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发布时间:2017-03-31  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  1.(2015·泰州高三第一次模拟)Everyone doesnt agree to the plan. Some support it while I’m one of

  ________ opposed to it.

  A.those whoB.who



  2.(2015·无锡高三模拟)In recent years, Apple has successfully ________ its market to every corner of the world.





  3.(2015·南京师大附中二模)Not once ________ their hope of returning home on that adventurous journey across the unknown seas.

  A.the sailors have lost

  B.the sailors lost

  C.had the sailors lost

  D.did the sailors lose

  4.(2015·苏北四市联考)Expanding populations and steadily improving communications brought more trade and contact, but also more ________ between social groups.





  5.(2015·徐州高三调研)—Have you told your parents about your decision?

  —Not yet. I can hardly imagine ________ they will react.





  6.(2015·南通六校4月联考)—Have you got the money ready for a new car?

  —By next month, I ________ enough for a cheap one. 

  A.will save

  B.have saved

  C.am saving

  D.will have saved

  7.(2015·苏锡常镇高三调研)If you put a stone in the way of an ant, it will go around, over, under or on top, without stopping, until it finds a way to get ________ it needs to be.

  A.what   B.how   C.which   D.where

  8.(2015·苏州第一次调研)It is true that hospitals lose money. But ________, if people are healthy, dont think of it as losing money; think of it as saving lives.

  A.on the other hand

  B.all in all

  C.in addition

  D.as a result

  9.(2015·徐州4月月考)Much disappointed as he is ________ in the job interview, he still keeps his confidence.

  A.to have failed


  C.having failed


  10.(2015·常州高三二模)Having seen several deadly traffic accidents recently, Chinas traffic police launched

  ________ breath tests among all drivers.




  11.(2015·江苏重点中学高三二模)Many people wont ________ a suggestion without being asked. So don’t hesitate to ask!




  12.(2015·南通高三调研)—What if he fails in the next

  monthly examination again?

  —I dont know. ______ heart and be reduced ______ the class?

  A.Will he lose; to not attending

  B.Did he lose; to not attending

  C.Had he lost; not to attending

  D.Would he lose; to not attending

  13.(2015·镇江高三模拟)Most of the students in the “Occupy Central” movement in Hong Kong ______ have participated for more rights, but what they did caused serious effects on people’s living.




  14.(2015·淮安中学4月检测)The manager asked his assistant if it was possible to ________ the investment plan within a week.

  A.work out

  B.put out

  C.make out

  D.set out

  15.(2015·苏北四市第一次质检)—Have you finished your math homework?

  —________, just half of it. How about you?

  A.Not at all

  B.Good luck

  C.Im sorry

  D.Not yet



  (2015·南通高三测试)Its been so long that I can’t remember the crime, but I’ll never forget the punishment: Dig up the fig tree

  (无花果树) in the backyard and plant it at Mumsys place in the country. As I often did when __16__ to hard labor in the garden, I suspected this was my parents’ way of __17__ me to do their dirty work.

  It was a Sunday morning. With some tools, I went at the tree, dismantling (拆卸) it branch by branch and limb by limb, __18__ all that remained of the once­proud specimen was a sorry­looking stump of a thing.

  “What did that __19__ ever do to you?” my father said, “You left some taproot (主根), at least. Go and load up the truck.” On any other day before, during the __20__ to Mumsys, we would have pleasantly __21__ school as usual, but I fenced myself off that time.

  Then, at Mumsy?s, instead of sitting back to watch me work, he __22__ me. As my father and I took turns to work, I could feel my anger __23__, making room for the simple satisfaction of working at my father’s side __24__ a common goal.

  “Well,” my father said when we __25__, “weve done what we can do.” “Do you think there’s any __26__ that it can grow up?” I asked. “Its rich dirt. They say you can __27__ toenails in it and grow little kids.” My father answered. I never tried the toenail trick, but I did __28__ as it settled in, took root, and began to prosper. I was amazed and __29__ when bowls of figs began to fill the fridge.

  In a __30__ fair world, I don?t deserve the reward. I had __31__ the tree for my own complaints. What right did I have to the fruit? Years later, I put this __32__ to my father. Watching him slide a bowl of figs from the fridge one morning, I felt a sudden stab of shame for my boyhood __33__. My father took a fig from the __34__ and let me think of the fruit as forgiveness. “You,” he said, “__35__ some of that.”





















  21.A.thought over

  B.talked about

  C.broke into

  D.gave up




























































  (2015·盐城高三二模)What would it take, I wondered, to break the ice between neighbors? I thought about childhood sleepovers and what I used to get from waking up inside a friends home. Would my neighbors let me sleep over and write about their lives from inside their own houses?

  I began to telephone my neighbors and send e­mail messages; in some cases, I just walked up to the door and rang the bell. The first ones turned me down, but then I called Lou. “You can write about me, but it will be boring,” he warned. “I have nothing going on in my life — nothing. My life is zero. I don’t do anything.”

  That turned out not to be true. When Lou finally awoke that morning at 6:18, he and I shared breakfast. Then he lay on a sofa in his study and, skipping his morning nap, told me about his grandparents immigration, his big Catholic family, his admission to medical school despite the discrimination against Italians, and how he met and finally married his wife, built a career and raised their children.

  Later, we went to the Y.M.C.A. for his regular workout; he mostly just chatted with friends. We ate lunch. He took a nap. We watched the business news. That evening, he made us dinner and talked of friends he had lost, his concerns for his children’s futures and his own life after his wife passed away.

  Before I left, Lou told me how to get into his house in case of an emergency, and I told him where I hid my spare key. That evening, as I carried my bag home, I felt that in my neighbor’s house lived a person I actually knew.

  36.What idea did the author come up with to break the ice between neighbors?

  A.Meeting his neighbors every day in the Y.M.C.A.

  B.Knocking at his neighbors doors as often as possible.

  C.Staying the night at his neighbors and learning about their lives.

  D.Sending messages or e­mails to his neighbors to introduce his book.

  37.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

  A.The author found Lous life quite boring.

  B.Lou was educated to be a medical professional.

  C.The author made friends with Lou after the sleepover.

  D.Lou told the author many of the important moments in his life.


  (2015·扬州第二次调研)As the death rate from the Ebola outbreak rises and the number of cases increases, concern is growing over the measures in place to control the deadly virus.

  The battle against Ebola has already reduced the health systems in affected countries to struggling. What is being done to treat those infected and stop the disease from spreading?

  Here we show how an Ebola treatment facility run by medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) operates.

  The treatment centre is designed to separate confirmed Ebola patients from probable or likely cases.

  Upon entry, patients are examined by medical staff protected by full protective equipment.

  Following the initial diagnosis (诊断), they are then split into low or high probability wards until the laboratory results come in, which could take anything from a few hours to days, depending on the facility.

  There is little that medical workers can do for their patients, as there is no cure for Ebola. All they can help with is to care for the patients and treat symptoms, as well as wash and comfort them.

  According to MSF, good care increases the chances of survival from a disease that has a 50% death rate. However, overcrowded facilities and a shortage of staff have made this difficult so far.


  When coming into contact with patients, or entering areas where contamination (污染) risk is high, medical workers always use special protective equipment and follow special procedures.

  Medical staff are advised to wear the equipment for no longer than an hour at a time due to the high temperatures that can build up in the suit.

  Health workers face increased risks in the battle against Ebola, and more than 400 have already got infected since its outbreak. More than half, 232, died from the virus.

  International response

  The World Health Organization (WHO) has said that there is still a significant lack of beds in Sierra Leone and Liberia, and the number is expected to rise.

  With patients being turned away from treatment centres because of the lack of beds and space, additional treatment centres are desperately needed. The UK is sending 750 military personnel to Sierra Leone. The United States has promised to build 18 Ebola treatment centres, as well as sending up to 3,000 troops.

  Attempts to send more health workers and open new Ebola treatment centres in the worst­affected countries are gathering pace.

  38.What is the procedure adopted in an MSF treatment centre to deal with an Ebola patient according to the passage?

  ①Care and treatment

  ②Admission to wards separately

  ③Examination and diagnosis

  ④Comfort and cure





  39.Which is the most suitable subtitle for Paragraphs 9, 10 and 11?

  A.Taking necessary risks

  B.Treating Ebola victims

  C.Protecting medical staff

  D.Providing special equipment

  40.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

  A.Many affected countries have their health systems under severe challenge.

  B.WHOs attempts to open new Ebola treatment centres are slowing down.

  C.People show increasing concern about actions taken to fight the disease.

  D.Efforts are made internationally to help bring the disease under control.


  (2015·南京三校联考)Ancient volcanic eruptions in Australia 510 million years ago significantly affected the climate, causing the first known mass extinction (灭绝) in the history of complex life, according to research published in Geology.Professor Jourdan from Curtin University?s Department of Applied Geology, along with colleagues from several Australian and international institutions, used radioactive dating techniques to precisely measure the age of the eruptions of the Kalkarindji volcanic province, where lavas covered an area of more than 2 million km2 in the Northern Territory and Western Australia. The researchers found that the volcanic eruptions happened at the same time as the Early­Middle Cambrian extinction 510511 million years ago — the first extinction to wipe out complex life.

  “It has been well­documented that this extinction, which eradicated 50% of species (物种), was related to climate changes and reduction of oxygen in the oceans, but the exact process was not known until now,” Jourdan said. “We were not only able to prove that the Kalkarindji volcanic eruptions took place at the exact same time as the Cambrian extinction, but we were also able to measure a reduction of sulfur dioxide (二氧化硫) from the province’s volcanic rocks — which indicates sulfur was released into the atmosphere during the eruptions.”

  “As a modern comparison, when the small volcano Pinatubo erupted in 1991, the resulting release of sulfur dioxide decreased the average global temperatures by a few tenths of a degree for a few years following the eruption. If relatively small eruptions like Pinatubo can affect the climate, just imagine what a volcanic province with an area equal to the size of the state of Western Australia can do.”

  A comparison of the Kalkarindji and other volcanic provinces showed that the most likely process for all the mass extinctions was a rapid change of the climate caused by volcanic eruptions that sent out sulfur dioxide along with the greenhouse gases.

  “We calculated a near­perfect chronological (按时间) connection between large volcanic province eruptions, climate changes and mass extinctions over the history of life during the last 550 million years, with only one chance over 20 billion that this connection is just a coincidence,” Jourdan said.

  Jourdan said the rapid change of the climate produced by volcanic eruptions made it difficult for various species to adapt, finally resulting in their death.

  41.According to Jourdan, it is recorded that the first mass extinction had a connection with ________.

  A.climate changes and reduction of oxygen in the oceans

  B.reduction of greenhouse gases and sulfur dioxide

  C.a rise in the level of radioactive matters

  D.the increase of temperatures and greenhouse gases

  42.The underlined word “eradicated” in Paragraph 3 probably means “________”.

  A.gave off

  B.put away

  C.turned over

  D.wiped out

  43.From the article, it is safe to say the following EXCEPT that ________.

  A.the eruption of volcano Pinatubo caused significant climate change in 1991

  B.the connection between large volcanic eruptions, climate changes and mass extinctions is probably not coincidence

  C.unable to adapt to the sudden change in climate, various species died out

  D.volcanic eruptions sent out sulfur dioxide as well as greenhouse gases

  44.The best title of the passage is probably “________”.

  A.Eruption of Australian Volcanoes Affected Large Areas

  B.Researchers Further Studied Climate Changes

  C.Scientists Precisely Measured the Age of Volcanic Eruptions

  D.Australian Volcanoes Caused First Mass Extinction


  (2015·苏锡常镇高三调研)Mrs. Spring Fragrance was trying to cheer Laura up.

  “I had such a pretty walk today,” said she. “I crossed the banks above the beach and came back by the long road. In the gardens the bushes were flowering, and in the air was the perfume of the wallflower. I wished, Laura, that you were with me.”

  Laura burst into tears. “That is the walk,” she sobbed, “Kai Tzu and I so love; but never can we take it together again.”

  “Now, little sister,” comforted Mrs. Spring Fragrance, “you really must not cry like that. Is there not a beautiful American poem written by a noble American named Tennyson, which says:

  ’Tis better to have loved and lost,

  Than never to have loved at all?”

  Mrs. Spring Fragrance was unaware that Mr. Spring Fragrance, having returned from the city, tired with the day’s business, had thrown himself down on the bamboo sofa on the corridor, and that although his eyes were busy scanning the pages of the Chinese World, his ears couldn’t help receiving the words through the open window.

  “’Tis better to have loved and lost,

  Than never to have loved at all.”

  repeated Mr. Spring Fragrance. Not wishing to hear more secret talk of women, he arose and walked to the other side of the house. He felt in his pocket and touched a little box. It contained a jade necklace, which Mrs. Spring Fragrance had particularly admired the last time she was downtown. It was the fifth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Spring Fragra­nce’s wedding day.

  Mr. Spring Fragrance pressed the little box down into the depths of his pocket.

  A young man came out of the next­door house. “Good evening,” he said.

  “Good evening,” said Mr. Spring Fragrance. “Will you please tell me the meaning of two lines of an American poem?”

  “Certainly,” returned the young man with a friendly smile. He was a star student at the University of Washington, and had not the slightest doubt that he could explain the meaning of all things in the universe. “Well,” said Mr. Spring Fragrance, “it is this:

  Tis better to have loved and lost,

  Than never to have loved at all.”

  “Ah!” responded the young man with an air of profound (玄奥的) wisdom. “That, Mr. Spring Fragrance, means that it is a good thing to love anyway — even if we cant get what we love, or, as the poet tells us, lose what we love. Of course, one needs experience to feel the truth of this teaching.”

  The young man smiled, recalling his own past. More than a dozen girls “loved and lost” were passing before his mind’s eyes.

  “The truth of the teaching!” repeated Mr. Spring Fragrance, a little impatiently. “There is no truth in it whatever. Is it not better to have what you do not love than to love what you do not have?”

  “That depends,” answered the young man, “upon temperament (性情).”

  “Thank you,” said Mr. Spring Fragrance. He turned away to think about the unwisdom of the_American_way_of_looking_at_things.

  Meanwhile, inside the house, Laura was refusing to be comforted.

  “Ah, no! no!” cried she. “If I had not gone to school with Kai Tzu, nor talked nor walked with him, nor played the accompaniments (伴奏) to his songs, then I might consider with satisfaction, or at least without horror, my approaching marriage with the son of Man You. But as it is ... oh, as it is ...!”

  Mrs. Spring Fragrance knelt down beside her and cried in sympathy.

  “Little sister, dry your tears — do not despair (绝望). A moon has yet to pass before the marriage can take place. Who knows what the stars may have to say to one another during its passing? A little bird has whispered to me —”

  For a long time Mrs. Spring Fragrance talked. For a long time Laura listened. When the girl arose to go, there was a bright light in her eyes.

  (—Adapted from Mrs Spring Fragrance)

  45.From the beginning paragraphs we can tell that ______.

  A.Mrs. Spring Fragrance managed to comfort Laura by picturing the beautiful scenery

  B.Mrs. Spring Fragrance had done a long and tiresome walk earlier

  C.Laura loved walking and often went with the Spring Fragrances

  D.Mrs. Spring Fragrances comfort only reminded Laura of her trouble

  46.Mr. Spring Fragrance came home unnoticed, overheard the talk, yet walked away. This part of the story is so designed to suggest that ________.

  A.Mr. Spring Fragrance had a long day and was too tired to join the ladies

  B.Mr. Spring Fragrance was not interested in the ladies secret talk

  C.Mr. Spring Fragrance had a misunderstanding of the talk for lack of context

  D.Mr. Spring Fragrance didnt have a deep feeling for Mrs. Spring Fragrance

  47.Which description about the young man to whom Mr. Spring Fragrance talked is actually WRONG?

  A.He was a student at the University of Washington.

  B.He could explain the meaning of all things in the world.

  C.The poem reminded him of his own experience.

  D.He had a high opinion of himself.

  48.What does “the American way of looking at things” mean in the story?

  A.Americans prefer to love even if they cant get what they love.

  B.Americans consider it a good thing to love and not get what they love.

  C.Americans think that it is better to have what they do not love.

  D.Americans believe it is unwise to love what they do not have.

  49.What does the underlined word “its” refer to?

  A.The little birds.

  B.The moons.

  C.The stars.

  D.The marriages.

  50.We can conclude from the last several paragraphs that ________.

  A.Laura met the son of Man You when she played the accompaniments for him

  B.Laura, as well as Mrs. Spring Fragrance, was deep in despair

  C.Laura left with hope after Mrs. Spring Fragrance whispered in her ears

  D.Laura thought of her approaching marriage as quite satisfactory.1.选C 考查代词辨析。句意:并不是每个人都赞成那个计划。有些人支持它,而我则是反对者之一。空格处相当于“the persons”,空格后为过去分词短语作定语。如果选A项需在opposed的前面加上系动词are构成定语从句。that不能代替可数名词复数。故选C项。

  2.选C 考查动词辨析。句意:最近几年,苹果公司已成功地将它的市场扩展到世界的各个角落。expand“扩张,扩展”,符合语境。故选C项。divide“划分”;recover“恢复”;attract“吸引”。

  3.选D 考查倒装句。句意:在穿越未知海域的那次惊险旅行中,水手们从没有放弃回家的希望。表示否定意义的not置于句首时,句子应用部分倒装语序。根据句意可知,事情发生在过去,应用一般过去时。故选D项。

  4.选B 考查名词辨析。句意:(不断)增加的人口和稳步改善的通讯带来了更多的贸易和交流(机会),但是也导致了社会团体之间更多的冲突。A项意为“合作”;B项意为“冲突”;C项意为“解放”;D项意为“分配”。“but”说明前后是转折关系,故选B项。

  5.选C 考查宾语从句。句意:“你已经告诉你父母你的决定了吗?”“还没有。我几乎想象不出他们会如何反应。”how在此处引导宾语从句,并在从句中作方式状语,修饰动词“react”。故选C项。

  6.选D 考查时态。“by+时间词”常与完成时连用:如果时间词表过去,用过去完成时had done;时间词表现在,用现在完成时have/has done;时间词表将来,则用将来完成时will/shall have done。因此根据题干中“By next month”可知,答案为D项。

  7.选D 考查状语从句。句意:如果你把一块石头放在蚂蚁爬行的路上,它会一直在石头周围或上下不停地爬来爬去,直到找到它需要去的地方的路。where在此处引导地点状语从句,并在从句中作表语。故选D项。

  8.选A 考查短语辨析。句意:医院赔钱是事实。但是,从另一方面来说,如果人们健康的话,就不要把它当作是赔钱,(应)把它当作是在挽救生命。根据题干大意可知,本句强调从另一个角度看问题。故选A项,意为“另一方面”。all in all“总之”;in addition“另外”;as a result“结果”。

  9.选A 考查非谓语动词。句意:尽管求职面试没通过让他非常失望,但是,他仍然有信心。fail发生在“keeps”之前,应用完成时态。be disappointed to do sth.意为“对做某事感到失望”,故应用不定式的完成时态。故选A项。

  10.选B 考查形容词辨析。句意:近期在目睹了多起致命的交通事故后,中国交警开始对所有的驾驶员进行随机呼吸测试。A项意为“真正的,可信的”;B项意为“随机的,随意的”;C项意为“模糊的”;D项意为“暂定的”。故选B项。

  11.选B 考查动词辨析。句意:在未被要求的情况下,很多人是不会主动给出建议的。所以在想问建议的时候不要犹豫。volunteer“自愿……,自告奋勇”,符合语境。故选B项。confirm“证实,确认”;reflect“反映,表现”;exhibit“展览”。

  12.选D 考查虚拟语气和固定句式。句意:“如果下次的月考他还没考好,他将会怎么样呢?”“我不知道。他会灰心而沦落到不上学吗?”根据问句及语境可知,答句是对将来情况的虚拟,应用“would do”形式。be reduced to doing sth.意为“沦落到做某事”,其中to是介词,该句型的否定形式是在动名词前加not。故选D项。

  13.选B 考查情态动词。句意:参加香港“占中”运动的大部分学生可能是为了争取更多的权利,但是,他们的行为严重地影响了人们的生活。might表示一种不太肯定的推测,符合语境。故选B项。

  14.选A 考查动词短语辨析。句意:经理问他的助理是否可能在一个星期内把投资计划制订出来。work out“制订出(计划等)”,符合句意。put out“扑灭”;make out“辨认出”;set out“着手进行”。

  15.选D 考查交际用语。根据题干中“just half of it”可知,答话者还没有完成数学作业。故选D项,意为“还没有”。A项意为“一点也不,根本不”;B项意为“祝你好运”;C项意为“对不起”。


  语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者小时候因一时冲动,将无花果树砍得只剩下树干。后来无花果结了果子,作者认为自己不应该享用。但是,他父亲认为果实是树对他的原谅,他应该得到一些。16.选A 句意:正像我经常做的一样,当时我被判在花园做苦役……be sentenced to hard labor意为“被判做苦役”,符合语境。故选A项。

  17.选C 根据上文可知,父母经常会罚“我”去花园里做苦役,由此“我”心生不满,认为父母是让“我”把脏活都干了,他们就不用干了。get sb.to do sth.意为“让某人做某事”,符合语境。

  18.选A 句意:……直到曾经引以为豪的样本只剩下看起来很可怜的树桩。故选A项。

  19.选C 句意:“那棵树怎么你了?你至少要留下几个主根。”父亲说。根据上文中“Dig up the fig tree (无花果树)”以及下文“You left some taproot (主根), at least”可知,此处指无花果树。故选C项。

  20.选D 根据上句中“Go and load up the truck”可知,此处指“车程”。故选D项。

  21.选B 句意:以往“我”和父亲都会愉快地谈论学校的事情,但那次我回避不谈。A项意为“仔细考虑”;B项意为“谈论”;C项意为“闯入”;D项意为“放弃”。故选B项。

  22.选D 句意:……他没有坐着看我干活,而是跟我一块儿干。根据上文“instead of sitting back to watch me work”以及下文“working at my fathers side”可知,爸爸和“我”一起劳动。故选D项。

  23.选A 句意:……我能够感觉到我的愤怒消失了。根据下文中“making room for the simple satisfaction”可知,“我”的愤怒消失了。A项意为“消失”,故选A项。

  24.选C toward a common goal意为“朝着一个共同的目标”,符合语境。

  25.选D 根据下文“weve done what we can do”可知,工作已经做完了。故选D项。

  26.选D 句意:你认为它有可能长大吗?A项意为“关系”;B项意为“价值”;C项意为“优势”;D项意为“可能性”。故选D项。

  27.选B 句意:土壤很肥沃。他们说你可以把脚趾甲种在里面,会长出小孩。根据上文“Its rich dirt.”及下文“grow”可知,此处指种植。故选B项。

  28.选C 句意:……但是,我确实看到了它迁入、生根、开始繁荣。根据语境可知,树的生长是可以看到的。故选C项。

  29.选B A“bowls of figs began to fill the fridge”可知,作者为自己一时冲动砍了无花果树而感到后悔,担心树不能活。当看到果实时,他松了一口气。故选B项。

  30.选A 句意:在一个完全公平的世界里,我不值得得到回报。A项意为“完全地,十分,非常”;B项意为“部分地”;C项意为“主要地”;D项意为“可能”。故选A项。

  31.选B 句意:我因为自己的不满伤害了那棵树。A项意为“忘记”; B项意为“伤害”;C项意为“帮助”;D项意为“保卫”。根据上文“我”砍了无花果树的枝,仅剩下树干可知,“我”伤害了无花果树。故选B项。

  32.选C 根据上文“What right did I have to the fruit?”可知,几年后“我”向父亲提出了这个问题。故选C项。

  33.选D 句意:一天上午看到他从冰箱里拿出一碗无花果,我突然对童年时的粗鲁行为感到一阵羞愧的刺痛。A项意为“痛苦”;B项意为“不幸,灾难”;C项意为“悲伤”;D项意为“粗鲁”。根据上文可知,作者伤害了无花果树,这种行为是粗鲁的。故选D项。

  34.选B 根据上文“Watching him slide a bowl of figs”可知,应选B项。

  35.选A 句意:他说“你应该得到一些。”根据上文中“I dont deserve the reward”可知,爸爸让“我”把果子当作是树原谅了“我”的证明,故“我”应该得到一些果子。故选A项。


  语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者想知道怎样能和邻居相处融洽,他尝试去一位邻居家借宿并和他交了朋友,了解并写下了他的生活。36.选C 细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“Would my neighbors let me ... their own houses?”可知,作者想通过在邻居家借宿并了解他们的生活来打破邻居间的隔阂。故答案选C。

  37.选A 细节理解题。根据第二段最后四句“You can ... My life is zero. I don’t do anything.’”及第三段第一句“That turned out not to be true.”可知,Lou的生活并非如他所说的那样无聊,故A项表述错误。故答案选A。

  语篇解读:本文是一篇资讯报道。介绍了国际社会各界为防治埃博拉疫情所采取的措施。38.选D 细节理解题。根据第五、六段中的“examined”“diagnosis (诊断)”可知,为第一步;根据第六段中的“they are then split into low or high probability wards”可知,为第二步;根据第七段中的“care for the patients and treat symptoms”可知,为第三步。正确顺序为。故答案选D。

  39.选C 标题归纳题。第九、十、十一这三段主要讲述了医疗工作者在对抗疫情时如何保护自己以及他们所面临的危险。故答案选C。

  40.选B 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“open new Ebola treatment centres in the worst­affected countries are gathering pace”可知,建立新的埃博拉治疗中心这一措施正在加快步伐,而不是放慢速度。故答案选B。

  语篇解读:本文是一则调查报告。主要介绍了科学家对火山喷发对环境和物种造成的影响的最新研究:5.1亿年前的澳大利亚火山喷发给地球气候以及物种带来了巨大影响,造成了很多物种的灭绝。41.选A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Ancient volcanic eruptions ... affected the climate, causing the first known mass extinction (灭绝)”及第三段第一句中的“... was related to climate changes and reduction of oxygen in the oceans”可知,Jourdan的研究显示第一次物种大灭绝与气候变化和海洋含氧量减少有关。故答案选A。

  42.选D “which eradicated 50% of species (物种)”的extinction,”。wipe out。D。

  43.选A 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句中的“... when the small volcano Pinatubo erupted in 1991, the resulting ... by a few tenths of a degree for a few years following the eruption.”可知,1991年的Pinatubo火山爆发的影响并不是很显著,故A项错误;根据第三、七、五段可分别判断B、C、D三项正确。故答案选A。

  44.选D 标题归纳题。本文主要讲述了澳大利亚火山喷发第一次给地球气候以及物种带来的巨大影响。故选D。

  语篇解读:Spring Fragrance夫人对伤心的Laura进行的安慰,还介绍了Spring Fragrance夫妇对爱情的观点。45.选D 细节理解题。根据第三段“Laura burst into tears.That is the walk ... but never can we take it together again.’”可知,Mrs. Spring Fragrance的安慰使Laura想起了她的伤心事。故答案选D。

  46.选C 推理判断题。根据第六段“Mr. Spring Fragrance pressed the little box down into the depths of his pocket.”可知,他因为没有听到两人完整的对话误会了他的太太。故答案选C。

  47.选B “He was a star student ... all things in the universe.”可知,A、D“The young man smiled, recalling his own past ... his mind’s eyes.”可知,这两句诗使这个年轻人想到了自己的往事,C项表述正确。故答案选B。

  48.选A 句意理解题。由第十段中年轻人的回答和第十二段中的“There is no truth ... Is it not better to have what you do not love than to love what you do not have?”可知,Spring先生不同意美国人对爱情的观点,即美国人认为爱很重要,拥不拥有其实不是很重要。故答案选A。

  49.选B 代词指代题。上文提到的是“A moon has yet to pass before”,故此处its应指the moons。故答案选B。

  50.选C 细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“When the girl arose to go, there was a bright light in her eyes.”可知,Laura离开的时候心中满怀希望。故答案选C。


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