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发布时间:2017-03-31  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  1.(2015·常州一中高三模拟)Practice is the only ________ to testify truth, while learning of theory eventually serves practical application.

  A.evidence B.element C.criterion D.contrast

  2.(2015·无锡高三模拟)Under the Dome, funded by Chai Jing, was released on Feb. 28th, ________ has raised the publics awareness about air pollution.




  3.(2015·南京三校联考)They should have informed you of the result of the competition by the time it was eventually given out, ________?

  A.havent they

  B.didnt they

  C.shouldnt they

  D.hadnt they

  4.(2015·苏北四市第一次质检)The talks on Irans nuclear issue have entered a ________ final stage when all parties involved are trying to strike a comprehensive deal.





  5.(2015·江苏重点中学高三二模)The only way to live happily with others is to ________ their faults and admire their virtues.





  6.(2015·苏州第一次调研)—Whats that survey for?

  —To get an insight of ________ the customers think of our new product.




  7.(2015·南京师大附中高三质检)—Its down to you to pick up the lecturer to give us the report tomorrow.

  —Yes. But how can I pick him out ________ I’m in the dark about his appearances?




  8.(2015·南通六校4月联考)Mr. Mathew, fully ________ of his sons innocence, began to seek new evidence which would persuade the police to reopen their investigation.



  C.to convince

  D.to be convinced

  9.(2015·南京高三学情调研)With the 2022 World Cup final in Qatar ________ on December 18, the public fixed sights on the Arab nation, causing the concern of the intense summer heat.

  A.taking place

  B.having taken place

  C.to take place

  D.to have taken place

  10.(2015·南通高三测试)—How did Professor Lis lecture impress you?

  —I just heard his voice but couldn’t ________ what he was saying.

  A.pick out

  B.make out

  C.think out

  D.squeeze out

  11.(2015·苏州高三质检)—What about your trip to the town?

  —Couldnt be worse. Stuck in the mud, the car ________ not move, however hard we pushed it.





  12.(2015·泰州高三第一次模拟)—Did your son go to the dentists to have his bad tooth pulled out?

  —Yes, though ________.





  13.(2015·江苏四市六校联考)The two organizations will arrange a one­year seminar and ________ it with a report on their in­depth studies and research findings.





  14.(2015·南京师大附中二模)—Is it true that all the citizens enjoy free medical care in your country?

  —Not exactly. ________ only old people aged 60 or over.

  A.It is

  B.They are

  C.There is

  D.There are

  15.(2015·苏北四市联考)—Where do you think Simons disappeared to?

  —________. But we are trying to get in touch with his parents.

  A.God bless you

  B.Its no big deal

  C.God knows

  D.It makes sense



  (2015·徐州高三调研)You pride yourself on not being terribly attached to your possessions. When __16__ with something, you feel down.

  Our daughter is having trouble letting go of a couch. It?s not only the couch she?s having trouble letting go of but the __17__. It was their first sofa. It has been loaded onto moving trucks and unloaded __18__. Three kids have jumped on it. It?s so worn that the only way you could sell it would be in the __19__.

  Yet she can?t let it go easily and asked me if that was strange.

  “Completely,” I said, “You get it __20__ me.”

  When we were ready to sell our __21__ things, I sold our cradle(摇篮)at the neighborhood garage sale. I had pieces of it in the garage and the others in the house. A young woman said she wanted it for her baby. My throat __22__ and tears began to well. She pulled out cash and my face __23__ up. But when I returned with the other __24__, I was all out crying.“Maybe youre not __25__ to sell it,”the woman said.

  “No­o­o,” I __26__. My vision was so blurred by tears that I nearly __27__ her with one of the side rails. “Its fine, really,” I cried, “Take it.”

  Our __28__ to stuff grows in direct relationship to the amount of time it has sat in one place. You think, “Hey, weve __29__ on to it this long — it must be valuable!”

  Our accumulations of treasures __30__in relation to the ever­increasing size of our houses. And when we outgrow the storage space in our homes, we __31__ someone else to store them. Storage unit facilities __32__ faster. There?s money to be made from people who can?t let go.

  The most extreme __33__ to part with things has even been transformed into entertainment in the form of a television show called Hoarders.

  Let the sofa go, I told my daughter. It __34__ its purpose. You can get a new one. Give the kids some crackers and juice boxes and it will be like the __35__ one in six weeks.

  In daily life, we do need to let go of the past, because only in this way can we welcome the new world.




















































































  (2015·南京高三学情调研)We offer several distinct options for you to choose the ticket that suits you best.TICKET TYPE DISCOUNT* NOTES

  standard returns 20% return within 60 days of outward trip

  same day returns 25% ticket cannot be altered or refunded

  children 40% children between 4 and 11

  students 25% student card must be shown

  senior citizens 25% seniors card must be shown

  groups (1025 people) 15% discount on each section of the trip

  globe­trotter tickets according

  to ticket Railpass, Tourist Card, Econopass

  * Only one discount may apply to each fare.


  Tickets may be refunded not later than 5 minutes before the departure of the train for a charge of 15% of the ticket price, or the journey may be changed to another day for a charge of 10% of the ticket price. (Not applicable to same day returns.)


  You may change your ticket once without charge for a journey on the same day as the original ticket.


  ●When you buy your ticket it is up to you to check that the dates and times of the journey on it are exactly as you requested.

  ●Ticket control and access to each train platform will be open until 2 minutes before departure of the train.

  ●Each traveller may take one suitcase and one item of hand luggage. You may also check in 15 kgs of luggage not later than 30 minutes before departure, at no extra charge.

  ●If you would like to charter a train, or make reservations for over 25 passengers travelling together, call the Sales Department.


  If the arrival of your train at your destination is delayed by more than 5 minutes according to the timetable, we will refund the full price of your ticket if the delay is caused by our company.

  36.If an elderly person with a valid card buys a standard­return ticket, he/she will receive at most a discount of ________.





  37.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A.Same day returns can be changed to another day for a charge of 10% of the ticket price.

  B.You can get your ticket price refunded if you are 2 minutes late for the train.

  C.Travelers should ensure they are ready to board the train with at least 2 minutes to spare.

  D.Extra money will be paid on checked luggage of 15 kgs an hour before departure.

  38.This passage is mainly written to ________.

  A.provide some information about train travel

  B.describe the policies of changes and refunds

  C.introduce the luggage allowance on the train

  D.compare the discounts of different ticket types


  (2015·南通高三测试)She almost did not run. Christine Williams admits that now. She could barely put one foot after another following the wake (守灵) for her sister, who had died in an automobile accident. But she did run. With the cheers of friends and strangers reaching her heart, Williams set a C.W. Post record in Boston. Now she will run again, in the national Division Ⅱcross­country championships in Evansville, Ind. She wanted to be sure she was doing the right thing by running. She was the middle of three sisters, between Kerry, who is 25, and Jennifer, who was 18.

  Just going through any motions was hard enough, but Christine Williams wanted to know if she should put on her uniform and her shoes and run through the woods on an autumn afternoon, in the awful gaping time between her sister?s wake and her funeral. “I kind of got upset beforehand.” Williams admitted. Not a chatterbox under normal conditions, she now holds herself the best way she can, the fewer words the better. She almost walked away from the start line. But her friend Angela Toscano, who had flown up to Boston with her, directly from the wake, was standing near the line and talked her through it. “She said my sister would have wanted me to run.” Christine said. And that was enough to get her started.

  The accident happened just after midnight on Nov. 4. Four young women were driving in an unfamiliar area of Long Island in Eastport, N.Y. , when one of them apparently ran a yield sign, and the car was hit by another vehicle. Heather Brownrigg and Jennifer Williams died, and their friends April Brown and Kaci Moran were treated at a hospital and released.

  The crash made the papers. April Brown was charged with drunken driving and driving without a license.

  The wake began on Nov. 6. The next day Christine was to run with the Post cross­country team at the regional meet. Rich Degnan, the Post coach, and Post officials offered a car service and tickets on the last flight to Boston for Christine and Toscano. When they arrived at the hotel, the entire team was waiting up for her.

  Everybody knew about it at the regional meet. Degnan had to arrange for the flexibility of an alternate, just in case Christine could not go. Several times during the race, Christine felt she could not continue. But then she heard her friends and all those other people, those strangers from other colleges, calling her name. She thought about Jennifer. And she ran. She finished fourth in 22 minutes 58 seconds, breaking the Post record for the 6­kilometer distance by 15 seconds. And although the Post team didn?t qualify for the nationals, Christine did.

  39.The efforts Christines Post team made for her include the following EXCEPT ________.

  A.offering car service and flight tickets to Boston

  B.arranging for a substitute for her beforehand

  C.taking care of her food and uniforms

  D.cheering for her during the race

  40.We can learn from the passage that ________.

  A.Christines two sisters were killed in the accident

  B.Christines athletic performance stood out in the race

  C.Christine flew to Boston after her sisters funeral

  D.Christine broke the Post record in national meet in Boston

  41.What is the crucial factor contributing to Christines success in the race?

  A.Diligent practice.

  B.Excellent coaching.

  C.Good relationships.

  D.Firm determination.


  (2015·苏州高三质检)The most complex object known to humanity is the human brain — and not only is it complex, but it is one of the few natural phenomena that science has no consciousness of. To try to replicate (复制) something that is so poorly understood may therefore seem like pride. But you have to start somewhere, and International Business Machines (IBM) and the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), in Switzerland, propose to start by replicating “in silico”, one of the brains building blocks.

  In a partnership announced, the two organizations said they would be working together to build a simulation (模拟) of a structure known as a neo­cortical (新大脑皮质的) column on a type of IBM supercomputer that is currently used to study the molecular functioning of genes. If that works, they plan to use more powerful computers to link such simulated columns together into something that mimics (模仿) a brain.

  In a real brain, a neo­cortical column is a cylindrical (圆柱形的) element about a third of a millimeter in diameter and three millimeters long. It is these columns, arranged side by side like the cells of a honeycomb, which make up the famous “grey matter” that has become shorthand for human intelligence. The Blue Gene/L supercomputer that will be used for the simulation consists of enough independent processors for each to be programmed to mimic an individual nerve cell in a column.

  The EPFL?s contribution to the Blue Brain Project will be to create a digital description of how the columns behave. The database from its Brain Mind Institute will provide the raw material for the simulation. Biologists and computer scientists will then connect the artificial nerve cells up in a way that mimics nature. They will do so by assigning electrical properties (电性能) to them, and telling them how to communicate with each other and how they should modify their connections with one another depending on their activity.

  That_will_be_no_mean_feat. Even a single nerve cell is complicated, not least because each one has about 10,000 connections with others. And nerve cells come in great variety — relying, for example, on different chemical transmitters to carry messages across those connections. Eventually, however, a digital representation of an entire column should occur.

  Assuming that the growth of computing power continues to follow Moore?s Law, the leader of IBM?s side thinks it should be practical to mimic an entire human brain in silico this way in ten to fifteen years. Such an artificial brain would, of course, be a powerful research tool. It would allow neurological experiments that currently take days in a “web lab” to be conducted in seconds. The researchers hope that their simulated brain will reveal the secrets of how certain psychiatric and neurological disorders develop. But that is probably not the real reason for doing it. The most interesting question, surely, is whether such an artificial brain will be intelligent, or conscious, or both.

  42.In a real brain, a neo­cortical column ________.

  A.looks like the cells of a honeycomb

  B.is a simulation of a structure

  C.is the famous “grey matter”

  D.contains a large number of nerve cells

  43.What does the underlined sentence “That_will_be_no_mean_feat.” in Paragraph 5 indicate?

  A.It is rather difficult to connect the artificial nerve cells up.

  B.The function of chemical transmitters is hard to understand.

  C.A digital representation of an entire column is time­consuming.

  D.A single nerve cell is complicated to identify across connections.

  44.The fundamental purpose of doing the research is probably to ________.

  A.simulate an entire human brain in silico

  B.tell us how some certain disorders emerge

  C.discover how the artificial brain would work

  D.examine whether Moore’s Law is still functioning

  45.What type of writing is this passage?

  A.A science fiction.

  B.A research report.

  C.An official document.

  D.A computer advertisement.


  (2015·泰州高三第一次模拟)In less than 60 years the people of my tribe have gone from being an independent nation, to cultural prisoners, to welfare recipients (享有者). Is it any wonder that there are so many problems facing indigenous (土著的) Australians today?

  When I was growing up in Kowanyama there were 15 people in my class. I am the only one who has gone to university. I’m also the only girl in my class who did not have a child at 15. Of the boys in my class, seven have been incarcerated,_two for murder, five for robbery and rape. Only three of us are not alcoholics. Four of my classmates have committed suicide.

  Life as a young aborigine is not easy, in any setting. The story of my fellow students is a lesson in the magnitude of the problems that young indigenous people in Cape York face.

  The two issues that are central to changing this story are education and health. There is a huge gap between what we get in communities and what other kids get in cities.

  One of the problems facing education in remote indigenous schools is that teachers tend to be just out of training and stay for only a year or two. Not one teacher stayed for the whole of my nine years at school — not even the principals. This seeming lack of commitment makes you feel they don’t care.

  We need to review the curriculum in these communities because it is pitched at a very low level. I have had to draw the conclusion that governments and educationalists see us as less than white people.

  Education should be uplifting, not serve to reinforce lack of self­esteem and the heart­wrenching low expectations that our race suffer from.

  We need a massive reassessment of education policies and an equally massive investment in education. We have spent so long listening to some white fellows telling us we are stupid, lazy no­hopers that the majority of my people actually believe it.

  The relationship between poor education and poor health is clear. People whose self­esteem and pride have been destroyed by a substandard education system and a social system that creates an addiction to passive welfare have little reason to live healthy lives. Our health is getting worse.

  The policies that determine the delivery of health services are deeply flawed by a bureaucracy (官僚作风) that does not want to hear our voices. Health services are often confined to the clinic.

  It is problems and challenges such as these that led me to stand in last October’s ATSIC election. ATSIC is more than the board of commissioners and the Canberra bureaucracy. ATSIC is also people who are from community and work hard for community.

  We recognize that governments cannot solve our problems for us. As young people we are trying to take responsibility for our future. I ask the Prime Minister, not that he fixes these problems for us but that he and his government see us as equal partners in the huge task of rebuilding our families, communities and Cape York Peninsula.

  He demonstrated his commitment by engaging his government at the family and domestic violence summit. My view is that the level of domestic violence and child abuse sums up all that has been wrong with Aboriginal policy.

  We need a new relationship to address this frightening reality in our lives. Aboriginal people are reluctant to admit that young girls and women are being raped by their own people because of the blanket of shame.

  I am asking you to help lift that blanket.

  I stand here

  as a proud Aboriginal woman, a Kokoberra woman as well as a criminologist, and I thank you for your time and attention.

  Tania Major, 22, is an ATSIC regional councilor and a trainee manager at her home community of Kowanyama on Cape York.

  This is an edited version of an address she is scheduled to give at a meeting between the Prime Minister and Cape York leaders (full text at smh.com.au).

  46.Which of the following words can best describe Tania’s tone?

  A.Regretful. B.Depressed.



  47.The underlined word “incarcerated” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “________”.





  48.We can infer from the passage that in Australia ______.

  A.few teachers are willing to work in indigenous schools because they are poorly paid

  B.the curriculum in indigenous schools has to be easier otherwise the students will fail

  C.the undereducated aborigines are considered to be lazy and dependent on welfare

  D.a good education can help the aboriginal people to learn to set high expectations

  49.Who do you think are Tanias audience?

  A.Aboriginal people.

  B.Young boys and girls in Kowanyama.

  C.Teachers and principals.

  D.The Prime Minister and the Cape York leaders.

  50.What is the main idea of the passage?

  A.ATSIC doesnt serve the people because of its incompetence and bureaucracy.

  B.The aboriginal people can learn to be responsible for their future if treated equally.

  C.The government has adopted fresh policies related to the delivery of health services.

  D.The biggest problems facing the aboriginal people are domestic violence and child abuse.



  Ⅰ.1.选C 考查名词辨析。句意:实践是检验真理的唯一标准,而理论学习最终将服务于实践应用。A项“证据”;B项“元素”;C项“(评判)标准”;D项“对比”。根据句意可知,criterion符合句意。故答案选C。

  2.选A 考查定语从句。“________has raised the publics awareness about air pollution”为非限制性定语从句,先行词是“Under the Dome”,为专有名词,指物,在定语从句中作主语,故用which引导。故答案选A。

  3.选D 考查反意疑问句。句意:在最终结果出来前,他们本来就应该通知过你了,难道他们没有吗?题干为复合句,时间状语从句中使用了一般过去时,主句中进行推测的动作应表示“已经通知”,该动作发生在“结果出来”之前,表示过去的过去,应用过去完成时。根据反意疑问句的规则可知,主语为they,助动词使用had,前肯后否,即hadn’t they。故答案选D。

  4.选B 考查形容词辨析。句意:有关伊朗核问题的会谈已经进入到了至关紧要的最后阶段,与会各方都在试图达成一项全面协定。A项“具体的”;B项“至关紧要的”;C项“一致的”;D项“相反的”。crucial符合句意。故答案选B。

  5.选A 考查动词辨析。句意:与别人愉快相处的唯一方法是忽视他们的缺点并欣赏他们的优点。A项“忽视”;B项“证明……合法”;C项“澄清,弄明白”;D项“感谢,承认”。故答案选A。

  6.选C 考查宾语从句。答句中介词of后为宾语从句,从句句意:顾客认为我们的新产品怎么样。从句中的谓语think of缺少宾语补足语,选项中只有what可以在名词性从句中充当宾语补足语。故答案选C。

  7.选D 考查状语从句。答句句意:好的。但是既然我不知道他的长相,我怎么能认出他呢?此处when引导原因状语从句,意为“既然”。故答案选D。

  8.选B 考查非谓语动词。固定短语be convinced of意为“确信”。分析句子结构可知,空格处需填非谓语动词,故用convince的过去分词形式表示相信的状态。故答案选B。

  9.选C 考查非谓语动词。根据句中“2022 World Cup”可知,空格处表示将来的动作。动词不定式能表示将来的动作,而to have done表示动作已发生,故排除。故答案选C。

  10.选B 考查动词短语辨析。答句句意:我只是听到了他的声音,但是不明白他在说什么。A项“挑出,认出”;B项“理解,明白”;C项“仔细考虑”;D项“榨出,挤出”。make out符合句意。故答案选B。

  11.选C 考查情态动词。答句句意:不能再糟了。车陷在泥里,不管我们多么努力推,它就是不动。答句中的动作发生在过去。would可用在过去时态中,表示一种倾向,用于否定句时,意为“(即使……)也不……”。故答案选C。

  12.选B 考查副词辨析。句意:“你儿子去牙医那里把坏牙拔了吗?”“去了,尽管不太情愿。”A项“满足地,安心地”;B项“勉强地,不情愿地”;C项“认真地,热切地”;D项“有争议地”。由语境中though可知,reluctantly符合句意。故答案选B。

  13.选A 考查动词辨析。句意:这两个组织将会安排一个为期一年的研讨会,会议以一份以他们的深入研究及发现为基础的报告而结束。conclude此处意为“结束”,conclude ... with ...“以……结束……”。故答案选A。

  14.选A “It is only old people aged 60 or over that/who enjoy free medical care in my country.”,A。

  15.选C 考查交际用语。句意:“你觉得西蒙跑哪儿去了?”“天晓得。但是我们正在试图联系他的父母。”A项“愿上帝保佑你”;B项“没什么大不了的”;C项“天晓得”;D项“有道理”。根据句意可知,God knows符合句意。故答案选C。


  语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者和孩子们经常恋旧,舍不得卖掉以前的东西,把它们当成宝贝保留着。不过,作者已经意识到,人要学会放下过去。毕竟旧的不去,新的不来,只有这样我们才能拥有新世界。16.选C 根据第二段第一句中“letting go of a couch”可知,本句指和自己的物品分离。part with“和……分开”,符合语境。此处也与倒数第三段第一句中的“The most extreme ________ to part with things”相照应。故选C项。

  17.选A 根据下句“It was their first sofa.”可知,因为是第一个沙发,所以女儿舍不得的不只是沙发,还有与之相关的回忆。故选A项,意为“回忆,记忆”。

  18.选C 根据语境可知,女儿不愿卖掉这个沙发。故选C,意为“重复地,反复发生地”,指多次将沙发装上车又卸下来。

  19.选D 根据上文“so worn”可知,这个沙发很破旧了,只有天黑时才能卖掉。故选D项,意为“黑色,暗处”。

  20.选A 根据第五段作者卖摇篮的经历可知,作者自己也是怀旧的人。所以此句表示女儿遗传了作者这个特点。故选A项。

  21.选B 根据下文“I sold our cradle (摇篮)”可知,作者卖掉的是婴儿用品。故选B项。

  22.选D 根据下文“tears began to well”可知,作者在卖摇篮时因为怀旧感到伤心,眼泪流了下来。由此可推知,此时作者想哭却不敢哭出声音,感到喉咙发紧。故选D项,意为“收紧,变紧”。

  23.选A 根据上文“She pulled out cash”可知,此处指当这位女士拿出钱时,作者不再那么悲伤了。故选A项。light up是固定短语,意为“变得喜悦,点亮”。

  24.选B 根据本段第二句“I had pieces of it in the garage and the others in the house.”可知,作者回家取摇篮的其他部件。故选B项。

  25.选D 看到作者如此伤感,这位女士认为作者还没准备好卖掉这个摇篮。故选D项,意为“准备好的,乐意的”。

  26.选C 根据“No­o­o”可知,作者回答时哽咽了。故选C项,意为“呜咽,啜泣”。

  27.选C 因为眼泪模糊了视线,作者差点用摇篮的护栏打到这位女士。故选C项,意为“击中,打中”。

  28.选A 句意:我们对东西的依恋和这个东西在一个地方待的时间长短有直接关系。attachment“依恋,爱慕”,符合语境。故选A项。

  29.选D 因为保留了这么长时间才觉得它珍贵。hang on to sth.意为“保留,不卖掉,不放弃”。

  30.选C 根据下文“outgrow the storage space in our homes”可知,随着房子面积的增加,作者家里的东西也在不断增多。故选C项,意为“增加,延伸”。

  31.选B 根据本段最后一句“Theres money to be made from people who can’t let go.”可知,当自己家没地方存放东西时,作者就花钱请别人代为保管。故选B项,意为“支付”。

  32.选C 根据上下文语境可知,自己家存储空间不够的时候,恋旧的人就花钱请别人代为保管,所以存放旧物的机构就会增加得很快。故选C项,意为“增加,相乘,繁殖”。

  33.选A 通读上文内容可知,本文主要描写了人们的恋旧情结,对旧物难以割舍。故选A项,意为“无能,无力”。

  34.选D 根据第二段中的“Three kids have jumped on it. Its so worn”可知,此处指沙发履行了使命。故选D项,意为“履行义务,尽职责”。

  35.选B 由上文“Give the kids some crackers and juice boxes”可知,给孩子们一些饼干和果汁,这个新沙发很快就会变旧了。故选B项。


  语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。介绍了乘坐火车出行时的购票、退换票信息以及一些相关的注意事项。36.选B 细节理解题。题干中“an elderly person with a valid card”意为“持有效证件的老年人”。根据表格中“senior citizens”对应的信息可知,老年人可以享受25%的折扣。根据表格中“standard returns”对应的信息可知,购买标准往返票可享受20%的折扣;由此结合表格下“Only one discount may apply to each fare.”可知,折扣只能选择其一。“senior citizens”对应的折扣更大。由此可知,答案是B项。

  37.选C 细节理解题。根据“INFORMATION OF INTEREST TO TRAVELLERS”部分中第二条“Ticket control and access to each train platform will be open until 2 minutes before departure of the train.”可知,通往每个火车站台的入口将于开车前两分钟关闭。由此可知,旅客要确保有多于两分钟的时间登上火车,故C项正确。

  38.选A 写作意图题。通读全文可知,本文属于应用文,介绍了乘坐火车出行时的购票、退换票信息以及一些相关的注意事项。因此A项“提供一些关于乘火车出行的信息”较为全面。其余选项都是文章内容的某一个部分。故选A项。

  语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。在一次车祸中,Christine的妹妹不幸遇难。在为妹妹守灵之后她连行走都变得困难。但在为妹妹守灵的第二天她就需要去参加越野赛。在这种心理和身体状况下,她能成功吗?39.选C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第三句可知,A项表述正确;根据最后一段第二句可知,B项表述正确;根据最后一段第四句可知,D项表述正确。C项文中没有提到,故答案为C项。

  40.选B 推理判断题。根据文章最后两句“She finished fourth in 22 ... didnt qualify for the nationals, Christine did.”可知,B项正确,意为“Christine在比赛中表现突出”。

  41.选D 推理判断题。通读全文可知,面对妹妹在车祸中遇难,恰巧自己的脚也受伤的情况下,Christine坚持参加了地区长跑比赛。虽然在比赛过程中她几次想要退出,但想到参加比赛是对妹妹在天之灵的安慰,再加上朋友、陌生人的不断鼓励,她最终还是完成了比赛,并获得了第四名。由此可知,是坚定的决心让Christine成功的。故选D项,意为“坚定的决心”。

  语篇解读:本文是一篇科普说明文。人类所知的最复杂的事物就是人的大脑——因为科学对此尚未完全研究清楚。不过,IBM电脑公司和瑞士洛桑联邦理工大学EPFL的科学家们正在联合建造人类大脑结构的模型,从而能够更多地了解大脑。42.选D 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句中“arranged side by side like the cells of a honeycomb”可知,新大脑皮质柱的排列方式就如同蜂窝一样由很多细胞组成,而不是新大脑皮质柱的样子像蜂窝,故D项正确。

  43.选A 句意理解题。通读第四、五段可知,第四段科学家提出“connect the artificial nerve cells up”的理论设计,而第五段则是叙述这样做的实际难度。由此可知,答案是A项。

  44.选C 细节理解题。根据文章最后一句可知,这项研究的最主要目的是想弄清楚人工大脑是否有智慧或有意识,或能二者兼顾。故选C项,意为“发现人工大脑如何运行”。

  45.选B 推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文属于科普类说明文,介绍了IBM电脑公司和瑞士洛桑联邦理工大学(EPFL)的科学家们正在联合为人类大脑建造模型。由此可知,答案为B项,意为“研究报道”。

  语篇解读:本文是一篇演讲稿。选自Tania Major作为澳大利亚土著人及Kowanyama委员会代表在总理与Cape York半岛的领导人共同参与的会议上的讲话。讲话中,她指出由于白人不公正对待而导致的教育和健康问题是Cape York土著人所面临的问题中最严峻且最重要的。此外Tania Major还指出,这些问题需要靠土著人自己去解决,不过需要政府在政策上平等地对待土著人。46.选C 推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文是Tania Major在澳大利亚总理和Cape York领导会议上的演讲稿,材料中提到了澳大利亚土著居民所面临的教育和健康上的问题,呼吁政府平等对待土著人,号召土著人要靠自己解决这些问题。由此可知,Tania Major的态度是严肃认真的。故选C项。

  47.选D 词义猜测题。根据画线词后“two for murder, five for robbery and rape”可知,这些人中有两人犯了谋杀罪,五个人犯了抢劫和强奸罪。由此可知,“incarcerated”意为“入狱”。故选D项,意为“被关押,被监禁”。

  48.选C 推理判断题。根据第八段最后一句中“we are stupid, lazy no­hopers”和第九段第二句中“addiction to passive welfare”可知,土著人被白人看成是愚蠢和懒惰、没有希望、一味依靠社会福利的人。故C项正确。

  49.选D 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段可知,文章是Tania Major在澳大利亚总理和Cape York领导会上的演讲稿。由此可知,答案是D项。

  50.选B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文是Tania Major作为澳大利亚土著人及Kowanyama海峡岛民委员会代表在总理与Cape York会议上的讲话。她指出,由于白人的不公正对待而导致Cape York土著人所面临的教育和健康问题要靠土著人自己去解决,不过需要政府在政策上平等对待土著人。由此可知,答案B项与文章主要内容相符。


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