it.

  A.Take it easy!

  B.Please don’t bother.

  C.It’s up to you.

  D.No.It’s beyond me.

  19.—The music is too loud.Could you please turn down the radio a bit?


  A.Sorry,I didn’t know you were reading.

  B.Don’t trouble.I like music.

  C.Don’t you think the music is beautiful?

  D.Oh,it’s an honor for me to do so.

  20.—Oh,goodness.How can I use the webchat software?

  —_______.I know nothing about it.

  A.That suits me fine

  B.You are welcome

  C.Take your time

  D.You’ve got me there

  专题五 交际用语


  1.B [考查交际用语。句意为:——对不起,莉兹。我想我对你有点粗鲁了。——没关系,但下不为例。Forget it没关系,算了,符合语境。Go ahead可以,开始吧;It depends视情况而定;With pleasure乐意帮忙。]

  2.A [考查交际用语。句意为:——杰克,你看起来很兴奋。——你猜怎么着?我获得了英语演讲比赛一等奖。Guess what你猜怎么着,符合语境。So what那又怎样,那又如何;Pardon me对不起,没听清;Who cares管它呢。]

  3.C [考查交际用语。句意为:——我们去参加新年除夕晚会吧,好吗?——为什么不去呢?我猜一定会很有趣的。Why not?为什么不呢?用于赞同某一建议;Forget it!没关系,别在意,算了,别提它了;No way!没门,不可能;What for?为什么?用于疑问对方的目的。]

  4.A [考查情景交际。句意为:——吉姆,这个星期天你能工作吗? ——为什么是我?我已经连续工作两个星期了。Why me为什么是我;Why not为什么不;What if如果……又能怎样;So what那又怎样;Why me是“Why do you ask me to work this Sunday”的省略。]

  5.C [考查情景交际。Go ahead请吧;Cheers干杯;Congratulations祝贺你;Come on来吧,加油。根据答语后一句可知此处表示祝贺,故选C项。]

  6.B [考查情景交际。根据语境可知,答话人不能继续逗留,故选B项,意为“很希望(再待一段时间)”。Never mind用于回答对方感谢;Pleased to meet you用于双方初次见面时;D项不合语境。]

  7.A [考查情景交际。答语第二句“事实上我觉得还好”和问句“苹果派太甜了,你不这么认为吗?”态度相反,故选择Not really表达不赞同的态度。]

  8.B [考查情景交际。句意为:——我可以用这本字典吗?——拿去用吧!这是多余的一本。Good idea好主意;Just go ahead去做吧,用吧(表示同意对方提出的做法);You’re welcome不用谢;You’d better not你最好不要这样做。故B项符合句意。]


  1.D [考查情景交际。句意为:——老师,我能晚一点交作业吗?——好吧,因为你这些日子总是不大舒服。根据答语知老师同意学生的请求,故选D项。You can’t be serious你一定是在开玩笑吧;I’m afraid not我恐怕不能;Good idea好主意;Well,all right嗯,好吧。]

  2.D [句意为:——谢谢你的花。——不用谢。我想它们可以使你振作起来。that’s right是的,没错;all right好的;I’m all right我一切都好;It’s all right没关系(可对Thank you或sorry进行回答)。]


  1.A [考查情景交际。 句意为:——星期六你能来参加聚会吗,彼得?——噢,真遗憾!(到时候)恐怕我已经出去了。what a pity真遗憾;don’t ask别问了;how come怎么会;so what那又怎样。根据句意可知,这里指可能参加不了聚会,因此此处表示“遗憾”,故选A。]

  2.D [考查交际用语。句意为:——你好,珍妮,我可以找一下刘易斯女士吗?——稍等,我告诉她你来了。With pleasure乐意效劳;Never mind没关系。You’re welcome不客气;Just a minute稍等。]

  3.D [问句句意为:你介意回答关于购物习惯的一些问题吗?A项意为“介意,非常高兴”,前后矛盾;B项意为“不介意,我害怕不能成功”;C项意为“介意,它是值得花时间的”,前后矛盾;D项意为“不介意,只要不花很长时间”。由问句可知,只有D项符合语境。]

  4.C [句意为:——我们今天下午一点去喝杯怎么样?——对不起,我去不了。两点好吗?A项“当然,由你决定”;B项“当然,没问题”;C项“对不起,我去不了”;D项“抱歉,我今天没时间”。由语境知选C。]


  强化练(五) 交际用语

  1.B [句意为:——我们要把这个新的岗位提供给杰克吗?——你自己决定吧,你是老板。You bet.的确,当然;No problem.没问题;It depends.视情况而定。It’s your call.你自己决定吧,符合题意。故选B项。]

  2.B [句意为:——你了解新任命的CEO吗?——我只知道有这么个人。I’ll check it.我要检查一下;More often than not.常常;It will come to me.我会得到它,我会想起来的。Only that there is one.是省略句,原句是:I only know that there is one.我只知道有一个新任命的CEO,符合题意。故选B项。]

  3.D [句意为:——我听说在美国有些警察为了得到所谓的犯罪证据不让嫌疑人有足够的睡眠。——怎么会这样?这当然是违反法律的啊。Who cares?谁管啊?Why bother?为什么这么麻烦啊?What for?为什么?How come?怎么会这样?表示无法相信,符合语境。故选D项。]

  4.C [句意为:——你知道Simon消失在哪里了啊?——天知道。但是我们正在尽力联系他父母。God bless you.上帝保佑你;It’s no big deal.这没什么大不了的;It makes sense.这有意义。God knows.天知道,符合语境。故选C项。]

  5.B [句意为:——苏珊如此努力以至于第三次获得了奖学金。——正如一句谚语所说的,“不劳则无获。”Make hay while the sun shines.抓紧时机;The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃;Once bitten,twice shy.一朝被蛇咬十年怕井绳。No pain,no gain.不劳则无获,符合语境。故选B项。]

  6.A [句意为:——杰克,我如何才能打开这个iPad?——让我试试!so what那又怎么样;hold on坚持住;nothing much没什么。allow me让我试试,符合题意。故选A项。]

  7.A [句意为:——真倒霉!我错过了一个绝好的机会!——随它去吧。好花不止开一次。A fault confessed is half corrected.肯承认错误就是改了一半了;A loveless life is living death.没有爱情,虽生犹死;A problem shared is a problem halved.一个问题被分担了,这个问题就减少了一半。A flower blooms more than once.好花不止开一次。也就是说好的机会还会再出现的,符合语境。故选A项。]

  8.A [句意为:——我不能理解我为什么被解雇。——你自找的!你总是迟到,总是犯错误。You are kidding.你在开玩笑;It’s up to you.这取决于你;You’ve got a point there.你说得有道理。You are asking for it.你自找的,符合题意。故选A项。]

  9.C [句意为:——你看懂了去年美国最令人惊异的电影《霍比特人》了吗?——有点懂了,但是很多场景我还是感到很迷惑。not a little非常,很多;not a bit完全不,相当于not at all;no problem没问题,都与I am confused at many scenes.不符。just a bit有一点儿,此处表示有点懂,符合题意。故选C项。]

  10.D [句意为:——简在婚礼上看起来很漂亮。——哈!依我看,是化妆太浓了。as I must disagree我不能同意你的看法,此处第二人没有完全否定第一人的观点,排除A项;when I dare say我敢说;unless you mind除非你介意。if you ask me依我看,我认为,用于发表自己的观点,符合语境。故选D项。]

  11.A [句意为:——玛丽学习确实很认真,她考试考得非常好。——是啊,一分耕耘,一分收获。You reap what you sow.一分耕耘,一分收获。That’s her feet of clay.那是她的不足之处。She is the apple of our eyes.她是我们的掌上明珠。That’s her cup of tea.那是她的所爱。A项符合题意。]

  12.A [句意为:——你为什么打算搬出去呢?——我没有冒犯的意思,我只是不喜欢这里的氛围。no offence没有冒犯的意思,符合题意。no worries别担心;no problem没问题;no doubt难怪。]

  13.C [句意为:——在面试的时候你心里七上八下吗?——当然。那是我第一次工作面试。根据语境,尤其是后者说这是他第一次工作面试,说明他当时是紧张的,用you bet表示“当然,肯定”。it depends看情况;not really不完全是,不见得;I mean it我是认真的。]

  14.C [句意为:——对不起,现在已经六点了。我得去约会了。——好的。今天到此为止吧。根据对话可知,此时双方正在分手道别。Let’s call it a day.今天到此为止吧。It couldn’t be better.不能更好了。You really have me there.你真的需要我。Take your time.不着急,慢慢来。C符合语境。]

  15.C [考查情景交际。句意为:——玛丽,你认为我应该参加歌唱小组吗?——为什么不参加?如果我处于你的位置,我当然会参加。None of your business不关你的事;It depends看情况而定;Why not为什么不呢;I don’t think so我不认为是这样。题干中“in your shoes”意思是“处于你的位置,经历你的艰难”。根据题意可知选C。]

  16.C [考查情景交际。句意为:——我们去天津音乐厅吧。轻音乐让我很放松。——我不行。它让我昏昏欲睡。Bless me保佑我;Me,too我也一样;Not me我不行;Let me see让我想想。根据下文语境判断选C。]

  17.B [考查情景交际。句意为:——你似乎很喜欢古典音乐。——不怎么喜欢,实际上我更喜欢爵士乐。I don’t agree我不赞同;Not really不完全是;I couldn’t agree more我很赞同;No doubt毫无疑问。由后面的回答可知,他并非喜欢古典音乐,故选B。]

  18.D [考查情景交际。句意为:——你知道关于英国历史的一些事吗?——不,这太难了,我不感兴趣。Take it easy放松;Please don’t bother请不要打扰;It’s up to you这取决于你;No.It’s beyond me不,这太难了。由语境可知选D。]

  19.A [考查情景交际。句意为:——音乐太响了,你能把收音机调低一点吗?——对不起,我不知道你在看书。第一句是给对方提意见,A项回答符合要求,故选A。]

  20.D [考查情景交际。句意为:——噢,天哪,我如何使用这款网络聊天软件呢?——你难住我了。我对此一无所知。You’ve got me there你难住我了,符合题意。That suits me fine那正适合我;You are welcome不用谢;Take your time别着急,慢慢来。]


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